Players and Pieces

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Wow! I'm really getting these chapters out aren't I?

I've had this scene in my head for some time now and I am glad to finally put it on paper! Woohoo!

Anyways, I won't hold you up anymore. So enjoy!


The Emerald forest stretched for kilometers long and wide. Providing to be an excellent training ground for Beacon Academy.

Right now in the middle of it, nearing the temple, Jaune and Pyrrha had trekked for some time. They had stopped earlier near a cave but decided to skip it and move on. 

Jaune was just enjoying the scenery around them, the forest was quite beautiful,  if it wasn't trying to kill them at least. Pyrrha on the other hand stayed vigilant, leading them through the forest as best she can. 

She suddenly heard something running behind them, she stopped and turned around, readying her spear and shield. "P-Pyrrha?" Jaune asked her worried. 

"Get behind me Jaune!" She ordered him, to which he complied.

Pyrrha readied herself to defend them both from what ever was coming at them. She narrowed her eyes, ready to throw her spear when all of a sudden Jack came bursting out at break neck speed. 

He passed them before she could even lower her weapon, all the while yelling "Run run run run run run run........!" continuously. 

Both the blonde knight and bronze spartan just watched him run past and disappear, surprised and confused. That's when a Death Stalker busted through the trees and roared at them.

As it turned out, Jack was running away from the Death Stalker. Pyrrha quickly grabbed Jaune by the arm. "Run!" She yelled as she dragged Jaune away with her, running for their lives from the massive scorpion Grimm and following Jack.


The gust of wind was unbearable. It was so rough Ruby and Weiss were having a hard time trying to hear each other so they resulted in having to yell to each other. Which Weiss took as a great opportunity to berate the crimsonette.

"Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!" The heiress yelled, holding onto dear life to what appeared to be giant black feathers.

"We're fine! Stop worrying!" Ruby yelled back, holding onto the same thing as Weiss, the wind so great her cape was flapping all over the place.

"I am so far beyond worrying!" Weiss yelled again, unhappy of the situation that she is in.

Ruby paused for a sec trying to contemplate what Weiss meant. "In a good way?!"

Weiss didn't waste time to respond to that and to show how clearly mad she is. "In a bad way! In a very bad way!"

Having decided she has had enough of Weiss's bickering, Ruby offered a quick solution. "Well, why don't we just jump?!" A very well unplanned one at that.

"What are you, insane?!" Weiss yelled back in surprise at the suggestion. However she was even more surprised to find no reply. She looked again and found Ruby to be gone.

"Oh, you insufferable little red!" She yelled out.... to no one in particular but herself.


The group of four were still deciding on what to do. With Gopher looking around and Blake and Sam both still looking up into the sky.

Yang kept trying to get her partners attention. "Blake, did hear that? We should d-" she stopped as Blake then just pointed up at the sky.

Yang looked up and heard the yelling of her sister falling through the sky. "Heads up!"

Ruby continued to yell while falling, until another voice came yelling in and collided with her in mid air and they were both sent into another direction. If anyone had paid attention to who that was, it was Colt. 

The two teens both went flying towards a tree, but before they could hit it, in that split's of seconds. Colt managed to turn around and see who he collided with. In that same time span, he we quickly flipped himself and Ruby around, switching places with her as they went. 

Held held her close and activated his jet pack. Their speed was too fast but he figured the jets could slow him down just enough to avoid serious injury. And before he knew it, they hit the tree as everyone else just watched them vanish into the tree cover.

Ruby was the first to recover. She didn't receive the overall impact damage but still groaned from the sudden stop. "Ugh... what was that?" She asked, as her vision became clearer.

She looked around and noticed she was high up on a tree branch. She moved to stand up, but in doing so she realised that whatever she was leaning against was much softer than she anticipated. 

Turning around to see she came face to face with Colt who had his back against the tree. His head whirling around in circles, his eyes nothing but swirls and a few stars and mini cartoonish black elephants running around above his head.

"Uhhhh..." He said in a dazed tone, unaware of anything around him. 

Ruby blushed as she realised she was lying on top of him in a rather.... intimate position. She struggled to get up, trying not to wake Colt, but her constant movement snapped him out of his dazed state. 

Shaking his head rapidly to clear his thoughts Colt came to. "Uhh... my head." He groaned as he rubbed the back of his head. As he tried to stand up he felt there was some weight on him. 

Wondering what it was he opened his eyes and came eye to eye, or rather silver to silver, with Ruby. 

The sudden reveal stunned him. Both teens stayed frozen in place, unsure what to do and shocked at the current position they were in.

Eventually Ruby snapped out of it and scrambled back to her feet. "Gah! I'm sorry!" She yelled, all the while hiding her face from him to prevent him from seeing how red she was.

"T-That's alright Ruby, nothing to worry about." He said as he did the same as her by hiding his face, trying to hide how red his face was too.

"A-Are you ok?" She asked and held out her hand to him."

Looking up he nodded to her. "Yeah. I'm ok, thanks." He said, then taking her hand and being pulled up by her back onto his feet.

"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake asked as she and Yang both looked into the direction of where Ruby and Colt crash landed.

"I-" Yang started, but was interrupted by a loud growl. She along with Blake, Sam and Gopher turned to the direction of where it came from and saw trees being knocked down as an Ursa came into view, frantically waving it's arms in distress.

A big bright pink flashed followed by a loud bang appeared behind it, along with someone else yelling in joy. "Yeehaw!" They yelled as the grimm landed on its knees and eventually came falling down. 

It turned out to be Nora Valkyrie, as she was riding on the shoulder of the Ursa and then was sent rolling forward as it crashed.

She stood back up and realised the Grimm was now dead. "Aww. It's broken." Then quickly zipped to stand on top of the now dead Grimm

Lie Ren then appeared from behind it as well breathing heavily, indicating he must have been running/ chasing after Nora for awhile.

"Nora?" He said as he leaned against the Grimm. "Please... *Breathes* don't ever do that again." He said then looking back up, only to be met with a vanished Nora and the only thing that was left behind were pink outlines of where she formerly stood.

Nora had run up to the temple and stopped before White Rook/ Castle piece and awed at it. Shen then took it and started to sing 

"♪ I'm Queen of the castle ♪
♪ I'm Queen of the castle! ♪"

"NORA!!" Yelled Ren to make her stop. In this case it did.

Nora just giggled and gave a salute to Ren. "Hehehe, coming Ren!" She said as she started walking back to him.

"Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" Sam asked to his group.

Gopher turned to him. "Oh you're one to talk." He stated flatly, referring to when Sam earlier rode in on an Ursa himself when they met Blake and Yang.

"Point taken." Sam replied to him.

 The four heard another high pitched scream coming from the forest again. This time with Jack being followed by both Jaune and Pyrrha, all three being chased by the Death Stalker.

The Grimm snapped its claws a few times while hissing as it got closer, Jack looked back just in time to see the its claw coming right at them. 

"Duck!" He yelled to Pyrrha and Jaune

Jaune and Pyrrha ducked as Jack jumped between the pincers, he brought out his weapon, now in its sheath form, and whacked the claw over their heads back at the Grimm, essentially making it hit itself.

This bought him enough time to shove the others away and have the Grimm chase him instead. Jaune and Pyrrha stumbled away, with Pyrrha ending up landing on top of Jaune's back.

"I'm sorry!" Pyrrha said in worry, scrambling to her feet.

"My back..." Jaune groaned while reaching out to nothing.

Jack meanwhile continued leading the Death Stalker away. He looked to his front and spotted Colt with Ruby in the tree. 

"Colt!" He yelled.

"Jack!" Responded Colt, leaning against the tree, the dizziness of the crash still affecting him.

"Whoa!" Ruby gasped at the site and started to run up the branch and jump off.

"Ruby!" Colt yelled out to her, but it was no use.

Ruby tucked and rolled and ended up landing next to Yang and everyone else.

"Ruby?" Yang exclaimed in surprise, seeing her sister appear out of nowhere.

"Yang!" Ruby yelled in excitement and went to go give her sister a hug.

But then Nora jumped in between the two interrupting them. 

"Nora!" She went making the two sister gasp and jump.

Jack then pulled out his sword and sank it into the ground, dragging it along as he ran. He activated his semblance. The ice travelling from his hand down onto his weapon and eventually into the ground. 

The ground behind him started being covered in sheets of ice, making it very slipper for anything to walk across.... in this case the Death Stalker. As it stepped on the icy ground it started slipping. And since it was coming at speed it had no way of stopping itself. 

Jack turned 90 digress away and let the Grimm go crashing into a bunch of trees, knocking them down in the proceeds.

"Did Jack seriously just run all this way here with a Death Stalker on his ass?" Gopher asked out loud as Jack then joined up with them, breathing heavily from all the running.

"Screw *Breaths* You." He said, trying to get his breath back.

Yang, now frustrated at so many things going on at once, exploded with fire coming out of her as she did. "I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?" She exclaimed, her eyes now red with rage. Literally. 

Gopher just looked at her with a questioning look. "Define crazy for people like us please?" He asked sarcastically.

Everyone just stayed silent as a timer in the background was ticking. Ren ran up to them to join Nora with Jaune and Pyrrha joining too, and on cue after 2 seconds there was a ding.

Ruby decided to look up and tapped Yang on the shoulder. "Um... Yang?" She then pointed up at the sky.

Up above them was Weiss, now hanging onto the talon of a Nevermore that she and Ruby and rode on all the way to the temple.

"How could you leave me?!" She screamed, while still hanging on by a thread.

"I said 'jump'..." Was Ruby's only response to the situation.

"She's gonna fall." Blake stated flatly. 

"She'll be fine." Ruby replied to her.

"She's falling." Came Ren, standing next to Nora who was using her hands as binoculars. 

"You guys rode on that thing!" Sam said in surprise at Ruby.

"Dude... not now." Gopher told his partner as he continued to look up at the falling heiress.

They all watched as Weiss was falling helplessly out of the sky with no hope.

Jack watched this with his arms crossed until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to be faced with Gopher who looked to him and motioned up to Weiss, suggesting he save her.

Jack narrowed his eyes at him as if saying 'No way'. But Gopher countered by just staring back with a smug look and raising an eyebrow with the expression of 'Just do it, you won't regret this."

Jack slumped his shoulders in defeat. "Fine! I'll do it." He then marched out and held out his arms, positioning himself under Weiss in order to catch her.

While waiting for Weiss to come down Gopher decided to speak up. "Hey Jack? Remember to catch this one alright?" He said in a somewhat mocking tone.

Jack then looked back down at Gopher. "Huh? What do you mean?!"

Before he could get a reply, Weiss came crashing down on top of him. Jack went face down onto the ground while Weiss landed on his back.

Everyone else reeled back in anguish believing that to have hurt a lot.

"My hero." Weiss said coldly while mockingly checking her nails as she used her 'hero' back, as a cushion.

"Grrrr... get off!" Jack replied from under her.

Weiss huffed and crossed her arms. Jack growled before bucking his back and making Weiss fall off him and standing back up, dusting himself off.

"Hey! You could have hurt me you idiot!" The heiress yelled at him for the action he just did.

The ice warrior only gave her a stare. "You're welcome." he said coldly then walking back to everyone else. Weiss followed back as well to join up with Ruby. Colt then landed next to them having fully recovered from his dizziness.

With everyone together now Yang decided to yell out. "Great! The gang's all here!" She said. Making everyone look at each other with questioning looks.

A sudden roar came over them and they all turned to see the Death Stalker from before charging at them. "And now we can die together." Gopher said.

"Not if I can help it!" Ruby said confidently. She took off running at the Grimm, yelling in the process.

"Ruby, wait!" Yang called out to her.

"Ruby!" Colt called out too. Seeing as she wasn't going to listen to him he turned to his friends. "Cover!"

Gopher, Sam and Jack all nodded and pulled out their weapons, switching to their gun modes and following Colt.

Ruby had unfolded her scythe, she cocked the chamber of her rifle and aimed behind her and pulling the trigger. The force of the round sent her launching forward at tremendous speeds.

She got ready to strike the Grimm, but her timing was off as the Death Stalker blocked her attack, sending her stumbling backwards. 

Getting back up Ruby tried to salvage every last bit of pride that she could. "D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!" She stuttered.

The sound of footsteps behind made her turn around, the Scorpion Grimm now only a mere few feet from her.

Ruby aimed her rifle at the Grimm and fired. The shot bounced off its head but the force of the blast helped send her a few more feet back, giving her ample time to fold her weapon away and run.

"RUBY!" Yang yelled out, seeing her sister in trouble. She ran up after the boys who was well ahead of her.

"Get ready to take that thing down!" Yelled Colt as he and the others got ready to open fire on the Grimm. But before they could.

"12 O'clock! High!" Sam yelled. All 4 looked up to see the Nevermore from before now low to the ground chasing Ruby. 

"Switch targets! Aim for its wings!!" Colt ordered, as they all switched to the flying Grimm, taking aim at its wings, the best way to down any flying bird. Grimm or not.

Before they could open fire, the Nevermore used it's wings to blow a huge blast of wind at the four. 

All of them got sent flying back to everyone at the temple while Yang managed to ground herself. When the wind settled she continued running, intent on saving her sister.

Seeing as it wasn't going to catch the scythe wielder, the giant Nevermore opted for another strategy. It flicked it's wings forwards and shot out a barrage of it's own feathers. They were sent flying as deadly sharp arrows at the sisters.

Ruby didn't stop running as the feathers started to land all around her until one eventually snagged her cape.

The feathered arrows kept creeping up to Yang, making her stop dead in her tracks and blocking her path.

She witnessed how Ruby was struggling to get her cape free from the feather. "Ruby, get out of there!"

"I'm trying!" She yelled back.

Colt and the others manage to recover from their encounter. He looked up in time to see the Death Stalker had closed in and raised its tail. Ruby looked up and saw the stinger coming down, unable to avoid it now.

"RUBY!" Yang yelled desperately trying in vain to do anything.

"NO!" Colt yelled as he witnessed at what was about to happen.

Weiss readied her rapier and conjured up a Glyph. But before she could do anything else, a blue blur flew past her, followed by a sonic boom, soon quickly passing by Yang as it closed in on Ruby and the Grimm.

Everyone just watched as the stinger got closer and closer. It and the blue blur both meeting Ruby at the same time. The area then exploded in a thick dust dirt cloud, obscuring everyone from knowing of what happened.


And end! Of part 1...... I know, I'm evil. 

Deal with it.

But yeah, turns out this was going to be far longer than I anticipated so I had no choice but to break it into 2 parts..... again.


Well hopefully I left you all with a good cliff hangar in the end ther.

See you all for the next one.

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