Hot Fuzz - Final Fight

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Hot Fuzz – Final Fight

Sun drove down the M4. Rain lashed his windscreen. His fuel light blinked low. He reached a petrol station to refuel.

A cashier working the night shift eyed Sun, who was covered in grime and ketchup. Sun placed a few lien on the counter to pay for the petrol.

"Damn, you look defeated," Jaune said.

"He looks like shit," Vernal said.

"Is that everything, sir?" the probably underpaid cashier asked.

Sun's gaze had been drawn to a bargain bin full of DVDs.

His eyes looked at the DVDs, some of them police movies he had watched with Neptune.

"Sir? Sir? Is there anything I can do for you?" the cashier asked dully.

Sun's face became more determined, knowing what he had to do.

"There's the Sun we know and love," Neptune said.

"Hell yeah!" Sun yelled. "Time to get back at those bastards!"

"How?" Ironwood asked. "You're just one man."

"Never underestimate what one man can do, James," Ozpin said.

"No. This is something I have to do myself," Sun answered then went to get some more items.

Sun grabbed a pair of shades and several cans of spray paints. He slammed down some more lien on the counter.

It was now morning and James Reaper was driving to his farm. He got out of his car and walked to his horses at a gate.

"Another beautiful day in Oum's country," he said.

Turning around, he saw Neptune's car mysteriously appearing on the road without a sound.


Reaper squinted. It's not Neptune. Sitting behind the wheel, wearing shades and revving the engine, is Sun Wukong.

"Payback," Yang said as the others cheered Sun on.

"Damn, he does look like a cliché action movie hero," Junior commented.

"I would have run the old man over already," Roman said.

Reaper ran to his to warn the NWA. Just as he grabbed his car radio and started to speak into it.


Sun drove his car directly into Reaper's, who was left clutching the radio and snapped cable.

"No warning the others now," Ruby said.

"Now he has to deal with the old man," Weiss said.

Sun got out of the car and walked towards Reaper.

"Mum!!!" Reaper yelled before being knocked out cold by a punch from Sun.

"Isn't he a bit old to still be crying for his mother?" Raven said, not impressed.

A blast from a shotgun hit a nearby sign. Sun turned towards the shooter, seeing Reaper's elderly mum aiming a double-barrelled shotgun at him.

"Never mind," Raven said, taking that back. If the mum had a shotgun, then that made more sense than him being a wimp.

"Poor aim," Adam said. She wasn't even that far from Sun.

"She's old," Sienna said. "See if you can hit a bullseye from 100 metres when you're old and grey."

Nicolas frowned, remembering when he could do that with every shot. When he was in his sixties, he would be lucky to manage half his shots hitting the target.

She began reloading the shotgun as Sun sprinted towards her. Just as she finished reloading, Sun was already upon her, launching a flying kick at her face.

"Does that count as elder abuse?" Saphron asked.

"She's trying to kill him," Ilia said. "I don't think he cares."

Qrow nodded. "If she's not too old to try and kill you, she's not too old to receive a kick to the face for her troubles. Besides, a kick never killed anybody."

"Unless it's from me," Mercury said.

Sun tied Reaper and his mum, who now sported a bloody nose, to the fence.

"What are you going to do? Just walk in and arrest the whole village?" Reaper asked.

"Not exactly," Sun answered.

"Yeah, what is your plan?" Coco asked. Arresting the whole village on his own sounded like lunacy.

"Oh, I have a few ideas," Sun said as he thought back to what his other did a few scenes ago.

Ruby for some reason felt really excited.

The scene changed to Sanford Police Station, where Sun walked past the Desk Sergeant who barely looked up from his novel.

Sun entered the locker room, his colleagues too busy chatting to notice him and retrieved his stab vest.

'999' was punched into the keypad to the evidence room. The door opened, revealing the arsenal of weaponry just confiscated not too long ago. Sun began loading up, grabbing shotguns, assault rifles, pistols and numerous magazines. He turned to leave, armed to the teeth and placed a toothpick in his mouth. He left the room emptier, save for the sea mine.

"That's a lot of firepower for one person," Clover commented.

"More than what Qrow brought when he went to kill Sienna," Glynda said.

Sienna grumbled at the memory. Stupid super assassin Qrow.

Ruby was drooling at the scene. Perfection.

"Couldn't fit in the sea mine?" Amber jokingly asked.

"Isn't that a bit much?" Whitley asked.

"No such thing as too many guns, kid," Sun said, a massive grin on his face at how cool he looked. He looked like a badass about to lay a beat down.

Sun walked past Frank's office, who was too busy eating ice cream and reading the morning paper to notice him.

"And the big bad doesn't notice," Nora commented. "I would have gone in and broke his legs."

"And get the rest of the police to arrest him?" Pryyha said, logically pointing out why he couldn't go after Frank first.

"Point," Nora conceded. She still would have done it, and then proceeded to fight the others if they got in her way.

Nothing in this world could not be solved with judicious application of brute force and firepower, that was what she believed.

Sun walked past the Desk Sergeant again on his way out, who finally piped up.

"Oh Sergeant Wukong? Someone from Vale called for you."

Sun scowled back at him, chewing the toothpick, armed to the teeth and looking like the last person you wanted to mess with.

"I'll tell them you'll ring 'em back," the Desk Sergeant said as he took in Sun's appearance.

Sun nodded and walked out.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to mess with him," Miltia said.

"Ditto," Melanie said. Too bad the officers in Vale didn't look half as good.

"That's funny," the Desk Sergeant said once Sun left.

"What's that?" another officer, his twin, asked as he walked in.

"I didn't know we had a mounted division."

"Nobody tells me nothing," the twin said, getting a chuckle from the Desk Sergeant.

An armed Sun trotted down the street on a white horse, like all action heroes do. He rode past a bunch of school kids in hoodies, who looked at Sun in wonder.

"White horse, check," Blake said.

"What are you doing?" Weiss asked.

"Taking count on how many clichés we've seen so far," Blake answered.

"All of them," Zack said.

Sun stopped in front of them, looking at the security camera then back to them.

"Want to do something useful?" he asked.

The students nodded. Sun tossed them a bag, revealing a bunch of spraying can paints when they opened it. They eagerly took the cans and got to work.

"Encouraging delinquent behaviour now, are we?" Ghira said.

"It's a productive way to use them," Robyn offered.

"Man, I wish the cops back home were like that," Cardin said. Cops who encouraged vandalism, would wonders never cease?

Weaver read the morning paper, not noticing the CCTV screens slowly being painted over behind him.

"Inattentive," Winter scowled. If that was one of Atlas soldiers, they would have been demoted and sent back for retraining.

"It works in our favour this time," Jaune said. "Besides, he's a civilian volunteer. What did you expect?"

Annette Roper was readying her store for the day, when her walkie talkie cracked to life.

"Annette, Sergeant Wukong's back. Checkout his horse."

"Roger that."

Weaver heard the conversation on the walkie talkie and finally realised that all his precious CCTV cameras have been sprayed over.

He entered Frank's office. "It's..."

Frank put down his newspaper. "Wukong."

The NWA members stopped whatever they were doing as they stared at a back from the dead Sergeant Wukong riding a horse into the village centre.

"Oh yeah," Sun said. "Guess who's back?"

"The law!" Tyrian said in disgust. "Kill it with fire! Or poison! Whichever works slowest!"

"Isn't it 'whichever's quicker'?" Watts said.

"I stand by what I said," Tyrian said.

Neptune was in his police cruiser in the usual parking spot. He sees Sun and can only stare in shock at his return, on a white horse and armed to the teeth like one of those knights in fairy tales.

Sun stopped the horse in the village centre and dismounted. He patted the horse, getting it to trot away as he walks forward, assault rifle in hand. He stared off the NWA, then spat out the toothpick and said, "Morning."

That broke the tension and the NWA began to react.

Treacher opened his winter coat, revealing a shot gun. Sun dove behind the fountain just as he fired.

The village erupted into chaos. The NWA mobilised, revealing hidden weapons on their persons, ready to get rid of Sun with lethal intent.

"Damn, is everyone there armed?" Amber said in disbelief at the sight of concealed weapons being pulled out.

"You'll be surprised at how easy it is," Ozpin said, "Why do you think Dr. Oobleck's is a thermostat?"

"It also keeps my coffee at a constant temperature, no matter how long it's in there." Oobleck said proudly, as if it was the most important feature of his flamethrower in thermos form.

"Hmm..." Ruby contemplated a cookie compartment for Crescent Rose. It would take some work, but it was doable.

Neptune watched on in his car, his face a mixture of awe and panic.

Dr. Hatcher joined in, firing at Sun's position with a shotgun of his own. Above them, Roper used her rifle to break the glass on the window of her store's first floor, and began firing down at Sun.

Sun noticed the Hoodies hiding behind a car, not doing the sensible thing of running away from the fire fight. He whistled at them and motioned them to hide in the store. The Hoodies stampeded into the shop. They all entered together, the sound of her door buzzer's ringing disoriented her, causing her to fall as she was reloading.

"Well, that was easy," Whitley said.

Winter snorted. "They're a bunch of civilians with guns. Not exactly the most dangerous to a well-trained soldier."

"They only need to get luck once," Raven disagreed. "The boy is still heavily outnumbered. Though his training might make the difference."

Sun noticed the truck behind Treacher was full of barrels during a brief respite provided as he reloaded.

Sun got up, causing Hatcher to move to cover, and turned towards Treacher. He took aim and shot the truck's wheel just as Treacher finished reloading. The truck tilted and the barrels fell out, knocking down Treacher.

"One down," Robyn said.

"Fuck knows how many more to go," Roman said.

"He's also constrained by his oaths," Ozpin commented.

"What's that?" Oscar asked.

"He's a police officer," Ironwood said. "They aren't trained to shoot to kill. That's' why he's going out of his way to take them down without killing them."

"It'll be a miracle if he manages that," Emerald snorted.

Hatcher moved away from the street as Sun once again got behind the fountain as he was being shot at by Paver, who was dual wielding pistols while advancing on her bicycle.

Sun got up to fire back, but was hit, fortunately on the vest, by Paver. Nearby, Neptune's face hardened as he chose a side. Just as Paver was about to ride past his car, he opened his car's door, sending her flying off her bike.

"What took you?" Sun asked, happy that his partner was with him.

"Had to wait for the right time," Neptune said, happy as well. "Now, let's arrest these criminals!"

"Junior detectives baby!" Sun said.

Neptune got out of the car, looking at the downed Roper then at Sun. Sun wasted no time in throwing Neptune one of his shotguns.

Neptune grabbed the shotgun, pumping it as Sun did the same with his own.

"That's what I'm talking about," Sun said, glad that his partner was with him.

The two moved towards the village centre as Greg and Sheree fired at the two officers. They returned fire, then hid behind a large truck.

Sun ducked out of cover for a second to take a quick peek.

"Still feel like you're missing out?" Sun asked Neptune.

Neptune smiled, before they moved away from the truck and resumed the firefight with the two amateur actors.

Sun advanced forward while Neptune provided covering fire. As they got out of cover to fire at him, Sun shot both in the shoulder. Both fell dramatically.

"That was dramatic," Tai said.

Summer snorted. "Actors."

Behind Sun, Joyce Cooper yelled at Sun. "Fascist!"

She opened fire at him with a submachine gun, causing him and Neptune to duck for cover.

"OK, their aim here is just atrocious," Penny said.

"We call this A-Team firing where I'm from," Zack said.

"What's that?" Jaune asked.

"It states that the number of bullets fired is inversely proportional to their likelihood of killing or even wounding anyone," Zack said. "Automatic weapons are inherently made to put as much lead down range as possible, not accuracy. But you have to admit, at that range, the first few seconds of fire should have at least hit someone."

"He's not wrong," Coco said. More Dakka usually solved all problems, unless your aim was so bad that you couldn't hit the broadside of a barn at ten metres, then you'll just be wasting bullets.

"I'm not complaining," Sun said. Getting shot at but not actually getting hit seemed like a great alternative to actually getting hit.

Sun did a front roll, got up and took aim at the potted plant above her. He nailed the shot, hitting the chain holding up the plant, causing it to fall on her head, knocking her out.

Sun pumped his shotgun, causing the spent round to eject out. "Hag."

"Bitch!" Sun said.

Blake smacked him over the head. "Language."

"That's my line," Jaune frowned.

"Sorry," Sun said.

Ghira frowned at how close his daughter was being with the monkey, but didn't say anything, lest he incur the annoyance of his wife, who would banish him to the shadow realms (the couch) for the night.

There's a piercing yell. Sun turned to see Bernard baring down fast with an antique rapier. Sun moved aside, causing the rapier to slice into a few books.

Sun took out his baton and engaged the old man in melee combat. Neptune looked on, unable to intervene for fear of accidentally hitting Sun. After a short bout, Sun ended it with a leg sweep, knocking Bernard off his feet.

"Argh! My bloody hip!"

"You got to know when to quit," Nicolas said wisely. "Once you reach a certain age, it's best to gracefully bow out, knowing that age has caught up to you."

The middle-aged people there squirmed a bit, uncomfortable with thinking about that milestone.

Ozpin and Salem were the exceptions. One had lived and died so many times that he got used to it. The other was stuck in her twenties for eternity, so aging was not a problem.

"STOP!" Reverend Shooter yelled as he approached Sun. "STOP THIS! Please. Let us stop this mindless violence. Sun, you may not be a man of Oum but surely you're a man of peace?"

"Should a man in league with a bunch of homicidal sociopaths really be preaching about peace?" Saphron asked.

"No." A lot of people answered.

Ozpin and Ironwood snorted. The number of crazies who thought murder was the best way to accomplish anything was sadly higher than anyone would like.

Sun walked towards the reverend, with Neptune close behind him. "I may not be a man of Oum, reverend, but I know right, and I know wrong. And I have the good grace to know which is which."

"You tell him, kid," Qrow said. Stupid preachers who were all talk but didn't do shit.

"Oh fuck off Grasshopper!" Shooter said as two pistols shot out of his sleeves into his hands and fired both at Sun as he unholstered his own to fire back. Sun goes down before he can fire.

"Sun!" his friends yelled.

"Damn priest! Go to hell!" Neptune said.

"That's got to hurt," Sun said with a wince.

"Nooooooooo!" Neptune returned fire at Shooter, hitting him in the shoulder.

"Monty Oum!!!" Shooter said as he went down.

Neptune ran over to Sun, who was lying on his back. "Sun! Sun!"

Sun coughed, and opened his jacket, revealing the bullets were stopped by his vest.

"Good thing he wore the vest," Summer said.

"Still hurts though," Ironwood said.

Neptune sighed in relief. "I thought you were a goner."

"Drop your weapons!" Dr. Hatcher said as he came out of his hiding spot, shotgun pointed at the two.

"Dr. Hatcher, no," Neptune said.

"Shut up, Neptune. I brought you into this world, it's rather fitting I should be the one to take you out of it. You and your interfering little friend." He pumped his shotgun, loading a fresh round into the chamber. "Now, drop them!"

Neptune complied, his and Sun's eyes not leaving the doctors. Neptune did exactly as he asked, dropping the loaded shotgun on the floor.

Predictably, it went off, hitting Hatcher's foot. His right foot explodes in a shower of blood. His toe noticeably flying off.

"Ooh..." Some of them said at the gory sight.

"I think his toe flew off," Willow said, a bit green.

"It did," Tyrian cheered at the glorious sight.

"How dreadful," Cinder said, not meaning it.

Dr. Hatcher clutched his foot, wailing in pain. He accidentally fired his shotgun into the air, causing him to fall down.

Sun got up, grabbing his pistol. "You're a doctor, deal with it."

"Yeah, motherfucker," Neptune said as the not so good doctor held his foot in pain.

"I'm going to say that to you sometime," Tyrian said, grinning maniacally.

"Please," Watts rolled his eyes. As if he would give the scorpion faunus the chance.

"Neptune, let's roll," Sun said.

"What are you thinking?" Neptune asked.

Sun handed Neptune a pair of shades, which he accepted and put on.

"Pub?" Sun said.

The pub board came smashing through the window.

The Porters fired wildly from behind the bar, before realizing that Sun and Neptune were not there.

"Now, where are you two," Emerald said.

Then, Sun and Neptune burst in, jumping through the air whilst both firing two pistols, hitting nothing.

"And that's why we don't shoot while jumping through the air," Qrow said.

"But it looks so cool," Ruby said.

"Still won't help you hit anything. You use a sniper, you should know that," Weiss said.

"Aww, party pooper," Nora said. She could still do it with her hammer, jumping through the air then smashing the other guy to paste!

They landed and rolled, grabbing a table as makeshift cover. The Porters open fired again, the wooden table somehow protecting them from bullets.

"That's just bullshit," Junior said. Tables were not bulletproof.

"Man, they have terrible aim," Sage said as the couple failed to hit Sun and Neptune.

"Action movie logic," Fox shrugged.

Once the Porters had to reload, it was Sun and Neptune's turn to pop up and start shooting back. The Porters ducked underneath the bar to hide from the bullets.

Sun and Neptune soon returned beneath the table, as it was the Porters turn to shoot at them.

After the ducked back down, Sun popped up and noticed a bear trap hanging from the ceiling.

Sun shot at the chain holding it up, causing it to fall and clamp its jaws around Roy Porter's head.

"Fatality," Adam said.

"Bear trap to the head, that's new," Raven said. She'd seen a man lose his foot to one, but never the head.

"Ouch," Cardin said.

"ROY!!!" Mary yelled as Sun and Neptune got up. "Somebody call the police!"

"Freeze!" Frank said as he suddenly appeared, wielding two pistols. Behind the two, the rest of the Sanford Police appeared in the pub in riot gear.

"Surprisingly fast response," Roman said.

"It's a small village," Robyn shrugged.

"What will you do now, kid," Ghira said.

"Officers arrest that man. Neptune, step away from the Sergeant."

"No, Dad," Neptune replied.

"Neptune, do as you're told," Frank said.

"I'm not taking orders from you anymore," Neptune replied.

"You tell him, Neptune!" Scarlet said.

"Delayed teenage rebellion, eh?" Kali joked.

"Could be worst," Tai said. "At least he's only arresting a bunch of murderers and not doing drugs."

Frank, seeing that his son would not listen, said, "Officers, arrest these men!"

"Wait! Wait!" Sun said to the officers. "You can arrest us if you like. You can throw us in prison and go back to being blind, submissive slaves. Or, you can be real police officers and help us bring an end to this absurd story!"

"You think you can convince them about the truth?" Yatsuhashi asked.

"I have to try," Sun said.

Cartwright lifted his visor. "What the fuck is he on about?"

Wainwright did the same. "The fuck are you on about?"

"Have you ever wondered why the crime rate in Sandford is so low and yet the accident rate so high?" Sun said.

"No. Yes. What?" Fisher said as he too lifted his visor.

"You've been brainwashed, Tony," Sun said as he took off his shades. "Brainwashed into naivety by an old man with a murderous obsession!" Sun pointed at Frank.

"This is ridiculous!" Frank said, trying to deny it.

Neptune took off his shades as well and said, "No, it's not Dad. It's very un-ridiculous. And it's only now that I'm starting to realise how unridiculous it all is."

"Silence Neptune! Think of your mother," Frank said.

"Low blow," Yang said.

"Not sure how to take that," Neptune, who's mother was very much still alive, said.

"Break his legs?" Nora suggested.

"I might just do that," Neptune said.

"Mum's dead, Dad," Neptune said as he forced back tears. "And for the first time in my life, you know I'm glad. If she could see what you've become, I think she'd probably... kill herself all over again."

"Sorry, I'm completely lost," Doris said.

"Sandford is a lie, Doris," Sun said as Frank went to several expressions as years of work was undone in a single morning. "For the last twenty years the village has been controlled by Frank and the NWA. They've lulled everyone into thinking this is a perfect village and killed anyone who has threatened to change that."

Saxon stopped growling and Bob Walker piped up in an incomprehensible accent. "Recconneeegottsumadere."

"He says he 'reckons you got something there'," Neptune translated as he composed himself.

"I know," Sun said.

Frank rounded on the officers. "You're not seriously going to believe this man, are you!? Are you!?" He raised his pistols at them. "He isn't even from round here."

The officers look on in silence as they started to realise the full picture.

Wainwright stepped forward and took off his shades. "Maybe, it's time to give it up sir."

"Guess they're not idiots after all," Cinder said.

"Good," Clover said. "Now they have actual backup."

"Doubt they'll be of much use," Jacques snorted.

Frank realised that his officers could no longer be fooled. "You ignorant flatfoots!"

Frank raised his pistols, causing the officers to duck, and shot his pistols up in the air, hitting the rustic light fitting, which crashed to the ground.

The falling chandelier stunned the officers long enough for Frank to get away.

Sun was the first to recover and began giving orders. "Officer Walker, stay here with Saxon and hold everything down."

"Sure," Walker said.

"Officers, let's go," Sun said as the officers complied and left the pub.

"What about dad?" Neptune asked.

Sun reloaded his pistol. "He'll come round again. Want anything from the shop?"

The police tooled up, arming up with the weapons Sun had with him.

"So, that's why he took all the guns," Mercury said.

"Still, where did he put all of them?" Miltia asked.

"The bag, obviously," Ilia said.

Sun led the officers as they approach the car park of the market. They take cover behind the bins and trolleys, armed and ready near the entrance.

"What are you thinking?" Neptune asked.

Tony came up with a plan. "We should strike now while we have the element of surprise. The longer we wait the more time they have to mobilise. I say we go in through the front entrance and take the place aisle by aisle. They won't be expecting that."

A surprised Sun agreed with the surprisingly well thought out plan. "Very good. What he said."

"You were saying," Clover said to Jacques.

"Better than I thought they'd be," Ironwood said.

"Don't judge a book by its cover, James," Glynda said.

The officers moved out, unaware that they were being watched by Skinner and his workers via the market's CCTV.

"My, my, here come the fuzz," Skinner said.

"They know we're coming," Sun frowned, element of surprise gone.

"What can a bunch of supermarket workers do to heavily armed cops?" Whitley asked.

"Don't underestimate them," Winter said. "They've already proven to have many concealed weapons on their persons. Who knows what they have in store for the officers."

The Sandford police gathered near the entrance, backs to the wall.

Wainwright said, "Maybe they're not here."

"Wait here," Sun said as he walked into the entrance.

"Don't go in on your own," Doris said.

"Don't worry," Neptune said. "He knows what he's doing."

Sun chose that moment to crash through the front window of the shop and landed on the ground. He got up.

"You were saying," Hazel said, amused.

"Someone got cocky," Salem smirked.

"Oh, shut up," Sun said as his friends laughed.

"OK, they're in," Sun said as if he was not just thrown out a glass door. "You deal with the store. I'll deal with the trolley boy."

"Eh?" Wainwright and Cartwright said.

Lurch walked out of the shop. He grabbed Sun and threw him back in.


"Can you take the big guy, Sun?" Blake asked worried.

"I took him down once, I can do it again," Sun said confidently.

"The bigger they are, they harder they fall," Neptune said.

Sun crashed into a display rack, then was thrown into the middle of the aisle by Lurch.

"Listen. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Michael, wait. Listen to me. Listen. Listen," Sun said as Lurch stopped in front of him.

"Is this what you really, really want?" Sun asked.

Lurch thought about it before answering, "Yarp."

Sun sighed. "Suit yourself."

Sun grabbed Lurch by the shoulders and headbutted him.

"OK, this might not be as easy as I thought," Sun said in worry.

"Why don't you just shoot him?" Oscar asked as it was the easiest way to subdue the giant.

"Well, we want to take them alive, right? Shooting him kind of makes that less likely," Neptune said.

"What a bother you goody types have," Cinder said.

The officers made their way through the supermarket aisles, surprisingly well trained in armed operations.

Sun was still fighting Lurch, doing little damage to the giant.

"Oh, come on!" Sun was thrown to the floor, colliding with a DVD rack.

He got up again, and quickly ducked under a wild swing from Lurch.

"You're getting your arse handed to you," Cardin said as Sun was thrown about.

"Those poor CDs," Dove said.

"What about me?" Sun said.

"Oh, yeah. You too," Lark said.

Wainwright peered around a corner. One of the butchers threw a large meat cleaver at him. It shattered a jar of Bolognese next to his head.

"Arghh!" Wainwright quickly returned his head behind the rack, face looking bloody from the Bolognese.

"Andy!" Cartwright yelled, thinking that it was blood. He got into a firing position and fired at the butchers whose display was apparently bulletproof.

"It's alright, Andy," Wainwright said. "It's just Bolognese."

"Oh, thank Oum," Pyrrha said.

"What a waste of perfectly good Bolognese," Saphron frowned.

"Hmm, spaghetti," Port thought, feeling hungry.

Meanwhile Sun was being swung around by Lurch, his arms clamped tightly around Lurch's neck. Lurch slammed Sun into the aisles.

Sun managed to grab a jar of jam and broke it on Lurch's head.

The officers were in a guns vs knives fight with the butchers, their surprisingly durable display case protecting them from the officer's bullets while their terrible aim saving the officers from being stabbed.

"A bulletproof display case," Sienna remarked. "What a waste of money."

"It's keeping them safe from bullets, isn't it?" Penny said.

"If it's used, it's not a waste of money," Ironwood said with conviction.

"Keep telling yourself that," Robyn said.

Lurch eventually threw Sun over an aisle. Sun got up as Lurch walked towards him. He jumped on the giant and spun them around.

The fight continued, as no one was killed in this fight. Shocking.

Lurch slipped on the wet floor and landed headfirst into a freezer while Sun fell to the ground.

Sun got up and saw that Lurch was out cold in the freezer. Unholstering his pistol, he rushed to join the others.

"You should have told him to cool off," Yang said.

RWB_ groaned.

"Yang, no more puns!" Ruby said.

Yang was offended. "That's a one liner and we all know it. All the heroes give a witty one liner either before or after taking down the bad guy."

"She's not wrong," Jaune said.

Sun slid into place next to Neptune, wielding two pistols.

"How's Lurch?" Neptune asked as he reloaded.

"He's in the freezer," Sun answered.

"Did you say 'cool off'?"

"No, I didn't say anything actually."


"See! Even Neptune agrees," Yang said.

Neptune looked worried. "Tell me if I start giving out bad puns, alright?"

"Don't worry about it," Sun said.

"We'd just kick you out of the room if you do," Sage said.

"As long as they're good ones," Scarlet said.

"There was a bit earlier on that you missed. When I distracted him with the cuddly monkey, and then I said 'Playtime's over' and hit him with the Peace Lily."

"You're off the fucking chain!" Neptune pumped his shotgun and got back into action.

"What's the situation?" Sun asked.

"Two blokes and a fuck lot of cutlery. What do you reckon?" Wainwright said, face still covered in Bolognese.

Sun turned around and saw the trolleys. "Idea."

"I don't like the look on his face," Weiss said.

"Why not?" Ruby asked.

"It's the same one you had when you suggested we take a ride on a Nevermore during initiation," Weiss said.

"Nevermore?" Winter asked, having not heard of that.

"Awesome!" Nora, who rode on an Ursa that day, said.

The two butchers hid behind their display case, eyes widening at the sight in front of them. Sun, Neptune and the Andies had used their batons to link several trolleys and were using it as a battering ram. Fisher and Doris provided covering fire as they charged.

They smashed into the displays, breaking the glass and knocking down the butchers.

"Yeah!" the Andes high fived each other.

"Good work everyone," Sun said.

"Yeah!" Sun yelled. "Two more down!"

"Just a few more to go," Ozpin said.

A scream came from behind them as the officers turned to see the Checkout Girl running towards them with a stationary knife.

Doris grabbed the 'WET FLOOR' sign and slammed it into the Checkout Girl's face, who went down like a wet paper towel.

"Pathetic," Vernal sneered.

"Weak," Raven said.

"That was easy," Willow said.

"Nice one Doris," Wainwright said.

"Nothing like a bit of girl on girl," Doris joked.

The officers laughed at the joke, before they are pelted with fresh fruits.

"Fruit attack!" the gangly store workers yelled as they threw fruits at the officers.

"Fruits, really?" Amber deadpanned.

"You'll be surprised at how deadly food can be," Blake said.

RWBY and JNPR remembered the Food Fight, it was a glorious battle.

Glynda gave the two teams the Look™, getting them to pale and shut up.

"Can you handle this Sergeant Fisher? We're going to go after the big boss," Sun asked.

"We're on it, Sergeant," Tony replied as he shot near them, scaring them off.

"Neptune, let's roll," Sun said.

"Sun!" Wainwright said, catching their attention. "Don't go being a twat now."

"I wouldn't give you the satisfaction," Sun replied.

Sun and Neptune kicked down the door to Skinner's office, finding it empty. Sun pulled opened the curtain, finding Skinner running towards a police cruiser which drove off as soon as he got on.

"Damn, he got away," Sun said.

"We'll have to go after him," Neptune frowned. Why do they always run?

"We should get down there," Sun said.

"How?" Neptune asked, knowing that going out would take time, by which they would have lost the car by then.

"Skip," Sun said as he jumped out of the window, landing in the skip full of cardboard boxes and garbage.

"Head 'em off?" Sun said.

"Fuck yeah," Neptune said.

"Eww," Blake said. "You two better wash up after this."

"The law stops for no one, not even hygiene," Sun said.

Frank drove Skinner away from the store, slamming through the still opened door of Neptune's police cruiser, breaking it off.

Sun and Neptune sprinted towards Neptune's car, firing at Frank's as he got away.

"I'll drive," Neptune said.

"Punch that shit!" Sun yelled as the car sped off, sirens and lights blaring.

Behind them we see the three adjudicators with clipboards looking on as they wondered what was going on.

"Yeah, there's no way their getting the title that year," Roman said, grinning around his cigar.

'How sad,' Neo's sign said.

"What do you think's going through their minds?" Kali asked.

"Probably wondering what the hell is going on," Saphron said.

The two cars sped through the village's roads. Skinner got out of the window and shot at Sun's and Neptune's car, who returned fire.

The chase went on until...

"Swan!" Skinner yelled as a swan appeared in the middle of the road.

Frank panicked and drove the car through a sign for the 'MODEL VILLAGE'.

A ginger-haired boy looked up as the police cruiser flew above the model village.

"I would have just run it over," Watts said.

"Overreaction," Salem said. It was just a swan.

"Birdie no!" Ruby said.

Sun and Neptune reached where the swan was.

"Swan!" Sun warned as Neptune braked with expert timing. They screech to a stop by the waddling swan. Sun opened the door and grabbed the swan, placing it in the backseat before resuming pursuit. The swan could only honk in confusion.

"Good driving, Neptune," Blake said. "Though did you have to pick up the bird?"

"Why not?" Sun asked. "Might as well return it to its owner later."

"Meh," Roman said, not seeing the point.

Neptune drove his car into the Model Village. Ahead is a scene of devastation. Frank's car lied upturned, a damaged sprinkler rains water down onto the model village.

Skinner limped away from the crash. Sun jumped out from the car and ran toward him.

Skinner swiped up the kid and held a pistol to his head. Sun froze, stopping dead in his tracks.

"Stay back or the ginger nut gets it!" Skinner warned.

"The bastard!" Summer said, outraged.

"He has a hostage, great," Clover said.

"What are you going to do now, hero?" Cinder asked.

The kid thought fast, sinking his teeth into Skinner's hand.

"Ow! You little fucker!" Skinner dropped the kid who immediately ran away.

"Smart kid," Qrow said.

"Indeed," Ozpin agreed. "Best thing he could have done. Now Mr. Wukong has a free shot at him."

"Go get him, kid," Tai cheered.

Before he has a chance to recover, Sun threw away his pistols and pounced on Skinner. They both crashed down into the tiny village. Skinner's pistol skitters down a miniature street.

Sun and Skinner sprung back up. The sprinkler rains down on them as they trade blows in the model village, looking like giants fighting.

Skinner eventually got the upper hand and rained down blow after blow in Sun.

"Get!" Punch.

"Out!" Punch.

"Of my!" Punch.

"Village!" Punch.

"You're getting beat up by an old man," Mercury mocked.

"Shut up," Sun grumbled. His other better recover from this.

Sun caught the next punch, getting up while crushing Skinner's fist.

"It's not your village anymore!" Sun took out Skinner with a strong uppercut, sending him sprawling through a mini village house.

"Glass jaw, that one," Velvet commented.

"That should shut him up," Coco said in satisfaction.

Sun looked over to the ginger-haired kid, who is agog at the mindless violence, as all kids do.

"You did good, kid," Sun said.

"Ta," the kid replied.

"What's your name?"

"Aaron A. Aaronson."

"I'm sorry?" Sun said, remembering the Andies insultingly suggesting that he start from that name when he started investigating the murders.

The kid's eyes went wide causing Sun to spin around. Behind is a maniacal Skinner, holding a stationary knife and running full pelt at Sun through the tiny streets.

"Should have hit him harder," Yang said.

"You should break his legs," Nora said. "Or at least shatter his kneecaps."

"What is wrong with you?" Hazel said to the violent girl.

"You don't want to know," Ren sighed.

Sun pushed the kid behind him, ready to stop the knife wielding Skinner.

Skinner tripped on a model of his store's truck, sending him flying. Skinner fell hard onto the miniature church roof. A model spire embedding itself beneath Skinner's jaw and protruded through his mouth.

"Gah!" Sun placed his hand over the kid's bespectacled face, hoping to spare him from the grizzly sight.

"Gah!" some of them said, covering their eyes.

"How gruesome," Jacques said.

"Maybe that'll shut him up," Robyn said.

"Hopefully," Junior said.

Sun let down his hand, looking at the man with a church spire through his mouth. Turning around, Sun saw Neptune helping Frank walk away from his crash.

"It's over Neptune. It's over," Sun said.

"Ooowwww," Skinner moaned in pain. "This really hurts. I'm going to need some ice cream."

"How is he still talking?" Emerald said, bewildered.

"Damn, that looks like it hurts," Watts said.

"Went right through the middle of the jawbone," Oobleck commented.

"Yeah, well don't worry," Sun said. "There's plenty of ice cream back at the station. Isn't that right Neptune?"

Sun turned to see Frank holding a gun to Neptune's head.

"Oh, come on!" Neptune yelled. Why did he have to get taken hostage?

"Oh no, Neptune!" Weiss said.

"How will you get out of this?" Salem mused. While absurd, this viewing had been amusing.

"Stay back!" Frank yelled.

"Oh pack it in Frank, you silly bastard!" Sun yelled.

"Now, now Sergeant. We don't want any more bloodshed," Frank said.

"Frank, this whole thing started because you lost someone you loved," Sun said. "Don't expect me to believe you'd let it end the same way."

"I'll tell you how this is going to end!"

He pointed his gun at Sun. Neptune leaped on Frank's gun arm, wrestling the gun from him.

"Good for you kid," Tai said.

"Now shoot the bastard," Roman said.

"Eh," Neptune said. "But he's my others dad."

"Shoot him anyway," Mercury said. He did not have the greatest relationship with his dad, which ended with him losing his legs and his dad taking a lethal dose of mechanical foot to the head.

Frank sprinted off towards Neptune's car. Neptune aimed the gun at him but couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger. Instead he points the gun in the air and fired.

"Aaaaargh!" Neptune yelled as he emptied the gun.

"It's alright kid," Ironwood said. "It's your father. Can't expect you to shoot him. Though you could have not shot the gun up into the air."

"Still cool though," Neptune said.

"You could have tossed me the gun," Sun said. "Let me shoot him in the legs. That'll keep him from running."

"Legs!" Nora cheered at Sun agreeing with her that breaking legs was great.

"It's spreading," Ren said in worry.

Sun went to help him up as Frank jumped into the car and peeled off, wheels screeching. Frank bulldozed his way through the model village as Sun and Neptune watched on.

Frank looked in his rear-view mirror, seeing no one pursuing him.

However he is not alone in the car. Frank noticed the swan in the backseat which hissed as it attacked him.

"Guess that swan was there for a reason," Robyn said.

"That's going to hurt," Ilia said.

"Geese are vicious," Oscar said knowingly.

Sun and Neptune watched as the car crashed into a tree.

"I feel like I should say something smart," Sun said.

"You don't have to say anything at all," Neptune said.

The two looked up to see a Vale Police Service helicopter approach.

"And the calvary has arrived," Clover said.

"All that shooting had to attract some attention. Can't wave off a bunch of people shooting at each other as an 'accident' now can we?" Port said.

"Oh, I'm sure that the NWA would have thought of something," Zack said. "Shame, they won't get the chance."

Frank sat handcuffed in the back of an ambulance, wearing a neck brace. Doris closed the back door of the ambulance.

"And that's why we don't mess with the goose," Oscar said sagely.

Fisher was being interviewed by a reporter. Behind him, the Andies were joking about while smoking.

Skinner was carried through on a stretcher, the model church spire still sticking through his mouth. The Hoodies recorded the sight on their mobiles.

Sun and Neptune sat with blankets around them. They are addressed by the three officers from the start of the film.

"Oh great, them again," Yang groaned.

"What do they want now," Sun said, annoyed. Though their forceful reassignment did get him to meet Neptune there, it still annoyed him that they sent him away because he was making them look bad by being too good at his job.

"Think about it," Junior said. "If super cop over there was responsible for a large portion of the arrests that the cops made, how do you think things are now that he's gone?"

"Oh my," Melanie giggled.

"I bet they want him back because someone up high was less than happy at the increase in crime," Miltia said.

"What do you say Sun?" the Chief Inspector asked.

"We've been trying to reach you for days," the Inspector said.

"Yeah, well I've been kind of busy," Sun said.

"More like busy exposing a murderous organization hell bent on killing anyone who makes the village look bad," Summer said.

The Sergeant got to the point. "We need you back. The figures have gone a little squiffy in your absence it has to be said."

"Come back to Vale. Sandford's hardly fitting for such an exceptional officer," the Chief Inspector complimented, buttering him up.

Sun looked at Neptune, then back at the model Sandford. "Yes, but the thing is sir. I kind of like it here. Besides, we have to do a considerable amount of paperwork."

"Revenge," Sun grinned.

"Their in trouble now," Ironwood agreed. Reassign a terrific officer because he made you look bad by comparison will you? Now reap what you sow.

"But are you ready for what comes next, Mr. Wukong?" Ozpin asked as he grimaced.

"Eh?" Sun said. "I caught all the baddies, what else could there be to do?"

The scene changed to a bunch of mugshots being taken of the various NWA members, several still bearing the injuries that they had been given.

The entire Sandford Police Service sit quietly scribbling away. Piles of paperwork were on the table they shared.

"Gah!" Several of them made various religious symbols, as if to ward off the demonic sight in front of them.

Sun was gapping at how much paper was on the table. "What is that!"

"That is you and the whole Sandford Police Service doing the paperwork for the arrest of several criminals, after action reports for the shootouts, damage reports, etc. As you can see, shootouts usually involve a lot of paperwork in the aftermath," Zack explained.

Ozpin, Glynda and Ironwood were having nightmares about paperwork for when missions went sideways. The horror. They arguably hurt their wrists more filling out forms than swinging at Grimm. At least the Grimm were a problem that went away with sufficient brute force.

"For fuck's sake, this is going to take ages," Wainwright said.

"Yeah, we're gonna be here all night," Cartwright said.

"Good thing we've got the manpower isn't eh, Andy?" Fisher said.

"Actually," Neptune said, "official vocab guidelines state that we say 'staff' and not 'manpower'." He pointed at Doris. "Cause, manpower's a bit sexist."

The officers processed that as Doris oohed.

"You don't mind a bit of manpower do you Doris?" Sun said.

"Dirty bastard!" Doris said.

Everyone laughed. Whoops and catcalls filled the office.

The girls looked at the boys, who shrugged. Manpower or staff, what's the difference. As long as it sounded grammatically correct, who cared.

A wastepaper basket hit Sun on the head.

"You cheeky fucker!" Sun said, still smiling.

Another huge laugh. Sun grinned at Neptune, who suddenly appeared grave. He followed Neptune's gaze to see Tom Weaver, aiming a blunderbuss at Sun, his face full of hate.

"Oh shit!" Coco said.

"I can't believe we forgot about him!" Blake said.

"How dare he use my weapon against them," Port said, outraged that a blunderbuss was being pointed at a student.

"Well, it was nice knowing you," Mercury said.

"You know what you are?" Weaver said. "A bloody busy-body!"

Weaver fired at Sun. Neptune jumped in front of Sun, taking the full force of the blast in the stomach.




"That's going to leave a scar," Neptune winced at his others bloody torso. At least he was still breathing.

"No!!!" With lightning speed Sun slipped his feet into the wastepaper basket and kicked it at Weaver's face.

Weaver staggered back into the evidence room. He hit the back shelf. The sea mine teetered, rolled forward and dropped between Weaver's leg, ticking as it was triggered.

"Oh, Oum no," Weaver said.

The sea mine went off, destroying the police station.

In the clearing smoke, the officers somehow are all still alive with little injuries, even the hedgehog and dog are fine.

"How the bloody hell are you all still alive, without Aura?" Winter said in disbelief.

"Don't know, don't care," Sun said. "Where's Neptune?"

"That explosion sure isn't going to help him," Hazel said.

"I wonder what happened to the old guy?" Tyrian mused.

"Gone, reduced to atoms," Zack said.

A frantic Sun hurried over to find Neptune who lied among the debris still awake despite his injuries.

"Hold on Neptune" Sun said, trying to keep him awake. "Everything's alright. Everything's gonna be just fine."

The officers gathered around the two as they waited for emergency services to respond.

"It'll be a miracle if he survived that," Salem said.

"Bitch, we're in the business of making miracles," Summer said.

"Gasp, Mom cursed!" Ruby said.

Yang wondered when she had entered the twilight zone.

_TQR decided not to mention that their language was not the cleanest back during the good old days when they were still young.

'One Year Later'

We see Sun leaving his cottage, dressed in his uniform with Inspector markings on his shoulders. He drove off in his police cruiser.

Sun walked through the village graveyard to a single headstone. We see that it read 'Varsiles'.

"Hope these are OK?" Sun said.

"Yeah, they're lovely."

Neptune was revealed, standing next to Sun.

"You're looking remarkably spry for a dead man," Jaune said.

"Still fat though," Nora said.

"It's good to see you up on your feet," Ren said.

"I'm glad that you're OK," Pyrrha said.

"Thanks," Neptune said. He was still a bit disturbed at his partner who was clinging to him like a limpet. "Can you get off me now?"

"No," Sun said. "Unless Weiss wants to take my place?"

Weiss blushed. "N..n..nooo! Why would I want to do that?"

Neptune knelt down and placed the flowers on a grave. Neptune got up, revealing the full headstone. It read, 'Irene Varsilles', Neptune's mother.

Sun and Neptune were in their car. The radio crackled. "Any officers near the church?"

"Go ahead Doris," Sun replied.

"Chief, we've had a report of some hippy types messing with the recycle bins at the supermarket."

"Leave it with us."

"Right to."

"Sergeant Varsilles," Sun said. "Little hand says it's time to rock and roll."

"Bring the noise," Neptune said as he put on shades of his own.

We cut to the exterior of the car as Sun stepped on the accelerator, police sirens going off. Sun pulled a spectacular handbrake turn, spinning the car 180 degrees. Accelerating with a roar the car hurtled towards us, filling the frame.

"And that's a wrap," Zack said. "What do you think?"

"It was funny," Nora pipped up.

"It was hilarious," Ruby said.

"It's about cops, so I thought it was boring," Roman said. "Not to mention a little cliché."

"Heathen," Sun said. "I loved it!"

"Me too!" Neptune said.

"Right," Zack said. "Next one is coming up. It's a bit different from what you've seen so far."

"Different how?" Ozpin asked.

"You'll see," Zack said.

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