The Badge, The Burden and The Benevolent

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Alright! Now that we have finished the initiation we can officially move on forward to school life.

Now sorry for the long update. It's going to be like this from now on so sorry about that. 

Anyways I won't keep you all waiting, so let's get down right into this chapter!


The next morning the sun was up, the skies were clear and the air was filled with the silence of peace as Weiss lay comfortably in her bed still fast asleep in her teams new dorm room.

The initiation the day before really did get the better of her and she deserved that well earned rest.......

until she didn't.

Quietly, without making a sound, Ruby tip toed her way to her partner's bed. As she got near, she leaned in right up to the heiress head ...... and blew hard into her whistle.

Weiss flipped out of her bed in a big fright. "Gah!"

"Goooood morning team RWBY!" Ruby yelled out in excitement.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" Weiss said to her team leader as she got a good look of the red head from the floor.

Ruby was dressed in the same uniform as every other girl attending Beacon, consisting of a red plaid skirt, stockings, and a brown jacket with a tan vest and white shirt with a red ribbon tied at the collar. However, she also has on her red cloak pinned to her blazer.

"Now that you are awake we can officially begin our first order of business." Ruby declared.

"Excuse me?" Weiss asked as she got up and dusted herself off.

"Decorating!" Yang yelled out, standing next to Blake and also dressed in her uniform, holding a bunch of their stuff. Namely Ruby's headphones, Blake's candles, Weiss's dust brochure and an assortment of other stuff.

"What?" Weiss asked in confusion.

Blake, also in her uniform, then lifted a suitcase in front of her. "We still have to unpack." Then the suitcase opened unexpectedly and dropped all of its contents on the floor. "And clean" She finished.

Weiss just looked at them not impressed. She can't believe she was woken up in a commotion just to unpack and decorate.

Ruby then slid in next to her and blew her whistle right into the heiress's face, causing said girl to fall onto the floor again from the surprise.

Ruby then sped to the center of the room. "Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission. Banzai!" She yelled and raising her arm.

"Banzai!" Yang and Blake said as they joined their leader doing the same thing as her.

The three stood together before tilting to their right for some unknown reason.

Weiss just watched this all go on from the floor. She just sighed and then got back up to get herself washed up and ready for the day.

Team SSPF dorm room

Meanwhile in the newly formed team SSPF dorm room, all four boys were wide awake well before anyone else. Jack was in the bathroom finishing up, Sam was on his bed reading a book, Colt was also on his bed but going over their schedule for the day, and Gopher was looking into the mirror trying to adjust his tie.

For them they all wore the same uniform as all the other guys attending beacon, this consisted of black suits lined with gold, accompanied by a blue vest and a white shirt with a red tie.

Gopher growled as he continued to struggle "Grr, I can't believe I have to wear this monkey suit. I'd rather be wearing the navy whites." He said. "And that is saying something!" He then pointed out.

"You tend to say a lot of things." Jack said as he stepped out from the bathroom.

"Well nobody likes the whites. So he's not wrong there." Sam said as he flicked to another page of his book.

"But a dress codes a dress code. So we have no choice but to put up and shut up." Colt said as he put away the schedule and stoop up from his bed.

"So what's on the agenda for today Commander? "Sam asked as he put away his book and got up from his bed, joining everyone in the middle.

Colt just chuckled at him using his new appointed rank loosely. "Stow it. We're at Beacon now, not back at base. Besides we can't have people know we are Coalition, at least for awhile."

Everyone nodded their heads. "Agreed." Said Jack as he then continued. " That means we are going to have to watch ourselves whenever we are conducting joint missions or training. We can't have those around us asking questions."

"How about the drop pods yesterday? A couple of people are bound to ask about that." Sam interjected.

"Chances are they won't remember. Everyone's adrenaline was pumping then. But if it comes to that we just say Colt or I have a uncle or something in the Coalition who helped us out." Gopher said to Sam.

"Either way we don't let ourselves get lost in the moment. Now other than that we have a pretty packed schedule. Breakfast first followed up with three classes then lunch. Then another three classes and then a self-directed sparring session and then ending the day with dinner." Colt said to his team.

This earned some raised eyebrows from the rest. "Phew, that's a packed schedule alright." Gopher at the amount of classes they would have.

Jack nodded. "And each class is about an hour and 30 minutes long each."

"Well it's still pretty early and we have a lot of time to kill here. So I think we should get to work on straightening our room out first and unpack everything. Agreed?" Colt asked to them.

"Agreed." The others responded at the same time and went of in different directions to set up the dorm room to their liking and specifications.

Gopher began by placing everyone's weapons, ammo and gear into an open gear locker for them all to grab in quick succession if they were to be in a hurry. Sam started with the teams clothing by placing them all in the closet and drawers.

Jack on the other got to work on placing all the books onto a bookshelf. These mainly consisted of battle strategies, old war history books, battle theories & tactics and a few fictional stories, mainly sci-fi and fantasy.

Colt meanwhile was putting a few pictures on the walls. Some being weapon specs,  a few motivational ODST posters.

And the last three he put up were all maps above the desk which they would all use to study. One was a map of Beacon, the second was a map of Vale and the third was a world map of Remnant.

As they finished they all gathered back together in the center to see all their handy work. Unfortunately they all saw a massive flaw upon inspection.

"Yeah this is not going to work out." Gopher said as he referred to their beds all pilled up together before them.

"Maybe we should just ditch the beds or something." Sam suggested.

"And what? Get bunk beds?" Colt answered somewhat sarcastically.

"I'm down with that, as long as I get top bunk." Gopher replied to the idea.

"It is a whole lot more space efficient." Jack said as he agreed upon the idea.

Colt looked at three and then asked. "So we all in favor of bunk beds then?"

He received three nods and three dings. All four then rushed in to fix up the beds. There came the sounds of hammers, electric screwdrivers, a jackhammer, a welding torch, a truck backing up, a construction crane and some noises of walking talkies.

After all that the team reassembled back in the middle facing their work. "Mission accomplished." Colt said as they all admired their handiwork.

The four beds were all transformed into modern sturdy and durable bunkbeds. The base of the bottom beds were reinforced with concrete while the upper beds were supported on four steel poles and steel cabling at each corner attached to the roof and a steel ladder near the head of each for ease of access.

Gopher and Colt both got the top bunks while Sam got the one underneath Gopher and Jack under Colt.

(Don't ask where they got the concrete or the steel........ even I don't know.)

"Ok I think we are done." Gopher said as he smiled at the sight before him.

"How long until we have to get to our first class?" Sam asked as he turned to Colt and Jack.

Colt then looked at his watch. "At least not for another 20 minutes."

"I still think we should go now, best to not be late on the first day." Jack said as he went to leave the room.

"I don't disagree with you there." Gopher said as he too followed on after the ice warrior.

As soon as all four exited their room they walked past team RWBY's door. Sam then stopped at looked at the door. "I'm going to go and check if the girls are ready."

As soon as those words left his mouth the other three had a mortified look, with eyes the size of dinner plates.

"NO!!!" Colt yelled out.

"DON'T!!!" Jack followed.

"Please for the love of Oum don't open that door!!" Gopher said in a panic.

Sam was taken back by the action. He asked them what they were scarred about and so they told him.

Turns out a few years ago back when Colt, Gopher and Jack were just cadets, they wanted to ask Colt's godmother for permission to go beowolf hunting. Unfortunately they walked into her room without knocking and caught her when she just finished walking out the shower in just a towel.

Needles to say she made them pay for that. All of them were aware of the basic training week known as 'Hell Week'. Well she made them go through a 'Hell Month'. After that she made them promise to never ever walk into a girls room ever again, even if they intended to knock. Unless they were told to follow in after.

After being told that Sam shivered at the idea of going through all that for a month. So he let go of the idea on checking the girls entirely and left with the team to their first class.

15 minutes later, RWBY

"Objective, complete!" Ruby announced as her team just finished up constructing their own makeshift bunk beds. "Alright, our second order of business is!..." She said as she landed on her bed with a book open on her lap. "Classes. Now, we have a few classes together today. At 9:00 we've gotta be-"

But then Weiss cut her off. "What? Did you say 9 o'clock?!" She asked in surprise.

"Um..." Was Ruby's only response as she had no idea why Weiss asked that question.

Seeing this Weiss got frustrated. "It's 8:55 you dunce!" She declared to everyones shock and headed straight out the door and down the hallway.

Ruby along with Yang and Blake all stacked on top of each other by the door as they watched their teammate run. Team JNPR did the same by their door to understand what all the ruckus was.

"Uhh, t-t-to, to class!" Ruby said as she sprinted down after Weiss, with Blake and Yang following suit behind her.

"Class?" Jaune asked with worry. Then the human stack above him got unstable and collapsed on top of him.


SSPF arrived at their assigned class well ahead of everyone else. Their first class today was Grimm Studies with Professor Peter Port.

Now while its good for everyone to know more about the creatures of Grimm, SSPF on the other hand already have a lifetime of enough knowledge and experience with all known Grimm. Especially in their own individual Grimm specialties that they studied in.

So to them this class was just nothing but a waste of time and energy, but they knew they had no choice if they were going to attend here.

And since no one was here yet they could pick their seats first, which they ended up by picking the front row seats at the bottom.

After a few minutes the rest of their year started to arrive and choosing their seats. As everyone settled in Professor Port entered the room. "Good morning class!" He greeted.

Everyone greeted back to him. " I am Professor Port and I will be your Grimm Studies teacher while you are here at Beacon. During these lesson I will teach different types of Grimm that are out there. What type of class they are and of course how to defeat them should you encounter one." He said to the class before him.

Everyone just nodded and waited for him to begin. "Now seeing as you are all seated I will begin todays lesson! So let us begin." He said as he then cleared his throat.

"Monsters! Demons..." He began when suddenly the door flung open and team RWBY and JNPR came tumbling down the steps.

SSPF all cringed as they watched the two teams came tumbling down the stairs.

"Uhh... ow. Did we make it?" Ruby asked as she looked up in a slight daze.

"Eh, just a little over the time." Colt said to her with a slight chuckle, causing the red head to nervously laugh back.

"Ahem." Port cleared his throat as he got their attention.

"Sorry that we arrived late sir." Weiss said as she and the rest of her team got back up.

"Well, seeing as it is your first day I will let you all off the hook this time." Port said and then told them to take their seats.

RWBY and JNPR took their seats which was the row behind SSPF. As soon as they took their seats Port started from the beginning again.

"Monsters! Demons... Prowlers of the night. Yes the creatures of grimm have many names. But I, merely refer to them as prey. Hu-hah! Haha." Port cheered, while receiving some odd looks from his students while crickets just chirped in the background.

This earned a few questioning looks from SSPF. Jack sat there thinking "Oh no, not one of these." His attention was then drawn to a note being passed to him on the table from Colt. 

'What you think about this one?' the note read.

Jack smirked then wrote under what Colt wrote. 'Self obsessive, overly narcissistic, bombastically arrogant?... Take your pick.'

Seeing he got no reaction from anyone Port decided to take a new approach. "Uhh, and you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world."

'How about poetically naive?' Colt wrote

"Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces." Port continued.

'No I'd say more rhymingly ignorant.' Jack wrote, earning a small chuckle from the bluenette.

"And that's where we come in. Huntsman! Huntresses ..." He then clicks his tongue at Yang.

Yang on the other hand felt a bit repulsed at the little gesture from the professor.

'Didn't think player would make the list in this case.' Colt wrote.

'Yeah I wouldn't hold onto that one for long.' Jack replied back.

"Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what you ask? Why... The very world!" Port said, as a single student in the entire classroom stood up and cheered. Seeing that no one stood up with him the student quickly sat back down and tried to make themselves as small as possible.

'Yeah I'm taking player off the list' Colt wrote.

'While you're at it, add blind follower for that guy.' Jack wrote back.

'Noted.' Colt response.

Seeing at least one student  showed enthusiasm brought some pride to Port. "That is what you are training to become. But first, a story. A tale of a young, handsome, man. Me!" He said as then began rambling on about his story.

'Yeah I'm going with bombastically arrogant.' Colt wrote as the professor became a background noise. This continued on back and forth between the two as they bantered on about their teacher.

Meanwhile behind them Weiss was listening intently on Port's story, however the intense movement of Ruby's pencil on her note was getting her attention, but she then ignored it and went back to listening to the teacher.

"Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter' he told me...." and Port continued on with his story.

Colt just raised an eyebrow at his teacher. 'I can not believe I am hearing this.' he thought.

Jack then passed him a note. 'I'd be asking questions like.. if you are so wise, how could you manage yo make yourself smell like cabbages?'

Meanwhile in the back, as Weiss continued to listen she heard Ruby start to giggle. As she turned around Ruby lifted up a crude picture of Port with wavy lines above, indicating he smells.

Weiss looked at her not impressed, but Yang and Blake couldn't help but laugh at what they saw. Ruby passed the picture forward to Colt, to which he stifled a giggle. He then drew a quick pick of Port as well but with him being covered in cabbages instead. Ruby stifled a small laugh at the sight.

Hearing some commotion Port cleared his throat again to get their attention. When everything quieted down he finished his story. "In the end the beowolf was match for my sheer tenacity. And I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high. Celebrated, as a hero." He then bowed.

'There was a beowolf?' Colt wrote.

'He has tenacity?' Jack wrote back

'Celebrated a hero?' Gopher wrote.

'He can hold his head high?' Sam wrote too.

'What the?! Gopher? Sam? What are you guys doing here?!' Colt wrote.

'Hey you two were having fun.' Gopher wrote.

'So why can't we?' Sam wrote right afterwords.

Still unaware of the messaging going on between SSPF, Port then finished up his lesson. "The moral of this story? A true hunstman must be honorable."

Weiss meanwhile was busy glaring daggers at Ruby as she was busy going shenanigans like balancing an apple and book on a pencil on her index finger while going cross eye.

"A true huntsman must be dependable." Port said as Weiss caught Ruby napping in the class.

"A true hunstman bust be strategic..." Ruby then started playing Flick Football with Colt. 

"Well-educated..." Ruby started to stack books ontop of the bluenette's head to see how many he could balance.

And wise!" Port said as Weiss watched Ruby start poking her finger in her nose like its nobody's business and then proceed to smear it on the back of Colt's school jacket which caused him to react out in disgust. This infuriated Weiss on a whole new level.

As he scanned the room Port then asked them a question. "So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Weiss was was so infuriated with Ruby (and to some extent Colt as well) that she was willing to do anything to prove herself more worthy of being the leader. When Port asked the question Weiss quickly shot up and held up her hand.

"Sir!" Came a voice ahead of her. Weiss then looked down and saw Colt, leaning against their table with his hand up.

Weiss was stunned that the leader of SSPF was faster than her in calling out.

Port meanwhile only chuckled. "Well then, lets find out. Step forth, and show your worth." He said as he then looked to his side of a large dark cage with only red angry eyes showing. The sounds of a beast inside rattling the cage wanting to get out.


And done! Hope you all enjoyed how SSPF acted in a normal class at school. Anyways, I'll try and get the next one out as quick as possible.

But other than that I'll see you all at the next one

Peace out!

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