Episode 2

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FGO Babylonia EP 2

Updates will be slower since some bright spark in my university's administration decided a week's break is sufficient before starting the next semester. Damn them to the lowest depths of hell! Link to the episode below.


Thousands upon thousands of Demonic Beasts roared as they charge at the fortress wall. Their numbers seemingly endless.

"Are those the Demonic Beasts from earlier?" Fujimaru asked as he looked at the ginormous horde attacking the wall.

"No, that's not all," Mash said. "To the north, there are Magical Energy readings of greater magnitude! Unbelievable"

"Is that castle wall keeping them in check?" Fujimaru asked.

"Too early to be surprised," Enkidu said. "They have been holding that wall for six months already."

"S-Six months?" Fujimaru said.

"Impressive," Ironwood said, genuinely impressed. To hold out against such a siege for six whole months. He didn't believe that the people of Atlas could boast that feat. Without a doubt, the elites would start complaining within days of such a siege.

"Hmm, a several months long assault of such a scale has never happened in Remnant's history," Ozpin said. Usually, the Grimm overran settlements within days. Weeks if the defenders were well prepared. But they all eventually fell.

Salem felt compelled to one up these Demonic Beasts. Maybe she could do the same to Vale or Mistral? But how long would it take to gather so many Grimm without being noticed?

"The soldiers have been driving back an endless onslaught of Demonic Beasts," Enkidu said.

Soldiers were shown holding off the Demonic Beasts near the wall, being led by someone wearing a Corinthian helmet and a red cloak.

"That helmeted one with the red cloak," Pyrrha said. "I feel a connection to them."

"Maybe it's the similar attire?" Jaune suggested.

"Ten bucks that it's actually Pyrrha," Yang said.

"No bet," Blake said.

"But the humans suffer fewer casualties than the Demonic Beasts," Enkidu continued as arrows were loosened upon the incoming hordes.

"Indeed," Fujimaru said.

"Yes," Mash said. "There are way more Demonic Beasts than the soldiers, though." Catapults sent flaming rocks flying at the Demonic Beasts. "I wonder what kind of person is in command of that fortress."

"That person must be a brilliant general at the helm," Fujimaru said.

"Indeed," Ironwood agreed. He wondered if he would do as well in such a situation. He hoped he never found out.

"The enemy are a mindless horde," Adam said. "As long as the commander is competent, and their supplies do not dwindle, a prolonged defence is hardly the most difficult thing."

"It wasn't always like that," Zack said. "The Demonic Beasts used to have a commander that actually knew what tactics and strategy was."

"What happened to them?" Winter asked.

"Got killed by an allied Servant as soon as they found an opportunity to do so," Zack said. "Cost her life to do so, but she turned a coordinated attack into a mindless wave of indiscriminate assaults. Made the defenders jobs far easier when they were no longer being led by someone competent."

"But they shed needless blood," Enkidu suddenly said. "They don't need to kill every one of them. They will go extinct without even doing anything anyway."

"Enkidu?" Fujimaru said as he and Mash looked at Enkidu's leaving form, wondering what that comment was for.

"Somethings wrong," Ren said. What was that comment about?

"Yeah," Nora said. "Ren would never say something like that."

Zack carefully chose not to mention that that was no longer Ren.

In a forest nearing dusk, the three continue walking.

"We are almost at the safe zone," Enkidu told them. "We should be able to make it to Uruk by sunset."

"But Enkidu," Mash said, "we seem to be going farther away from Uruk."

"Suspicious," Roman said. His thief instincts were screaming at him that there was more to this than what they were seeing. "Want to bet that he's actually an enemy?"

"You're on," Junior said. "What are we betting?" He took out a small box and opened it. "I have this box of Vacuoan Cohiba Behike cigars."

"Ooh!" Roman liked cigars almost as much as he loved his hat. He made a bottle of wine appear from... somewhere. "This bottle of vintage Mistralian Chateau Margaux 1787 I stole from the Schnees a few years back."

"You imbecile!" Jacques yelled. So that was where it ended up.

"I was looking for that," Willow said.

"How!?" Winter said. If the thief could get in the mansion, then neither of her siblings were safe.

"Your security could use some work," Nicolas said. He wasn't happy that a thief got in and out without ever being noticed. "Is that all you took?"

Roman chuckled. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"There is a wharf at the river up ahead," Enkidu said. "There is a boat docked there. Once we get to the wharf, all we have to do is take it downstream."

"Oh my!" a white-cloaked man said as he suddenly appeared. "I didn't know that!"

Fujimaru turned toward the newcomer.

Salem's and Ozpin's eyes widened in surprise. Now there was a face they hadn't seen in a long time. What a surprise.

Fou narrowed his eyes. The accursed one! "Fou!"

"Hey, hello," the cloaked man greeted as he took off his hood. He looked like a fair-skinned, white -haired Ozma. Behind him, a young girl can be seen wearing a black cloak with the hood up. She looked like a younger purple-haired and eyed Ruby.

"It's a young Ruby!" Yang exclaimed as she hugged her sister. "Oh, she was so cute at that age! She even has a cloak of her own!"

"Urk! Yang! Air!" Ruby choked.

Summer squealed and joined Yang in slowly killing her daughter via suffocation. "Oh, this reminds me of when she would wear my cloak when she was little! She looked so adorable in it!"

Weiss and Blake looked at the Ruby on screen. Must resist cuteness and desire to glomp their team leader.

Tai cried. "How I miss those days! Qrow, where did all the years go!?"

The other moms soon joined in gushing over the cuteness that was a chibi-Ruby.

Poor Ruby was saved when her Druncle Qrow risked life and limb to extract her from the growing pile of overly affectionate ladies.

"Sorry to scare you," he said. "I'm not an enemy, so hear me out. As you can see, we didn't know our way through these trails and got lost. I didn't expect to see humans in the territory of the Goddess of Demonic Beasts."

"That is unfortunate," Enkidu said. "We're heading to Uruk. Will you come with us?"

"Of course!" the Ozma lookalike said. "That would help us. Some strange fate must have brought us together. Can you tell us your name?"

"I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru," Fujimaru introduced.

"My name is Mash Kyrielight," Mash said before looking at Enkidu. "This is Enkidu."

"Enkidu?" he said before putting his hand on his chin. "That's a problem. A big problem."

"Why?" Enkidu asked.

"Oh no," Junior said, as he realized that he was about to be 'liberated' of a box of expensive cigars.

"Oh yes," Roman said with a grin. Come to papa.

"You should really stop making bets with him," Miltia said.

"It never ends well for you," Melanie said.

The Ozma lookalike explained as he walked. "Because King Gilgamesh, who is commanding the front line in Uruk, is the king who returned from his quest for the herb of immortality."

"What does that mean—" Fujimaru asked as Mash realized what the problem was.

"Wait!" Mash said. "If so, it doesn't make sense."

Ozma continued. "He didn't set out on that quest until after the death of his friend, Enkidu." He stopped and tapped his staff on the ground, making a small magical circle appear briefly.

The magic users' eyes widened at the brief display of magic. Salem frowned. Ozma was stupidly powerful back when they were still mortal. In fact, she died several times in their fight back then. Her only saving grace was the fact that she literally couldn't die.

"And he's returned from the quest," Ozma said. "It means Enkidu should've been dead a long time ago."

Behind them, electricity crackled to life as Enkidu prepared to attack.

"Mash!" Fujimaru warned as Enkidu sent several large blasts of energy at them.

"Yes!" Roman yelled.

"You're happy that Not!Ren turned out to be an enemy?" Nora demanded.

"I actually don't care about that," Roman answered. "What I do care about are the cigars Junior now owes me."

Junior grumbled as he handed over the cigars. Not like he bought them anyway. He took them off someone he had to make 'disappear' a few weeks after the blonde's destructive exit.

Enkidu began laughing as the dust cloud parted to reveal Mash standing in front of him with her shield ready.

"Fujimaru..." Enkidu said. "Ritsuka Fujimaru... Incompetent fools of Chaldea. I was so close, though. Just a little more, and I would've seen something so very fun."

Mash readied herself as Enkidu stepped forwards, electricity appearing as he walked.

"How powerful is he?" Robyn asked.

"Impossible to tell," Zack said.

"You mean he's power is immeasurable?" Raven asked with a frown.

"Oh no," Zack said. "It's just that he has the ability to shift his stats about. He can modify his strength, agility, endurance, durability, etc. to suit the situation." 'Not to mention he has the Grail on him, making him damn near impossible to beat'.

"He can do that?" Clover said.

"It's better to consider him a weapon that gained sapience and a soul," Zack said. "That's the gist of his origins at least. He's the world's first artificial person after all."

Penny wondered if that meant he had more similarities to her. She too was an artificially created being.

"It's useless to try to flee," Enkidu said as Fujimaru boosted Mash with magical energy. "You're already doomed."

Ozma analysed the situation. "The odds are against the two. Ana, help them!"

The black cloaked girl leaped at Enkidu without a word, a giant scythe appearing as she made a downward slash at him.

Enkidu made a giant wall of light appear in front of him, forcing Ana to back off.

"This wasn't part of the deal," Ana said, "but I will protect them."

"Go chibi-Ruby!" Sun cheered.

"Of course she uses a scythe," Weiss said. "Wouldn't be Ruby without her scythe."

"How does it compare to my baby," Ruby said as she looked at her others scythe. "Does it transform into a sniper?"

"No," Zack answered.

"Can it shoot lasers?" Ruby asked again.

"No, that's usually reserved for swords here," Zack said.

"So, it's just a regular scythe?" Ruby asked in disappointment.

"I wouldn't say that," Zack said. "Its name is Harpe, the Immortal Slaying Scythe. It has a divine ability that nullifies the "undying attribute" of immortals and inflicts wounds that cannot be restored by any methods other than healing in accordance to the natural laws."

"I take that back," Ruby said as she stared at the weapon her other possessed in awe.

'The irony is that Ana is wielding the very weapon that will kill her later in life,' Zack thought. "And before you ask Ozpin, yes it can possibly kill Salem."

Salem's eyes widened at the prospect of actually dying. She had tried everything from decapitation to acid. She regenerated from everything. She was unsure how to feel about actually being able to die.

"You'll never get to her!" Tyrian maniacally proclaimed.

"And no," Zack said. "I will not get you that scythe."

Ironwood and Ozpin hid their disappointment. There went that plan.

Enkidu sent a beam of light flying toward her which she deflected with her scythe. She ran toward Enkidu, deflecting and dodging light beams before throwing her scythe at Enkidu.

Enkidu created several trees in front of him, blocking the thrown scythe from reaching him. "It's useless."

"Did he just make trees grow in front of him!?" Sienna said.

"Nature control," Amber noted. "I wonder if I can do something similar?"

Cinder was curious about that as well.

Ana leaped from a tree, sending her toward Enkidu with her scythe ready.

"Don't you get it?" Enkidu said as a pillar of earth sent Ana flying inched from Enkidu.

"And he can control earth," Vernal said. This person was strong.

"Is there anything he can't do?" Saphron asked.

"He was created to restrain Gilgamesh," Zack said. "Let's just say the gods who made him made sure he was up to the task."

"If he's this strong," Watts said, "how strong is Gilgamesh?"

"We'll find out soon enough," Hazel said.

"Mash!" Fujimaru yelled as Mash engaged Enkidu.

Enkidu dodged a swipe from her shield but her follow up kick sent him flying back. But he just used the momentum to fly.

Enkidu sent several bolts of light at her as he flew, which Mash blocked with her shield.

A chain flew toward Enkidu and wrapped around him. Ana pulled on the chain connected to the launcher on her wrist, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Chains?" Ruby said. "I guess I can see where that might be useful."

"How'd she store such a length of chain anyway?" Penny asked.

"It just magically appears when needed," Zack said. He took in the looks his answer got him. "It's magic."

"Magic is bullshit," Ilia grumbled.

The magic users there shrugged. It kind of was when there were no other magic users around.

The two breathed deeply.

"You're using chains, of all weapons, against me?" Emkidu suddenly said. "You make me laugh."

"Watch out!" Fujimaru warned.

"You do make me laugh..." Enkidu made chains appear from all directions, capturing everyone. "...third-rate Servant!"

"Was he even trying?" Whitley asked.

"Not at all," Zack said. "The last time he fought seriously, against Gilgamesh at that, they devastated the landscape."

"Someone's overpowered," Coco said.

"Too pathetic to be taken seriously," Enkidu mocked. "Did you think such paltry attacks would stand a chance against me?"

He broke the chains Ana bound him in with contemptuous ease.

"There's no need for me to defeat you," Ana said. "Having a humanlike intelligence can sometimes backfire on you." They all disappeared into flower petals. "You should take this opportunity to learn that."

"You did love using illusions," Salem muttered, remembering better times before the gods ruined it.

"Yeah," Ozpin sighed. Illusions made life so much easier. He could make others believe he actually attended a meeting when he was actually in his comfortable office sipping coffee, watching said meeting from the cameras.

"Those illusions are better than mine," Emerald said. She couldn't make someone believe they were fighting an entire battle when in reality they had long since left. She couldn't even use it while fighting.

Neo pouted. Her illusions couldn't even take a hit, shattering after a single blow! Stupid magic.

"I see..." Enkidu said as he caught a flower petal in his fist. "I've been caught in an illusionary dream halfway through. Which means that's the mage working for Uruk."

Flashback to Ozma setting up the spell.

Enkidu looked up. "I guess I'll have to withdraw for today. Besides, I can't leave her alone for a whole day."

"Her?" Glynda said. "His master?"

"More like someone he has to look after," Zack said. Gorgon being left without supervision could only mean bad things for his plans.

Mash woke up from the illusion with a gasp. She looked around to see that they were no longer with Enkidu. "H-Huh?"

"Where's Enkidu?" Fujimaru asked.

The Ozma lookalike laughed. "Wow, that worked out great! I felt a little guilty because it was like tricking an innocent child, but we were facing Enkidu. After all, that boy is working directly for the King of Mages."

"Like stealing candy from a baby, huh?" Ozpin said. It's been a while since he used his illusions to fool his opponents.

The illusion users grinned. Life was so much easier with illusions.

"Enkidu's working for the King of Mages?" Fujimaru asked. "Was that really Enkidu?"

"Yes," Ozma answered. "That's what he called himself when he destroyed many fortress cities. Though, while many Uruks seem to want to believe he isn't the real thing. Anyway, all that aside, let me formally say hello! I saved you when you were in danger. Please shower me, your saviour, with your humble words of gratitude!"

"Someone's humble," Salem said.

"I would have demanded their servitude," Raven said nonchalantly.

"I'd have a few words for him," Amber said. None of them kind.

Ozpin looked quite embarrassed at how Ozma was acting, even though it has been literally millennia since he was him.

Mash immediately complied and bowed. "Oh, r-right! Thank you!"

"Thank you—" Fujimaru thanked before noticing Fou jumping on his shoulder.

Fou leaped of him, sending itself at Ozma.

"Die, Merlin! Foooou!" Fou knocked him down with its paws as Fujimaru and Mash could only stare bewildered.

"Fou?" Mash said.

Fou continued to assault him as he fought back.

"—Th—They're fighting equally," Fujimaru said.

Salem held out a scroll. "I am never letting you forget this."

Ozpin groaned. What was his other doing?

Fou narrowed his eyes at Ozpin, sensing that he and Merlin were somehow similar.

"Aww," Velvet said as she picked up Fou. "You're a strong little thing, aren't you?"

Fou accepted the attention lavished upon him with stride. Such was the way things should be.

"Y-Y-You feral beast!" the Ozma lookalike cried. "Have you forgotten the years I took care of you? I never should have taken you in, you wicked beast! Cath Palug! How many paw lovers have you deceived with your cuteness?"

"Fou!" (More ladies than you ever will!)

Ana sighed. "Merlin, please limit your lunacy to when you're alone at night."

"Oh, good work, Ana!" the now named Merlin said as he held Fou. "You saved me once again."

"This battle was never part of our contract," Ana said. "Be sorry instead of thanking me."

Merlin chuckled. "That's harsh."

"Ruby is going through a phase I see," Yang said. "I remember her angst phase, it was when she first started middle-school, and she..."

"Shut up Yang!" Ruby said as she tried to shut up her sister. Weiss and Blake looked far too interested for her liking. So were her other friends for the matter.

"It's okay," Blake said. "We have an even better source."

"Your dad," Weiss said.

Ruby despaired. Before remembering something. "That goes both ways! Your families are here as well!"

"Hmm," Kali said. "I do have many stories of Blake's childhood."

Winter smirked. "Want to know about the time Weiss tried her hand at baking?"

Weiss and Blake paled. RWBY looked at one another and nodded. No tales of embarrassing childhoods, lest there be MAE. Mutually Assured Embarassment.

Merlin got up and dusted his pants. "Now, we should introduce ourselves. I am Merlin. This girl is Ana. We're actually Servants. You can call me 'Big Brother Merlin'."

He looked at Ana. "What about you, Ana? What do you want them to call you?"

"—Wa—" Ozpin said from Fujimaru's communicator.

"It doesn't matter," Ana said. "Ana is fine."

"Hold... Hold it!" Ozpin yelled as Da Vinci drank coffee behind him. "Did you say 'Merlin'?"

"I take it that the old guy is important?" Mercury said.

"You have no idea," Zack said.

Ozpin began talking. "The great mage of the Isle of Britain, born of a human and an incubus! He guided the Altria Pendragon to the throne and served as court mage!"

Merlin nodded along to the introduction as Ozpin continued.

"Court mage?" Ozpin said. He'd been asked to serve as one by many kings back then. He never took anyone up on that offer though.

"One of the world's greatest kingmakers and the world's biggest scoundrel!"

Ana nodded along to that last bit.

Salem nodded as well. Ozma was such a scoundrel.

Ozpin felt as if his reputation was going to take several fatal blows by proxy.

"And as a Servant? The Grand Mage who shouldn't be able to die until the end of the world?"

"Doctor..." Mash said after his rant.

"He sounds pretty enthusiastic," Fujimaru said.

Ozpin panted as Merlin laughed.

"Thank you for a grand introduction as expected, Ozpin," Merlin said into the communicator. "Well actually, I only have the right to be given the Grand title. I'm all but a normal Caster."

"That's impossible!" Ozpin continued after he caught his breath. "Liar! If you're the real deal, show us your true form!"

Fou barked as if he agreed with Ozpin.

"What's gotten into Doctor?" Fujimaru asked.

"It's probably because of discrepancies in the legends about him," Mash said.

A scene in a land filled with flowers was shown. In it, a tower of a most unique design stood, where Merlin stood as he watched.

Mash continued. "Merlin the Mage built a tower in the utopia of Avalon and watches over the world from there, never dying. Therefore..."

"No one who's alive can become a Heroic Spirit, huh?" Fujimaru said.

"So," Jaune said. "You'd have to be dead to be a Heroic Spirit?"

"For the most part, yeah," Zack said. "There are exceptions, but Living Servants are pretty rare. Also, the Throne of Heroes exists outside of the normal time axis, meaning it's completely possible to summon a hero of the future instead."

"So, he can't die?" Ozpin asked. Another version of him cursed with immortality. At least he didn't jump from host to host.

"That's right," Ozpin said. "First off, in terms of combat, he's completely useless!"

Ozpin sat back as he explained. "All Casters with the potential to be a Grand Caster are powerful clairvoyants. Solomon's eyes. For instance, can see the past and future. King Gilgamesh can see the future. But the scoundrel in front of you is the worst of them! He can see everything in the present, but it's basically magic telescope! He's nothing more than a simply useful guy..." Ozpin deflated as he realized that seeing everything in the present was actually pretty useful.

"That's terrifying!" Willow said.

"Eh? What do you mean, mother?" Winter asked.

"If he can see everything in the present," Willow said. "Doesn't that mean he can observe us whenever we're in the shower?"

Heads turned towards the only person here with answers.

'Don't answer that!' Merlin broadcasted to Zack from Avalon. 'It'll ruin me for eternity! Altria would castrate me, Vivian would castrate me, and I'm pretty sure every female Heroic Spirit in existence would do so too!'

'Sorry man,' Zack replied. 'But Fou is giving me a look that says I better answer honestly or there will be consequences.' "Yup, totally. No one is safe from the greatest peeping tom in history."

'Damn you Cath Palug!' Merlin yelled. 'Now, now, Altria. You know I'd never do that to you, right? Why do you have Excalibur charged up? Not the face! Not the face! Why are you aiming so low? No, don't! The face! Aim for the face!'

"I can never feel safe again," Blake shivered.

"Um," Fujimaru said, "that's plenty amazing, isn't it?"

The sound of a head hitting a solid surface could be heard.

"Doctor?" Fujimaru asked.

Da Vinci put down her coffee cup and took over from Ozpin, who had his head on the table.

"Hi! Sorry for butting in!" Da Vinci said. "First, thank you, Merlin. You helped them get out of danger."

Ozpin got up and left, leaving his seat for Da Vinci.

"That was a little service," Merlin said.

"But it still doesn't make sense that you're a Heroic Spirit," Da Vinci said as she sat. "You're still in Avalon, right?"

"Hmm, I can tell you just the method," Merlin said. "This Singularity manifested in an age that predates my appearance on Earth. In other words, my body doesn't exist here."

"Which means that in this world," Mash said, "it could theoretically be said that you are dead."

"So, you used that fact to make yourself a Servant?" Fujimaru said.

Ozpin returned with a cup of coffee.

"Technically," Zack said. "He has had the ability to bust out of his prison for a long time. He just willingly lets himself be confined there."

"Why would he do that?" Qrow asked.

"To repent for what his actions have led to," Zack said.

Ozpin thought back to all that he had done in the name of defeating Salem. Yes, he would probably wish to so the same once all this was over.

"Something like that," Merlin said. "Also because I was called forth by a strong summoner."

Fou was still using his front paws to hit Merlin but looked cute rather than menacing while doing so.

"He's so cute, it should be illegal," Pyrrha said as Fou now rested in her lap.

"Is there a Master in this era besides Senpai?" Mash asked.

"Yes, of course," Merlin said. "I was summoned by him, and I now serve as his court mage. On the other hand, the influence of the Grail summoned Ana. She's a Rouge Servant. That is, she has no Master."

"I met Merlin two days ago," Ana said. "We made a contract to achieve our goals, but I was deceived."

Fujimaru chuckled weakly at Ana's scathing remark about Merlin.

Ana continued. "Merlin is the embodiment of every kind of dishonesty, to say the least."

"Stop it!" Merlin said. "Don't tell them the truth straight up!"

"Fou! Fou!" Fou agreed with Ana 100%.

Ozpin felt as if several arrows had pierced his heart. To hear such words about himself come from someone as sweet as Ruby Rose. The pain.

Salem smiled. Such an honest assessment of Ozma. She would have to commit this to memory.

"I see," Da Vinci said. "Ozpin, I give it up. That's the real Merlin."

Ozpin grumbled. "My stomach hurts now." He became more professional as he asked, "Did you manifest to work with Chaldea, Merlin?"

"Of course," Merlin answered. "My only pastime in life is watching the present. If the present is lost, I'll be no more than a lonely man staring at the Garden in my tower."

"Sounds boring," Ironwood said. "To be able to watch but unable to do anything for eternity. How could anyone stand that?"

"You get used to immortality," Ozpin and Salem said. Neither of them could be really considered human these days. It literally took an inhuman mindset to cope with immortality.

Merlin looked down at the campfire before shifting his gaze towards Fujimaru.

"Besides..." Merlin thought back to all that he had seen of Fujimaru's journey. "...I've been... watching your whole fight on the edge of my seat, Fujimaru. I don't think it's fair to not let me be part of your group now, do you?"

Merlin became more boastful. "Though, I totally understand I'm a threat because I'm a Grand Caster candidate. In the end, all other Caster-class Servants will realize they can't beat me..."

The technicians in Chaldea looked towards Da Vinci, a Caster-class Servant. She was gripping her coffee cup tightly as it shook.

"...and get shuffled off to the backup group! Well team, let's head to Uruk at daybreak. When you meet the king, it should become clear what you're meant to do."

Glynda agreed with her other, if the purple glow of her Semblance around her was anything to go by.

Ozpin felt as if his other should shut his mouth, lest he lose his life.

Zack shrugged. Merlin was great, but he preferred Waver. 50% NP charge was just too damn addictive.

"Grand Caster?" Raven said. "Is that different from a normal Caster?"

"To hold the title of Grand is to be considered the best of the best," Zack said. "In the words of a certain literary Caster, a Servant is a weapon to fight an individual, a Grand Servant is a weapon to fight the world."

"Whoa," Oscar said. Fight the world? Sounded impossible to him.

"Aside from being the best," Zack said, "they need certain qualifications. The Grand Caster as stated earlier needs to be a powerful clairvoyant. The Grand Assassin only has one candidate, for he is the only one with the ability to kill even the unkillable. The qualifications for the other classes are unknown but are no doubt relevant to their class."

"Extraordinary," Nicolas said.

"Yeah," Fujimaru agreed. "It's good being with you, Merlin."

"It is nice to be with you," Mash said.

"Then it's settled," Merlin said. "What about you, Ana? Will you come with us?"

"Going to a human settlement..." Ana said.

Fujimaru put out his hand to her, getting her to look up at him.

"Please, Ana," Fujimaru said.

Ana tilted her head down. "No handshake please. Don't come close to me."

Merlin had his hand on his chin as he looked at the scene.

"Still so shy, Ruby," Yang teased.

"I've gotten better now," Ruby said.

The scene transitioned to morning.

"We're finally understanding the situation here, Senpai," Mash said.

"Yep," Fujimaru said. "With the rise of the Three Goddess Alliance, the Sumerian city-states have been dealt a devastating blow. That's why people have evacuated to Uruk."

"Yes," Mash said. "The Demonic Beasts' invasion up north is the most serious issue at hand, as they're currently the major force wiping out humanity. In response, Uruk's king has constructed a great fortress."

"That is the Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia," Merlin said. "It's the very last fort to protect the Mesopotamian world. If the Demonic Beasts bring down Uruk, human history is finished right there. Therefore what you need to do is search for the Holy Grail that the King of Mages sent to this era and retrieve it, and..."

"Take down the Three Goddess Alliance," Mash finished.

"Yes," Merlin said. "Retrieving the Holy Grail should give us an idea about the plot of the King of Mages. But if we leave the Three Goddess Alliance as is, the Foundation of Humanity can't be restored."

"In any case," Fujimaru said, "nothing starts until we arrive at Uruk."

"Quite the mission," Port said. "My, what a grand adventure! I wish I was there with them."

"You'd be too busy boring them with stories of your long past youth to participate," Glynda said.

Tai chuckled. "Or getting in the thick of it with them."

They rested a bit beside a river, picking apples from the nearby tree.

"Is the one ruling over Uruk that King Gilgamesh?" Mash asked.

"Yes, the most tyrannical of all ancient kings," Merlin said.

"Is that so?" Fujimaru asked.

Merlin explained. "He severed his ties with the gods, saying that they're arrogant. And he claims all beautiful women and treasures in the world as his own. He will kill you regardless of agreeing or disagreeing with his opinion!"

"I-Isn't he just irrational and unreasonable?" Fujimaru asked.

"Right?" Robyn said. "This is why we did away with kings."

"Jaune," Saphron said. "You wouldn't be like that, right?"

"Fearless leader would be a great king!" Nora proclaimed. Jaune chuckled embarrassed. He would probably bring the kingdom to ruin within a year.

"Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes," Mash said. "He was a hero born of god and human. In his youth, he was fond of people while also being a sage grounded in reason, but he became the complete opposite in his adolescence. He turned into an out-of-control tyrant. To admonish him, the gods created the being that appeared before us, Enkidu. But as fate would have it..."

"The two became best friends," Merlin said.

"Enkidu..." Fujimaru said as he thought back to the person that they met earlier.

"Well, I'll tell you about their history later," Merlin said. "Basically, someone bragging about possessing the originals of all the Noble Phantasms. An extremely arrogant and cold-blooded tyrant. Just remember that is Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes."

"L-Let's get some spirit into this!" Fujimaru said.

"Yes!" Mash said.

Merlin laughed at their enthusiasm.

"Sounds like most of the kings of history," Cinder said. How she wished she had the power they had, commanding absolute authority over their subjects.

Ozpin frowned. History usually was terribly biased. No king was just good or bad. Usually, the next dynasty obscured details to make themselves looked better by making the previous one seem horrible.

They finally reached what appeared to be a checkpoint to enter Uruk. Soldiers stand guard and inspect refuges and their cargo before letting them through the gate.

"That looks like an inspections checkpoint," Mash said.

"Would it be better if we sneaked through?" Fujimaru said. "Based on my experience, any quarrel here would escalate into a battle."

"You over there!" a soldier called out, surprising them.

"There goes sneaking in," Emerald said.

"How will they get out of this now?" Sienna said.

"Maybe they won't get in trouble?" Ilia suggested.

Adam snorted. "No one's that lucky."

A soldier without a helmet ran up to them. "If you stray from the road, you'll be cursed by the Ritual Sect! Uruk is surrounded by a ritual warding the Demonic Beasts, but it seems to have some effects on humans as well."

"Okay!" Mash said. "Thank you for the warning!"

"Sure," the soldier said. "Are you refugees from Ur?"

"No, they're refugees from Girsu," Merlin said. "As for myself, I engage in business. With the Ritual Sect's permission. I'd like to evacuate them. Are there any procedures I need to follow?"

Merlin showed him a necklace that he was wearing.

"This is the sigil of Lady Siduri," the soldier said as he inspected it. "You must be tired from your long trip! Welcome to the city of Uruk!"

"Yes!" Fujimaru said. "Thank you very much!"

"Guess he's good for something," Ruby said.

"So, he's working for them right?" Ironwood asked.

"Yes," Zack said. "Siduri is more or less King Gilgamesh's right hand. Without her, he wouldn't get half as much done."

"Sounds like Glynda and I," Ozpin muttered.

The soldier turned his attention to Ana. "You in the black hood there."

"What is it?" Ana asked.

"Yep," the soldier knelt in front of her. "I'm impressed you managed to walk all the way here with your small build. Take this if you'd like."

He opened up a small cloth with cookies inside.

Ana looked at them in surprise.

"Cookies!" Ruby cheered.

"They're sweets my daughter gave me as an afternoon snack," the soldier said.

"B-But..." Ana said. "Um... I am, um..."

"Ana!" Fujimaru said. "Why don't you accept his kind offer?"

Ana looked at him then looked at Merlin, who gave her an encouraging nod.

"A Ruby who hesitates when being offered sweets," Tai said. "I can't believe it."

"Neither can I," Summer said.

Ana took one of the offered sweets. "Thank you very much."

The soldier smiled. "I hope we meet again alive!" he said as they passed the gate. "We are fighting to survive, and we spare no effort if it's for the cause."

"Now, let's get going," Merlin said.

Fujimaru turned towards the city and gasped in surprise.

"This is Uruk today," Merlin said. "Mankind's oldest fortress city."

The camera zoomed out to show a bird's eye view of the city.

"Amazing!" Fujimaru and Mash exclaimed.

"That it is!" Oobleck said as he scribbled away on his notepad. To be observe ancient civilizations up close and personal! A historian's wet dream!

"I'd imagine the people would be more depressed," Mercury said. "Like people back home during a Grimm attack."

"Instead, they're going about their lives as if it's normal," Raven said. "A strong people."

"This was not what I imagined when I heard ancient city," Sun said.

"Yes," Ozpin said. "Quite impressive isn't it?"

"Times may be dire, but the city remains lively, right?" Merlin said.

"Yeah," Fujimaru agreed as they followed him. "I imagined all sorts of things when I heard 'ancient city', but this is beyond everything I imagined!"

"Yes!" Mash said. "This is a fighting city so perfect that it would even work today!"

"And everyone is smiling, and they're so lively!" Fujimaru said.

"I'd say," Ironwood said. Give him an army of them and he'd eradicate the Grimm for good.

"How enjoyable it will be to crush their hope," Salem said.

"Yes, truly enjoyable mistress," Tyrian said.

Merlin began giving them a small lesson about Mesopotamian civilization. "Sumerians started showing up in history around 4000 B.C. But their civilization was quite elaborate. It began when people abandoned a village-based society and formed city-states housing tens of thousands of people by pioneering crop production boosts through irrigated farming. Of course, with a country that big, the invention of writing and the implementation of higher education were only a matter of time. The fertile lands created quality mud which the Sumerians kneaded to make clay. That, in turn, was used to build many fortresses. That is Mesopotamia, the land of mud, clay, wheat and sheep."

"Most civilizations more or less start out like that," Oobleck lectured. "The most common theme is that they are near rivers. Water was vital for civilizations then as it is now, and a good source of it will always attract settlers."

"Mud, clay, wheat and sheep," Cinder said. "How primitive."

"Can't live without shelter or food," Roman said. Besides, without civilization, his profession as a gentleman thief would be in danger. He would have to be *shudder* a common bandit!

Raven and Vernal felt greatly insulted.

"Well, we'll save a tour of the city for later," Merlin said. "Let's head over to the ziggurat."

"The ziggurat?" Fujimaru asked as they stood in front of a large pyramid like building that stood in the centre of the city.

"A shrine and altar for the Mesopotamians," Mash explained.

"Yeah," Merlin said. "We're finally meeting King Gilgamesh."

"Take us to your leader," Jaune said.

"I wonder how he is as a king?" Ghira said.

"We'll find out soon enough," Adam said.

In the ziggurat.

"That is all I have to report, sir!" a soldier said to the man on the throne.

"The newer the information about the war, the better!" he said. "Keep me updated."

"Yes, sir!" the soldier said. "We'll shift to bringing clay tablets from the secretary every hour!"

"Good. Next."

The man on the throne looked at a clay tablet. "The shipment from the city of Eresh are being delayed, huh? Send 20 men from the eastern barracks to clear the Demonic Beasts. Temun can take command. It's his home. He knows it well."

"Yes, sir!" the soldier said.

"By the way, I heard that Tabado's daughter is giving birth," he said. Nora who was dressed as a priestess looked at the king. "Send her a sacred prostitute to aid her, along with some healthy fruits."

"Yes," Nora said as she curtsied. "I will arrange as such right away."

"And pull Tabado off the Northern Wall," the king said, "and give him three days' rest. His grandson's face will give him courage. Is this the report from the astrologers?"

"Somehow, I had the image he'd be a lot more terrible of a king," Fujimaru said, "but he's not that bad?"

"Right?" Nora said. "Jaune would make a great king! And look! I'm there helping him!"

"I'm surprised she has the ability to stay in one place for so long," Weiss said.

"I know right?" Blake said. "And I think she's a priestess, going by that outfit."

"Nora, a priestess?" Pyrrha said. "If I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

"But it doesn't seem like we'll be able to get a word in," Mash said.

"No, we need to work up the courage to talk to him!" Fujimaru said.

"That's right." Merlin grabbed Fujimaru by the wrist. "You shouldn't wait for the king to have a spare moment."

Merlin began pulling Fujimaru to the front of the throne room.

"King Gilgamesh!" Merlin called out. "I, Merlin, mage extraordinaire, have brought guests! You busy? Yeah, I can see that, so don't worry!"

"Merlin!" Fujimaru said as Gilgamesh finally looked up from the tablet he was reading.

"That's one way of getting an audience with the king," Junior said.

"How insolent," Jacques said. He would have them punished if he was king.

King Gilgamesh stared down at Fujimaru with his red eyes.

"So, you've returned," the Nora lookalike said, "Merlin the Mage. Welcome. The king is happy to see you. And how did it go? Did you bring back the Tablet of Destinies?"

"And she's being so professional," Ruby said.

"I can be professional," Nora pouted.

"No, you can't," Ren said. "But we love you all the same."

"Aww, thanks Ren!" Nora said.

"No, I didn't have any luck this time, either," Merlin said. "It's not in the western forest. Jeez. If only you remembered where you left it, Your Majesty, I wouldn't have to work this hard."

"Silence," Nora said. "Know your place, mage. More importantly, who are these people? They don't look like Uruks."

"It's fine," Gilgamesh finally spoke. "I understand the situation. You may go, Siduri."

Gilgamesh stood up.

"Looks like we're about to get down to business," Coco grinned. She knew a fight was about to start.

"Oh dear," Kali said.

"King Gilgamesh?" Siduri said in surprise. "Don't tell me..."

"Just as you suspected," Gilgamesh said. "I'm going to make a mess of the throne! I'm busy! Too busy to exchange words with you to get to know you." Siduri sighed, already knowing that the throne room was going to be wrecked, again.

"Thus, I shall examine your genuineness..." Gilgamesh summoned a thick tablet in his hands, "...through battle!"

Fujimaru and Mash prepared for a fight.

The tablet in Gilgamesh's hand opened like a book. "Prepare yourselves, Mages of the Observatory!"

"I'd expect such an act from Nora, not you Jaune," Ruby said.

"I know," Jaune said. "I hope my other knows what he's doing. Mash and Ana seem pretty strong."

Zack held back a snort. At his height, Gilgamesh was damn near impossible to beat and could wipe out this whole room without breaking a sweat.

"Battle? How brutish," Willow said. "Can't he just talk to them?"

"Their warriors," Qrow said. "It's the fastest way to get a feel of each other."

"He's not wrong," Adam grudgingly said. He hated having to agree with a human, but warriors understood each other best through battle.


"You're right," Zack said. "On to the next one."

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