League of Legends - Warriors

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League of Legends – Warriors

Zack looked through his old list. It was a really long one. Seriously, he barely knew some of the requests. He didn't watch or play that much.

"Huh, I forgot about this one," Zack said.

"What's it about?" Tai asked.

"A world of legends," Zack said.

"Sounds interesting," Coco said.

Zack shrugged. He wasn't a gamer so how should he know. "Perhaps. This one is not bad though."

On a bridge leading to a castle, several knights ran for the gates with Jaune being the last one through.

"Look, Jaune is king of the castle, again!" Nora yelled.

"Please tell me he isn't obscenely rich in this one too," Weiss groaned.

"No idea," Zack said.

"Of course I am," Jaune said.

"What are they running from?" Qrow asked.'

"You'll see," Zack said.

Pyrrha ran to the front of the knights guarding the castle as Jaune made it in and the gates were closing. Her eyes widened as the gates were destroyed, sending Jaune and several knights flying.

"Guess they weren't fast enough," Watts said.

"Whoever's attacking, they better have brought an army," Yang said. "That's a lot of knights."

~As a child~

~You would wait~

~And watch from far away~

In a prison, several thugs had taken down the guards and made it to a chamber with a large man inside a tank.

"Wonder who's in there," Cinder said.

"Must be tough if he's kept gassed like that," Clover said.

"Security must suck if a bunch of thugs like that could break in," Qrow said.

"Most security is supposed to keep the inmates in, not keep others out," Winter said.

"Sounds like a design flaw to me," Port said.

"It is a design flaw," Glynda said.

~But you always knew~

~that you'd be the one~

~that work while they all play~

Inside an ancient temple, Mercury smirked as he grabbed the artifact hidden within, only for the traps to activate.

Thousands of purple insects emerged from the chambers and Mercury ran for the exit.

Emerald slapped Mercury over the head. "Don't you ever watch any movies? Taking the artifact always activates the traps!"

"Ow," Mercury rubbed his head. "Jeez, didn't know you cared."

Emerald huffed. "I don't. It's just that the boss must have sent you and if you fail that means she's sending me next."

"You're all heart," Tyrian snarked.

~In youth, you'd lay~

~awake at night and scheme~

Back in the castle, Pyrrha looked up and saw Tyrian walk in, an army of berserkers following him in.

"Here'ssss Tyrian!" Tyrian cackled.

"Oh great, it's him," Pyrrha said.

"I'm sure we can take him," Jaune said.

"This you isn't a god king, remember," Nora said.

"Like that matters," Jaune said.

"It kind of does," Saphron said.

~of all the things~

~that you would change~

~but it was just a dream~

Mercury teleported a short distance to the rapidly closing temple entrance. However failed to make it out in time.

Mercury frowned. "I can teleport but can't teleport to the other side of the closing entrance? Bullshit!"

"Noob," Raven snorted.

Neo stuck her tongue out at him.

"Like you didn't have teleporting woes back in the day," Qrow said.

"I have pictures~" Summer sang.

"Give me!" Ruby and Yang said.

Raven paled. She was doomed.

Roman didn't say anything. Neo burned all his copies ages ago. And threatened him with unspeakable violence if he tried again.

In the prison, one of the thugs went to grab the release lever for the large chamber prison but was captured inside a net.

The thugs looked back to see Ruby tilting her top hat at them from an elevated platform, sniper in hand. Below, Yang walked out, giant gauntlets adorning her hands.

Ruby and Yang fist bumped. "You're all so screwed!"

"What's with the hat?" Blake asked.

"She must be trying out a new look," Weiss said.

"It's not a bad look," Ren said.

~Here we are~

~don't turn away now~

Pyrrha was on her back, having been caught unarmed and was about to be killed by a berserker, only for Jaune to push him away as he ran for Tyrian.

Bull rushing his way through any berserker that tried to stop him, he unsheathed the sword on his back and jumped, swinging it down at Tyrian who blocked with his gauntlets.

Tyrian smirked at him as they began to fight.

"Come at me if you're hard enough!" Tyrian challenged.

Jaune just opened a gate and launched a war hammer at Tyrian, sending him flying.

"That's useful," Watts said.

"Do it again," Cinder said. She wanted to do that since forever. Except less hammer and more fire.

~We are the warriors~

~that built this town~

Yang, with a boost from her rocket gauntlets, took down thugs in rapid succession.

"They don't stand a chance!" Yang boasted.

~Here we are~

~don't turn away now~

Just as Mercury was about to be swarmed by bugs, a barrage of magic missiles destroyed them at the closed entrance.

A purple armoured woman with jetpacks landed, the helmet opening up to reveal Emerald.

She tilted her head, telling him to go.

"Guess I have to go save your sorry ass," Emerald said.

"Why do you have magic armour that lets you fly and shoot missiles?" Mercury said, totally not jealous.

"Not going to stare?" Junior asked. "That armour is hiding nothing."

"So is her usual outfit," Mercury said.

"Point," Melanie said.

"Purple is a good look on her though," Miltia said.

~We are the warriors~

~that built this town~

Yang and Ruby easily took down thug after thug. One of them realized he needed to free the prisoner now and ran for the lever.

Ruby shot him in the back, but not before he was able to pull the release lever.

The chamber opened, revealing Hazel, a giant cyborg.

"What happened to you?" Oscar asked.

"How should I know?" Hazel said.

"Perhaps you failed me and I turned you into that?" Salem suggested. It was something she would do too. Just less machine and more Grimm.

Ironwood blanched. And he thought being half metal was bad. At least he could still fit through doors.

~From dust~

Hazel immediately began shooting with his gun hand, sending Yang flying and down a gauntlet.

Hazel switched target to Ruby, destroying the platform she was on, sending her falling to the ground as Yang got up.

"Guess all that metal is good for something," Hazel mused.

"We'll beat you," Ruby said. "Cause that's what heroes do."

"Hey, that's my line!" Nora complained.

Jaune and Tyrian fought, Tyrian managing to trap Jaune's arm and leg in his chains, then sending him flying with a punch. Pyrrha looked at him in worry.

"Ha! You lose," Tyrian laughed.

"Weren't you somewhere over there?" Amber pointed to where he had been sent flying by hammer airlines.

"I got better," Tyrian shrugged.

"Come on, do something!" Pyrrha said.

"She's not a fighter, is she?" Oobleck said.

"Seems more like a support type," Glynda said.

In the temple, Emerald sent more magic missiles at the oncoming bug swarm, flying to where the artifact Mercury stole had been and fighting them there. Mercury got up and began running towards the exit.

"Typical," Emerald said.

"Well, you seem to be doing so well," Mercury said.

"Why did I hire you again?" Cinder asked.

"Cause you needed the best," Mercury said. "And I killed my old man, so I'm what you've got."

A berserker with a magic staff was taken down, the staff dropping in front of Pyrrha.

"Magic staff, neat," Robyn said.

"I wonder if I can use that?" Ozpin wondered.

"Didn't you use to own one?" Ironwood said.

"It was a bit flashy," Ozpin said. "The cane's more conspicuous."

Hazel's mechanical abdomen opened up, shooting out a grappling hook, catching Yang's remaining gauntlet and began pulling her towards him.

Yang undid the strap holding her gauntlet in place, freeing herself.

"You're down both weapons," Adam said.

"What will you do now?" Sienna asked.

"I still got my fists!" Yang said.

"That's my girl!" Tai said.

Tyrian moved to end Jaune, a magical sword forming in his hand. Jaune, on his back, turned and saw Pyrrha pull her hood back as she stood up.

Yang prepared to fight Hazel, gauntlets or no.

Mercury hesitated as he reached the temple's entrance, Emerald behind him being slowly overwhelmed by the bugs.

"Guess our intrepid heroes are in trouble now," Watts said.

"It won't last," Salem said. "It never does."

Mercury dropped the artifact and a magical bow formed in his hands.

"Guess you aren't such an asshole after all," Emerald said.

"You so owe me for this," Mercury said.

"I stand corrected," Emerald said.

Just as Tyrian reached Jaune, Pyrrha summoned the dropped magical staff to her hand and sent out a beam of light into the sky.

"Wonder what that does?" Sun said.

"Probably something awesome," Neptune said.

"That's obvious," Cardin said. "Question is what awesome thing."

~Here we are~

~don't turn away now~

Mercury teleported to the centre of the temple where Emerald was, shooting a bug that she was prying away from herself. He smirked at her questioning look.

"You can thank me, anytime," Mercury said.

Emerald slugged him in the jaw. "Thanks."

"Some thank you," Ilia said.

~We are the warriors~

~that built this town~

Yang took down one of the remaining thugs and tossed Ruby her sniper. Ruby crouched down and shot Hazel in one of his joints, stopping him in his tracks as Yang gave him an uppercut that sent him flying.

"Ha! Yang and Ruby one. Giant cyborg zero!" Ruby cheered.

"What's the point of being a giant cyborg if I get taken down in one punch?" Hazel said.

"Lousy designer probably," Watts said.

Mercury and Emerald fought their way out of the temple.

~We are the warriors~

~that built this town~

Tyrian looked up as something big fell out of the sky.

A giant golem landed in the castle's courtyard, shielding the knights as they regrouped. Pyrrha levitated, the staff spinning and her eyes glowing.

~From dust~


"Everyone gangsta until a giant golem drops from the sky!" Saphron said.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Nora cheered.

"It really was," Velvet agreed.

"So, what's next?" Jaune asked.

"Time to boldly go where no one has gone before," Zack said.

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