BONUS: Promotions

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Ok sorry for the long update. Had a lot of things to do in the last month.

Hope you all like this scene. I thought it was a good idea to have for the upcoming Volume as well. Hope this makes sense to you all.


3 Hours later....

After the ceremony, everyone were ordered to leave and relax. The new students were told to get their stuff to their rooms and then head to the mess hall later for lunch with everyone else.

Teams RWBY and JNPR stuck with SSPF, electing to help carry any of their excess baggage to the boys dorm room due to their injuries much against the wishes of SSPF.

Jack was ordered to the infirmary to have a check up on his leg, leaving the other three to carry what's left.

The three boys, plus two teams, carried their luggage to their assigned dorm room. Much to all their luck they were all in the same location.

SSPF's room was located right next to RWBY's while JNPR was across from both of them.

After setting their stuff down Yang suggested they should head right for mess hall and eat something before they even start unpacking. Everyone agreed, except Nora who just yelled pancakes.

But Professor Goodwitch came over the intercom and ordered for all the members of SSPF to report to Ozpin's office. She repeated one more time before turning off the intercom.

Gopher, Colt and Sam all looked to each other confused, then to RWBY and JNPR with the same looks.

"What's going?" Ruby asked to Colt.

"I don't know." He responded to the red head. "What do you guys think?" He asked to his team.

Both just shrugged at him, unable to come to any conclusions either as to why they were being called up.

The boys told the other two teams to go on without them. Ruby was reluctant at first but Colt convinced her that they would be alright and are most likely not in trouble anyways.

She finally agreed and follwed her team along with Jaune and the others to the mess hall.

As they left, Colt lead the remaining members of his team to the tower that would take them to Ozpin's office.

"Shouldn't we head for the infirmary along the way and collect Jack?" Asked Sam.

Colt shook his head. "No need. Knowing Jack he would head for the tower and wait for us."

"He's right. Jack would have left right after the call was out. So we should see him at the entrance of the tower." Gopher chipped in.

Sam nodded at their statements and continued to follow them. And sure enough at the entrance to the tower stood Jack, without a crutch.

"Jack? Where's your crutch?" Gopher asked as he and the others walked up.

"Doctor said the fracture healed quicker than anticipated so I am able to walk without one." He answered. "However he still recommended I don't do any activities that would over exert myself. So I'm basically prevented from doing any combat or training for the next two weeks. Plus it still  hurts like hell." He finished.

The others got a good look of him an noticed that Jack was still leaning more to his right to get some weight off his left.

With everything sorted out they entered the tower and walked into the elevator. As they rode up they mentally prepared themselves for whatever Ozpin was going to tell them or make them possibly do.

The elevator reached the top floor and opened. The four boys strode out, Jack walking with a slight limp, and approached the headmasters desk, standing side by side to each other.

"Ah, team SSPF. Welcome back, did you all have a good rest?" Ozpin asked them with a smile.

The team looked to each other still with confused looks before looking back at the headmaster.

"Sir. What were we called up for here exactly? I don't seem to remember us doing anything that would have landed us in trouble." Colt said.

Ozpin chuckled at his response. "No need to fear anything, none of you are in trouble."

"Then why are we up here sir?" Came Jack.

But then a voice from the side got their attention. "Because I asked ol Oz to see you boys personally."

Everyone looked to the side and saw none other than General Avery Johnson, Commander in Chief of the Coalition, clad in his white navy marine dress uniform.

(Sorry, was literally the only good image I could find of him in that uniform. That and he should have a ribbon rack on him instead of just one medal)

SSPF were in shock to see the one and only legendary General.

"ATTENTION! Officer on deck!" Colt yelled out, as he and the rest quickly snapped to attention. Slamming their feet next to each other and placing their arms by their sides with their backs straight. Jack initially struggled but also managed to do the same. As soon as they went to attention they raised their arms to a salute.

"At ease boys." Johnson said as he chuckled at their demeanor.

SSPF then went from attention to an 'at ease' pose.

"General Johnson, to what do we owe the honour sir." Colt said, as Johnson stepped up to the side of Ozpin's desk.

Ozpin spoke up for him. "The good General asked to have a live feed of your performance during the test."

Johnson chuckled before walking up to stand before all four. " And I must say, I am damn well impressed. You four are by far not only the youngest, but also the most brightest and well versed team I have seen." He said, earning some smiles from the team before him.

"But also a tad disappointed." He said dropping a quick bomb on their smiles. But he didn't dwindle on that very long.

"However I am not here to talk to the Beacon team of SSPF. Rather I am here on Coalition business to talk to the members of Bravo 6. So backs straight and heads high. Cause I got a surprise for you all." Johnson said with a smirk. The four silently nodded and did as he said, putting their backs straight and holding their heads high.

He then paced his way to the end where Sam stood. "Lance Corporal Samuel Shadow. You showed exceptional prowess during the test. As I recall from one of the reports you had some difficulty in forming a strong bond with your fellow trainees. And as I had observed you still seem to have some of that difficulty when you failed to communicate with your partner about the Geist. However, based on what I have seen during your fights, your compatibly with these three have been by far the best we have been able to see. Congratulations.... 1st Lieutenant." He said, earning a shocked expression from Sam.

He then moved on to Jack

"2nd Lieutenant Jackson Frost. I was disappointed that you let your past cloud your vision with one of the new students, such a thing is dangerous on the battlefield that could result in you, her or both of you dead. However, you still in the end managed put that aside and work along side with her for the safety of everyone. Congratulations... Captain." He finished, earning a surprised look from Jack.

He then moved on to Gopher. "1st Lieutenant Gopher Phoenix. As we all know, you are a good soldier and.... faithful brother." He said earning nods. "And it's because of that you let your own emotions get in the way. However you managed to get past that and put faith in others, specifically with Cobalt. And I was highly impressed with your quick strategy and quick thinking on your feet. Congratulations... Major." Then earning raised eyebrow expression from the Ginger.

And finally he walked up to Colt. "Captain Cobalt Sabert. You were reckless in engaging a tier 5 class enemy Grimm that has a flee on sight order. You recklessly put yourself in danger to take out an enemy on a whim, with a high possibility of failing and endangering your men." He said before giving a smirking smile. "And if there weren't men like you we would be nothing but pencil pushers. You read the situation as it was, you had a man down and knew that were was no chance in escaping, came up with a strategy and executed it. You not only went above and beyond to save your men but also others you have barely known. And for that I am proud. Congratulations... Commander." He finished earning a big shock from the blue huntsman while the other three smirked and nodded in agreement to his new rank.

Johnson steadily made his way back to Ozpin, standing next to the headmaster's desk. "You four have shown us how far each and everyone one of you will go, the lengths you will go to protect each others and those around you."

While they were receiving great praise, they all felt their was something they weren't being told, something they weren't going to like.

And then the Generals smile faded. "And it is because of this that we need more men like you to be officers on the field to lead others. So that is why I am taking the consideration of Dr. Halsey and disbanding Bravo 6."

The sudden announcement was like a bomb that went off to SSPF. Mouths, hang open, eyebrows were raised and a stunned silence was all that filled the air.

"WHAT!!!" They each exclaimed.

Before they could lob anymore complaints Johnson stopped them. "Hold your horses! Cause I ain't finished." He said as he took out his trademark Sweet Williams Cigar and lit it.

He took a few puffs then spoke. "Bravo 6 has always been considered to be the best of the best. And that is why we are disbanding it so that a newer generation may take hold of it. Cause I want your four to be even better than the best of the best." He said earning a few confused looks.

"We need a different type of soldier, now more than ever. Dr. Halsey believes that by combining your skills you have learned in the Coalition with your training as a Huntsman, we will have a far better fighting team on the field." He said.

"So basically we are going to be more than just Rangers and Huntsmen then sir?" Asked Jack.

Johnson nodded. "That is correct Captain. But not entirely as you think." He smirked.

"You four will be part of a different new elite unit within the Coalition. You will still be part of the 118th Battalion and Delta Company, but not as Bravo 6." He said then taking a few more puffs of the cigar.

"From now on you will be known as Hunter 4. Now understand this, you are all still young and I agree with Ozpin and the Colonel that you will be placed as a reserve unit and only be called if we need you." He said earning an agreeing nod from Ozpin.

Then Ozpin himself spoke. "With that said, when you are not on official Coalition business you will be regarded and branded as Team SSPF of Beacon Academy. But should you be called up you will not be considered as students of the academy and go by the name of Hunter 4 under the banner of the Coalition."

Letting a few puffs out Johnson finished up. "The reason for this mainly because any missions we give you would be clandestine and highly dangerous." He said then giving a smirking smile. "Something I know boys would consider to be right up in your alley."

SSPF looked amongst each other, giving silent nods as if they all new what they were stepping up to now. Seeing this Johnson asked. "So, you boys in?"

Colt answered for all of them. "We accept sir. We understand the risks and the dangers that will follow. We will gladly forgo our title as Bravo 6 and take up the mantle as Hunter 4."

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear." Johnson said with a smile. "Members of Hunter 4, congratulations on your promotions. Now get some rest and you will hear from us soon for your next mission. Dismissed!"

"Sir! Yes sir!" The four responded and giving a salute before turning around back to the elevator and leaving.

Ozpin and Johnson watched the the newly formed team of Beacon and the Coalition left the office. When the elevator doors closed Johnson turned back to face Ozpin.

"They sure are something aren't they." He said.

The headmaster nodded. "Indeed. Their skill on the field is far more than I anticipated."

"Those four right there. They are going to change the world." Johnson said as he pointed to elevator.

"Very much so. With them now as students at Beacon and also under a new title in your army, they should be able to handle both our enemies." Ozpin said.

Johnson agreed with him. "Only one way to find out." He said as he took a few more puffs from the cigar. "I'd like the individual files of the members of team RWBY." He asked out of the blue.

Ozpin narrowed his eyes at the General. "And prey tell as to what you want with one of my schools newly formed team?"

Johnson just lightly chuckled "There is one thing I noticed from the footage you provided of the boys during the initiation."

"What is it?" Ozpin asked with a questioning face.

"Those four are capable of many things. They have the drive, the motive and the will to fight. For the mission and each other." Johnson said.

But Ozpin was still confused. "What does this have to do with the girls of RWBY?"

Johnson smirked while making a few more puffs. "SSPF have that strong sense of brotherhood amongst them. That's common place for every good soldier. But during the initiation I noticed something else. Something that gave them a completely new drive and ambition to fight. Something I could only clearly see whenever they were near those girls." He explained

"Interesting. Would you mind telling me what this is for future upcoming missions I might give to those teams?" Ozpin asked.

Johnson chuckled out loud. "Oz, if you haven't figured it out I ain't tellin. Besides, where's the fun in spoiling it for you." He said as he then said his goodbye.

Ozpin told him that he was welcome anytime at Beacon. Johnson said that he'd make note of that and then walked to the elevator to leave the headmasters office.

As the doors closed, Ozpin leaned back into his chair and sighed. He chuckled at Johnson humor to which he didn't mind at all.

"I guess we will have to see how these four will change the world" Ozpin said out loud.


And done. Now since this was finished I will get right into the next chapter which we will look into everyone's first day at Beacon!

Also just a minor thing but my updates may take much longer now, but I hope you guys don't mind this since I don't want to give this up.

Anyway see ya for the next one!

Phoenix out!!

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