Episode 3

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FGO Babylonia EP 3


King Gilgamesh looked at the Chaldeans passively, waiting for them to make a move.

"So, he wants us to show our strength," Fujimaru said.

"Ana, sorry, but would you give them a hand?" Merlin asked.

Ana sighed. "So, I'm being forced into a useless fight again. Please die, Merlin." Ana materialised her scythe anyway, ready to aid Mash and Fujimaru. Her cloak opened, revealing silver armour underneath.

"Looks like things are about to get exciting," Ren said.

"I'm going to beat you so bad, Jaune," Ruby said.

"Fearless leader is going to wipe the floor with you!" Nora declared.

"This should be interesting," Pyrrha said.

Runes appeared in a semicircle on the tablet in Gilgamesh's hand. Behind him, golden portals opened as magical staffs appeared from them, firing bolts of magical energy at Mash.

Mash blocked them with her shield as Ana leaped up behind her, sending her scythe and chain at Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh effortlessly shot them away. Unperturbed, Ana retracted her weapons and jumped off a pillar towards him. Mash dashed forward to join her.

"So, he shoots lasers out of those staffs?" Penny said.

"He's actually fighting at less than full strength," Zack said. "He used up most of his magical energy setting up Uruk's defences."

"Then he is at a disadvantage," Adam said.

Zack held back a snort. Yeah, disadvantage. Let's go with that.

Gilgamesh gracefully moved away from Mash's shield bash and Ana's scythe. He dodged from Mash's follow up, summoning a staff to block Ana's thrown chain then dodged back from the scythe.

Ana wrapped her chain around a pillar, using it to send her towards Gilgamesh for a kick. Gilgamesh merely moved his head to avoid it. Ana swung around the pillar, hoping to attack Gilgamesh from behind.

"Mash!" Fujimaru ordered.

Mash teleported in front of Gilgamesh, shield ready. He was now facing both Mash and Ana from front and back.

Two staffs appeared from golden portals, blocking both attacks at once. The staffs charged with energy, sending both of them back.

The two landed gracefully, ready for any counterattack by Gilgamesh.

"That was fast," Tai said. "But Gilgamesh wasn't even trying."

"It's like he was purposely being conservative throughout the fight," Summer said.

"It is just to test them," Raven said. "No need to go all out and wreck the throne room."

Gilgamesh merely dematerialised his tablet.

"A waste of time." Gilgamesh walked back to his throne. "I want nothing to do with you. Begone!"

They stared at the king, unsure how to react at the abrupt change in attitude.

"Ouch," Qrow said. "Looks like he just dismissed them."

"That was cold," Sun said.

"He just fought them for less than a minute and must have found them wanting," Vernal said.

"Your Majesty," Siduri said. "Are they the strangers you spoke of?"

"Merlin brought them here, so yes, they probably are," Gilgamesh said.

"King Gilgamesh!" Fujimaru said. "Can we get at least a word with you?"

"There's no need for that!" Gilgamesh said. "Know that I am capable of all things, and so, possess all knowledge. I am already aware of what you over at Chaldea are about."

"The scary thing is that he's not boasting," Zack said.

"Seriously?" Neptune said. "Is there anything he can't do?"

"Being humble," Zack said. Fou barked in agreement.

"So he's the opposite of Jaune," Saphron said.

"Th-Then, that's all the more reason to hear us out!" Fujimaru said. "If we don't retrieve the Holy Grail from this era, humanity will be destroyed! So, as fast as possible..."

Gilgamesh made a portal appear, and out of it came the Holy Grail.

Ozpin, Salem, Amber and Cinder squirmed a bit. They could feel the sheer amount of magical energy stored in that cup.

"Ooh, shiny!" Emerald said.

"What's so special about a cup?" Mercury said.

"It can grant one wish, no matter what it is," Zack said.

"Sounds like trouble just waiting to happen," Roman said.

"The Grail..." Fujimaru said in shock.

"What's wrong?" Gilgamesh said. "You're after the Grail, aren't you? And?"

"Is that the Holy Grail?" Mash said. "B-But how?"

"Of course," Gilgamesh said. "All the riches in this world are mine. This Holy Grail is probably what the Three Goddess Alliance is after. Otherwise, they'd have no reason to attack Uruk."

"That's actually his Grail, not the one sent to the past," Zack said.

"So they still have to retrieve it," Nicolas said.

"U-Um—" Fujimaru said.

Gilgamesh cut him off. "And don't you dare ask me to give this Holy Grail to you. There's no reason for me to give you any of my treasures!"

"That's..." Mash said.

Fujimaru thought about what they should do next then stepped forward. "Then, what if we defeat the Three Goddess Alliance in exchange?"

There was silence, then...

Gilgamesh started laughing. "Defeat them? You'll defeat those goddesses? Siduri, those fools may make me laugh myself to death!"

"What's so funny about it?" Robyn asked. "Seemed like a legitimate offer."

"Did you not hear the word goddess in that sentence?" Sienna said. "I doubt it'll be easy or even possible."

'It was surprisingly not as hard as one would think,' Zack thought. 'Then again, that may be because of Ritsuka's special skill when it came to attracting women. Damn harem protagonists.'

Siduri merely resigned herself to her king's amusement.

"Wow, that was a good one," Gilgamesh said. "I'll put it down in the court records. It'll say, 'The king is in great abdominal pain,'. However, I must protect Uruk no matter what. I don't need help from Chaldea!"

A soldier entered the throne room. "Forgive me for interrupting your pleasant chat, my king!"

"Does this look like a pleasant chat to you?" Gilgamesh said. "Are you blind?"

"Sounded pleasant to me," Yang said.

"He hasn't called them mongrels yet," Zack said. "So that's something."

"Mongrel?" Watts asked.

"Gilgamesh's favourite word," Zack said. "He mellowed out with age, so he's less likely to insult everyone."

"Jaune," Saphron said. "And you kept telling us to watch our language."

Jaune grumbled.

"Oh, uh..." the soldier said. "We just heard your laughter echoing throughout the ziggurat."

"Fool!" Gilgamesh said. "Don't you know that, at a certain age, one can laugh at the drop of a hat? No matter. What is it?"

"Yes, sir!" the soldier said. "She's heading for Uruk at high speed! It's one of the Three Goddess Alliance members, Ishtar!"

"A goddess, so soon?" Kali said.

"Wonder if she's hot?" Cardin said.

"Men," Ilia said. She did not wonder the same thing.

"I hope she's nice," Oscar said.

Gilgamesh sighed. "That fool again? Does she never learn?"

"What did you say?" a familiar voice asked from outside the ziggurat.

The ceiling exploded as the Weiss lookalike came riding in on a blue and gold bow shaped object.

"Weiss!" her friends exclaimed.

"I'm a goddess!" Weiss said.

"My sister is a goddess!" Winter and Whitley exclaimed.

Jacques suddenly felt the need to stay far away from her. For some reason, he just knew being near her would be bad for his health.

Zack brought out a sheet. "Here, some information about her."

Saphron accepted the sheet of paper. "Class: Archer. Strength: B, Endurance: B, Agility: B, Mana: EX, Luck: A, Noble Phantasm: A++."

"To be precise," Zack said, "E-rank strength is about on par with Yang at her strongest, while EX is unquantifiable."

"Those are pretty high stats," Jaune said.

"There's a profile too," Ironwood said. " A goddess of beauty, good harvests, and war from Mesopotamian mythology. Said to be the most pampered, or rather, most beloved goddess by the other deities.

This form is not that of the goddess Ishtar herself, but a pseudo-Servant condition in which a human that has a wavelength close to her own was made into a vessel.

She says that her role is to watch over humans in a way appropriate for a goddess, but that means to watch over while snickering."

"Sounds like her alright," Ren said.

"Is that Lady Ishtar?" a soldier said.

"Retreat!" another soldier yelled. "Everyone, retreat! She's going to smite us!"

"Huh? Senpai, isn't that girl..." Mash said.

"It's her!" Fujimaru said. "Is she one of the Three Goddesses?"

"Oh?" Ishtar said as she laid eyes on the Chaldeans.

"Well," Fujimaru said, "I guess we meet again."

"Stand aside!" Ishtar ordered. "I only have business with Goldie over there."

"Oh, strange things do happen," Gilgamesh said. "To think that the Goddess Ishtar worries about someone's safety..."

Ishtar became embarrassed. "H-Huh? I-I'm not considering their safety or anything like that! It's more for the sake of Uruk!"

Ishtar shook her head. "Wait, it's no longer mine, so I don't care about Uruk, either!" She turned towards Fujimaru's group, who can only stare at the tsundere's rant.

Everyone laughed at that, to Weiss' embarrassment.

"Don't worry Weiss," Ruby said. "We'd stick with you even when you're being difficult."

"Thanks," Weiss muttered. She was not a tsundere!

Ishtar shook. "Why is it... I'm even pissing myself off now! Okay, I don't care anymore! I'll blow everything to smithereens!"

Ishtar pointed her left arm at Gilgamesh, energy charging at her fingertips. She sent a blast at Gilgamesh, who didn't even move from his throne.

"Temper dear," Willow said.

"Yes, mother," Weiss said. She was sure Jaune would be fine. A little blast of energy never killed anyone.

Mash jumped in front of him and deflected the shot.

Ana appeared in front of her and swung her scythe. Ishtar blocked it with her bow.

"How is that thing a bow anyway?" Emerald asked.

"It's the Boat of Heaven Maana," Zack said. "It's basically an airship and a bow that shoots lasers."

"Nice!" Ruby said. Her scythe was still better though.

Ishtar kicked Ana away, but Ana had wrapped her chain around Ishtar's wrist, using it to land safely, though winded.

"Can we talk?" Fujimaru asked.

"I'm not done yet!" Ishtar pulled out several jewels in her hand.

Gilgamesh shot them using his gauntlet. "Like I'd let you!"

"Those precious jewels," Roman said. He looked at Jaune. "Why would you do something like that!"

"Uh, I'm sorry?" Jaune copied Pyrrha for a moment.

'Those precious jewels!' Neo typed.

"All I know is that Merlin is being useless again," Salem said.

Ozpin wondered about that. Why was Merlin avoiding fights? Surely he wouldn't be a grand mage if he was weak?

"Damn you!" Ishtar flew forward, avoiding Mash and using Ana's chains to bind her feet.

"Wh-What?" Mash said.

Ishtar chuckled. "Did you think I'd brute force everything? You're an idiot."

"Not bad," Glynda said. "Using your opponent's weapon against them."

Weiss preened at the teacher's praise.

Ishtar spotted a still recovering Ana and prepared her attack.

Fujimaru got in front of Ana. "Just listen to us!"

"You're voluntarily stepping forward? You fail as a Master," Ishtar said. "Wait..."

Ishtar stopped her attack and walked towards them. She took a close look at Ana. "So, that's what's going on. Things are getting complicated. I changed my mind." Ishtar turned to leave the ziggurat.

"What's chibi-Ruby have to do with this?" Blake asked.

"Spoilers," Zack said. Hmm, how would Tai react to his baby girl all grown up? Heck, how would Yang react to seeing Ruby becoming more stacked than her?

"Astonishing," Gilgamesh said, having not left his throne throughout the fight. "You're running away with your tail between your legs?"

"I just dropped by while I was out for a stroll," Ishtar said as she materialised her bow. "See you, oh shirtless King of Uruk! And Siduri, when Gilgamesh dies, it's not like I won't save Uruk, so keep a white flag ready!"

"You're one to talk," Miltia said. "He's decent compared to you."

"At least put on a jacket," Melanie said.

'Funny thing is that her summer form wears more than her normal form,' Zack thought.

Ishtar flew out of the hole she created in the ceiling. She flew away at high speeds, leaving Uruk.

"A white flag?" Siduri mimicked waving a flag. "What does she mean?"

"That woman is such a nuisance!" Gilgamesh said. "Well, fine, let's get back to work, Siduri."

"Yes," Siduri said. "We shall resume planning to flood the Tigris River. There has been suggestion that we use red clay from Ummah as new soil."

"They're not even fazed," Ironwood said. "They went back to work like this is normal."

"Works not going to do itself," Ozpin said.

"I'd expected there would be change to the king with Ishtar's appearance," Mash said.

"There's not much we could do now," Merlin said. "Let's go find a place to stay for tonight." He whispered, "The king is moody, so maybe he'll listen to you guys tomorrow."

"You nitwit!" Gilgamesh said. "Uruk is in unprecedented danger. I have no time to deal with your Chaldean field trip! However, if you still say you want to assist me..."

Fujimaru's group were outside of the ziggurat during sunset.

"Work our way up from the bottom?" Fujimaru repeated Gilgamesh's words.

"Do not worry," Siduri said. "We shall oversee your stay here for the time being."

"Um, were you the one assisting the king earlier?" Fujimaru asked.

"Pardon the belated introductions," Siduri said. "I am Siduri. I manage the Ritual Sect."

"So, I can do magic?" Nora asked.

"Yes, but you're not very good with it," Zack said. "You're more like the hot secretary that the boss relies on."

"Welcome to suffering, Ms. Valkryie," Glynda said.

Ozpin looked offended. Working for him wasn't that bad.

They walked through the city streets of Uruk, where the people remained as lively as ever.

"I shall give you some advice," Siduri said. "If you would like for the king to listen, having some noteworthy achievements would be the fastest way."

"When you say 'achievements'," Mash said, "do you mean combat in the Demonic Front?"

"Instead of that," Siduri said, "how about you go and help with the various jobs in the city?"

Gilgamesh picked up a tablet and began reading, still hard at work despite the setting sun.

"I will go and make job arrangements for you," Siduri finished.

"Jobs within Uruk, you say?" Mash said.

"I will do everything I can because the king ordered me to take care of you," Siduri said. "It's not often that he says something like that."

"Sounds tedious and a waste of their talents," Hazel said.

"Gilgamesh is already well aware of their accomplishments," Zack said.

"Then why is he making them do odd jobs?" Amber asked.

"To test how committed they are to help him defend Uruk," Zack said. "And to prepare for the battle to come."

"Now that's ominous," Tyrian said.

They stood outside a small clay house. It was quite large for the standards of the time.

"This is..." Fujimaru said.

They walked inside and looked around. "...our home base."

"Yes," Siduri confirmed. "This is where you'll be staying. It's old, but it should be sufficient for your needs."

"Thank you very much, Siduri," Fujimaru said.

"It's the Chaldean Embassy, Master!" Mash said. "We already have a home to call our own!"

"I have a room in the ziggurat," Merlin said as he climbed the stairs, "but this place looks more fun. Why don't you go look too, Ana?"

"No, it's fine," Ana said.

"Ana! You should come over here!" Merlin called out from upstairs.

"It looks like I need to watch over him," Ana said.

"Yes," Salem said. "Watch over the old man. You never know if he's up to some mischief."

Ozpin grumbled.

"He does seem suspicious," Summer agreed. "Ruby should keep an eye on him."

"Yes, mom," Ruby said.

"I'd like to put up curtains near the entrance among other things," Mash said.

"Well, shall we get ready?" Fujimaru asked.

"Right," Mash said.

She placed her shield on the ground and prepared to connect to Chaldea.

"Deploying Round Table," Mash said as her shield began glowing. "Anchoring Leyline coordinates!"

The light continued to grow brighter until a projection of Ozpin appeared.

"Um, do you have proper visuals, Fujimaru?" Ozpin asked.

"Yes," Fujimaru said. "We can see clearly, Doctor. Even inside your nostrils."

Ozpin backed up from the screen. "Oh no, why are you eyeing that of all things? But I'm glad that it's easy to prove your existence in Uruk. We can chat face-to-face like this."

"Couldn't they already communicate with them?" Oobleck asked.

"Yes," Zack said, "but now they can do it face to face. Not to mention send along anything they might actually need now that a summoning circle has been set up."

"Damn that's useful," Clover said.

Da Vinci walked in with a cup of coffee.

"But still," Da Vinci said, "I was shocked to see you found an alliance of goddesses. I thought you wouldn't run into any living gods. Ishtar's Spirit Origin was extremely close to the real thing."

The screen began displaying the readings they had on Ishtar.

Da Vinci continued. "A god's Authority is a Mystic far beyond Magecraft. You could call it a 'manifestation of omnipotence'."

Weiss smirked. Of course she was a badass.

"Someone's cocky," Robyn said.

"She's just asking for someone to cut her down to size," Adam said.

"We're not sure who your true foe is in that era," Ozpin said, "but it's clear that the goddesses aren't on your side. Anyway, about how you should act from here on..."

Someone's shadow could be seen from the door.

"Oh, this is quite an intriguing spell."

Fujimaru and Mash turned around to see who had come. The three were obviously Servants, with how different they looked compared to the people of Uruk.

They were two women and a man. The shorter girl looked like Coco, the taller one in a helmet looked like Pyrrha while the man looked like Yatsuhashi.

"Look! We're in this Yatsu!" Coco said.

"Oh?" Yatsuhashi said. Fox grumbled that he had yet to make an appearance.

Velvet took a picture of the scene. That armour definitely looked like something Coco would wear for the amusement of it. They barely covered her breast!

"Looking good, Pyrrha," Yang teased as she turned as red as her hair at what her other was wearing. "Nice armour."

Zack nodded. Following video game logic, the less armoured you were, the tougher you were. Not that Servants actually needed armour anyway.

(Imagine something like this for Leonidas/Pyrrha)

The scene changed to night.


Merlin gulped down his drink. "I live for this kind of thing!"

Fujimaru and Mash drank their drinks as well.

"But in any case..." Fujimaru said.

"I didn't realize that King Gilgamesh had already summoned Servants. Such reliable allies, Senpai!"

"Yep," Merlin said. "They all have their quirks."

"Merlin, were you summoned by the king, too?" Fujimaru asked.

"Yeah," Merlin said. "I mentioned how a powerful summoner brought me here, right?"

"So, you were talking about King Gilgamesh," Fujimaru said as the Coco lookalike snuck up on him.

"There used to be seven of them actually," Zack said.

"What happened to them?" Winter asked.

"Well, I already mentioned the one who died taking the commander of the Demonic Beasts with her," Zack said. "One decided she wanted to play bandit and went AWOL. Two others died against one of the goddesses."

"What about Merlin?" Oscar asked.

"He was summoned first and helped Gilgamesh summon the other seven," Zack said.

"Fate must have brought is together, Lord Fujimaru!" she said. "Here, have a drink!"

She poured more of the drink into his cup.

"Thank you, Ushiwakamaru," Fujimaru said.

"I hope that wasn't alcoholic," Glynda said.

"That might actually be safer in that time period," Oobleck said. "Water isn't as clean as it is now, with our purification and boiling. People preferred beer and ale over water because of that."

"Neat," Qrow said. Not that he ever needed a reason.

Ushiwakamaru stood up on her chair. "Fujimaru, humanity's final Master who has come from a distant world to this troubled land! We shall help you in every way possible to the best of our abilities!"

"Th-Thank you," Fujimaru said.

"Ushiwakamaru," the Yatsuhashi lookalike said, "I think you should limit furthering your own drinking, as well."

"What was that, Benkei?" Ushiwakamaru said, annoyed that he interrupted her speech.

"Kill joy," Coco said.

"Can't have you drunk now, can we?" Velvet said.

"Someone has to be the responsible one here," Fox said. "And you're not it."

"How about you, Leonidas?" Merlin asked the red head. "The ale of this country is truly tasty! A little bit can't hurt, right?"

"No, I require only nutrients!" Leonidas said. "Alcohol should not be enjoyed until after we've wiped out the Demonic Beasts!"

"Not even a sip?" Qrow asked the spartan.

"No thanks," Pyrrha said.

"Suit yourself," Qrow said as he downed his beer.

Ironwood nodded with Leonidas words. You can celebrate when the enemy was dead.

Siduri walked in with a plate of food. "Here. This is your plate, Fujimaru."

"Thank you very much," Fujimaru said.

Fujimaru looked at his plate of ribs and soup with hunger. "Since we're talking about food before the Christian Era, I couldn't imagine what it'd be like at all, but..."

"Something smells very good!" Mash said.

Stomachs growled in the room.

"Those look very good," Whitley said.

"Is that mutton?" Vernal said.

"Why, I could eat the whole sheep," Port said.

Fujimaru took a bite out of his ribs.

Fujimaru and Mash looked at each other as they savoured the taste of the food. "So juicy!"

Siduri placed more plates on the table. "How is it? Does Uruk cuisine suit your palate?"

The two nodded enthusiastically.

"I'm glad to hear that!" Siduri said. "In Uruk, ale and mutton are what keep us alive. In addition to that, as long as people smile, this place is filled with happiness. That is what Uruk is."

"So little is known about ancient cuisine," Oobleck said. "This will help me write a thesis about it!"

"So his doctorate is in history?" Ruby asked.

"You didn't know?" Ozpin asked. "Seemed obvious since he's your history professor."

Fujimaru turned to the youngest person there. "Ana, what about your milk?"

"This is delicious," Ana said as she drank her milk.

Ana realized what she said. "I don't like sweet stuff."

"Perish the thought," Weiss said.

"I can't believe she would actually say that," Yang said. Ruby, not like sweets? And pigs could fly.

Blake took out a plate of cookies. "Well, if you don't like sweets, I suppose you don't want any cookies then?"

"Give me!" Ruby snatched the plate away, devouring them in seconds.

"We also have some butter cakes for you today," Siduri said.

"This is..." Ana had stars in her eyes as she drooled.

"It is one of the best desserts," Siduri said. "Please have as much as you wish."

Ana blushed and turned towards everyone, who pretended not to see her moment of embarrassment.

"So cute," Summer said as she squealed.

"This brings back memories," Tai said.

"I have pictures," Qrow said.

"Send them to us later," Jaune said. Blackmail on your friends was always a good thing.

Ana took a bite of a slice of the butter cake.

"Ana?" Fujimaru asked.

Ana turned towards Siduri. "Um, can I save a piece for later?"

"Yes," Siduri said, "but please eat it before lunch tomorrow. It will go bad otherwise."

"Listen here!" Leonidas yelled as he stood up, obviously drunk. "Warriors are mathematicians! Two hours of battle requires a 15-minute nap! Requires it! And yet..."

"Uh oh," Sun said. "Looks like someone can't hold her liquor."

"I've never really found out," Pyrrha said. Getting inebriated with a polarity Semblance didn't sound like the smartest thing.

"We'll make sure that the room's free of metal if you ever want to find out how good your tolerance is," Nora said. "And your right! Two hours of battle does need 15-minutes rest!"

Merlin laughed as Siduri looked shocked. "What? Who poured ale into General Leonidas's cup?"

"Who knows?" an obviously guilty Ushiwakamaru said. "It's good medicine for her if you ask me. She hasn't rested as much as she says she has."

"Coco!" Velvet groaned.

"I regret nothing," Coco grinned. "Besides, she needs to loosen up a bit. It's not my fault she got drunk after one cup."

"At least she's not trashing the room," Glynda said with a sigh. Students, what could you do about them?

"And yet!" Leonidas yelled. "The younger soldiers tell me! I'm the only one who can immediately wake up among a horde of Demonic Beasts..."

"Hmm, a useful skill," Ozpin said. "Maybe we should implement that in our curriculum?"

The students paled. Were they going to one day find themselves in the middle of a Grimm nest when they were sound asleep in bed the night before?

Cinder wondered if Ozpin was not perhaps even more sadistic than Salem?

She collapsed.


A newly lit candle is placed on the table as Leonidas slept.

"Then, is Enkidu dead like the legends says?" Fujimaru asked.

"Yes," Siduri said. "The king watched as Enkidu dies, and buried his friend in the Underworld. There was nothing so beautiful or so sad as Enkidu. He may have been a puppet made by the gods, but he gained a heart. Then, he was shattered, heart and all."

"Enkidu gained a heart," Mash said, "but was shattered along with it..."

Penny felt a strange kindship with Enkidu. They were both created and gained a heart.

"There, there Penny," Ruby said. "We'll be friend's no matter how you came to this world."

"Thanks, friend Ruby," Penny said.

"Does King Gilgamesh know that a fake version of his lost friend has been made into his enemy?" Fujimaru asked.

"Yes, of course he does," Merlin answered. "Though, they've never met each other in person. But his response was unremarkable."

"Yes," Siduri agreed. "It didn't feel like he was trying to keep us from worrying, either."

"We'll definitely find out what exactly that boy is," Merlin said. "But that can be done starting tomorrow. Take time to get some rest tonight. Look..."

They looked at where Merlin was looking.

"...Ana fell asleep, too."

"And Merlin took the corner room all to himself," Ana said in her sleep. "It's not fair. I'll murder him after all."

"I might just adopt that one," Salem said. Ana said the sweetest things about her ex-husband.

"Eh?" her minions weren't sure how to process that.

"Aren't we suppose to kill the one with us?" Tyrian asked.

"Oh yes," Salem said offhandedly. "But I like that one."

Ruby scooted closer behind Zack. Zack merely placed Fou in her arms.

"Fou!" Fou would protect her from the meanies discussing her potential murder.

It was morning.

"Good morning," Siduri greeted Fujimaru, Mash and Ana. "Very well, let me give your first assignment."

Fujimaru and Mash were putting mud into moulds to make bricks.

"It really has nothing to do with battles," Fujimaru said as he worked.

"But this is a bit fun in its own way," Mash said.

"Your next assignment..." Siduri said.

"This is a change of pace from the battles," Emerald said.

"You mean boring and lame," Mercury said. "Let's get back to the action!"

"He's got a point," Adam said. Watching these humans work was boring.

They helped shear a herd of sheep by hand.

"Next up..." Siduri said.

They picked fruits from a tree, looked after children, fished, helped in the market, etc.

"Merlin should help out a bit, too," Ana said.

"Fou!" (Merlin is useless!)

"Wiser words have never been said," Salem said.

"He can't be that bad, right?" Ghira asked.

"Like Gilgamesh," Zack said. "Merlin's not actually functioning at peak capacity. There's actually a good reason he's not getting involved in any fights unless he needs to."

"What is he doing then?" Amber asked.


Fou yawned after a long day.

Fujimaru collapsed as he took deep breaths. "I've reached my limit!"

"Sparring with 100 men for training..." Ana said as she watched spar with the soldiers. "Leonidas does ask for the impossible. In any case, why do you look so fatigued?"

"I should implement that in the soldiers training," Ironwood said.

Clover and Winter paled. The recruits back home were going to curse him for eternity. Thank Oum they had long since completed basic training.

"Oh." Fujimaru sat up. "That's right. You don't have a Master, Ana. Masters who contract Servants provide them a portion of the Magical Energy used."

"I see," Ana said. "I was in the Cedar Forest this whole time, so I didn't know."

"You don't know anything about being a Servant?" Fujimaru asked.

"No," Ana said. "When I came to, I was in the forest in this body. But I knew just what I had to do. I had to kill those Demonic Beasts. I was killing them and using their souls to maintain my Spirit Origin."

"That means if you were to contract with me..." Fujimaru said.

"No, that's fine," Ana said. "Whatever happens to humanity is none of my concern."

Fujimaru looked at her, wondering what happened for her to have such a worldview.

"Ana isn't human, is she?" Robyn asked.

"She's not," Zack confirmed. "But to say more would be spoiling it for you. So I shall not."

'Boo!' Neo's sign said.

Fujimaru and Mash were tidying their home, when Merlin walked in.

"Good morning, you two," Merlin greeted. "Have you gotten used to life here in Uruk?"

"I really would like him to acknowledge us soon," Fujimaru said. "But actually, it's kind of fun."

"Good," Merlin said. "But unfortunately, I do have some bad news. Here's a message from Siduri, 'No requests today. Please use this day off to enjoy Uruk!'"

"A day off?" Mash said. "That's good, but..."

"Well, I'll be taking my leave," Merlin said. "Oh, but this is a good chance. Why not take Mash on a date?"

The two squeaked as Merlin hurried on upstairs.

"Young love is so cute," Kali said.

"I know right?" Summer said. "I can't believe we used to be like that."

"Fou!" (OTP)

"Um..." Fujimaru said.

"I-I've gotten used to these clothes now," Mash said. "Wh-What do you think?"

"Y-Yeah!" a red faced Fujimaru said.

"Excuse me," Ana said, suddenly appearing between the two, scaring them.

"This reminds me of when Ruby or Yang would interrupt your moments," Qrow said. Those two were very good at cockblocking Tai.

"Daughters are very good at it," Ghira agreed.

Said daughters blushed, well aware what they meant.

"Shame," Summer said. "If Ruby hadn't interrupted us that one time, she might have gotten a new sibling out of it."

Ruby and Yang squeaked. Too much information!

"Both of you are free for the day, right?" Ana asked. "If so, I have a job I'd like to ask you to do. Here's all the silver I've managed to save up. Would that be enough to have you accompany me?"

Mash and Fujimaru looked at each other.

Fujimaru smiled at Ana. "Leave it to us, Ana."

"Payment isn't necessary, either," Mash said. "We were looking for some work worth doing."

"Then, I'll take you to the site," Ana said. "We'll have to fight, so I'll be counting on you."

"What? Fight?" Fujimaru said.

In the caves underneath Uruk, Mash and Ana dispatched what appeared to be ghosts of some sort.

"Ghosts!" Nora yelled as she scrambled behind Ren.

"Their gone, Nora," Ren said. "Other Ruby took care of them."

"She's a real reaper, eh?" Yang said.

All she got was cricket noises.

"You all suck," Yang pouted.

"Where is that sound coming from?" Vernal asked.

Zack put away his sound effects box.

"Good work," Ana said. "I think we've defeated all the evil spirits. I appreciate it."

"I didn't know such caves existed underneath Uruk," Fujimaru said.

"Those spirits were every bit as shocking," Mash said. "Ana, do you know what those spirits were?"

"They are like grim reapers," Ana said. "A deadly disease is spreading here in Uruk."

"A deadly disease?" Fujimaru asked as they walked out of the caves.

"Yes," Ana said. "Starting with the weak ones, people fall into an eternal slumber. Those spirits must be connected to that somehow."

"So, getting rid of them might reduce the death toll by emaciation?" Fujimaru said.

"Yes," Ana said. "In the Age of Gods, physical death is different than spiritual death."

"So, even if the body is fine," Mash said, "if the soul is taken away by a grim reaper, then it means death for that human."

"Except having the soul taken away is not quite 'death'," Ana said. "It's more like being asleep. As long as the body is safe, returning a person's soul will wake them up."

"How very interesting," Watts said. "So if we can keep the body young, we could theoretically live forever?"

"That's not exactly untrue," Zack said. "But long lived and immortal are very different things."


"Take this little fella right here," Zack said. "He may not look it, but he's thousands of years old."

"He's remarkably spry for a senior citizen," Sienna said.

The senior citizens there, including the two who could compete with Fou for the title 'Older than Dirt' felt offended. Just because they were old didn't mean they couldn't hand their ass on a platter.

"Ana, how did you find out about these spirits?" Fujimaru asked.

"Because..." Ana said, "... there were so many gathered above the flower shop over there."

"You are so kind, Ana!" Mash said.

"That's not true," Ana said. "I..."

Ana looked at Fujimaru.

"Well, um..." Ana said. "I've been wondering... Why do you interact with the people of this era more than necessary?"

"After I arrived in this world," Fujimaru said, "I had thoughts while I was eating meals, or while I was working. Oh, they are the same. They're no different from any of us. There are people who are living in this world. And if that's so, I felt we really do need to give our best. That isn't much of an answer, is it?"

"I despise people," Ana said. "But... I don't despise thoughts of that nature at all."

"Interesting philosophy," Ozpin said. "I wonder what made her that way?"

'Years of being treated like a monster would do it,' Zack thought.

"Next episode's coming right up."

I originally wanted to make Siduri Pyrrha and Leonidas her father, but then I decided not to. Since this is FGO, gender bending someone is practically a requirement.

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