The Forbidden Kingdom - Qrow Branwen vs Sun Wukong

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The Forbidden Kingdom – Qrow Branwen vs Sun Wukong

Lu Yan (Jackie Chan) – Qrow Branwen

Silent Monk (Jet Li) – Sun Wukong

Jason Tripitikas – Jaune Arc

Sparrow – Ruby Rose

"Right," Zack said. "It seems we'll be going back to that world where Sun's the Monkey King."

"Ah, the one where I turned him into a stone statue," Adam said.

"Ruby, can your eyes do that to him for me?" Sun asked.

"I don't know," Ruby said. "I didn't even know they could do that in the first place."

"I'll show you the ropes later," Summer said. "We'll need a few Grimm though."

"I can handle that part," Zack said. "Now, time for a Kung Fu battle."

"Hell yeah," Neptune said.

Jaune woke up from his nap, still inside the bamboo forest. He turned around to look for his companions.

"Lu Yan?" Jaune called. "Lu Yan?" He got up and shouted louder. "Lu Yan! Lu Yan! Sparrow!"

Behind him, a person wearing white robes and his face being covered with a white shawl sat upon a white horse, looking right at Jaune.

"Oh boy, trouble," Ren said.

"That guy seems familiar," Sage said.

"He really does," Scarlet agreed.

"Think he's a bandit?" Amber asked.

"What kind of bandit wears all white?" Vernal said.

"We do laundry only once every few weeks," Raven said. "White is terribly difficult to clean."

"Makes you miss the comforts of living in civilized society huh?" Qrow said.

"You wish," Raven retorted.

Jaune turned around and noticed the person, who was looking right at his staff.

Jaune ran, the unknown person giving chase on his horse.

The mounted person easily caught up to Jaune and stole the staff from him, riding away.

"Well, too be expected when the thief is on horseback and you're on foot," Oobleck said.

"Did you let someone take my magic staff?" Sun said.

"I let him do nothing," Jaune said. "He stole it from me."

"Oh the irony," Zack mumbled. Was it thievery if the owner stole it back?

"Are you alright?" Sparrow asked as she and Lu Yan ran to him.

"Jaune, what happened?" Lu Yan asked.

"He took it!" Jaune said. "The staff!"

"The Jade Warlord has sent a bounty hunter," Sparrow said.

"We are doomed," Lu Yan said.

"Took you long enough," Winter said. "Were you too busy getting drunk?"

"Hey, I'm here!" Ruby said.

"Who's she?" Emerald asked.

"A young girl named Sparrow who has a grudge against the Jade Warlord," Zack said. "She also knows Kung Fu."

"So, unlike Ruby then," Yang said. "She doesn't know hand to hand combat at all."

Qrow sighed. "I've tried. Trust me, she's bad at it."

"How'd she end up hurting herself without any of us even hitting her?" Tai wondered.

Ruby grumbled. Who needed to learn how to punch people when you had a nice, sharp scythe to do it with?

They looked up as several crows cawed and flew away.

The three of them made it to an old abandoned temple, seeing the bounty hunter's horse tied there.

"That's his horse," Jaune said. "He must be inside."

"Why would he take refuge in a temple?" Sparrow asked.

"That's what I intend to find out," Lu Yan said. "Wait with the horses." He took a sip from his gourd and headed for the temple.

Inside the temple, the man meditated.

Lu Yan entered the temple and saw the white-robed man there.

"Is that... Sun!" Blake said.

"Wait, isn't he a statue right now?" Ilia said.

"He made one last clone right after he was tricked," Zack said.

"How long ago was that?" Sienna asked.

"Oh, a few centuries," Zack said. "No time at all."

"Indeed," Salem agreed. "Barely a blink of an eye."

"Just a short chapter in a book," Ozpin said.

"Right, their older than dirt," Ironwood said.

Lu Yan sat down on the steps in front of the monk. "Ah, good to get off my feet. Long day."

"So, where are you from?" Lu Yan asked. "Shandong Province?"

The monk stayed silent.

"You look like the Shandong Province type," Lu Yan said. "You come here often?" He got to the point. "That staff doesn't belong to you."

The monk finally opened his eyes and looked at Lu Yan.

"You have to give it to me, or somebody might get hurt," Lu Yan said.

The monk stayed silent and the two stared off each other.

"Not one for pre-fight banter are you, kid?" Qrow asked.

"I usually am," Sun said. "Maybe the monk version of me is different?"

"I can't believe you're a monk," Neptune said.

"And I can't believe he shaved his head!" Yang said.

"No monkey features?" Adam asked.

"They wouldn't exactly help him blend in now, would they?" Zack said. "Besides, this clone was made extra durable, so certain liberties had to be taken."

Lu Yan took a sip from his gourd then threw it at the monk, who destroyed it with one punch. Lu Yan took the opportunity to snatch the staff away.

The monk lifted himself up on his hands, legs hooking onto the staff, holding it in place. Lu Yan tried to pull it away, but the monk let go, sending Lu Yan flying.

"Whoa! The monk can fight!" Mercury said.

"He's a clone of the Monkey King, of course he can!" Sun said.

"This is like one of those wuxia shows," Saphron said.

"It practically is," Zack said.

Lu Yan landed on his feet and tried to swipe the monk off his feet, who jumped over the attempt, staff still on his feet.

Lu Yan tried to get the staff again, but the monk held on to it, elbowing Lu Yan back. Lu Yan kept a hand on the staff, refusing to let go.

The monk moved the staff about, trying to dislodge the drunken master, pushing the staff towards him tip first. Lu Yan blocked it with his hand until his back hit a small shrine.

The monk pushed, Lu Yan moving his hand just in time to avoid it being crushed like the stone.

"He's beating you brother," Raven said.

"He's a five-hundred years old demigod," Qrow grumbled. "I reckon I'm doing pretty well for a normal human."

"Didn't the Monkey King's clones disappear after one punch?" Ilia asked.

"Reinforced clone," Zack repeated. "So long as he doesn't take a fatal injury, he'll live as long as he eats and sleeps."

"Useful," Blake said.

The two martial arts masters fought one handed as the other hand kept hold of the staff. It eventually became a kicking match as the two traded kicks with each other.

The two punched each other at the same time, then a kick which sent the staff into the air. Lu Yan managed to punch the monk and reached for the staff, only for the monk to kick it towards a small tower, where it lodged itself there.

The two separated, the monk on his feet while Lu Yan in a reverse one hand push up stance, right where his destroyed gourd was.

Lu Yan reached for a shard of the shattered gourd, sipping the remaining alcohol on it as he stood up.

"Do you really need it in the middle of a fight?" Summer asked exasperatedly.

"That's exactly when you need a drink," Qrow said.

"Funny enough, he fights better drunk," Zack said.

"You're kidding me," Kali said.

"He's a Drunken Fist master, what'd you think?" Zack said.

"Sounds like an excuse to me," Ghira said.

"You need an excuse to drink?" Qrow asked.

"What kind of monk are you?" Lu Yan asked. "Huh? Stealing from travellers."

He threw the shard away as the monk stayed silent.

"Ah, a silent one I see," Lu Yan said. "Or deaf."

The monk didn't make a sound, pissing Lu Yan off.

"I'm speaking to you, monk!" Lu Yan said.

The monk merely adjusted his robes and noticed Lu Yan's eyes wandering towards the staff.

Lu Yan ran for it, jumping towards the staff only for the monk to kick him away.

"You're not getting it from me that easily!" Sun said.

"Want to go a few rounds kid?" Qrow asked menacingly. "Just you, me and our fists. What say you?"

Sun took a look at the older huntsman and gulped. "Maybe next time?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Qrow said. "Kids these days..."

"Didn't you always try and challenge your upperclassmen back when you were a student?" Tai said. "You and Raven."

"We beat a good number of them too," Raven said proudly.

"And a good number of them beat the two of you black and blue," Glynda said.

"We got back at them once we were stronger," Raven shrugged.

"Sounds like you, boss," Vernal said.

The fight resumed as Lu Yan ducked under a swing. The two traded kicks then Lu Yan swung the bag around his neck as a weapon, the monk dodging away from it.

The monk grabbed the swinging bag and used it to drag Lu Yan away. Lu Yan was kicked to the ground, the bag's strap snapping.

Lu Yan got back up, getting into a rooster stance.

The monk threw away the bag and went to trade punches with Lu Yan. The two fought ferociously, neither getting the upper hand on the other until Lu Yan sent the monk flying.

The two traded blows again, this time Lu Yan being sent crashing through a shrine.

"How are you guys not getting injured without Aura?" Oscar asked.

"Kung Fu magic," Sun said.

"Yup," Qrow agreed.

"That's not a thing," Weiss said.

"Say's you," Nora said. "It's totally a thing!"

"It really is," Zack confirmed.

"It is?" Salem said. "Well, guess I have something to occupy my time for the next few centuries."

"A Kung Fu Salem?" Ozpin asked. Guess he better stepped up his game.

Outside, Jaune and Sparrow looked concerned at how long Lu Yan was taking and the sound of fighting taking place.

The monk went for a kick only for Lu Yan to use a severed statue head to block it. Lu Yan tripped the monk, giving his time to get up.

The two kicked each other, then fought each other with a series of arm holds. The monk sent Lu Yan away, him landing in a one-handed push up stance.

Pushing himself back up, Lu Yan saw the monk enter a praying mantis stance.

"Praying mantis, very good," Lu Yan complimented. "For catching bugs! But not tiger!"

"Man, I wonder how you two would fare against my style?" Tai said.

"Your style has you stand your ground and hit back hard and strong," Raven said. "These two seem to favour speed, flexibility and power."

"This does seem awfully showy," Willow said.

"Not really," Pyrrha said. "Watch an exhibition match. Now those are filled with unnecessary attacks and moves."

The veterans there snorted. Exhibition matches. More like a catalogue on how not to fight.

Lu Yan got into a tiger stance and the two resumed the fight again.

Lu Yan attacked aggressively and had the monk on the backfoot. He sent a statue flying towards the monk, who dodged, the statue crashing into the wall.

Jaune and Sparrow approached the entrance of the temple to watch the fight.

The two were evenly matched, before Lu Yan managed to flip the monk onto a shrine. The two fought on top of the shrine, Lu Yan catching the monks kick and dragging them both to the ground.

"You two just can't stop, can you?" Melanie said.

"Their pride as masters are at stake, so no," Miltia said.

"What does that have to do with this?" Penny asked.

"It's basically what happens when two people who consider themselves the best meet," Roman explained. "Of course, I never experienced it myself, being the best there ever was and will be."

"Sure you are old man," Emerald said.

The two got up and went at each other again, trading kicks then punches. Lu Yan grabbed the monk's head, who got it off and twisted it. The monk kicked Lu Yan onto his back, who immediately flipped back up.

Lu Yan rubbed his chest, the kick interfering with the digestion of his recently drunk alcohol.

The monk went for a flying kick, only for Lu Yan to move aside and kick him into a shrine. The monk kicked him away when Lu Yan tried to attack him, Lu Yan backflipping away from his leg swipes.

The monk kicked him mid-flip, sending him into another shrine then back on his back. Lu Yan grabbed the monk's foot when he kicked him, kicking the monk away.

"It's a good thing that temple is abandoned," Amber said. "Otherwise you'll have to deal with several very irritate monks."

"Bah, what can a few monks do?" Tyrian said.

"If they can all fight like that? I'd say a lot," Hazel said.

"Nothing superior firepower cannot handle," Watts said.

"Except guns aren't a thing yet over there," Zack said.

"How primitive," Cinder said.

Lu Yan got up and went for the staff again, the monk jumping towards it as well. The two of them reaching it at the same time.

Jaune and Sparrow got closer, just in time to watch the two masters play tug of war with the staff. The tower eventually gave out, sending the two to the ground after suddenly losing balance, hands not letting go of the staff.

"Interesting game of tug of war," Port said. "We should try that!"

"Unless you plan on using steel cables, a tug of war game between you and others with a super strength Semblance will go through a horrid amount of rope," Oobleck said.

"We could just use the staff!" Port said.

"No one is getting my staff!" Sun said, getting protective over it.

"Gee, you're starting to sound like Ruby when we threaten to take Crescent Rose away from her," Yang said.

"You monsters!" Ruby cried.

The two landed on their feet, staff still in their hands as they fought for it. Lu Yan hooked his leg on it, kicking the monk's hand off it, but the monk kicked him away as well.

The staff was sent flying towards Jaune, who caught it.

The two masters got back up and faced each other.

"You tried to steal the staff for the Warlord!" Lu Yan accused.

"No fool!" the monk denied, surprising Lu Yan. "I'm on a mission to find the seeker of the staff."

The two turned towards Jaune as they heard the staff chime, resonating with him, as if to alert the monk his mission was over.

"You found him," Lu Yan told the monk.

"You know, this could have all been avoided if you took the time to talk to them," Robyn said.

"Where's the fun in that?" Sun asked. "Besides, if I did that, we wouldn't have got to see the best fight ever!"

"I was totally beating you kid," Qrow said.

"Sure you were," Coco said. "When was that? Before or after he sent you flying?"

"I say it was closer to a stalemate," Clover said. "Neither could keep their upper hand for long."

"Should we increase our unarmed combat training?" Ironwood wondered. "Nah. Most Grimm can't be handled by normal soldiers up close and personal."

"The huntsmen on the other hand..." Ozpin said, looking at his less capable students.

'Why do we feel like we're going to go through a training montage from hell?' several of the students there wondered.

The monk stared at Jaune, staff still in his hands. He and Lu Yan went to have a chat.

"He's not even from around here," the monk said.

"Monk, didn't Buddha say all men are the same?" Lu Yan said. "Heaven's forbid!"

Lu Yan took out another gourd and uncapped it. Just as he was about to take a sip, the monk stopped him.

"What? You disapprove?" Lu Yan said.

"Not sharing a drink is the greatest sin under the Heavens!" the monk said. "Cheers!" The monk took a drink from the gourd before giving it back to Lu Yan.

"Hah! I like this monk," Qrow said, raising his own bottle.

"I thought monks were suppose to stay away from substances?" Penny asked.

"Since when did anyone stick to their promises?" Junior said.

"You drink?" Blake asked.

"Sometimes," Sun said. "Not all that often and never enough to get drunk."

"At least someone knows moderation," Glynda said, glaring at Qrow.

Lu Yan took a sip as well.

The two walked towards Jaune and Sparrow, the monk taking a good look at the young man.

The monk started laughing, as if he had just heard the greatest joke of his life. Lu Yan joined him, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"I totally understand," Raven said. "I'd laugh too if I knew that the supposed chosen one was a scrawny kid who looked like he never did a push up a day in his life."

"Well, that shall be fixed!" Nora declared. "Fearless leader! You shall undergo Nora's Beginners Training Regimen! When we're done, you will be able to do all the push ups!"

"How many push ups?" Jaune asked, feeling faint.

"All of them!" Nora said.

"Hey! He's my trainee," Pyrrha said. "Get Ren to be yours."

"Traitor," Ren said. "Nora, if I'm too exhausted, I won't be able to make pancakes for breakfast."

That shut her up.

"How many is all the push ups anyway?" Mercury asked. "Can anyone even do that?"

"Only legends can," Zack said.

The monk joined them on their quest, riding off towards a mountain.

"How long have you been searching for the staff?" Jaune asked.

"As long as I can remember!" the monk answered.

"Hmm, next, we shall observe as the two train Jaune in becoming a semi-competent martial artist," Zack said.

"Oh, this should be good," Cinder said.

"I'll get the bruise balm," Saphron sighed.

"And I'll spread it all over him," Pyrrha said cheerfully.

"You're going to beat him up more when you train, aren't you?" Yang asked. "Just so you can play nurse later."

"Why Yang!" Pyrrha said. "I am aghast that you would think so lowly of me!"

"That's not a no," Blake noticed.

"Indeed it isn't," Pyrrha said.

"Mercy," Jaune pleaded.

"I'm afraid that's your problem Mr. Arc," Zack said. "Well, on to the training montage."

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