The Emerald Forest Part 2.5

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This chapter is going to be short since I wanted to finish up with Part 2.

So enjoy! If you dare........



Colt and Jack both turned back to the cave, looking into the dark void that lay beyond.

They grabbed their weapons, switching them to rifle mode.

Jack reached into a pouch and pulled out an attachable tactical flashlight. "Getting real cozy with Ruby there I see." He said as he attached the torch to his gun barrel.

Colt didn't shift his gaze from the cave, but still responded. "Oh shut up." He said, holding out his hand to Jack, who then placed a second tactical light into the blue huntsman's hand.

Colt attached it to his rifles barrel and cocked the chamber. "Set?" He asked.

"Set." Jack replied, as both teens then aimed down the sights of their weapons to the cave.

"Move out." Colt ordered and both boys then slowly made their into the dark cave, disappearing into the thick black as they went deeper and deeper.

The area that both groups left was now just empty. Until a large black feather came falling down like a leaf, landing in the middle of the ground as a large shadow passed by over head.



Back at the temple, after Blake suggested they choose a piece, Yang was busy inspecting the stone pedestal containing the White Knight chess piece. She gave it some thought before picking it up and waving it around. "How about a cute little pony?" She said to Blake.

Blake only rolled her eyes. "Sure." Was her only reply before putting on a smile and walking over to Yang.

"That wasn't too hard." Yang said to her partner.

"Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find mind you." Came a voice.

Both girls turned to see Gopher and Sam approaching them, with Gopher holding a White King piece in his hand.

Yang put on a big smile. "So you guys managed to pick a piece too?"

Gopher nodded. "Yup. There's another one over there as well." He said then pointing to a second White King on another pedestal.

"Weird." Came Blake. "Aren't there suppose to be only one King and Queen pieces of each colour?" She asked to everyone.

Sam just shrugged. "Yeah, but this isn't a chess game we are playing right now. Maybe there is a duplicate so every two man team can get a piece?" He said.

The others only nodded and so decided to plan their next move.


Colt and Jack

The two warriors kept slowly making their way into the cave. Their flashlights on their rifle providing adequate lighting while not overly saturating the entire area with bright light.

  They kept walking a few more meters before Colt's light started flickering. It flickered a few more times before completely dying. "Jack, my lights out." He said

Before Jack could respond, his own torch started flickering too before going out as well. "Mine too. What the hell?" He asked, really confused as to how this happened.

"Did you seriously grab the most useless torches from the base?" Colt said to him. Even though he knows there is no way Jack would have grabbed the most useless piece of equipment since Jack always makes sure they have the best gear. But Jack is is always the only one who grabs these things for them so naturally the blame would fall onto him.

"Do you honestly think I would?!" He argued back in the complete dark. 

"Well then how do you explain this situation we are in right now?!" Colt shot back at him.

"I don't know. Magnetic interference or something? I just don't know." Jack said, trying himself to also understand what was going on.

Colt didn't let up however. "Can't you use your Tac Eye? I know it has a built in Night Vision setting." 

Jack simply shook his head. "I need a source of light in order for it to work, so we are in the blind right now." He explained.

Colt was about to say to his friend that that is stupidest design flaw, when all of a sudden a warm breeze came over them from the deeper end of the cave. 

Even though they were completely in the dark, they still had a good sense of direction and sense of proximity to each other. 

Colt was the first to speak up. "I don't think we are alone in here." He said with a bit of worry.

Jack only brushed the it aside, believing it to be a simple breeze. "That's just your imagination."

Colt turned into the direction he believed Jack to be in. "Oh yeah?!" He said.

"Yeah!" Jack replied also turning in the direction of Colt.

Before anything else could be said, the entire cave then slowly started to light up in a sea of red, with a very loud hissing sound followed after words. 

The source of the light and noise was only a few meters from the two. 

Both boys continued to stare at each other as they were now visible, as if they were ignoring the source. 

Colt raised a smug eye brow Jack as if he said 'You were saying?' Jack only continued staring back, giving the expression of 'I hate you' to Colt.

"*Sigh*" Jack exhaled. His next word was only in a deadpanned tone. 



"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Came the loud yells from a distance. 

Gopher and Yang were the first to react. "Someone's in trouble!" Yang said in worry."

"I really hope it's not who I think it is." Gopher said, looking in the direction of the noise.

Sam and Blake just both continued to stare into the sky, not saying anything.

Not hearing a response from her partner Yang turned to Blake. "Blake, did you hear that?" She asked.

Cave Entrance

Both boys continued screaming until they were both throw out of the mouth of the cave. With Jack being sent further back than Colt who landed not that far from the entrance.

Then suddenly a massive colossal scorpion Grimm came out, destroying the entrance due to its immense size.

 Both boys were still lying on their backs, facing the Grimm.

"Death Stalker!" Jack yelled.

"Shoot it!" Colt yelled too.

Both then started shooting quickly at the Death Stalker. They were in such a hurry they didn't even stand up and only kept on shooting with their backs to the ground.

Colt kept shooting round after round of his sniper rifle at it while Jack just held down the trigger and full autoed his weapon. 

The Grimm covered it's face with it's giant pincers, protecting itself from the barrage of bullets before lurching back and sending it's stinger down at Colt.

Colt gasped when he saw it and shielded himself as the stinger came crashing down, enveloping the ground in a dust cloud.

Jack stood up, shocked to see that his best friend got it. "COLT!" He yelled out.

The dust started to settle and out from it, Colt rolled back onto his back with a massive grin at the Death Stalker. "Ha! You missed!" He said taunting the creature.

The scorpion grimm then roared and lifted its tail back up. That's when Colt felt a tug on his hoodie. "Huh?" Was his reply when he suddenly got pulled up too.

It turns out the stinger managed to snag him and now he was left hanging by his hoodie. 

"Colt!" Jack yelled out again seeing his partner now swinging around frantically as the Death Stalker was moving around.

"Shoot it!" Colt yelled, desperately trying to free his hood from the golden stinger. The Grimm then started to rock back and forth as it too now realised the blue huntsman was was stuck against it's stinger.

Jack on the other hand aimed down his sights at the creature but found that Colt was constantly in the way for a clean hit. "I can't get a shot!" He yelled.

Colt was continued being rocked back and forth, only managing one word at a time. "Just! Shoot!-"

He didn't finish as the Death Stalker lurched back again and flung the boy away. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" He yelled as he was sent flying.

Jack just watched him go flying, then turned back when he heard the Death Stalker growl at him. Realising he was outmatched, Jack gave a nervous chuckle while scratching the back of his head. "Uh.... toodles!" He said then zipped away leaving a small dust cloud.

The temple

"Blake, did you hear that?" Yang asked again to the goth girl who was still looking up into the sky along side the wolf boy.

Not getting anything from her her partner, Yang then switched to Gopher. "Gopher! What should we do?" She asked him.

The ginger shook his. "I don't know." he replied.

Then all of a sudden a high pitched scream was came falling out of the sky. "Heads up!"


Welp I hoped you guys like part 2 and 2.5! Now onto the more juicier scenes and the most anticipated part of the story I've been wanting to write.

So stay tuned! Who knows? Maybe I might get this finished before the 29th since I have a lot more time on my hands.

Anyways hope you enjoyed! 

Phoenix signing out.

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