The Badge, The Burden and The Benevolent Part 2

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Ok first off, sorry for the long wait. That's on me

Second, I am glad to finally get another chapter out and basically also tell you guys "Hey!! I'm not dead!"

Now as per usual, on with the show!!!!!


Port meanwhile only chuckled. "Well then, lets find out. Step forth, and show your worth." He said as he then looked to his side of a large dark cage with only red angry eyes showing. The sounds of a beast inside rattling the cage wanting to get out.

Colt stood up from his chair, he dusted himself off before then disappearing into a blue blur followed by a sonic boom out the main door.

Everyone just sat there with surprised looks. "Man is he fast." "I know right?" Came a few whispers from the students.

30 seconds later Colt came speeding back into the classroom, sliding as he came to a stop, clad in his Huntsmen uniform with 'Three Strikes' attached to his pack.

Jack only merely shook his head. "Show off." He said under his breath.

"Alright guys what do you think we got here?" Colt asked his team as he stepped onto the teaching floor and started stretching his arms, referring to the Grimm in the locked caged.

"I think it's a Beowolf." Came Gopher as he leaned back against the desk behind him.

"Nah. Cage is too small." Replied Jack as he eyed the metal prison of the Grimm.

"It's a Boarbatusk." Someone then answered flatly. The three members of SSPF all turned to their only Faunus member.

"And how do you know that?" Jack inquired to him.

"Dude..." Sam said as he then pointed to his wolf ears.

"Oh yeah." Jack replied as he then remembered that Sam could identify the grimm by the sound as well as their smell.

"Boarbatusk huh? Well ok then." Colt said he then took his weapon off and walked to the first row where his team sat.

Everyone eyed him with curious looks as he detached the magazine, then pulled on the bolt and ejected the bullet. He then placed everything on the table.

"What are you doing?" Gopher asked, somewhat worried.

"Well for one thing my dear older brother is that we rely too much on our weapons to start and finish a fight. Every now and then we will end up in situations where we will have to fight without it." He said as he then stared to remove his armour vest,guards and gloves.

"Whoa hold up!" Jack said as he quickly sat upright in his chair. "You're going to fight that thing without armour?!"

"Uh yeah?" Was the reply of the bluenette as he placed his armour pieces on the table.

"Dude! That thing could kill you!" Came Sam now also worried for their leader.

"Guys! Listen when I say that I will be fine. Besides, the girls don't fight with armour on now do they?" He looked to RWBY when he asked that question.

"Well.... he's not wrong." Weiss replied.

"I mean yeah we don't exactly." Yang answered casually.

All of team RWBY agreed as since neither of them wore any sort of armoured protection in battle unlike like SSPF.

"But having some extra protection is always better Colt." Ruby said to him with a hint of worry. Truth be told, Ruby has full confidence in Colt's abilities and skills. But a small part of her can't stop but to be worried for him.

The bluenette only chuckled. "Relax girls. This is only a quick and short match. And if something does go wrong, the professor will certainly step in. Right sir?" Colt asked the teacher as he also took of his extra pouches and knife holster. He was certainly going in with no weapons alright.

"Indeed!" Port enthusiastically replied.

"See?" He said then also started to unzip his jacket and also placing it on the table. Colt was now left wearing nothing but his white t-shirt, pants and shoes.

Jack raised an eyebrow at this move. "And the jacket?" He asked.

Colt just shrugged. "It's a bit warm in here." He simply replied as he then stepped into the centre of the ring where he will face his enemy.

With him out of his jacket and armour on, Ruby got a much clearer look of him this time. He certainly looked slim but his arms did contain some muscle as she noticed, though not beefed up she could tell that he could certainly hold his own.

The bluenette turned and faced towards the cage, eyeing it as Professor Port strode to the side of it with his own weapon in hand. "When you are ready, give the word." The professor stated.

Colt nodded and relaxed himself and focused. Mentally preparing himself for battle and to make his body more relaxed as to be able to preform quick movements without any strain.

Team RWBY decided to cheer him on along with SSPF as well.

"Let's go Colt!" Yelled Sam.

"Show that thing what it means to be a Huntsman!" Jack cheered.

"Fight for SSPF!" Gopher cheered to while waving a small flag with the teams name on it.

He took one last exhale before nodding to the teacher. Port saw this action as the signal that the boy was ready. "Then let the match! Begin!" He said as he used the bladed end of his weapon to break the lock on the cage.

The Boarbatusk flung open the door. It then screeched out before making a mad dash charge for the 15 year old.

Colt focused on the Grimm, his body language to everyone showing he was not in a battle stance.

Colt then closed his eyes and focused in his mind as the pig-like beast charged at him. Everyone was a bit bewildered that he was not making any moves but allowing the Grimm to charge right at him.

"Easy now. Breath." He said to himself. "Focus on the field. Imagine the battleground and bring it forth around you. Let the target get closer. Right foot forward, left slightly back" He said as he then put his feet into position.

RWBY sat there in utter shock as they thought Colt was going to get killed, what they didn't see was the smirking faces of SSPF as they watched their leader allow the Grimm to close the distance.

When the Boarbatusk reached within arms length, in that instance Colt opened his eyes, he sidestepped to the left dodging the charge. He then swung his left arm around and gave a hard left punch to the back of the Grimm.

The beast squealed from the punch before nose diving into the ground, stunned from the attack.

All the students were shocked that Colt, without any weapons or armour, simply just sidestepped and punched a boarbatusk into the ground.

RBY and SPF on the other hand simply just cheered on their leader.

"Whooo!!!!!" Sam yelled.

"Yeaahhh!!!" Gopher cheered.

"Come on Colt! Kick his ass!!" Jack enthusiastically encouraged.
(Reference!!! If you can spot it.)

The Boarbatusk stood back up, shaking its head from the dizziness. It turned back around to Colt and let off another roar before tucking itself into a wheel and speeding its way towards the young huntsman.

Everyone watched in shock. With this attack the Grimm was almost unstoppable, even more so since Colt had on no weapons or armour. Everyone in the room thought that this was going to be it for the leader of SSPF.

Colt simply smirked and gently sidestepped out of the way. The Grimm zoomed passed him and hit the wall behind, creating a big crack in the all.

Colt then got into a fighting stance, waiting for the Grimm to recover and attack. The beast quickly recovered and performed another charge at the boy.

As it closed in again, Colt twirled himself around and landed a left kick to the side of the face, causing the Grimm to loose balance and crash into the ground again.

SPF cheered on their leader, while RBY did too, although somewhat still concerned. Colt looked to the side with a smirking smile to the crowd as everyone began cheering. The look on Ruby's exciting face especially getting his attention even more. "She's a lot more cheerful at my abilities at least." He thought to himself, as he completely lost focus of his surroundings while staring at the big smile of RWBY's leader.

Gopher then stood up with a look of shock on his face as he shouted. "Look out!!"

The sudden yell from his brother snapped him out of his daze, he turned back in the direction of the Grimm.

He then felt a sudden force hit him square in the chest, the Boarbatusk caught the bluenette off guard and slammed against Colt with its tusks. It continued its stampeding charge as it rammed the boy against the wall, forcing more and more of its weight against him, intent on crushing Colt between a rock and a hard place.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Colt yelled from the pain of being crushed against the wall by the tusks.

RWBY were shocked at seeing their friend being squashed by the Grimm, Ruby more worried over the boy than her team. "Colt no!!" She yelled out with fear.

SPF all stood up, intent on helping their leader, friend and brother from being killed. As they stood up Port silently raised his hand to the three and motioned for them to sit down. They grudgingly sat back down, continuing to reluctantly watch the fight before them unfold.

Colt was in pain, the tusks of the pig-like Grimm were pushing hard against him. He managed grab hold and push back against the Boarbatusk. The small little gap he managed to create helped him to be able to get a foot between them and kick the Grimm away.

Colt stumble forward while placing his hand on his left side which hurt. Thankfully there was no blood but the impact certainly did some damage to him.

He was breathing heavily from being winded from the impact. He looked up in time to see the Grimm once again making another mad charge. Colt flung himself to the side out of the way of the attack, making the Boarbatusk hit the wall again.

Colt then decided to put some distance between himself and the Grimm. "I can't keep this up forever. I have to finish this now!" He thought to himself as he eyed the beast.

The Grimm shook its head from the impact it made. Turning back around eyeing the boy with an evil glare as it huffed out in frustration.

Colt eyed it back and got into a fighting stance, readying himself for the next charge. The beast lined itself up towards the bluenette. It stomped its paw a few times against the ground, readying itself for another attack.

It then charged again at the boy. Everyone thought that Colt was going to perform another dodge, but what they saw next completely shocked them.

Colt ran head on with the beast. The entire room thought that Colt was trying to get himself killed. Port even readied his weapon and preparing to step in when he believed the young boy would be in danger.

All the while RWBY and SPF just silently watched as the two opposing forces before them closed the gap within moments.

Colt kept his eyes on the Grimm as the distance between them continued to shrink. When he got within arms length, he stepped left, then jumped up and right over the Grimm. He leaned himself down in midair, grabbing hold of both tusks in each hand and leaning all his weight left and down.

This caused the Boarbatusk to hit the deck from the sudden weight change. It squealed and struggled to free itself from the Hunstman's grasp, Colt just held on, using his strength to keep the Grimm down as it struggled to free itself from him.

"Hoho! Now that was certainly a welcomed surprise!"  Came Port as he praised the boy.

While everyone was truly amazed that Colt managed to bring the beast down with his bare hands, they all knew it wasn't over as Colt has yet to finish it off. How he did it they did not suspect.

Colt gripped tightly against the tusks as the Grimm continued to struggle to free itself. The bluenette then leaned back, bringing the head up, making it far harder for the beast to struggle. And then suddenly, Colt, maintaining his grip on the tusks, quickly twisted his upper body, snapping the Grimm's neck in the process.

The Boarbatusk fell down dead, Colt breathing heavily as he stood back up. The crowd just looked on in shock, not believing that Colt was capable of such a violent action.

"Bravo! Bravo! Truly spectacular. You certainly showed yourself there young man!" Port said, congratulating Colt.

The team leader of SSPF slowly strode towards the first row where is team sat, holding onto his left side as he did.

"*Chuckles* So.... How was it?" Gopher said with a smirk as his little brother leaned against their table.

"*Breaths* I wouldn't recommend it." Colt replied as he tried to regain his breath.

"Well yeah. I mean this was a Boarbatusk we are talking about. Should have thought twice before taking your armour off." Jack sternly commented at his friend.

"Kind of the reason why I didn't specialize in them in the first place." Colt said with a slight chuckle to bring some humour into the atmosphere.

However this small gesture caused him to groan and then lean against the wall before sliding down to the floor.

SPF stood up in worry, Jack quickly made his way down to check up on the bluenette.

"Colt are you alright!" Ruby said from her seat as she saw the boy go down.

Jack lifted up his leader's shirt to spot any damage. He noticed a big red bruise on Colt's left side where the Grimm pressed against him with its tusk. "Just some internal bruising, nothing major. However this won't be going away anytime soon." He explained to relieve everyone of worry.

"I'm going to help ease the pain a bit so that you can start walking again." Jack said as he placed his hand on the bruise and using his semblance to cool off the inflammation.

Colt winced in pain as he felt the icy touch. "I thought you said you were going to ease the pain." He groaned to his team mate.

Jack only chuckled. "Never said it was going to be painless."

"*Winces* I hate you..."Colt said as he tried to endure it.

"Love you too man." Jack bantered back.

Once he finished, Port walked up to them. "Perhaps it would be best if one of you would escort Mr Sabert to the infirmary to recover."

"No need for that sir. The pain should subside in 10 to 15 minutes. A nice walk around should do the trick. Gopher?" The ice warrior turned to the Ginger.

Gopher nodded and made his way down to Colt and then lifted him up by the shoulder and placing his arm around his back.

"You know its almost like in that comic book we read a while back. What did the guy say again?" He said almost laughing. "If you get hurt, hurt em' back. If you get killed, walk it off."

A few of the guys in the room got the reference and chuckled, with Jack and Sam doing the same. Colt only groaned at this and wanted to punch Gopher really badly for this, but couldn't.

Gopher then led Colt up the stairs and out of the classroom to 'Walk off' the pain, with Ruby watching along with a sorrow look, while Jack and Sam resumed their seats awaiting for the teacher continue the class.

"Now then! Seeing as we still have time. I believe one more match should suffice!" He said as a few staff members brought in a new cage containing a second Boarbatusk.

"Miss Schnee!" He called out to the Heiress.

"Sir!" Weiss replied as she quickly stood up.

"As I recall, you were ready to volunteer yourself before Mr Sabert called out first am I correct? He asked her.

Weiss nodded. "Yes sir!" She said, still wanting to prove that she was the more worthy leader.

"Splendid! Then step forward, and face your opponent." He said motioning down to the floor.

Weiss quickly stood up to get changed into her uniform. When she returned, she quickly proceeded down onto the floor to face the Grimm.

Weiss readied her rapier, Myrtenaster, and prepared herself to face the new Boarbatusk that was brought into the room.

Her own team cheered her on, however when Ruby cheered out for her she immediately shot the crimsonette down. This action made Jack instantly narrow is eyes at the heiress, but decided to say nothing of the matter.

As soon as everything settled down, Port announced the match and broke the lock with his weapon. Weiss managed to dodge the charge all the while making a slashing attack on the beast.

The Boarbatusk charged at her again, as did Weiss, however the beast managed to snag Myrtenaster between its tusk and fling it away, disarming the heiress and knocking her back.

As Port made commentary throughout the match, Weiss looked up and saw the Grimm charging, she dodged to her left, the beast continuing its charge and crashing into the wall. Weiss meanwhile ran and quickly recovered her weapon.

"Weiss, go for its belly! There's no armour underneath-" Ruby tried saying to her team mate but was cutoff.

"Stop telling me what to do!" Weiss yelled at Ruby.

This made Ruby look down in sorrow as she was only trying to help.

The glaring looks from Sam and Jack towards the heiress were quite evident in their eyes, especially in Jack's. "Weiss. You're going down the same wrong path I used to take." The ice warrior said to himself in disappointment.

The Grimm then performed the same cartwheeling attack like the one before it did and speeded down towards the heiress. Weiss then conjured up a glyph to block the attack and made the Grimm to fall onto its back.

This created the opportunity for Weiss to conjure another glyph to launch herself at the beasts exposed belly. She quickly stabbed it in the stomach, killing it instantly, and with that the match was over.

"Bravo! Braa-vo! It appears we are in the presence of a true huntress in training. And lest not forget the unmistakable skill of Mr. Sabert's prowess as a huntsman earlier." Port said, commenting on Weiss's and Colt's skills. Even if the latter was not in the room.

"I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed." Port finally said, announcing the class over.

Throughout this Weiss gave a disrespectful glare at her team leader, but not noticing a very disappointed one from Jack.

Weiss then turned her back and walked out of the room. Soon after outside in the hallway. Ruby caught up with her team mate. "Weiss!"

"What?" She responded in frustration.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you being-" Ruby then got cutoff.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're supposed to be a leader, and all you've been so far is a nuisance alongside that annoying reckless SSPF leader boyfriend of yours!" She started ranting out her frustration.

Ruby instantly blushed when Weiss called Colt her boyfriend. She quickly regained her composure. "He- Colt is not my boyfriend! And what did I do?" Ruby replied bewildered.

"That's just it, you've done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest , you acted like a child, and you've only continued to do so! And the way you and him have been acting in class, you might as well consider him to be!" Weiss went on continuing to rant out her anger at her leader.

"Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about 'working together'? I thought you believed in acting as a team." Ruby said, bringing up Weiss's small pep talk from the forest.

"Not a team led by you. I've studied and trained. And quite frankly, I deserve better." Weiss turned her back to Ruby. "Ozpin made a mistake." She stated before walking off leaving Ruby alone.

Ruby looked down and dejected. She felt disappointed at failing her team mate. Ruby didn't know what else to do until a voice behind her spoke up. "Well that certainly shattered some expectations."

Ruby recognized the voice and immediately turned around, coming face to face with a much more rejuvenated Colt.

"Well yeah but- did you just make a pun?" She asked him as she realized what he just said early.

Colt just groaned. "Yeah I've been spending way too much time with Gopher lately."

"He makes puns a lot?" She asked him.

"*Exhales* Whenever he gets the chance." Colt said as if regretting ever knowing his older brother.

"Well seems like he and Yang might get along well." Ruby stated.

Colt's eyes instantly shot up in surprise to Ruby. "Wait wha-?"

"Yeah, Yang makes a ton of puns." Ruby stated out.

"Oh dear Oum there's two of them." Colt groaned again as he then placed his hand on his forehead, as if preparing for the onslaught of non-stop puns that will be made in the future from two pun masters. Not to mention the Pun war that will follow soon after.

Colt made a subtle laugh before looking back up to be met with the sad face of Ruby.

"How much of that did you hear?" She asked, wondering if Colt heard what Weiss referred to him as earlier.

"Just the last part. I only just arrived." He answered. He had arrived only in time to hear Weiss saying that Ozpin made a mistake in making Ruby the leader.

"Is she right? Did he make a mistake?" Ruby asked ever more doubtful, even being on the verge of tears.

Colt just shook his head. "I don't believe so."

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked the bluenette.

"It's only been one day. Ruby... I don't believe Ozpin made a mistake in appointing you as leader. In fact I can see why he did."

"How so?" Ruby asked inquisitively.

"Cause the way you lead everyone to the cliffs, the way you coordinated with Jaune to defend and attack against the grimm. The quick, and somewhat crazy, plan you came up with to takedown the Nevermore was simply amazing!" Colt praised her.

Ruby blushed at his words. "How-How did you know about that? You and your team weren't there." She asked.

"I asked Ozpin for a copy of the footage of you and everyone else when we got separated. I wanted to see what everyone was capable of." Colt answered without hesitation. "The point is... Ruby, you have what it takes to be a leader."

While he could see that Ruby was smiling at his words, he knew that deep down she had some reluctance. He tried to come up with some more words but he couldn't.

"You should listen to his advise Ms. Rose. Words like these can be few to come by." A new voice came out of nowhere.

Both teens turned to the source only to be met with the headmaster with a coffee mug in one hand and his cane in the other.

"Professor Ozpin!!" The two yelped in surprise.

Ozpin chuckled at there shocked demeanor. "Now now, is that anyway to greet your headmaster?"

"Sorry." replied Colt.

"Sorry." Ruby also replied.

Ozpin saw the small little reluctance on Ruby's face and decided that this was the perfect opportunity squash that final obstacle and make way for the sparkling hope.

"Ruby... I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet . But at this moment, I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them. Do you?" He asked her to which Ruby gave a silent response.

"What Colt said about the reasons I made you leader were without a doubt correct. But understand this, being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you're not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?"

Ruby looks thoughtful with Ozpin's words, then smiles at him. Her smiling expression put smile on Colt's too.

Seeing that he has achieved what he wanted Ozpin smiled, but not before departing without a few more words. "You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility, Ruby. I advise you take some time, to think about how you will uphold it. And I believe Colt will help you along that path." And then he left.

Both leaders watched as their headmaster left. Ruby pondered over his words and couldn't help but feel that he was right. She then turned to look at the boy beside her, she thought over about Colt helping her along with being a leader. The thought alone seemed to bring butterflies in her stomach.

Colt then turned back to Ruby with a smile. "So... We got any homework?"

Ruby nodded, but then remembered all the goofy things she did in the class rather than taking notes.

Colt saw the expression. "You didn't take down notes did you?" he asked rather flatly.

"No." Ruby replied rather sheepishly.

Colt chuckled. "Yeah well I'm not too surprised about that then. I mean we did goof around a bit too much."

Ruby giggled as she remembered. "Yeah."

"Well lucky for you, I can help you with the homework." Colt said to her.

Ruby then cocked her head to the side. "But... how could you? Like you said, we goofed off in class. How would you be able to help if you barely took anything down either?"

"Too be honest Ruby I already know most of the things we are being taught, so there's no worry over that. That and I have Jack to get all the info from as well." Colt laughed at the last part.

Ruby laughed too. "So uhh. Meet me at my dorm later?" She asked, trying to hide the blush on her face.

Colt didn't notice how red Ruby's face got. "Sounds like a plan. Better than in mine though. The other three? Their like animals." He said.

Both laughed at that and left together for their dorms.


Meanwhile, Weiss walked along the halls until she spotted Professor Port standing on the balcony watching the sunset. However she did not see the ice warrior of SSPF follow on behind her, keeping to the shadows.

Weiss then approached her teacher. "Professor Port!"

Port turned around to his pupil "Ah, Miss Schnee! And to what do I owe this fine pleasure?"

"I... I enjoyed your lecture!" She humbly said to the older man

"Of course you did, child; you have the blood of a true Huntress in you." The professor praised her once again.

"You really think so?" Weiss replied back with much enthusiasm.

"Most surely!" But then noticed the small frown appear on her face as she also started to make less eye contact with him. "Hmm... Something's troubling you."

"Yes, sir..." Weiss said rather sadly.

"Dear girl, confess to me your strife!" Port announced out, encouraging the heiress.

"Well... I-I think I should have been the leader of Team RWBY!" Weiss blurted out.

Port just stays silent, taking in what she said before speaking out. "That's preposterous!"

Weiss immediately got angry at Port's response. "Excuse me?!"

"I've believed in Professor Ozpin for many years, and the man's never once led me astray!" The teacher explained.

"So you would just blindly accept his decision even after seeing how exceptional I am?" Weiss argued to the older man.

"That remains yet to be seen Schnee." A voice from behind called out.

Both Weiss and Port looked to the entrance of the balcony and saw Jack standing there with his arms folded.

"Ah Mr Forst! A pleasant surprise to see you here." Port said.

"What are you talking about!?" Weiss angrily asked.

"With all due respect, your exceptional skill on the battlefield is matched only by your poor attitude." Jack stated without hesitation.

Weiss fumed at him. "How dare you!"

"Thanks for proving my case." He smirked. "You want to know what I see? I see a girl who has spent her entire life getting exactly what she wanted. Am I wrong sir?" Jack inquired to the professor.

"You are quite right! Took the words out of my mouth." Port replied back.

Weiss just crossed her arms defiantly. "That's not even remotely true!" She said in defense, however the unimpressed gazes and raised eyebrows from the other two made her reluctantly relent "Well... not entirely true."

"So the outcome did not fall in your favor. Do you really believe that acting in such a manner would cause those in power to reconsider their decision?" Port said for her to consider. He then turned to Jack. "Mr Frost, I believe you may have more encouraging words, for I must be going."

Jack nodded at the request. "Certainly sir."

Port then left the balcony, leaving the two students to continue the discussion. Port's small words of wisdom made Weiss think over her actions earlier in the day.

"He's right you know." Jack said while leaning with his back against the railing.

"I can see that now. It's just..." She trailed, trying to find the right words.

"Frustrating? Undermining? The feeling of nothing that you do gets recognised or show any approval?" Jack said, listing off various reasons.

"Y-Yes! How did you know?" Weiss asked in shocked.

"I used to be exactly where you were some time ago." Jack stated as he then looked up into the sky.

"Y-You were?" Weiss replied back.

Jack nodded. "Let me tell you something. About 7 years ago I started my training, and during that time I met Gopher, Colt and a bunch of others who I consider today as my friends." Jack started, seeing that Weiss was listening intently, he continued.

"However back then I never did. I was arrogant, stupid and greedy for power. I believed myself to be the most smartest of the group, which I was technically. But when we were all put together as a team, I was vehemently angry that our instructor didn't pick me to be the group leader. Colt was. As time went on we kept having mock battles with other groups, and every time I would butt heads with Colt over what course of action we should take even though he was the leader. And every time his plans proved me wrong time and time again, but I was so stubborn I was determined to prove that mine could work too, more so than his." Jack stopped, then let out a sigh.

"Then one day I got my wish. Everyone in the group despised me at this point and wanted to basically kick me out. All but one. Take a good guess who that was." Jack asked the heiress.

"It was Colt, wasn't it?" She answered softly.

"Yeah. Colt decided that he was going to let me lead the group this time, let me try out my ideas. And from there on out I was met with failure after failure. Then one time, I made such bat crazy plan, I was so desperate for a win, that I actually almost got everyone killed." Jack then paused. Taking a breather from letting his frustration out.

"In the end Colt had to quickly step up and get us out of the mess I had created. When the dust settled and I finally saw what I had done I was scared. I felt so alone, felt like such a fool that, for the first time I wasn't angry at those around me, I was angry at myself." Jack said with a sad expression.

"After that I decided to just hide and be alone, but Colt managed find me. I was ready to take a scolding from him and for him to basically kick me while was down, figuratively. But instead he asked if I had actually learnt something from this, not with malice or hate in his voice, but with genuine sincere. I looked up to him and simply said 'yes'. What did I learn from that experience? I learnt that, even though I was the most smartest person of our group, who had studied day after day and night after night of how to lead a team. I learnt that there are those who are capable of handling the responsibility of the burden they have to bear should something go wrong. The very burden I couldn't handle." Jack then smiled.

"Colt is one of those who can take, and is willing to handle the burden. He was even willing to accept me back into the group with open arms. I was bewildered, shocked that he would still take me back after what I had done. I asked him why? Why would he take me back after everything I had caused.? You want to know what he said?" He asked Weiss. Weiss nodded, listening with full intent.

"He said that even though I failed to be a leader, I succeeded in other areas. Mainly, my ability to gather more information on the battlefield than any other person and relay it. Which today makes me the perfect tactical analyst of the team. I relay what I see on the field and Colt scrambles to make 15 plans in 5 seconds flat with that information. He was willing to take me back despite my failures, he was still willing to have me back and use my exceptional skill that I alone and no one else had." Jack said as he then walked up to Weiss.

"The moral of this story? Instead of fretting about what you don't have, savor what you do. Hone your skills, perfect every technique, and be not the best leader, but the best person, the best team mate you can be. Because that's what I've been doing ever since." Jack finally finished as he then left Weiss alone on the balcony to ponder over his words.

"Hopefully I managed to bust through that wall you put up. The more and more I can keep tearing it down, the easier it will be to bring back that side of you that you once were." Jack said to himself as he walked down the hallway to his team's dorm room.

After some time Weiss finally smiled at the advise and the words of wisdom from the Ice Warrior and then also left.

Later that night, the full moon shines over Beacon, and in the room of Team RWBY, the door opens and Weiss leans in to avoid making a sound as well as trying to see what her team is doing.

She sees Blake is sleeping under the covers and Yang is spread out on her bed and snoring. She sees some partial light coming from under Ruby's blanket acting like a tent.

She lifts the blanket and finds Ruby with her head resting on notes, a pencil in her hand, and open books all around her. Weiss, looks amazed at Ruby's determination, however she then spots some movement on the other side of the crimsonette.

Curious, Weiss peered deeper into the tent and spotted Colt also lying on the bed passed out with a book covering his head.

Weiss was a little shocked to find a male in her dorm room, however she decided to read the situation as it was. She came to the conclusion that Ruby must have asked Colt for some help with some homework and probably asked him to join her in their room where they must have lost track of time and accidentally fallen asleep next to each other.

Weiss looked again at the sight and couldn't help but giggle, thinking that the scene before her was rather cute.

She clears her throat and gently shakes her leader awake, who takes a second to regain consciousness and start flailing in surprise as she then noticed who it was

"Huh? Weiss! I-I was studying, and then I fell asleep! I'm sorry..."

Weiss places a hand over Ruby's mouth and puts a finger to her own so that Ruby understands the need for lowering her voice.

However Ruby's commotion earlier also woke up the bluenette next to her.

"Huh?... Wai.... What?! Oh damn, did I pass out?" He said as he leaned up, the book on his head falling off. A notepad also fell of his cheek as he was also sleeping with his face on it.

Weiss looked near the pillow both teens used to sleep on and spots two empty Beacon coffee mugs.

Weiss then lowered her hand and whispered "How do you two take your coffee?"

"I... I don't..." Ruby mumble out incoherently as she looked to Colt as well.

Weiss got a bit agitated "Answer the question!" She asked rather irritated.

"Uhh, cream and five sugars!" Ruby replied back instantly.

Weiss then turned to Colt with the same agitated face.

"Ahh, milk and two sugars!" Colt answers back rather quickly.

Weiss sighed "Don't move." As she then ducked out to quickly make some coffee.

Colt shook his head bit before coming to his senses. "Wait a sec? Five sugars?!?!" He asked out looking to Ruby.

Ruby didn't respond, only giving a shrug to his question.

"You know forget I even asked, I don't even want to know." Colt said.

Moments later Weiss came back with a cup each in her hand and offering to the two. "Here."

"Um... Thanks, Weiss." Ruby said as she accepted the mug.

Colt also thanked her and immediately started drinking the coffee.

"Oh man yes! Weiss I have no idea how you did it but you made this just right!" Colt congratulated the heiress before going back to drink the entire mug out, falling back onto the bed as he tried to get every last drop.

Weiss smiled at the sight before looking apologetic. "Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a good leader. Just know that I am going to be the best teammate you'll ever have! Good luck studying!"

She ducks under the bed, before popping back up and pointing at one of the notes. "That's wrong, by the way."

Then ducking under again and heading for the door. "Hey, Ruby?"

"Uh-huh?" Ruby replied back as she looked to the door.

"I always wanted bunk beds as a kid." Weiss stated with a smile before closing the door behind her.

Ruby grinned at the progress she was making with her new friend. She then heard the sound of loud slurping as she then spun back to Colt to see him finish his coffee, a big satisfying smile on his face.

"Enjoyed your coffee did you?" Ruby asked smirking.

"Oh you have no idea. Been awhile since I last had a good cup of this stuff." Colt replied back.

Colt then stood up and stretched his arms. "Alright I think it's time for me to hit the hay. Nice hanging out with you Ruby."

Ruby smiled at him. "Thanks for helping me out. I don't think I would have been able to get this far without you. Thanks a lot."

Colt nodded to her. "No worries." He said as he jumped off the bed. "I also heard Weiss's words. This is good progress for you Ruby. Keep showing her that you have what it takes to be the leader. you are. And not just with her, with everyone." He said as he then motioned to Yang and Blake. Ruby smiled at him and thanked him again.

"Goodnight." He said before turning around. But he turned back around with a slight smirk. "Oh by the way. She was right, that is wrong." He said and then also pointing to the same note that Weiss pointed to earlier.

Ruby checked the note again and realised that they were right. She chuckled. "Thanks Colt, thanks for being there for me."

Colt nodded. "No problem Ruby." He smiled to before heading to the door and opening it.

"Goodnight Ruby." He called out to her.

"Goodnight Colt. Sweet dreams." She said to him.

"You too." He replied back and then closed the door and heading to his next door.

Ruby then turned off her light and went to sleep, having a wonderful dream about a certain bluenette.

Unknown to everyone they didn't notice the very small light emitting from the blonde brawlers bed, who had a plastered smile on her face as she was sleeping. Yang's scroll that was under her pillow displayed a picture of two silver eyed 15 year olds lying together and sleeping in the same bed.


And done!!! Oh yeah this feels great to knock this one out!

Well I hoped you all enjoyed this one.

Make sure to leave some comments on what you thought about it!

And I will see you all for the next one!

Phoenix out!

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