Jaunedice and Manners Part 1

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Hey! Glad to see you guys enjoyed the last one! I'm most likely going to make one more and one last OC chapter for you guys.

Woo! I am excited to show you guys this one. Yeah ok the description of the fight might be a bit wonky and lazzy, but I do hope the reference video for it should help! So crossing fingers there!

Any how I present to you Jaundice!!!! Enjoy.


Few weeks have passed since the initiation. Everyone has acclimatized to their new surroundings, with some making friends, and older friends making even stronger bonds.

Teams JNPR, RWBY and SSPF have all grown accustomed to one another during these weeks. No one at Beacon could see the three teams without the other, they have all become inseparable.

It's now in the middle of the week and todays lesson is battle class. A few students have had a go at one another, but neither from JNPR, RWBY or SSPF have yet been called, until now.

Standing before the students in the ring was the most unfair fight that could possibly be matched up.

Jaune Arc vs Cardin Winchester, leader of Team CRDL.

We see Cardin with his Mace, The Executioner, perched on his shoulder and Jaune Arc opposite him with Crocea Mors drawn, leaning on his sword ,exhausted and in the spotlight shining on the auditorium stage.

Jaune looks at Cardin, who laughs at his opponent's tiredness, and he gathers his strength to charge forward and swing his blade at Cardin, only for him to jump out of the way. Jaune looks back, surprised, as the mace sends his shield - and himself - flying back. Now only armed with his sword, Jaune continued to try and attack, but is blocked by the mace's hilt. Their weapons locked, Cardin forces himself up, towering over a struggling Jaune.

"This is the part where you lose." Said Cardin rather arrogantly.

But Jaune stood his ground. "Over my dead-!" He said but then is cut short as Cardin knees him in the gut.

Jaune drops his sword and falls to the ground in pain. Cardin raises his mace and is about to slam it down on the blonde knight.

Then the buzzer rings, the lights come back on, and Glynda's voice rings out.

"Cardin, that's enough!" She says, but it appears he doesn't hear her.

Everyone just watches in horror at what Cardin is about to do.

But before the weapon could be brought down on Jaune, Cardin suddenly hears the sound of ice forming, he could feel that his mace is strangely colder now. He turns his head back and see's that it is completely covered in ice. The sudden added amount of weight causes him to fall back and hit the floor.

Everyone just looks stunned, but Glynda just looks still composed, as if nothing had happened. She then faces away from the ring and to the student stands.

"Thank you Mr. Frost, that was much appreciated." She stated.

That's when everyone turned to look down at the bottom row to see Jack standing as he then re-sheathed his sword. He nodded to Glynda before sitting back down.

Glynda was about to talk about the battle before she turned back to the stands. "Oh and Mr. Sabert, please do put your weapon away. I don't think it is necessary to shoot someone while they are down."

RWBY, JNPR, CRDL, everyone just looked even more confused until they turned back to the front row to see Colt with his sniper rifle leaning on the edge aiming down the scope, his crosshairs aimed directly between Cardin's eyes and his finger edging on the trigger, just waiting to pull.

"Yes ma'am." He said rather disappointed before putting away Three Strikes.

After that Glynda continued with the lesson. "Students, as you can see, Mr. Arc's Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-styled duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle, and that the official may call the match." She details out.

All the while Jaune still lays on the floor in defeat and Pyrrha looks sad for her leader, Glynda turns her head to look at the losing warrior as he pulls out a smaller tablet with his low, blinking stats and that of his entire. "Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your Scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now, would we?" She said rather lowly.

"Speak for yourself..." Cardin said rather arrogantly.

"Mr. Winchester, may I remind you that you nearly broke the rules on harming a fellow student with intent. So I suggest that you go and sit down." She said causing the Jock to back up in a whimper.

Glynda then turns back to the seated students "Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!" She went, causing much excitement amongst the students such as Yang punching the air in anticipation, Weiss shaking her fists with an excited smile and Ruby shaking her entire body with enthusiastic energy while squealing softly.

The bell rings, and students start leaving while Pyrrha continues to frown sadly. Jaune, still sitting on the floor and hangs his head in shame.

Time Skip

Sometime later the students are now enjoying lunch. Teams JNPR, RWBY and SSPF all sitting at the same table as Nora was now telling them about a story of her and Ren.

"So! There we were, in the middle of the night..." Nora began.

"It was day." Ren corrected her as if he knew what really happened.

"We were surrounded by Ursai..." She went on as if not hearing Ren

Blake was paying no attention as she was engrained in her book, and Yang who is hanging on her every word as she is cupping her face with her hands, along with Gopher who leaning on the table listening intently to the story.

"They were Beowolves." Ren corrected again, holding a cup of coffee.

"Dozens of them!" Nora screams as she stands at the table of all three Team RWBY,JNPR and SSPF, where Weiss is ignoring Nora and filing her nails, Ruby, Pyrrha and Sam are listening politely, and Jaune is messing with his food. Colt and Jack were paying no attention at all as they were both going over each other's battle strategy notes.

"Two of 'em." Said Ren

"But they were no match... And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!" Nora said finally finishing her story, while Ruby and Pyrrha now look at a distant Jaune with concern

Ren sighs. "She's been having this recurring dream for nearly a month now."

"Jaune? Are you okay?" Came Pyrrha she turned to her leader.

Jaune then snaps out of it, turning back towards them "Huh? Oh, yeah! Why?"

"It's just that you seem a little..." Ruby went, trying not to sound mean.

"Not okay..." A voice said, as Jaune, Pyrrha and Ruby turn to Colt who had decided join them, with Jack giving a nod beside him.

"Yeah, what he said." Said Ruby as she turned back to Jaune.

Everyone stops their distractions and stare at him. "Guys, I'm fine. Seriously! Look!" He says as he holds up a thumb while laughing nervously until his attention is focused on the members of Team CRDL, standing around a girl with brown rabbit ears jutting from her hair as Cardin laughs at her and  holds up his hands to his head in a mock interpretation of her unusual features.

This causes both Blake and Sam to narrow their eyes at the team of bullies. Gopher and Jack just stare at them with a disgusted look. While Colt just glares at them.

"Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school!" Pyrrha said.

"Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah... He just likes to mess around! You know, practical jokes!" Jaune said trying to downplay the situation.

"He's a bully." Ruby stated.

"That's an understatement." Colt said to the crimsonette.

Jaune scoffs. "Oh, please! Name one time he's 'bullied' me."

Everyone then looks to each other as if Jaune had just dared them to make a list, while SSPF just looked at him with raised eyebrows.

Sam went first. "How about the time when you two passed each other in the hallway and he knocked down your books?" He asked him.

Jaune quickly responded. "It was just a simple accident."

Then Gopher. "How about when you two tried pass each other through the doorway and he activated your shield, making it jam itself into the door?" The ginger asked.

"And I've got half a mind to throw his mace into an Ursa nest for that." Jack said jumping in.

"Get in line Jack." Gopher said to him.

"It was just an honest mistake." Jaune replied again.

And then finally Colt. "Or how about on the first day of school when Glynda was showing us the locker rooms, when he shoved you into one and sent you launching to a random location?" He said, making a few eyes go wide at this one.

Everyone just looks to the knight in shock after hearing that one.

But Jaune attempts to laugh it off "I didn't land far from the school!"

"Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask." Said Pyrrha trying to offer a helping hand.

"Ooooh!" Nora suddenly gets excited as she gets up from the table and presents her diabolical plan with a not-entirely-sane grin. "We'll break his legs!"

"Now that is an idea I can get behind. I'll go get my hammer" Said Gopher as he stood up.

"Sit down." Came both Jack and Sam as each grabbed him by the arms and sat him back on the seat.

"Guys, really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me; he's a jerk to everyone." Jaune stated.

They all look over at CRDL as the laughing grows louder, mixed in with cries of pain from the rabbit girl when one of her ears are tugged on by Cardin.

"Ow! That hurts!" She struggles and grimaces as she says. "Please, stop..."

Cardin continues to laugh as he turns to his cronies "I told you it was real!"

"What a freak!" Said Russel Thrush as he laughs along with the others.

Cardin finally relents, and the girl stands up and hurries off, her head bowed and hiding her face from the watching table of heroes as she went to find another table, away from all the commotion.

"Atrocious. I can't stand people like him." Pyrrha said with venom.

Blake and Sam just stare daggers at them "He's not the only one..." Said Blake, along with Sam who gave a nod.

Yang sadly, leans her head on her hand "It must be hard to be a Faunus." She said, as Gopher looked at the poor Rabbit girl with sympathy.

However, Colt was fuming. After seeing such display he couldn't hold it in anymore. "That's it! I'm not letting this one slide!" He suddenly stands and proceeds to make his way to team CRDL.

But as soon as he passed by Ruby, she grabs him by the arm and stops him. "Colt no! Just, just let it go. It's not worth it." She said to him with pleading eyes.

Colt looks to her and then to everyone else, seeing that they all are saying the same thing.

"She's right man. Going after them suddenly won't do any good. Best to just let it go now." Jack said to his best friend.

With everyone in agreement, Colt growled and jerked his arm from Ruby's grasp. "Fine! I'm going to the shooting range to cool off."

He started making his way down towards the big double doors that leads to the outside.

However, Cardin's been watching him ever since he spotted him in the corner of his eye when Colt jolted from his seat. He paid very close attention between the interaction of the bluenette and the crimsonette and believing they must be real close to each other based on the display.

He grinned as he then called out to Colt. "Hey! Blue guy! Before you go, I must ask." He smirked as he turned to his team, also making Colt stop before the door. "I have to wonder, is little red over there any good in bed?" He then howled as his team then started laughing their heads off.

Yang got extremely angry at this and so stood up from her seat, her fists clenched together. "Cardin!!! How dare you talk about my sister that way!!" She yelled.

Gopher quickly stood up and placed his arms around Yang's shoulder. "Whoa hey! Easy there Yang, no need to get angry at them. Your just letting them get to you." He said.

Ruby then spoke up, though a little rattled and a bit embarrassed from Cardin's statement. "Y-Yeah, it's ok sis. Just let it go." She said as Yang looked to Cardin and his team with the eyes of a dragon ready to burn them to a crisp, and then reluctantly nodded to the Ginger and her sister before sitting back down.

As CRDL saw this they couldn't help but smirk and laugh at having to get away with all this.

Colt had his back to them the whole time as he stood before the door. He sighed as he looked back up towards the door, and then reaching out towards the top locking handles.

(Start at 1:16)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"You know..." He called out loud while locking the first handle, making everyone look to him as he made the bolt lock into place very loudly.

"There's a saying..." He then closed the second one at the top.

"That my 'Aunt' taught me." He then moved down and closed the final lock across both doors.

CRDL all stood up, bunching together as if getting ready for a fight and stepping closer to Colt. The rest of SSPF just all sighed in disappointment.

"Oh no." Said Jack leaning his hand into his temple.

"You morons. You've done it now." Said Gopher doing the same.

"He just had to go and insult him." Said Sam

Everyone at the table just looked at the three confused as to why they were saying this.

Team CRDL all grouped up behind Colt. "You guys want to know what she said?" As he looked into the silver plaque showing their reflections behind him. "Then let me teach you then."

In a blink of an eye, Colt activated his semblance and quickly grabbed a nearby glass of OJ standing on a small table by the door, swinging around and throwing it right at CRDL.

The glass of OJ hit Cardin square in the head, making him fall down in a daze on his back.

(Stop at 1:33 and go straight to 2:05 )

The rest of CRDL all then look back towards Colt in shock, but the bluenette just smirks at them. "Now you see, that is not how you treat a fair maiden." He said.

Ruby blushes at Colt's words. "M-Maiden?" She said to herself as her cheeks started becoming red. Jaune looked a bit scared, Pyrrha looked worried, Nora was getting excited and Ren looked slightly impressed, while Yang, Blake and Weiss just looked to one another with shocked expressions.

Colt then taunted them one more time."Manners, Maketh, Man. Let me translate that for ya." The bluenette said, daring them to come at him.

Sky then charges him first, but Colt quickly reaches behind him and throws out a hidden lasso, catching the Huntsman with it. He then yanks the rope to the side, sending Sky flying to the side and crashing into a table.

Russel grabs a nearby butter knife and then proceed to attack him. Colt jumps back through the big hoop, avoiding the knife and making Russel stick his arm through the loop, before closing it around it. Colt yanks Russel towards him and knocks the knife up away from the Huntsman's grasp.

He quickly sends a left hook into Russel's face, making him stumble back, and then throwing the lasso at the airbourne butter knife. He quickly snags and swings it around his head, making everyone around him back up for fear of getting struck by the swinging knife.

Colt then throws the knife at Russel, the rope looping around the boy before the knife stabs him in the chest, making Russel scream in pain. With another yank Colt sends him to the side, spinning him in mid air as Russel then crashes into another table, knocking him out of the fight.

JNPR & RWBY just watched as Colt was going 4 on 1 and kicking their asses, slightly shocked at how far Colt was going with his methods.

"Holy cow! I didn't think he would go that far!" Jaune yelled out in surpise, with his team making similar comments.

"This is going a bit too far don't you guys think?" Yang asked as she turned to the three remaining boys who just casually sat back in their seats.

"Not really, kind of normal for these things to happen." Gopher said acting as if the fight was just a normal thing.

The three boys just sat there relaxed, even as a yell from behind came out of nowhere as Sky was seen flying into the table behind them, and then yanked back off screen by the lasso.

Colt, seeing as CRDL wasn't backing down, then dropped the lasso and reached behind his hip again. He pulled out a handle then let the leather strip fold out as he swung it, revealing a whip and then making a loud crack with it.

The bluenette made a few glancing strikes as he whipped the members of CRDL. Dove tried to find an opening as he moved forward but the whip quickly struck him in the face, making him fall on his back and then scramble in retreat.

Cardin had ducked low to avoid getting hit by the whip, when Dove ran forward, Cardin took this chance to lean to the side and grab one of the nearby glass bottles. Readying himself to throw it at Colt he stood up, but that was a mistake as Colt sent the whip right at him, striking him in the chest and sending him and the bottle to the floor.

As Dove recovered from the earlier strike, Colt gave him no time to react as he sent the whip around his neck, catching him in it.

Dove struggled to free himself from the grasp as he pulled on the whip, but Colt yanked harder, causing the boy to run forward at him.

Colt lowered himself and then made Dove flip over his back then sent him up flying, making the Huntsman crash into the corner of the table and knocking him out for good.

The sheer way of how Colt was handling them made JNPR & RWBY squirm in anguish at how hurt CRDL was getting.

But Jack, Sam and Gopher didn't seem fazed by this at all.

"Jeez, I'm surprised he's even holding back." Jack said as he casually stirred his drink with a spoon.

Everyone else around the table just went wide eyed at the statement. "HE'S HOLDING BACK!?!?!" They yelled out to the three.

SPF just looked at them with unimpressed looks "Yes." They responded.

Colt quickly wrapped the whip around Sky's arm then punching him in the face and knocking him out. Cardin tried to strike from the side but Colt countered with a kick to his chest then proceeding to kick the knocked out Sky into a table.

As the last one standing, Cardin grabbed a nearby chair and threw it at the 15 year old. Colt just ducked under it, then catching the chair by the leg with the whip and then sending it at Cardin, smashing it into him and sending him back and out of the fight.

With all four members of CRDL taken care of, Colt reeled the whip back into the handle and placing it back behind his hip.

"Whoo! I feel like a tornado ripping through a pack of Beowolves." Colt exclaimed, feeling much better now that he had 'cooled' off, as the sounds of groans were coming from the strewn about CRDL members laying around him.

The room was silent, no one said a word as they were too shocked from what they had just witnessed.

Cardin tried to crawl away from the scene, but after a few paces, he feels someone grabbing his arm and pinning it behind his back. He turned around to see it was Colt who had put him in an armlock.

The bluenette, with surprising strength, then forced Cardin onto his feet and marched him towards the table the rabbit girl was sitting at, who was then startled seeing them coming her way.

When they arrived, Colt then slammed Cardin against the table and pinning his face against the flattened surface, making the bully groan in pain from the move.

"Now, first things first. You are going to apologize here to..." Colt paused as he then looked to the rabbit girl. "I'm sorry, I don't think that I had gotten your name Miss?" He asked while still pressing Cardin's face against the wooden table.

"V-V-Velvet! Velvet Scarlatina!" She cried out in surprise.

Colt smiled. "Velvet? Pretty name. Nice to meet you." He said giving an eye smile.

"T-Thank you." Velvet replied as she blushed from hearing Colt say her name sounded pretty.

Not far at the table of heroes, Ruby's eye twitched at seeing the rabbit girls reaction and giving her an angry glare.

Colt nodded to her and then switched back to Cardin. "Now you're going to apologize to Miss Velvet here and promise not to bully and make fun of her, or anyone else ever again. Got it?" Colt stated rather forcefully.

"Grr, and if I don't?" Cardin asked back rather defiantly, his face getting a bit sore from being on the table.

"Well unless you want your arm snapped in three different places, I would suggest you don't go down that road." Colt replied with a smirk and pulling Cardin's arm further up his back to cause a bit more pain.

After feeling that, Cardin managed to peek past behind Colt. He saw his team had recovered, though still slightly dazed, they were all three back on their feet and ready to pounce.

The bully leader then tried to distract the bluenette. "You-You won't get away with this!" He said, as Russel, Dove and Sky slowly made their way towards Colt, trying not to be spotted.

Colt smirked in response. "Wanna bet?"

Then all of a sudden, Sky was caught again by a lasso that quickly closed around his waist while pinning his arms, Dove too was caught in a lasso but around his neck and Russel was caught with a whip also around his neck but also had his arms pinned against him by a lasso around his chest.

Everyone then turned to see where the pieces of rope had come from and saw it was coming from the table of heroes.

Standing on the table holding both a whip and a lasso was Sam who had caught Russel. On the ground on either side of the table was Gopher who had caught Dove and Jack who had caught Sky, each holding a lasso.

"Thanks for the cover guys!" Colt said to them.

"I'm starting to get tired of these lunch fights you keep getting us into." Gopher said to his brother.

The Ice Warrior then turned to him with a confused look "And the bar fights you keep dragging us into are any better?" Jack questioned the ginger with a raised eyebrow.

"Shut up!" The ginger said back.

As the two bickered, Sam looked to their team leader. "What do we do with them Captain?" He asked.

Colt didn't think about it long. "Just take care of them."

The three nodded to him, only confusing the three bullies with some worries looks.

"W-Wait! What do you mean by that?" Dove asked as his question was suddenly answered.

Sam pulled and yanked on the pieces of rope in each hand, lifting Russel off the ground. He then flung him over the table and into the wall.

Gopher and Jack did the same with Sky and Dove, pulling on their rope and flinging them into the wall. Making them crash into a huge pile on one another.

Seeing the problem was taken care of, Colt turned his attention back to a now terrified Cardin.

Cardin was outright scared, not only having to experience getting his butt kicked in a literal 4v1 fight, but seeing as the rest of SSPF are only a moments notice away from helping their own members and now regretted ever provoking the leader of said team.

"Now, back to business." Colt said lifting Cardin's head. "Apologize! Now!"

Cardin was forced to look at Velvet and give a painful apology. "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry that we picked on you." He said through grunts of pain, mostly from Colt's arm lock.

Velvet, somewhat terrified at how ruthless Colt was with his methods, accepted the apology. "T-Thank you. Thank so much!"

The bluenette nodded, giving her an eyes smile and then turning back to Cardin. "Now, I don't want to see you picking on any Faunus, or anyone else ever again. Is that clear?"

Cardin grunted and nodded. "Y-Yes."

Colt narrowed his eyes. "Yes what!" He states sternly.

Cardin answered again. "Y-Yes sir!"

Colt then smirked. "Good." Was all he said. And then he slammed Cardin's head against the table, making him reel back after the impact and falling on the floor knocked out for good.

Everyone just stepped back in shock at how violent Colt had become. Some even backing away as he walked by them when he was returning to his friends.

"Now smashing his head against the table was just a bit excessive." Jack said with a passive look.

Colt replied back. "No excessive would be if I smashed his head through the table."

Gopher just sighed at this. "He's not wrong there."

Sam also just sighed. "What have I gotten myself into?"

"Nothing good that's for sure." Jack answered the Faunus.

Colt then motioned his team to follow him out. As they left he did turn around to address everyone in the room saying "Sorry about that! Just needed to let off a bit of steam." and then left with his team out the door.

JNPR and RWBY both proceeded to finish their lunch quickly and follow the all boys team, mostly to question and praise their skills on how they had managed to handle CRDL.

However, as SSPF left the room, in the corner at the back sat team ARVS, both Archer and Rufus along with their other two team mates, Vance Bladior a Vulture Faunus, and Scar Quinton a Snake Faunus.

The team had been observing everything from start to finish. They held deep resentment towards CRDL for the way they treated Faunus, but they didn't jump to aid Velvet when she was bullied, believing her to be a 'weakling'.

However, Archer paid very close attention to how Colt acted when he forced Cardin onto the table to apologize to the rabbit girl. "Interesting." He thought "So he's got a soft spot for the weaklings then eh?" He said to himself, as SSPF then left the hall, with JNPR and RWBY leaving not to soon afterword's.

Hours later

The three teams walked casually through the hall, they had one more class to go but they took their time getting there as they had a lot of time.

Colt and Ruby were mostly talking about weapon specs while Gopher, Yang and Nora on the other hand continued talking about beating the day lights out of anyone who would dare cross them (with the occasional of a certain someone recommending to break their legs). Jack, Weiss, Blake and Sam on the other hand went over their notes to see if there were any mistakes and lastly Jaune, Ren and Pyrrha were only having a casual discussion, mostly about school and each other's lives.

But then Glynda's voice came over the intercom. "Attention! Team SSPF report to the headmaster's office. Again, Team SSPF report the headmaster's office immediately."

Everyone turned with confused looks at the all boy team.

"What do you think that is about?" Yang asked Gopher.

The ginger continued looking up at where the intercom was. "I think I have a pretty good idea." He said then looking back down at her.

Jack pushed his way past everyone. "You're going to be the death of me I swear." He said to Colt as he passed him and Ruby.

"For once I actually agree with him there man." Sam said as he followed on after the Ice Warrior.

Colt could only smile as he then looked back towards everyone else. "Don't worry guys, I'm sure it's nothing major. Probably just going to scold us for a bit and then tell us to not do it ever again."

Then Gopher walked past him. "Yeah with an added amount of extra homework as well as some after school activities probably." He said.

Colt chuckled at this. "Yeah, Jack is certainly going to love that." He said back. He then told everyone that they will all see them later and then ran off after his team to catch up.

Ozpin's Office

The four members rode the elevator to the headmaster's office. None of them said a word as they rode up to the tallest room in the school.

As the elevator stopped the door opened and they were met with the faces of an angry glaring blonde witch and a neutral faced headmaster. However what had them by surprise was the sight of all members of CRDL standing near the desk of the two teachers. They had perfectly healed up since the earlier encounter and were now basically ready to get payback at what was done to them.

"Ah team SSPF, you finally arrived. Please, enter." Ozpin said welcoming them in.

The bullies each gave a sinister smirk at the team as they stepped out of the elevator. SSPF payed no attention them as they approached the headmaster and Glynda who was standing beside Ozpin with her riding crop in her hand.

"Sir." Colt addressed the headmaster as his team lined up along side each other shoulder to shoulder with their hands behind their backs.

Ozpin took a sip of his coffee before deciding to speak. "Now, I assume you understand why I have called you all here?" He asked them.

Jack quickly replied. "It's about what happened in the cafeteria sir."

"Correct. Now as I am sure that both your teams are involved in the incident, however it is also natural for there to be two different accounts, as is why I have called you eight here. To all testify each account and to give swift punishment to those who caused the incident." Ozpin said, making the two teams nod in agreement. He then turned to Glynda and motioned for her to let them start.

Since CRDL got the worst in the end, they were chosen to go first and so Cardin began his story. "Well you see sir, my team and I were trying to help a fellow student when Cobalt then started making mad accusations at us. We then graciously defended ourselves but he suddenly walked to the door and locked it before suddenly and inexplicably attacked us. He beat each of us down and then singled me out and threatened me as he was about to break my arm, even saying he would 'break it into three different places'. My team managed to gain their footing and were ready to come to my aid when all of a sudden the rest of SSPF suddenly attacked them, beat them up and then knocked them out." Cardin finished, his team nodding to the story and passing it off as true.

Ozpin now leaned forward on the table and resting his chin on his hands as he listened to them. "So I see." He said to CRDL, then turning to SSPF who all had showed no emotion to hearing Cardin lying about the incident, which they foresaw coming he would do. Ozpin had expected the four to come crying out that CRDL was lying, but instead they did the opposite and just stood there as if Cardin was telling the truth. "And what is your story Mr. Sabert?" He asked graciously.

Colt nodded and stepped forward. "Sir! Cardin and his team were picking on a fellow student, Velvet Scarlatina, mostly taunting her about her Faunus heritage and then Cardin grabbed one of her ears and pulled on it causing her much pain. He did let go but let her walk away in shame. I did stand up to confront them, but!" He paused taking a breath and then looked at his team." My fellow team mates, as well as fellow teams JNPR and RWBY all persuaded me not to confront them. I obliged and proceeded to the door to walk out." He said as he then looked to Cardin who was sweating bullets as he saw the glare Colt was giving him.

"It is true that I did lock the door of the entrance, however what Cardin failed to mention was that before I did that, he then decided to verbally insult one of our friends. An insult I did not take lightly." Colt said, making Ozpin nod every now and then at every point he was making. "And so from there yes, I did initiate the first move and proceeded to beat all 4 of them. When I finished I did single out Cardin and moved him against his will towards Ms. Scarlatina's table to make him apologize to her for his actions. I did threaten him, yes it involved the possibility of snapping his arm in three places but only if he sternly refused. His team, as he said, did recover and proceeded to make a move and attack me from behind. However my team intercepted them and pacified them before they could do anything else." Colt finished his story and then stepped back in line with his team.

Colt didn't let anything go to waste. He was used to giving post battle reports, and he had done very many during his time. CRDL all looked worried as Colt was giving very accurate descriptions of the incident, even admitting to a few accurate statements from Cardin.

However, they still seemed confident as there was no physical evidence to prove them right. Well, aside from the physical bruising they endured, witched they planned to use to their advantage.

Cardin then made his move. "Headmaster! Cobalt is lying and I think you should-"

"Enough!" Ozpin yelled out, silencing him and making his team shiver on the spot. SSPF didn't look affected at all, they did all twitch a bit from the sudden outburst but still held their composure. "I've heard enough already." He stated as he then stood up from his chair.

"Now I should remind all of you that this is a place of learning, not a battlefield for you to all test each other. However I have long accepted that fights may break out at some point, which is why I ask for you all to have your fights scheduled for the mock battles in a closed environment rather than anywhere on the school." He said, making them all nod in unison.

But he wasn't finished, not yet at least. "But! While I do condone sanctioned fights, what I do not condone is lying from fellow students to their teachers." He said, making CRDL all shiver as they felt like they were found out, but still held on the hope that it would be SSPF who would get punishment for how they treated them.

But Cardin's hopes for a victory was suddenly smashed. "Unfortunately Mr. Winchester I have seen the footage of the incident. Now while I may not condone Mr. Sabert's behavior as exemplarily he did admit to his actions. Unlike you who has decided to lie not just about what had happened but also decided to lie to your headmaster. Which I see as far more unforgiving." Ozpin said, making Cardin and his team go wide eye at his statement.

"H-Headmaster please understand-" Cardin began but was again cut off.

"Silence!! You will speak when we ask you to speak! Am I clear?!" Glynda said shouting and pointing her riding crop at him.

CRDL all backed up and nodded their heads, not daring to make the blonde witch even angrier.

Seeing as they now decided to keep their mouths shut for good, Ozpin then turned and addressed SSPF. "Now seeing as you four are all innocent in this matter I would like to make one last comment." He said, making them all nod and waiting for what ever punishment he may have for them. "Mr. Sabert I would like to advise restraint for the possible future, I don't want to see the infirmary filled with students on a monthly basis."

"Sir, with all due respect I was putting as much restraint as I possibly could when I engaged them in combat." Colt answered without hesitation.

Jack then spoke. "I can vouch for that sir. Colt was indeed putting a lot of restraint on himself when he engaged CRDL. If he didn't the lunch hall would look more like a warzone that it was today." He said, Gopher and Sam equally saying the same things to the headmaster.

"So I see." Ozpin responded then took a sip from his mug. "Well, sorry for wasting all of your time, you four may go." He said motioning them to the elevator

SSPF nodded and all replied "SIR!" and then left to the elevator.

CRDL could only look on in shock as SSPF had basically been let of with a verbal warning. When all members stepped in and turned around, Colt decided to have the last laugh by giving them a smirk and eyebrow raise before the door closed shut.

(This but in reverse of course.)

And leaving CRDL to their fate at the hands of a disappointed headmaster and a very, very angry blonde witch.


And there we have it! Yikes, kind of feel bad for CRDL now suddenly leaving them at the mercy of Glynda

Anyways moving on! (Big reference there if you guys no which show used that line a lot.)

I am going to take a bit time with part 2 as life is getting a bit hard for me suddenly. So don't worry I don't upload soon, just going to be a bit longer than usual is all

Anyways that is all I have to say, if you like this this chapter, GREAT!! If not well sorry but I will improve next time.

So catch you all for the next one.

Phoenix out!!!

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