Star Trek Into Darkness - Opening Scene

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Star Trek Into Darkness – Opening Scene


Captain James T. Kirk – Jaune Arc

Dr Leonard 'Bones' McCoy – Cardin Wincester

Commander Spock – Ren Lie

Lieutenant Nyota Uhura – Nora Valkryie

Lieutenant Commander Montgomery "Scotty" Scott – Ruby Rose

Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu – Sun Wukong

Ensign Pavel Chekov – Neptune Varsilles

"Space, the final frontier," Jaune narrated. "These are the voyage of th... ouch!"

"No spoiling the show, captain," Nora said.

"So, this is another space one?" Ruby said.

"Yup," Zack said.

"Except it's not Star Wars," Yang said.

"Nope," Zack confirmed.

"Well, this should be good," Blake said.

Class M Planet, Niburu.

On a planet with red and white vegetation, a completely covered person was being chased by a primitive alien tribe with white skin and yellow clothing.

"Well, off to a great start I see," Roman said.

"That's an interesting skin tone," Watts said. "I wonder what evolutionary path was needed to result in that."

"Science later, primitive aliens trying to kill someone now," Cinder said.

"At least they aren't bugs," Coco said.

The concealed person looked back at his pursuers, only to be startled by a giant local animal, which in turned scared it.

"I could take it," Yang said.

"Most of us could take it," Weiss said. "Unless it has some super tough hide and strength."

"It doesn't," Zack said.

"I want to put that on my wall," Port said.

The concealed person took out a phaser, stunning it. Only for it to reveal another concealed person behind it.

"Damn it, man," Cardin yelled as he took off his hood and mask. "That was our ride. You just stunned our ride!"

Jaune took off his hood and mask as well. "Ah, great."

"I'm there?" Cardin said. "With Jaune?"

"That's captain to you," Jaune said.

"Well, captain," Cardin said. "You just shot our ride. Now we have to leg it away from the natives who want to put sharp stabby things through us because of you."

"He's got you there," Ren said.

Hearing the war cries of the natives, the two ran.

"What the hell did you take?" Cardin asked as they ran.

"I have no idea, but they were bowing to it!" Jaune replied. He took out his communicator. "Arc to Shuttle One, locals are out of the kill zone. You're clear, repeat. Ren, get in there and neutralize the volcano and let's get out of here!"

The volcano where they were was spewing ash heavily, ready to erupt at any minute.

"That doesn't look good," Saphron said.

"No shit," Vernal said.

A shuttle flew through the ash cloud.

"We have to do this now!" Sun said as he unbuckled himself from the pilot's chair to go to the cargo area. "I told the captain the shuttle wasn't built for this kind of heat!"

"Who let you fly?" Sage said.

"I hope the shuttle's warranty is still valid," Scarlet said.

"If we crash, I'm blaming the volcano," Sun said. "It's even true!"

In the cargo area, Nora was helping Ren to put on a highly advanced heat resistant armour.

"Captain," Ren said. "Did the indigenous life-forms see you?"

"No, Mr Ren, they did not," Jaune lied.

Ren calmly turned to his leader and gave him the Spock look.

"I have a feeling we'll be seeing that look a lot," Pyrrha said.

"It's Jaune," Weiss said.

"It's kind of scary," Ruby said.

"It really is," Velvet said.

Ren wasn't fooled. "The Prime Directive clearly states there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations."

"I know what it says!" Jaune said. "Which is why I'm running through the jungle, wearing a disguise! Now drop off your super ice cube and let's go! Arc out!"

"Yes, I expect this kind of rule following from Weiss, not you," Jaune said.

"Hey!" Weiss said.

"It's true," Yang said.

"You're good," Nora said.

"If we got to do this, we got to do it now!" Sun said as he returned to the pilot's seat. "Ash is killing our coils."

Nora secured Ren's helmet. "You sure you don't want me to go instead?"

"That would be highly illogical as I'm already outf..." Ren was interrupted by Nora.

"Ren, I was kidding," Nora said. She kissed him on the faceplate. "You got this."

"Guys, we have to go, now!" Sun said.

"Aren't there fraternization laws in the navy?" Ironwood asked.

"Who follows them?" Qrow said. "The navy is all about rum, buggery and the lash anyway."

"Guess which one you are most interested in," Raven snarked.

"Buggery?" Tai suggested.

"Must be the lash," Summer said.

"Oh, very funny," Qrow said.

Jaune and Cardin were still being chased by the natives, who were now throwing spears at them.

"They're trying to kill us!" Cardin yelled. "They're trying to kill us, Jim!"

"Yes, I can clearly see that as they're throwing spears at me too!" Jaune said.

"What are their jobs on the ship?" Clover asked.

"Jaune's captain, Ren is his XO, Cardin is chief medical officer, Nora is comms and Sun is the main helmsman," Zack answered.

"So, why are some of the more important officers to running the ship doing this?" Winter asked. "Don't they have dedicated crew for ground operations?"

"Apparently not," Zack said. "Besides, it wouldn't be as interesting. And they didn't send the chief engineer, so that's something."

"I'll see you in 90 seconds," Nora said to Ren as she went to the co-pilot's seat. She placed her hand on the release lever as Ren attached a cable to his suit.

"Do it," Sun said as he kept control of the shuttle.

Nora pushed the lever, sending Ren down into the volcano.

The shuttle's engines started failing and the screens started showing a lot of red.

"I can't hold this position," Sun said. "Ren, I gotta pull you back up."

"Negative," Ren said. "This is our only chance to save this species. If this volcano erupts the planet dies."

The engines blew up.

"Pull him back up," Sun ordered. "Now!"

"I hear you," Sun said. "But the engines just blew, so this mission is FUBAR anyway."

"There has to be a way," Oscar said.

"Well, he could always make the sacrifice play," Mercury said.

"Not an option many would like to consider," Hazel said.

Salem rolled her eyes. "It's just a volcano."

"And not all of us can survive that," Ozpin said.

Nora pulled the lever, reeling Ren back to the shuttle as it flew away from the volcano. Unfortunately, the heat had burned the cable, making it snap, sending Ren back into the volcano. He landed on one of the few not lava surfaces, fortunately.

"Ren, you ok?" Nora asked over the comms.

Ren got up. "I am, surprisingly, alive. Standby."

"Yay!" Nora cheered.

"He's still stuck inside an active volcano," Neptune said.


"We have to get him back," Nora said. "I'll suit up and go down."

Sun gave her the bad news. "We have to abandon the shuttle."

"We can't just leave him!" Nora said.

"We don't have a choice," Sun answered with finality. "Nora, I'm sorry."

"Ren, we're going back to the Enterprise," Nora told Ren. "We'll get you out of there."

"Captain," Sun said to Jaune as he prepared to ditch. "I'm ditching the shuttle. You gotta make it to the Enterprise on your own."

"Wonderful," Jaune said, feeling the exact opposite.

"Valkryie, you ready to swim?" Sun asked.

"I'm ready," Nora said.

"So, just another day for the crew of the USS Enterprise," Jaune sighed.

"Do they get in trouble a lot?" Sienna asked.

"Ships named Enterprise are destined to live in interesting times," Zack said. "In the Chinese sense."

"They're also protected by fate alongside fools and little children," Jaune said.

Jaune and Cardin were still being chased.

"Jim!" Cardin yelled. "The beach is that way!"

"I know!" Jaune yelled back. "We're not going to the beach."

"Oh no, no, no!" Cardin realized that it was going to be one of those days again.

"Why did I not join a different ship?" Cardin wondered.

"No such luck," Jaune said. "You're stuck with me."

"Unfortunately," Dove said.

"I'm doomed," Cardin said. "It's a good thing I'm a doctor. I can self-prescribe headache medication."

The natives stopped their chase, Jaune having hung up their sacred scroll up on a branch, making them stop and bow before it.

"I hate this!" Cardin wanted Jaune to know that clearly.

"I know you do!" Jaune said.

The two jumped off the cliff, into the water.

The two dived deep into the sea, where the USS Enterprise NCC-1701, waited in all its glory.

"There she is," Jaune said.

"The USS Enterprise, in all her glory," Zack said.

"She's beautiful!" Ruby said.

"It's just a ship," Jacques said.

Jaune and Cardin pulled off their goggles as the airlock drained out the water. Chief Engineer Ruby Rose went to greet them.

"Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean?" Ruby complained with a Scottish brogue. "We've been doing this since last night. The salt water is going to ruin the..."

"What did she just say?" Weiss asked.

"I understood that perfectly," Ruby said.

"Me too," Yang said.

"No problems here," Summer said.

"You'll figure it out eventually," Tai said.

"Ruby!" Jaune interrupted. "Where's Ren?"

"He's still in the volcano, sir," Ruby answered.

Back in the volcano, Ren started prepping the device. Even through his high advanced suit, he could feel the heat. The volcano began erupting, lava balls flying through the air and hitting the village of the natives.

"Time's ticking," Tyrian said.

"Better work fast," Robyn said.

"I'm working as fast as I can while inside heavy armour," Ren grumbled.

The natives started running away, carrying children as one who seemed to be the village head looked on in shock.

"Captain on the bridge!" Neptune said as Jaune and Cardin ran to the bridge.

"Lieutenant, we have an open channel with Mr Ren?" Jaune asked.

"The heat is frying his comms but we still have contact," Nora answered.

Jaune called him. "Ren?"

"I have activated the device, captain," Ren answered. "When the countdown is complete the reaction should render the volcano inert."

"Yeah, and that's gonna render him inert," Cardin said.

"We have use of the transporters?" Jaune asked.

"Negative," Sun answered.

"Not with these magnetic fields," Neptune said.

"Well, that sucks," Adam said.

"I'm sure they can come up with something," Saphron said. "Jaune always has a plan."

Ruby was startled as a fish of unusual size swam pass the bridge's view port.

"That's one big fishie," Ruby said.

"Fish!" Blake drooled.

"Wonder how many that can feed," Kali said.

"One Blake Belladona," Ghira answered.

"I need to beam Ren back to the ship," Jaune said. "Give me one way to do it."

"Maybe if we had a direct line of sight," Neptune suggested.

"*Incomprehensible Scottish* man," Ruby said. "You're talking about an active volcano. Sir, if that thing erupts, I can't guarantee we can withstand the heat."

"I don't know if we can maintain that kind of altitude," Sun added.

"I wouldn't want to fly my ship above an active volcano," Ironwood said.

"Our shuttle was concealed by the ash cloud, but the Enterprise is too large," Ren added. "If utilized in the rescue effort, it would be revealed to the indigenous species."

"You're worried about that now!?" Nora yelled.

"Other me!" Ren said. "Though I do see his point."

"While rules must be followed, there are times when you have to circumvent them," Glynda said.

"Rules were meant to be broken anyway," Qrow said.

"Nobody knows the rules better than you but there has got to be an exception," Jaune said.

"None," Ren replied promptly. "Such action violates the Prime Directive."

"Shut up, Ren," Cardin said. "We're trying to save you, damn it."

"Doctor," Ren said. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

"Ren, we're talking about your life!" Jaune yelled.

Ren said something, but the transmission broke up.

"That's one way to end a conversation," Emerald said.

"Geez, don't you value your own life?" Sun asked.

"My life for an entire species'," Ren said.

"Think about your girl," Neptune said.

"Yes, think about your girl," a rather displeased Nora said.

Ren started sweating. He did not think about that.

"Ren!?" Jaune turned to Nora. "Try to get him back online."

"19 seconds to detonation," Neptune said.

Nora started working to get back in contact with Ren.

"If Ren were here and I over there, what would do?" Jaune asked Cardin.

"He'd let you die," Cardin answered.

Jaune was not very surprised by that answer.

"Yeah, no," Ren said. "I would save him."

"This Ren still needs some character development," Jaune said. "Give it a few years."

"He won't have a few years if you don't get him out of there!" Nora yelled.

"You already know what I've decided," Jaune said.

Back in the volcano, Ren made his peace and prepared to die, willing to sacrifice himself for this primitive, pre-industrial species.

Some of the natives that were chasing Jaune and Cardin were still bowing towards the scroll, when they heard something come from the ocean. Walking to the cliff, they looked in awe as the USS Enterprise rose up.

"It does look very impressive," Ozpin said. "Especially for a pre-industrial society."

Enterprise made her way to the volcano as the countdown continued.

The device detonated, rapidly cooling the molten magma into stone.

"I wonder how their future scientist would explain that," Penny mused.

"That's if it isn't covered by the religious dogma," Nicolas said.

The Enterprise accelerated towards space, Ren successfully rescued.

"Ren!" Jaune yelled as he and Cardin ran to the teleporter room. "You alright?"

"Captain, you let them see our ship," Ren said.

"He's fine," Cardin said.

"If he can complain about us violating the rules, he's fine," Jaune agreed.

"We just pulled you out of a formerly active volcano," Cardin said. "You'd think he'd be more grateful."

"Vulcans," Zack said. "What can you do?"

"Bridge to Captain Arc," Nora called.

"Yes lieutenant?" Jaune replied.

"Is Commander Ren onboard, sir?" Nora asked.

"Safely and sound," Jaune answered.

"Please notify him that his device has successfully detonated," Nora said, before taking off her earpiece and throwing it on the deck, not happy with Ren.

"Someone is in the doghouse," Sun said.

"I'm sorry?" Ren apologized.

Nora huffed and turned away.

"Yeah, you'll have to do something nice to get back on her good side," Saphron said.

"You hear that?" Jaune said. "Congratulations, Ren. You just saved the world."

"You violated the Prime Directive," Ren said, focusing on that rather than his survival.

"Oh, come on, Ren," Jaune said. "They saw us, big deal."

Back on the planet, the natives started worshipping a drawn in the soil picture of Enterprise.

Back in space, Enterprise went to warp speed.

"I can hear it now," Oobleck said. "The terrible god, woken from his slumber by the volcano, rose from the sea and silenced it, before returning to the heavens."

"Sounds legit," Zack said.

"That was fun," Oscar said.

"My poor ship!" Ruby said.

"If you ever make me fly through an active volcano, I'm mutinying," Sun said.

Ren merely raised an eyebrow.

"Such faithful crew I have," Jaune snarked.

"Well, let's move on," Zack said.

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