Of Their Own Accord

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Ok so I have to make you all aware of this fact right now. If you get to the point of the story where some the of the writing spacing looks weird.... That's the part where I started using my phone to write up.

Now the reason for this I will explain at the end of this chapter.

But for now I do hope you like this first official OC chapter of mine...... and I do hope you all think it is good.




"These four displayed something I haven't seen in a long time. Duty, Courage, Honour ... and Self Sacrifice. Never in my years have I seen a group quite like this one." He said, earning even more surprised looks from everyone in the room.

"Now before I call them up. Would all of you like to see how they did?" He asked the crowd.

No one hesitated and all yelled. "YES!"

Ozpin chuckled at the response. "Now then. Let us watch." He then turned to face the screen behind him as it started playing from where Colt told Ruby that he believed in her....


The entire auditorium watched as the screens began replaying the scene that unfolded at the temple. It began playing where Colt was making his promise to Ruby.

"Now go... you can lead them out of here." He told her, the Death Stalkers getting much closer to busting through now.

"What makes you think I can?" She asked him.

Colt smiled and put both his hands on her shoulders. "Because I believe in you." He told her, looking right into her eyes to make her believe him.

"All I ask..." He let go and took a few steps back. "Is you believe in me." Then he vanished into a blue blur, a sonic boom washing over her as she looked up again to see him gone.

Colt ran as fast as he can. He then dove forward and rolled, grabbing his rifle from his back and going on one knee as he turned around. He aimed down his sights, the Death Stalkers filling up his scope. He lined up the lead Grimm and opened fire. Unloading all five rounds from his magazine at the Scorpion Grimm.

However to his dismay the bullets only bounced off, not even tickling them. "Dammit! I can't punch through! Guess I have no other choice.

Colt grabbed the bolt handle and pulled it back, ejecting the spent casing and inserting a new bullet, with a red strip around the bottom of the casing, into the chamber then closing it, quickly aiming back down through his scope.

The bullet almost looked like any ordinary 50. Cal, but upon closer inspection the actual tip was slightly longer, the main reason why he had to load it directly into the chamber instead of from a magazine.

He lined up the same lead Grimm, aiming for its head. He squeezed the trigger and fired. The blast of the bullet was much stronger resulting in a bigger kick and louder bang.

The bullet struck the Death Stalker and blew the side of its armoured face apart. This shocked the majority of the students who saw a single bullet do so much damage.

"Oh my Oum! Did you see that?!"

"I have never seen a bullet do something like before. Especially to a Death Stalker."

"What kind of bullet was that!"

The murmurs continued.

Seeing as how the rest of the Death Stalkers stopped at the sight of their leader now dead, Colt then stood up and decided to taunt them. "HEY!! OVER HERE YOU OVER GROWN INSECTS!!!"

The Grimm took notice, turning to face him and roared out at him. Colt's face went from excitement right down to regret. "Uh oh."

The Death Stalkers then charged him. Realising he pissed them off, Colt took off running. Stumbling as he did.

"OHHH SHiiiiiiii-!!!" He screamed as he took off for the forest.

"NOOO!!" He heard Ruby from behind him.

He kept running for the tree-line, just before he vanished into it he called out back to the group. "GET TO THE CLIFFS!!!!!" He yelled then disappeared.

The Death Stalkers were hot on his tail. Colt didn't slow down one bit as he ran further and further away from Ruby and everyone else. He took a few forward jumps to avoid getting smacked by the oncoming pincers. He jumped and slid over any obstacles that were coming his way. The Death Stalkers on the other simply just walked over them or crashed through them.

Realising he was running out of options fasts, Colt tried to look for anything that could get him out of this mess.

He spotted a tree log up ahead, it lay on an angle against a few other debris, almost acting as if it were a ramp.

Colt grinned at this opportunity and sped up towards the log ramp.

"See ya later suckers!" He yelled back as he ran up the log. The sides of his pack opened up and two jet thrusters unfolded out. When he reached the end, Colt jumped off and activated his jets.

The sudden boost of speed sent him flying. He looked back and noticed the Grimm were getting smaller and smaller as he put distance between them.

Looking back a head, Colt realised he wasn't going to lose them so easily. He shut off his jets and leaned out right with both arms. He grabbed a hold of a tree and used the momentum to swing himself 90 degrees to the right.

When he let go he activated his jest again and flew off. Colt focused on ahead on his next objective. Avoiding the trees and making it back to the cliff. But nothing does ever go as planned.

Colt heard the sound of one of his thrusters sputtering. He looked left and saw that jet 1 was malfunctioning and then ceased. The imbalance of thrust caused Colt to lose control.

The thruster most likely got a bit damaged when Colt saved Ruby from falling and collided with the tree.

"Whoa! Waahhh!!" He yelled out as he hit the deck and started tumbling across the ground in a cloud of dust and dirt.

(3:50 to 4:02) (Sorry couldn't find a really good example of this clip other than this one, but I do hope you get where I was going with this.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Colt groaned from the multitude of impacts he received, he stood back up and dusted himself off as both thrusters folded away.

"*Breathes* Well... at least I lost them." He said as he continued to dust himself off.

The relief was short lived as a rumble from behind got his attention. He turned around in time to see the Death Stalkers had caught up with him, breaking through the trees and roaring into the sky.

He slumped over in defeat. "For a good 15 seconds."

The Grimm's snapped their pincers and slowly made their approach to the blue huntsman.

"Whoa! Whoa! Easy there! M-Maybe we can talk about this?" He said as he held up his arms to the creatures in a feeble attempt to calm them down.

The Death Stalkers only hissed at him as if saying no and continued to approach the grounded boy.

"Yeah I guess you're right about then. Well then in that case we could um... um.. uh..." He went on, trying to find another word as he slowly began backing up, out of options.

The Grimms kept crawling closer and closer, intent on finishing off the one that killed their brethren.

As they neared, Colt then narrowed his eyes and smirked. "Now!!" He yelled out loud.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Start (0:55)

Out of nowhere a giant hammer came swinging in. The wielder giving it everything they got and smacked the lead Death Stalker square in the side of the face. Sending it flying into the opposite direction.

The two behind it both received sword slashes across their backs from two attackers as they swooped in. And the final fourth in the back received a face full of sniper rounds courtesy of Colt, though none did any damage and simply bounced off.

The three attackers then regrouped with Colt standing side by side with him, facing the four Death Stalkers who now recovered from the surprise attack.

"All right. We lead them away from everyone else. Now what?!" Asked Jack.

Colt smirked. "Now?" He lingered the question.

Colt looked left to Sam and Jack who both got into a readied stance with their guns drawn, then right to Gopher who readied his machine gun.

He then looked back head, eyeing down the Grimm as he loaded a new magazine into his rifle. "We do what we do best." He cocked the handle, loading the bullet into the chamber.

"Hunt em down!"

Epic part (1:08)

"Hooah!" The three responded. Then all four opened up on the Grimm before them.

Crowd of students in the auditorium watched in amazement as the four boys faced down the Death Stalkers. Firing wave after wave of bullets at them and not taking a single step back, instead holding their ground.

"Whoa! Look at that!"

"Look at them go!"

As everyone began giving different amounts of praise at what they were watching. The newly formed teams JNPR and RWBY all watched how the boys were handling themselves, they saw that the boys had no sign of fear written anywhere on their faces.

As they continued firing upon the Grimm, not giving them any chance to do anything. Colt then decided to take it to the next step.

"Divide!!" He paused, making sure they still heard him through the gunfire. "And Conquer!!" He order.

"Roger that!" The three responded simultaneously and then sprung into action. Colt hopped back, while Gopher jumped right and Sam went left. Jack switched his rifle into it's sheath mode and pulled out his sword and charged.


Jack ran at the closest Death Stalker, he side stepped missing the oncoming pincer and slashed at the side of the Grimm. Using his sword's sharp blade to cut into the creature while using his sheath in his other hand to stun it with a few blows.

One of the Death Stalkers approached him while he was busy, but the creature received a mid air kick full to the face from Sam who swooped in. He backflipped away all the while shooting his pistols at it. When he landed he flicked his arms, switching his pistols into their sword mode and charged. Doing various flips and kicks as he went on with his attacks.

(Imagine Sam's fighting style is like Ren's as both dual wield with their weapons and prefer closer combat than everyone else.)

On the other side of the battlefield, Colt walked towards his Death Stalker as he hipped fire his rifle without pause. The constant shots prevented the Grimm in front of him to find its bearings as he approached closer and closer.

Off to his side the last Death Stalker to face no one decided to charge him, but Gopher intercepted from the side and did a slide attack with his hammer, striking it on the side and sending it away.

Colt smirked as he realised Gopher engaged the last Grimm, then switched his rifle into its sword mode and charge forward, delivering blow after blow on the creature all the while dodging and avoiding strikes from its pincers and tale.

The boys did what they intended. Isolated the Grimm from each other (Divide),then engaged them one on one (And Conquer).

The students watched as each of the four boys on the screen were handling the selves admirably against their giant foes.

Jack using his ice to slide around his target and delivering blows to the sides with his sword and sheath.

Sam using his acrobatic skills to do flips over, under and sideways all the while switching quickly from gun to sword repeatedly to strike with various combos, even going with a gun in one hand a sword in the other.

Colt used his sword to keep delivering his own blows against the side of his Grimm, then using his speed to blast to the other side and to the same there.

Gopher meanwhile used his hammer on his Grimm over and over, twirling it around him to land harder blows or using the momentum to block the pincers. The Death Stalker swung its left pincer at him, he twirled his hammer around him then made a 360 twirl himself and slammed the pincer away, he carried on through the  motion and brought up his leg and kicked the stinger as it came down on him.

The students and teachers were all impressed at how well the boys were handling themselves. Teams JNPR and RWBY all made mental notes that they were all glad these four were on their side and their friends.

Gopher sidestepped from an oncoming attack and then swung his hammer back around, hard. The force was strong enough to send the Death Stalker flying into a broken tree. Gopher watched as it got back up but was now roaring with pain. He noticed that the left side of its head had a tree log embedded into it.


Seeing this as a great opportunity to end this, Gopher ran forward. He slid under the pincers as they were flailing around as the Grimm was too much in pain. When he got to the other side stood back up, brought up his hammer and like a hammer onto a nail he slammed it down hard into the tree log, creating a ripple effect that traveled through the log then sending it sinking deeper into its skull.

The log went straight through and pierced through to the other side, the Death Stalker wailed before collapsing down dead.

Gopher now done with his task and turned to the others. "One down!" He yelled out.

The ice around the Grimm provided Jack easy mobility as he slid around. He held his sword in his right hand and proceed to hold it into a reverse grip as he slid around it. He then swung himself 180 degrees now sliding backwards. When he got the to front of the Grimm he pulled his right arm forward before sending it back and stabbed the Death Stalker in one of its many eyes making it roar.

Not wasting a single second, Jack then focused his semblance into his sword and proceeded to freeze the Grimm's head from the inside out. The sound of cracking and freezing ice could be heard behind him.

The Grimm's head quickly soon became white and then turned into complete ice, the pincers now high up in the air snapping rapidly. Jack quickly pulled his sword out and brought down his left arm with his sheath onto the head, shattering it completely and effectively decapitating the Grimm. The headless body just slumped down into a big crash.

The students all watched as Jack slowly re-sheathed his sword, his face nothing but an ice cold glare.

"Two down!" He yelled out to the others to confirm the second Grimm is down.

Sam on the other hand was still facing off his Grimm. He did a flip up onto its head and unloaded his bullets into it, trying to see if the closer range would do any damage, but no effect. He then jump back up into the air firing along the way.

He then noticed the stinger coming at him and so shielded himself with his arms while increasing his aura shield.

The stinger hit him and luckily did no damage but still sent him hurtling away. He reestablished his balance and landed back on his feet, sliding a few few meters back. He holstered his pistols and then slammed his hand down onto the ground, activating his semblance.

What the crowd then witnessed was a shock. Sam's own shadow started to expand and stretch towards the Death Stalker. The black mass travelled its way towards the creature before splitting off into multiple branches and surrounding the giant scorpion.

They then moved in and touched the Grimms shadow, each grabbing onto a shadow that contained a limb, the pincers, the legs and even the tail.

Sam stared down the Death Stalker as it struggled to move from an unseen force.

"Three down." Sam growled before closing his fist. His shadows then pulling on each limb, ripping them off violently . The sheer force and shock of the attack killed the Grimm instantly, leaving behind a limbless body.

Colt continued his battle with the last Death Stalker, striking blow after blow with his sword, but only doing minimal damage.

Knowing he needs to ends this, Colt waited for the right opportunity. The moment came when the Grimm swung its right pincer back, he ducked under it and performed a 360 spin. Throughout this he switched his sword back into its sniper form, loaded the bullet with the red strip into the chamber and then extended his arm with the rifle out aiming only with one arm.

When the barrel lined up with the eye he pulled the trigger, the kick sending him spinning away. The bullet went right through the eye and the force of impact blew the opposite side of the Death Stalker apart.

The Death Stalker died instantly and collapsed. Colt regained his footing and smirked. He magnetized his rifle on pack then turned back to everyone else. "Four down!" He confirmed for them.

(3:00 End)

Looking around, each saw the destruction of which they caused personally to each Grimm.

The boys gave each nods for a job well done. Colt then heard a rustling coming from further down the forest and another Death Stalker came charging through the trees.

"Oh come on! How many of these things are there in this forest!!" Sam yelled bewildered by the amount of Death Stalkers in one place.

Colt didn't ponder on the thought, instead he took action. "Gopher! Gopher hit me!" He yelled out to the Ginger as he himself ran towards the Grimm.

Gopher reached out into his pack and pulled out a block of C4 and flicked a switch to arm it. "Heads up!" He yelled and threw it to Colt.

He caught the explosive and tucked it under his arm, going full speed at the Death Stalker.

"What's he doing?"

"Is he crazy?! He's going to get himself killed!"

The students said in surprise at the the move.

Colt didn't deviate from his course and neither did the Death Stalker, the two were on a head on collision.

"Here we go, here we go!" Colt chanted in his head. When he got within range of its pincers, he dropped down onto his back, sliding across the ground and under the Grimm.

As it passed over him, he stuck C4 to its underbelly. He continued sliding away and reaching a safe distance. He stood up, in time to see the Grimm had stopped as it had lost sight of him. Then blew up, disappearing in a cloud of smoke, its body parts going everywhere.

Colt saw the others now looking at him, waiting for confirmation. He chuckled. "Five down! All target destroyed. Good work guys!"

"Woohoo! Alright!" Sam yelled in excitement.

"Finally its over." Came Jack, exhausted from all the fighting.

"Way to go brother!!" Gopher praised.

The four came together at the center of the destruction around them.

"Hey Jack...?" Colt asked.

"Yeah?" Jack replied back.

Colt then pointed to the left side of his pack. "Thruster 1 is out. Think you can fix it?"

Jack approached him and pulled out his knife. "Let me see." He then used the knife to open a panel and saw what the problem was. "Wirings all loose. Shouldn't take me more than a minute to fix." He said as he get to work.

As Jack worked on the malfunctioning jet, Colt was busy setting everything straight again.

"All right, our objective now should be to head to the cliffs that way." He pointed to the direction of the forest where the cliffs should be. "Should only be a ten minute walk, no need to rush anything at this point."

"Hopefully..." Came Gopher. "I've had enough of these things now." He said referring to the piles of dead Death Stalkers around them.

"Well it'll be a walk in the park from here on now." Sam then light heartedly chuckled. "I hope."

"Alright, done!" Jack announced and closed the panel on Colt's pack. "I put the jets on reset, it'll take about 2-3 minutes to finish."

Colt nodded. "Good to know. Let's move out guys."

Sam whooped in joy as he started leaving to lead the group with the rest following behind. However, a very loud roar came from the forest, a much more frightening one at that, followed by whispers and slow heavy footsteps.

Gopher's face was filled with dread as he recognised the sound. "Oh no...."

"What the heck was that?" Sam asked as he turned around.

He saw Jack with his hand to his temple and shaking his head. "Not this, anything but this." He said with dread and fear.

"What?! What is it?!!" Sam asked in a panic, starting to freak out from the two's reactions.

Colt slumped over, with a look of shock and fear. "Minotaur..." He trailed then turned his head over his shoulder.

The four then came face to face with a far more menacing Grimm than before, as it stepped out into the open.

"Why did it have to be an Echo Minotaur..." Colt finished with dread in his voice.

The Minotaur roared once again with the sound of voices following after words as if they were whispers. It looked down on the four in front of it. It stood at four meters tall, twice the height of humans. It's towering figure casting over the boys.

It slowly brought its bladed arm up, the boys only watching as it went higher and higher until the tip reached above. Then it brought it down quickly, giving very little time for the boys to do anything.

"Scatter!!" Colt yelled out.

All four jumped away as the bladed arm hit the ground with a crashing sound, plumes of dirt covering the area it destroyed.

"What heck! They aren't known to be this far out near Vale!" Gopher yelled out to everyone as he readied his machinegun.

"How should I know!!" Jack yelled back readying his rifle.

"What do we do?!" Came Sam as he aimed his pistols.

"Focus fire!!!" Colt ordered as he started shooting at the Minotaur.

Jack, Gopher and Sam following suit as well, pelting the humanoid beast with bullets. They seemed to do nothing against its armored body, the Grimm only looking at them as if were mocking them. But the boys followed their training, if one area had no effect then you move onto the next.

The bullets then travelled up towards the head, one landing a clean solid blow to its face. The Minotaur reeled back a bit from the hit, then several more times as the focus of fire was now to its upper body.

It reacted by bringing up its arm and blade to shield itself, waiting out the barrage as it continued.

Colt seeing now they have a small window decided to come up with a plan on the spot. But any he would come up with now was all shattered.

"I see an opening I'm going for it!" Jack called out as he charged on ahead.

"Wait!!" Colt yelled to him but it was no use.

Jack transformed his rifle back into a sheath and pulled out his sword. He was determined to bring this Minotaur down hard. He focused his semblance into the blade and then made and arching swipe, resulting in a white wave being unleashed.

The wave went over and landed behind the Grimm, creating a half oval barrier. It ignored the ice as Jack's yell of bravado had its attention.

As Jack came within arms length he ducked in under its right arm and made a reverse swing with his sword. Cutting the side of the Grimm.

(Though I hated this film unlike the the first one, I will admit this was not a bad move)

As he continued to slide past, the barrier behind him acting as a slide to bring him back to the front. He slid past it again and stopped in front of it face to face.

The Minotaur was stunned from the strike, Jack took this opportunity and lunged up into the air, bringing his arm back to land the finishing blow. But the Grimm saw this coming and swatted him back with its blade.

The others watched as Jack went flying into a tree, his left leg hitting it as he then went spiraling and crashing down, screaming in pain.

"Jack no!!" Colt yelled in shock.

Gopher then charged forward with his hammer, he focused his semblance, his hand glowing with waving orange as that same glow then travelled up the handle and ending at the face of the hammer as if it were on fire.

When he got within range he crouched down and swung hard. Making the connected hit to the chest and sending the Minotaur crashing into several trees with a fire trail following after it. Several dozen smaller Grimm, Beowolves, slowly came approaching out of the forest.

Seeing the Grimm now down but with smaller newer threats coming towards them, Colt took quick action. "Gopher! Bunker Down!"

"On it!" The Ginger replied as he transformed his hammer back into a 50. Cal machinegun, then hit a button on the handle below the trigger. A pole ejected out from under before Gopher stuck it into the ground.

Four legs popped out of the pole and drilled themselves into the dirt, creating a stable gun. Polycarbonate glass extended out from both sides of the shield, continuing to extend out and then up before joining together in the middle creating a massive transparent shield for the user.

"Come and get some you bastards." Gopher said before pulling the trigger and gunning down all the Beowolves coming at him.

Seeing as Gopher managed to lockdown the area Colt ran to Jack. "Sam! Help me with him!"

"Right with you!" The Faunus replied as he ran to their injured friend.

Colt reached Jack's position, sliding across the ground as he stopped next to his injured partner.

"Sam get the first aid kit!" He ordered the wolf boy as he got on his knees.

Sam took off his pack and pulled out his first aid kit, zipping it open and placing it on the ground.

"I need morphine!" Colt asked.

Sam then pulled out the injector with a red cap indicating it to be the pain killing drug.

He handed it over, Colt bit onto the cap and pulled it off, spitting it away and then jabbing the injector into Jack's neck.

The drug worked fast as Jack started to feel the pain starting to become numb, but not completely gone as he could still feel some pain.

Colt pulled out the injector when he finished the administration. "All right Jack. I need you to bite down hard onto this." He held the spent injector before Jack's mouth.

"Even with the morphine you know what I'm going to give you next is going to hurt like hell." He said. Jack didn't say anything, only giving a grunted nod as he then bit down onto the injector.

Colt then got to work quickly to unclip and remove Jack's body armour and shirt to expose his chest. They didn't have a lot of time on their hands as Gopher couldn't hold the oncoming wave of Grimm back for long.

"Sam Aura booster!" Colt then asked when he manage to expose the chest.

"Uh the green one?" Sam asked not sure which coloured tip it was again.

"No the blue! The blue one!" Colt pointed to the blue tipped injector.

Sam grabbed the blue tipped one and handed it over. Like with the previous Colt bit into the cap, pulled it off and spat it away.

"Sam, get to work on cutting open his left leg!" Colt told him."

"Working on it!" Sam responded as he started cutting open the pants leg.

"This is going to sting." He said to Jack before jabbing it into his chest.

Jack groaned in pain from the jab and bit hard into the injector that was in his mouth.

The injection was like an adrenaline shot, but for a persons Aura instead. Enough to boost and kick the healing factor back in for a short while to start healing a persons wounds.

When finished Colt pulled it out and tossed it away, prompting Jack to do the same and spit out the one in his mouth. His head falling back onto the ground, groaning in pain.

The sound of gunfire continued, as bodies of Beowolves and some Ursai started pilling up before Gopher.

Colt, knowing that Gopher was starting to run low on ammo and time, quickly positioned himself to the left leg just in time when Sam finished cutting open the pants.

"Ok, no bone is sticking out. Most likely a fracture." The blue huntsmen deduced.

Using his hand he gently lifted the leg up, this caused Jack to groan in extreme pain from the movement.

"Yeah definitely a fracture." Colt said as he gently placed the leg back down. "Sam, hand me the bandage with the blue strip on the end."

"On it. Here you go!" He handed the specified object to the 15 year old.

Colt grabbed the blue strip and yanked it off and started wrapping the bandage around the fractured leg. "Sam, find something to act as a splint for me to bandage up with the leg. Anything will do, I don't care if you have to cut a damn tree down to get one, quickly!"

"I'll find something!" The wolf boy responded and ran off to find something to act as a splint for their friend.

Colt continued wrapping the bandage around the ice warriors leg. "Good thing these bandages have a special gel layer that has some painkillers and a bit of healing gel to help heal you quicker." Colt said, saying anything to keep Jack from passing out and constantly keeping his mind active.

Colt used up half the bandage by the time Sam returned with two long and thick sticks to act as splints. He grabbed them and placed them on either side of the leg and started using the other half of the bandage to wrap it up tightly.

He yanked the last bit hard to tighten the bandage up and the splints together. Jack groaned from the move as Colt finished tying off the bandage.

"All right he should be good to move now." Earning a nod from Sam. Colt then looked back to the Ginger's location. "Gopher! Fall back!!"

"On it!!!" He yelled. The machine-gun packed everything up, folding back into a hand held case as Gopher quickly attached it to his pack.

He reached behind his hip and threw three flashbangs in an equal spread ahead of him. The three grenades went off, creating multiple flashes from each followed by loud bangs as Gopher turned around in time and ran back.

The brights flashes and bangs disoriented all the Grimm and made them all retreat. Some crashing into each other or trees as they did so.

"We have to go, now!!" Gopher said as he regrouped with everyone else.

"Yeah, let's start moving him now." Colt said as he finished clipping Jack's shirt and armour back on and ready to lift him up.

But a loud roar filled the air. The same roar of the Minotaur that Gopher smacked away.

"That thing's getting back up." Sam said with a look of terror.

Gopher was shaking his head in disbelief. "We're not going make it. There is just no way!" He said them turning to Colt. "Please tell me you have a plan or something!!"

Colt was freaking out. He had both hands on his head as if he was ready to yank out his hair. His eyes darting in every direction as he was trying to come up with something to get them out of this mess.

But whatever plan he came up with. Whatever scenario he had running through his head, resulted in one or all of them dying. Either way someone had to stay behind.

Knowing what needed to be done Colt had no choice. "Gopher is not going to like this one bit."

"Ok, Sam help me get him up!" Colt said has he took the left side of Jack as Sam took the right. Both Huntsmen lifted the injured warrior up.

"Keep him off that leg Sam." Colt said as Sam put Jack's arm over his shoulder and having him lean against him as much as possible to keep him off his broken leg.

"Now go! Get to the cliffs and get him out of here!" Colt said in a hurry.

Sam nodded and proceeded to move as fast as he could with Jack leaning on him. He can't run as to not hurt him in the process, so he had no choice but walk Jack to the cliffs.

Colt then turned to the Ginger. "Gopher go with them. They a need a shield to protect them."

The older brother nodded without hesitation. "Understood. But what does that leave yo-" He stopped mid sentence as he finally understood Colt's plan.

"No! NO!! I will not allow this!" He shouted, not in anger but in worry.

"Gopher it's the only way!" Colt argued back.

"Bullshit! There is always a way! We always find a way!" He shouted back.

"I'm smaller, faster and more nimble. All I have to do is buy you guys two minutes!" Colt said back.

"Two minutes?! You won't last 20 seconds against that thing!!" Gopher replied back.

The sound of the Minotaur roaring again stopped their fight temporarily making them both turn in the direction of the noise.The sounds of heavy footsteps getting closer was evident that it had stood up and was now walking its way to them.

"We're out of time! We have to go!" Sam yelled from the distance at the two brothers.

Colt turned back to his brother. "Gopher please..." He held his hand up between them. "Let me have this. To pay for the past mistake I caused to us."

Gopher didn't say anything, he simply stared at his little brother, the face of worry written all over him.

He didn't want Colt to do this, he didn't want to leave him behind. Colt was always there for him and vice versa.

But he knew Colt was right. He himself knew that in order for them to get away was if someone stayed back to fight the monstrous Grimm. He had to have faith.

He took a deep breath and grabbed a hold of Colt's hand in his own. Pulling him in he gave him a one arm hug.

"You come back you hear me!" He said as he then let go of the hug to look Colt in the eyes. "In one piece!"

Colt simply nodded. "Always." He replied then let go.

Gopher slowly backed up, every fiber of his being, the side of him as the older brother yelling at him not to do this, eating him up with every step he took.

With a final look he grabbed onto the folded gun on his back and unfolded it back into its gun mode.

Gopher quickly caught up to Jack and Sam. As he neared the forest edge a voice called out behind him.

"Hey Gopher!" Colt yelled across the field.

The Ginger looked back, not saying anything.

"Good luck big bro." Colt said to him.

Gopher stared at him then nodded. "You too.... little bro." He said before vanishing into the forest after the other two.

"Yeah... I'm gonna need it." Colt said out loud to himself as he turned around and grabbed his rifle from his back.

The Echo Minotaur stepped back out into the open. It's chest singeing from the earlier blow caused by Gopher.

"It's just you and me now." Colt said then cocked the rifle.

The Grimm roared into the air as if accepting the one on one challenge.

Colt slowly starting walking towards the humanoid Grimm, his rifle at the ready.

He then slowly picked up the pace going into a speed walk, then a jog and finally into a full on sprint.

The students and teachers watched as the lone Huntsman charged his enemy alone. An enemy which already caused a severe injury to one of them in a single blow.

Colt yelled out in a battle cry as he closed in. The Minotaur growled followed by a whispering voice. "Come if you dare!" said the voice. One of many last words of its victims it has slain.

The boy continued yelling as he went on. He switched his rifle into a sword before he got within range and then did the same reverse swing that Jack did to the Grimm.

Ducking under it and slicing its side with his blade. But unlike Jack who used his ice, Colt had his speed.

The boy then darted from position to position with each strike, hitting the Minotaur with every pass.

The Grimm couldn't get a fix on Colt as he kept using his semblance to strike the creature over and over again.

It waited it out, waiting for the right moment. The moment came when Colt ended up at its front and quickly brought its blade down to hit him.

But Colt was fast, he back stepped away from the strike and watched as the bladed arm hit the ground embedding itself.

Not wasting a single second, he ran up the blade and then performed a backflip kick to the Minotaurs face.

Landing back on his feet he grabbed his sword again and launched up himself up to slice the Grimm in two.

But just like Jack, the Minotaur smacked him to the side with its arm.

Colt crashed into into a tree, his left side taking most of the hit. He hit the ground, the left side of his head now bleeding from the impact.

He felt slightly disoriented, trying to stand up but couldn't find much strength in his arms and just fell back onto his stomach. All he could do was watch as the Minotaur slowly made its way towards him.

The Cliffs

Sam continued to carry Jack through the forest, as quick as he possibly could. Gopher was behind them, stopping every now and then to shoot into the forest as Beowolves attempted to swarm them.

Sam finally broke out of the forest and saw the cliffs in front of them. The wolf boy was euphoric, happy to finally see the end just in sight.

But that euphoria didn't last has his face fell to the sight of their next problem.

"Uhh Gopher..... We got a problem!!" He called out to their gunner.

Gopher was busy shooting when he heard Sam call out to him. He packed away his gun and threw his last three flashbangs into the forest.

The bright flashes and loud bangs making the Grimm scatter.

Gopher rushed up to the others. "What kind problem?" He said then looked ahead of them. "Oh...."

They had reached the cliffs but a large canyon was separating them from their objective. And even worse still was the problem of getting up the cliffs even.

"I don't see a way across!" Sam said in a panic. "Maybe of we keep going along the way we might find something.

But Jack, groaning from the pain, shot that idea down. "There's no... *groan*... time. Just...... leave me. I'm dead weight." He said.

Gopher, angered at the idea of leaving Jack behind was having none of it and decided to take matters into his own hands.

"No one is leaving you behind!" He said then walked up and put Jack's left arm over his shoulder and lifted him up.

"Sam! Turn on your jets!" He said to the wolf boy as his own packs thrusters unfolded out and turned on.

Sam nodded and did same. Jack looked between the two. " Are you crazy?" He said to Gopher. "With our combined weight...... the jets will stall..."

Their jet packs was only designed to support the weight of a single user. They weren't designed to support two people, but three was just pushing it.

But Gopher believed on the combined thrust of both his and Sam's twin thruster to be able to get them up over the canyon and land them at the top of the cliff.

"Only one way to find out." The Ginger said to the Ice Warrior. He turned over his shoulder to see the oncoming Beowolves charging.

"Ok! Three..." He started counting down.

"Two...." Their thrusters warming up ready to blast them off."

"One.... " The sounds of howling and growling getting louder by the second.

"Go! Go! Go!" He and Sam, both carrying Jack, ran forward to the edge and jumped off.

As soon as their feet left the ground, both turned on their jets and then rocketed off up into the air.

They were gaining altitude quickly, Sam was a little surprised that they were actually flying. But Gopher kept his mind focused.

"Give it everything you've got!!" He said, as both he and Sam red lined their jets to maximum. Not before long they cleared the cliff, the school far away in the distance. They had made it.

"Haha! We made it!" The Ginger said enthusiastically.

"Woohoo!!" Sam yelled in joy.

But the moment was short lived as their jets sputtered and died from the stall as they apexed. Without any thrust the three then tumbled out of the sky, separating in the process.

They each hit the ground hard. Sam clutching his right hand while screaming.

Jack holding his broken leg while groaning as to not scream out in pain.

And Gopher was groaning, winded from the impact, but coming out of it far better than the others.

Then a figure with blonde hair came running up and crouching down next to him. "What happened to you guys?"

Gopher looked up to be face to face with the beauty blonde otherwise known as Yang.

The Forest

Colt continued to watch as the Minotaur made its way towards him, its bladed arm dragging into the ground.

The Huntsman groaned as he tried to move but couldn't. All he could do was give a death glare at the Grimm before him.

As it neared him, the Minotaur suddenly stopped. It turned into the direction of where gunfire was coming from.

For some unknown reason, the Grimm ignored the injured boy and then started walking off towards the noise.

Colt was confused until he realised what direction it was going in. "Guys...no."

Colt struggled to get up, he dug deep, trying to find every ounce of strength he could, to stop this monster from harming his friends.

"I won't let you...." He groaned as he got up onto his knees. "I won't let you hurt them!" He growled and then picked up his sword. Transforming it back into a rifle and loaded the same bullet with the red strip at the bottom of the casing.

"I WON'T LET YOU HARM MY FRIENDS !!!" He yelled out and fired at the Grimm.

The Minotaur felt a sudden force from behind hit its left arm, the one with the blade.

The bullet had struck the bladed arm and broke it in half. The blade went soaring forward before embedding it self into the ground before the Minotaur.

The Grimm looked down to its broken blade before quickly turning around and roaring. "You will die!!" The whisper followed.

But Colt was't fazed by one bit. "I am a soldier of faith." He started as he got back up on his feet.

"I am a warrior of light." He now stared directly at the Minotaur and reaching behind his hip.

"I AM A HUNTSMAN!!" He yelled out before tossing three grenades at the Minotaur.

The Grimm only watched as the three grenades exploded before it. A black cloud obscuring its view of the 15 year old.

Then a sudden loud sonic boom was heard. Right afterwards Colt came flying out of the smoke and landed a solid left punch to its head.

Using his speed Colt gave the Minotaur a super speed punch. The force so powerful it launched the Grimm backwards.

The humanoid Grimm went crashing through several trees before landing on its feet. But it had no time to react when Colt came flying in again and swung his sword at its chest. The speed and force sending it back again through the forest where it then winded up at the cliffs. It kept flying over the canyon and crashing into the cliff wall.

Colt followed after it. He reached the cliff too and stabbed the Minotaur now with his spear.

Swinging himself around the spear he swung up and kicked the Grimm under the jaw. Pulling out his spear in time to let the creature go up the cliff face

He stuck to the wall and activated his semblance again, running up after it as he yelled out in a battle cry.

Both reached the top at the same time, with Colt now at its head with spear now against its neck. With one last boost of speed he went up and cut the Echo Minotaur's head clean off.

He swung around and threw his spear back down, impaling the head to ground.

He landed back on the ground, crouching to ease his fall. He stood back up and walked to the decapitated head.

He grabbed to handle of his spear and yanked it out. Turning around as he transformed it back into a rifle and attaching it onto his pack.

The head then slowly rolled to the edge and fell down into the dark canyon below.

Colt now stood there with dirty and tattered clothes and a bleeding head. Looking towards the mass group before him.


And then the screen faded to black. Ending the scene before everyone.

No one said anything. Unable to from the scene that they had just watched. They had just witnessed four boys face off against impossible odds and walked away with their lives even though just barely.

Teams RWBY and JNPR were by far the most shocked out of everyone as they finally got to see what had happened to their friends when they had separated.

The entire room was silent, until one person in the crowd started clapping, then another, followed by a few more. And before anyone knew it everyone was clapping.

The whole room was filled with students and teachers alike clapping loudly without pause.

Ozpin chuckled at the scene and so proceeded to call up the last group of the day as the students then began whistling at them.

"Jackson Frost." As Jack walked up the stage with a single crutch to keep him of his left leg still covered in bandages and in a splint.

"Gopher Phoenix." Gopher walked up with only a few band aids over his face.

"Samuel Shadow." He walked up the stage with his right hand partially covered in bandages.

"And Cobalt Sabert." He announced as the last person came walking up. The left side of Colt's head was covered in a bandage.

The four then stood at at ease, their hands behind their backs and their feet evenly spread apart (Except for Jack who could only have one behind his back and could't spread his own feet due to balance issues).

"The four of you retrieved the white king pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as..." He paused as the letters on the screens came together under their pictures.

"Team SSPF [Spitfire]. Lead by... Cobalt Sabert." He finally announced the team. Colt looked a little shocked while the other three only smirked with joy.

The crowd on the other hand went nuts, appraise and applause alike with a few more whistling, going throughout the entire stadium.

Colt was still a little too shocked when a red blur suddenly tackled him to the ground and started hugging him really tightly.

"Haaaa! I'm so happy for you!" Ruby squealed as she started squeezing him tightly.

"Ruby...... can't..... breath!" Colt said hard of breath.

The three other guys just laughed at the scene before them.

Ruby realised what she was doing and so let go of him and stood back up. Hiding her face in her hood to prevent any one from seeing how red her face was.

Colt leaned a bit up and chuckled at her, telling her he was ok and thankful for the hug.

Teams JNPR and the rest of RWBY joined up on the stage too to congratulate the new team.

Ozpin chuckled at the scene before him. "It looks like things are shaping up to be an interesting year."

As the roar of applause continued throughout the room.


And finally done. Sorry for being so long but I didn't want to split this one up by one bit.

But yeah, I hoped you guys liked my first attempt at an OC chapter (even though I've had this scene in my head for almost a year).

Now I told you guys at the beginning that there was a reason as to why I was using my phone now, which would explain some of the strange spacing and perhaps a lot of misspelling.

I no longer am able to use my computer anymore because I went to a friends house to pull the thing apart of its CPU, graphics card and memory banks.

The reason being is I am traveling back to my home country and since it's too much of a hassle to even check in with a fully built computer onto a plane (as well as the worry of them just tossing it in without care) I just decided to pull out the important things and bring them with me to build a brand new one.

So hopefully that would explain everything.

And also since I am going to be using my phone for awhile it will take me sometime to even just write one chapter now. But I have every intent on continuing this story.

And that's all. Plus by the time I post this I will be on plane flying half way around the world.

So anyways, I hoped you all enjoyed my little work here and hoped to know what you all thought about it.

Thx for reading this!

Phoenix Logging out!

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