Ironwood and Branwen - Escape Scene

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Ironwood and Branwen – Escape Scene

Winter had a pistol pointed to Hazel's head.

"Let them go," Winter told him.

"Alright boys," Hazel said. "Stay calm. We need her alive." He turned towards Winter. "Let them go, or what?"

"Or you're going to get a nice new bruise right in the centre of your forehead," Winter said.

"You're not going to shoot me," Hazel said.

"Want to bet?" Winter said.

Hazel shrugged. "He's already took a bullet to the head once. What's another?"

"People usually object to getting shot at," Watts said.

"I can't feel pain, remember?" Hazel replied.

"Yeah, well it won't matter if there's a nice new hole in your noggin," Mercury said.

Winter pressed the trigger, only for nothing to happen.

"... because you need an activation chip to fire that gun," Hazel said. "Sorry."

"That might actually be a good idea," Ironwood said.

"That's just asking for your guns to be hacked," Ozpin said. "What if someone hacks into your system and changes your authorization? You'll have a bunch of guns that you can't use."

"Sounds like a design flaw to me," Qrow said.

"Oh, that would make our jobs so much easier," Cinder muttered.

"Try this on!" the captured scientist yelled, using a flamethrower to send Hazel flying. Ironwood and Branwen quickly pushed their chairs back and away from the incoming flames.

"I'm not small shit," the scientist said before letting loose on everything and everyone in sight that was in an Eteon uniform.

"Whoa! Little guy has a flamethrower! Little guy has a flamethrower!" Sun cried.

"Ah, an elegant weapon from a more civilized age," Oobleck said.

"What's elegant about a flamethrower!" Robyn asked.

"Why, the smell of burning Grimm in the morning is most lovely," Oobleck defended.

"There is something about it," Port agreed.

"I think you've had too much coffee," Glynda said.

"Blasphemy," Ozpin muttered.

"What kind of school is Jaune attending?" Saphron said with a shake of her head.

"Ok, anyone just started to be a little more afraid of Profesessor..."


"... Doctor Oobleck?" Velvet asked.

Several hands rose up.

Ironwood and Branwen didn't waste any time in getting free, doing exactly as they told Hazel earlier, Ironwood ripping the arm off his chair while Branwen slipped loose.

Ironwood and Branwen used their chairs as weapons as they beat up the mooks that came for them. Winter liberated the gun off one of the mooks, taking him down then kicking away another into a workstation.

Ironwood and Branwen were beating the shit out of Eteon's soldiers, using the arms of their chairs as clubs.

Winter used her liberated gun to knock out a soldier, grabbing another by his gloved hand, kicking him in the balls and punching him out. She quickly put on the glove she took from him.

Ironwood and Branwen worked in tandem to finish off the soldiers around them, grabbing their respective last soldiers and turning them around to fire at the incoming soldiers with their meat shields' pistols.

"Let's roll!" Ironwood said.

"You think?" Branwen said.

"Dick," Ironwood replied, the two moving with their meat shields.

Winter put on the glove just in time to turn and fire on the soldiers coming for her, the gun now working since she had a glove.

"Well, that was an easy way around it," Adam said. "All you need is to take one of their gloves and whalah! Bullets!"

"That does seem like a flawed system," Penny said. "Why, I'm sure with a glove, I could easily hack into their whole network and disable them."

"She really can," Zack confirmed.

"I think we should check on Atlas' cyber security," Clover muttered.

"Yes, I believe that's a good idea," Winter agreed.

"Meh," Watts said. He could compromise their entire system with enough time.

"Yes, maybe our electronic warfare division should have increased funding," Ironwood muttered.

"This is why I prefer using my fists," Tai said. "You can't shut down a good ol' pair of knuckles."

Ironwood and Branwen walked to one of the cars, Branwen taking out the soldier near it while Ironwood checked on the engine, seeing nothing wrong and closing the hatch.

Branwen got in the driver's seat while Ironwood hopped on, gun at the ready. They looked for Winter, spotting her jumping from the top of workstation to workstation.

"Run, Winter, run!" Weiss said.

"How is it that no one is shooting at her?" Whitley said.

"Oh, they can't," Zack said. "They shoot her, their whole plan falls apart. They need her alive."

"Small miracles," Willow said.

"Well, I doubt she would make it easy on them either," Nicolas said.

The two drove their way to her, shooting at soldiers as they drive. Hazel, having recovered from being set on fire, joined his soldiers.

"There she is," Ironwood said as they got closer to her. Winter saw them as well and as soon as they got close enough, she jumped off the workstation onto the car.

"Winter, where's the machine?" Branwen asked.

"In the second truck," Winter said.

"On it!" Ironwood said and jumped off the car.

Winter got into the car and sat shotgun.

"Mick Jagger," Winter said.

"Never fails," Branwen said.

"You know, now I really want to hear about their childhood," Coco said.

"Oh, it's nothing interesting," Zack said. "Just a few felonies, a couple of gangs getting beat up and several robberies."

"Now that sounds like a proper childhood," Roman said.

"Oh Oum, I'm a delinquent!" Winter said. "It must be the drunk's fault!"

"Hey, for all we know, you started them," Qrow said.

"At least half of them are," Zack said.

"I'm sure your parents were really supportive," Willow said.

"Considering that you're their mother, yes," Zack said.

"How did the two of them end up working for the government again?" Junior asked.

"Their mother taught them everything they knew, giving them a very specific skill set that makes them desirable for intelligence agencies," Zack said.

"Willow Schnee? Her!" Ilia said in disbelief.

"Now that's a major difference," Nicolas muttered. His daughter, a criminal? He thought he raised her better than that. Well, he didn't object when Jacques asked him for her hand in marriage, so maybe his judgement was skewered.

The Eteon soldiers got into several SUVs to give chase as Branwen and Winter approached the exit.

"We're not out of this yet, Winter," Branwen said.

Several SUVs were on their tails as they made it to the exit.

"I got the machine," Ironwood said into his comms as he got into the driver seat of a truck.

Branwen's car jumped off a ramp as they got outside, still being chased by the SUVs.

"Well then get a move on!" Branwen replied. "Trains leaving the station!"

The scientist torched his workstation, destroying his research and anything Eteon could have used to recreate his device.

Hazel came up behind him and snapped his neck.

"Ah well, too late now," Raven said. "He already destroyed his work and research. Now they have to go after the three of them."

"You know what this means?" Jaune said. "Car chase!"

"Wouldn't be part of the franchise if there wasn't any epic car chases," Zack muttered.

"Are car chases common in this world?" Salem asked.

"Yes, very much so," Zack said. "Why, it doesn't just involve cars. There were times when a tank and submarine were involved."

"How did a submarine get involved?" Vernal asked in disbelief.

"They were someplace very cold and full of ice," Zack said.

Hazel turned to see Ironwood driving his truck towards the exit as well, bullets bouncing off its armour.

Hazel ran after the truck, easily catching up, jumping onto the back of the truck and running towards the front.

Ironwood looked as he called his motorcycle to him and jumped on it, putting on his helmet and speeding off.

"That son of a bitch really is black Superman," Ironwood commented.

"Heh, you two are in so much trouble," Hazel said.

"We'll make it," Qrow said. "Somehow."

"I wonder if he's more machine than Ironwood right now," Watts said. "And if we used a giant electromagnet, would he be stuck to it?"

"Now there's an idea for dealing with him," Tyrian said.

Ironwood looked very nervous. That did sound like a good way to capture him. Looks like he'll be asking Professor Polendina for some upgrades.

"That does make him a poor match up against me," Pyrrha said.

"I bet you could throw him around like a ragdoll!" Nora grinned.

"Nora, we are not throwing the General of Atlas Military like he's some kind of doll," Jaune said.

"But..." Nora said.

"No Nora," Ren said. "Or he'll place an embargo on syrup."

Nora paled and nodded quickly. Pancakes without syrup... The horror!

"I believe I too will need to see my father about this potential problem," Penny said.

The timer on the bomb Ironwood placed earlier reached zero, exploding and blowing up the gas line.

Ironwood saw from his mirror that the explosion was catching up to him and decided to take a detour. He turned the truck around and rammed through the concrete walls of the building.

"Wow, brute force your way through everything, don't you?" Qrow said. "Just like your entire military."

"If it works, it works," Clover shrugged. "Besides, he has us if he needs to be subtle."

"Dad taught me that sometimes going through the problem is the best solution," Yang said.

"Well, not all of us are juggernauts that can shrug off anything thrown at them," Blake said.

Hazel had gotten out of the building.

"Engage drones," Hazel ordered and sped up. Three airborne drones flew above him then when ahead.

Winter fired on the chasing SUVs, their bulletproof glass making it a futile effort. She saw that several more vehicles were coming up in front of them.

"We're running out of road!" Winter said.

"Hold on!" Branwen said. He braked, changed gears and drove onto a ramp.

"Route to intercept?" Hazel asked his helmet. His helmet's HUD helpfully displayed the fastest route to the two.

A drone came and destroyed the ramp the two were on. Branwen merely changing gears again and jumping off the ramp, crashing through the glass windows and into the building.

Ironwood was almost out of the building, only for a drone to fly in front and shoot at his truck. Ironwood merely changed gears and rammed the drone, then the door, then another SUV.

"Arghh!" Ironwood said as he was out of the building. "Whoo!"

"Someone's having fun," Robyn said.

"You try being stuck behind the desk for months on end, then get out into the field again," Ironwood said.

"This is why I quit Patch after my tenure was up," Qrow said.

"I'm still surprise that you can teach," Winter said.

"He's surprisingly good at it too," Ozpin said. "Why, if he wasn't so eager to get back in the field, I'd have transferred him to Beacon."

"That'll be embarrassing," Ruby said. Don't take her wrong, uncle Qrow was a great teacher, but having your uncle teach at the same school you go to was kind of embarrassing at times.

"I could use some help teaching them combat," Glynda said.

"I'll pass," Qrow said. He'd have to stay sober for that. He already endured years of it at Patch, no way could he go through withdrawal again.

Hazel stepped on it as he rode up the same ramp Branwen used, getting into the building as everything exploded.

Winter saw a drone following them from outside. "On your left!"

The drone fired its machinegun at them, destroying the glass windows.

Branwen changed gears and stepped on the accelerator. "Brace yourself!"

Branwen turned the car to hit a ramp before jumping out of a window, the car spinning through the air.

The drone got in front of them and shot them, only for Branwen to shoot it back, hitting one of its thrusters, downing it.

"Now that's some fancy driving," Sun said.

"Too bad we'll be chased by police if we tried that," Neptune said sadly.

"Try it, and you'll be serving detention with me for the rest of your stay in Beacon," Glynda warned.

"Gulp, yes ma'am!" Neptune said.

"Can you drive like that?" Summer asked.

"I wish/ He wishes," Qrow and Tai said.

They landed on the roof of another building, then flew through the air again before hitting the ground. Winter was nearly sent out of the car, just barely holding on. Branwen gave her his hand and helped her get to his side of the car, clinging onto the frame.

"What happened to the seatbelt rule?" Jaune asked.

"Oh, silly Jaune," Nora said. "Badasses don't abide by the seatbelt rule."

"Isn't that how you got launched out of the car in the world where you're Qrow's bodyguard?" Cardin said.

"Ah yes, the one where Qrow swears like it's going out of fashion," Amber said.

"Ironwood! She ain't gonna make it! Bringing her to you!" Branwen told Ironwood over the comms.

"You thinking what I'm thinking Branwen?" Ironwood replied as he made his way to them. "Let's trade some pain!"

"Trade some pain," Branwen agreed.

Hazel rode out of the same building Branwen and Winter were in, hot on their tails.

The last drone fired a missile at them as the SUVs approached.

Ironwood opened his door and proceeded to spin his truck among the SUVs, taking off the door and knocking around the smaller vehicles.

Winter finally shot down the last drone.

"Well that's the last drone down," Oscar said.

"Not as useful as I thought they'd be," Clover said.

"They did get taken out pretty easily by small arms fire," Ruby said. "Still cute though."

"Of course you'd think that," Yang sighed.

"Hey!" Branwen said.

"Haa?" Winter asked.

"You trust me?" Branwen asked.

Winter nodded.

"Reluctantly," Winter said.

"Hey!" Qrow said, affronted.

"You're going to jump onto Ironwood's truck, aren't you?" Kali said.

"That's crazy," Ghira said.

"Not the most dangerous thing I've done," Winter shrugged.

Branwen turned the car until he was parallel with Ironwood's truck, the two driving towards each other.

Hazel was very close as Winter jumped to grab Ironwood's outstretched hand. Hazel tried to get to her, but she got into the truck just before he reached her.

"That was close," Whitley said.

"Just a few inches more," Hazel grumbled.

"Relax, you'll get another chance," Watts said.

"He is persistent, isn't he?" Cinder said.

Winter sat on Ironwood's lap, their eyes meeting in a really suggestive manner before Winter went to sit in the passenger's seat.

"Ooh!" Coco said. "Is there something going on between the soldier and the general?"

"Nothing! There is nothing!" Winter yelled, red-faced.

"Didn't know you liked them young," Qrow joked as Ironwood held his face to his hand in embarrassment.

"My, oh my," Robyn said in amusement. "Should the ladies in the army be worried?"

"Isn't he like, twice her age?" Weiss said.

"What's the rule? Half their age plus seven?" Blake said.

"Oh, so your sister is into older men," Yang said. "Maybe that's why I caught her looking at my uncle at times."

"Say what!" Qrow said, spilling his drink.

"Oh, you didn't notice?" Summer said. "Especially when you're counterparts are in suits. She eats them up like the eye candy you are."

"Well, I can see what she sees in them," Willow said. "Though maybe she should look closer to her age range."

Winter was so embarrassed. She hadn't been this embarrassed since she mispronounced something during a presentation she gave in class.

Branwen turned to follow them as Hazel got up and got back onto his bike.

Ironwood and Branwen made their way out of the facility.

Branwen looked behind him and say Hazel right on his tail. Hazel shot the unprotected underside of Branwen's car, hitting the fuel tank and setting the car on fire.

"Going to need another ride!" Branwen told Ironwood.

"Ahh, I know what you're thinking!" Ironwood said.

"Just keep driving! I'll make it!" Branwen said.

Branwen drove his car onto a ramp, sending the car flying and landing right onto Ironwood's truck.

"Man, that was close," Jaune said.

"How did he calculate that jump?" Penny asked. "The variables involved..."

"Instinct kid, instinct," Qrow said. "That, and more luck than I obviously have."

"The hallway scene says otherwise," Raven said.

"So mostly instinct then," Tai said.

Hazel threw away his spent pistol.

"Take the wheel," Ironwood told Winter. Winter crawled to the driver's side to take over.

Branwen got out of his beat-up car which was sent off the truck after hitting something.

Around them, the entire facility blew up.

Ironwood got to the back of the truck via a door there, joining Branwen as they prepared to fight Hazel, who rode his bike onto a ramp to get onto the truck, the bike sent flying afterwards.

"Ah, there he is," Ironwood said.

"Time for the boss fight," Sun said.

"Oh, this will be good," Neptune said.

"And painful for them I hope," Adam said.

"We can take him," Ironwood said.

"Really?" Hazel said. "Didn't you just admit to me being black Superman?"

"Superman got beat up all the time," Qrow said.

"You better have some kryptonite on you then," Cinder said.

The students looked at them in shock. Since when did adults read comics?

"Don't look surprised," Nicolas said. "Those comics came out when I was still a young man."

"Wow..." Ruby said. "Old people read comics..."

"You learn something new every day," Saphron said.

Hazel took off his helmet.

"I got him," Branwen said.

"No, I got him!" Ironwood said.

"I got him," Branwen said.

"I got him," Ironwood said as the two went up against Hazel.

"Really?" Sienna said. "You have to argue about that now?"

"And the two of you were working so well together," Ozpin sighed.

Branwen went first, his punch being blocked, and Hazel pushed him aside.

Ironwood tried to punch him as well, but Hazel retaliated with a punch to his face, which was shown in slow motion, sending him to the ground.

"His face!" Nora laughed.

"Oh, that was hilarious!" Kali giggled.

"Do it again," Adam said.

"Please," Watts said. "I have to get that on camera!"

"That was funny!" Qrow laughed.

"Just wait until it's your turn, Branwen," Ironwood said.

Branwen tried to get him from behind, only for Hazel to turn around, punch him in the face and nearly sending him off the truck. Branwen just barely held on and soon started to get back onto the truck.

"Well, someone was almost sent out of the ring," Yang said.

"You holding on alright?" Ironwood said in amusement.

"You aren't getting rid of me that easily," Qrow grumbled.

The destruction of the facility caused one of the towers to collapse, falling right towards them.

Ironwood threw a crate of shells at Hazel, who ducked, and the crate just barely missed Branwen.

"Are you trying to kill me!" Qrow yelled.

"Yeah, not sorry about that," Ironwood said. "I am sorry that I missed Hazel though."

"He probably wouldn't have even felt that," Vernal said.

Ironwood took out a shell and used it as a bat to hit Hazel. Hazel caught the impromptu bat, arm not budging an inch despite Ironwood's efforts.

"I thought you were strong," Hazel said.

"So did I," Tyrian said. "Come on! Beat them black and blue already!"

"I thought you would enjoy watching those two get knocked around," Mercury said.

"Well, yes," Tyrian said. "But where's the blood! The broken bones! Hell, I'll settle for a bruise at this point! Where are the injuries!"

"Perhaps he's been denied his share of blood for too long," Salem muttered. Time to let him loose again. Maybe he'll even kill someone that would annoy her later on.

Branwen had got back on the truck and opened a compartment where the tools were kept, picking up a wrench.

Hazel threw the shell towards Branwen, who dodged just in time. With a kick, Hazel sent Ironwood to the ground again.

Branwen hit Hazel in the thigh with his wrench, getting him on his knees then tried to strangle him with it.

Winter looked back only to see the collapsing tower getting closer to the truck.

Hazel broke the wrench, got his hands on Branwen and threw him overhead into Ironwood.

Hazel walked towards them, only for the two to see the tower and back off into the driver's compartment.

Hazel turned around and jumped off just before he was crushed.

Out of the dust cloud, the battered truck drove away as Hazel looked on.

"Not even a collapsing building can put him down, can it?" Velvet said.

"Nah, he dodged that," Coco said.

"And our heroes have escaped once again," Roman scowled in annoyance.

'They always do,' Neo typed.

"Worst team up ever," Ironwood and Qrow muttered.

"I personally thought it was quite amusing," Nicolas said.

"You should team up for real some time," Oobleck said.

"I don't think we have the budget for that catastrophe," Glynda said.

"Just make James pay for it," Port said. "He's the leader of the largest waste of money on Remnant."

"The Atlesian Military is not a waste of money!" Winter defended.

"Sadly, I must agree," Robyn said. "So, what's next?"

"I'm not sure," Zack shrugged. "Let me put it on randomize and see what comes up."

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