Qrow Branwen 2 - Sienna's Death

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John Wick – Qrow Branwen

Gianna D'Antonio – Sienna Khan

Cassian – Adam Taurus

Mr. Aconi – Leonardo Lionheart

The scene opens with Sienna Khan walking down a red carpet, accompanied by Adam Taurus and three other bodyguards. They are at a party, organized by Sienna on the Khan estate. There is loud music playing.

"I could like this me," Sienna smirks, watching her others expensive white coat. She wants one.

Adam raises an eye under his mask. So he was still working with Sienna even in another world. Good to know.

Coco was eying Sienna's coat with the fine eye of a fashionista. That was one fine coat she had there. Genuine fox fur if she wasn't mistaken.

"Isn't white the Schnee's colour?" Ilia asks.

Weiss and Winter felt insulted. They wore more than white. Looking down at their attire, there was minimal colour other than white on Weiss's combat dress and Winters uniform. Maybe they should go shopping for more colourful clothes later.

The sisters looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Shopping trip once they got back.

Coco looked around. "I sense a disturbance in the fashion. Someone's planning a shopping trip without me."

_FVY made some distance between them and their team leader. They remembered the last time they went on a shopping trip with Coco. They had to take three missions to pay for all their new clothes. Not to mention commandeering the empty room next to theirs as an impromptu closet.

The scene changes to Qrow, walking down a passage towards the catacombs of the Khan estate, carrying his equipment. Using the keys provided for him by Oobleck, he unlocks the gate, entering it.

Sienna smirk left her. She almost forgot that she had a high class assassin after her head.

"That's one hell of a security flaw." Roman remarks. He broke into abandoned buildings more secured than that. Who the hell doesn't post guards in the catacombs under your house.

Ozpin and Glynda thankfully made sure that the secret basement level in Beacon only had one access point. The elevator. Not to mention the security around the Relic of Choice. Though that last one was more security by obscurity.

Ironwood thinks about the security around the Relic of Creation. If the Relic was taken, Atlas would fall! His eye twitched at the idiot who thought it was a good idea to build a floating city over another city. Yes there were precautions for in case the Relic was taken but he would rather not have the risk at all. If he could go back in time and strangle his predecessor.

Salem smiled, thinking about the Relic of Knowledge. It was so close yet so far. She already knew where it was, now all she needed was the Spring Maiden to open the vault.

Raven felt a cold breeze go through her. Someone was talking about her and not in the good way.

Sienna and her men are getting closer to the main party area.

Qrow flashes his flashlight around, looking for good places to hide his guns, knowing that he'll need them soon enough.

Sienna walks past several important people in Mistral, attending the party.

Qrow hides his shotgun and the ammunition belt on a high opening in the catacombs.

"Aww, not going in guns blazing uncle Qrow?" Yang asks.

Qrow snorts. "Kiddo, I'm pretty sure I only brought all that fire power for when things go south. Assassinations don't need to be loud. Usually they're quiet. A good one is if you can get in and out without sounding the alarm until you are well on your way out of there."

Mercury nodded in agreement. Despite having shotguns for legs, he usually made sure the kills were silent. Why fight your way in and out when you can just finish your job and get out without further fuss.

Neo just smiled. Who needs to be stealthy when you can literally teleport in and out. Teleportation was an unfair semblance.

Sienna walks past several high ranking government and religious figures, attending due to how powerful she was.

Qrow locks and loads the assault rifle, placing it behind a wall.

Sienna stops in front of Lionheart, whispering something to Adam who nods. Sienna walks away from there, her guards following soon after.

"Professor Lionheart! What's he doing here?" Sun asks, wondering why his headmaster was at the party.

"Who's that?" Ruby asks.

"He's the headmaster of Haven Academy." Ozpin answers easily.

Salem and her minions hid a smile as they thought about their mole in Ozpin's organization.

The camera pans back to show the party in full with all the guests and performers.

"What kind of music is this anyway?" Tai asks.

"The kind children listen to these days." Glynda answers.

"How do you know so much about that?" Ozpin raises an eyebrow at his deputy.

Glynda blushes. She may or may not have been interested in what the kids considered music. It wasn't her fault that her students used their scrolls in her class and she confiscated them. If they didn't want her looking at their playlist, they should be paying attention in class.

Qrow shines his flashlight at where he hid his assault rifle before moving on.

The party is in full swing, Sienna meeting with several important people.

Ironwood sighs, remembering having to socialise with the 1% of Atlas at one of the Schnee's parties. Never before had he wished for a sudden Grimm incursion.

Many of those there who have been forced to attend these parties agreed. Nothing was worst than listening to some politician or business man talk about this or that thing that they'll like your support on.

"This is actually not that bad." Weiss commented. There was loud music, dancers and it was in an open field. Not quite like one of her father's stuffy shareholders parties. And she had to sing at those as well.

Adam walks towards her, telling her.

"Excuse me ma'am, Mr. Lionheart is waiting."

Sienna nods, "In a moment."

She politely excuses herself from the person she was talking to, walking away to meet with Lionheart.

Sienna walks away from the main party area escorted by Adam, not aware that Qrow is watching her from above.

"Sloppy," Adam frowns at himself. Unhappy that if Qrow wanted to, he could have killed both him and Sienna then and there if he wanted to risk it.

"No one ever looks up." Raven says.

"Except when there's a giant Nevermore diving down at you." Qrow says.

"Now that was one hell of a mission." Tai chuckles before yelping, getting hit on the head by Summer.

"No swearing in front of the kids." Summer chides.

Qrow leans back and smiles. He could almost imagine that it was the good old days, before Raven left, before Summer went on a mission and never came back. Team STRQ together again.

Sienna enters her parlour, where she entertains and meet with important people.

Lionheart is looking at one of the statues decorating the room.

"Mr. Lionheart," Sienna calls out, causing him to turn and face her as she walks closer to him. "Are you enjoying the facilities?"

"Thank you for seeing me." He kisses her hand, as it is done in upper class society.

"Please, sit."

Both sit down, getting down to business.

"Ah the subtle power plays among the elite of society." Winter says. She hates those kind of things. It was why she became a huntress then a specialist. Those were jobs where the solution to a problem was to hit things, simple enough.

Ironwood and Ozpin groan. The number of times they had to dissuade councilmen away from interfering in the affairs of their huntsmen and soldiers without insulting them. Ozpin was seriously regretting abolishing the monarchy. Sure democracy was fairer, but it made all their decisions subject to politicking and debates. Who the hell has time to debate the merits of deploying their huntsmen here or there when there was a village under siege by Grimm. Good thing he was in charge of that, not the council.

"Ms. Khan," Lionheart begins as Sienna takes a sip from her wine glass. "You can't just take what is rightfully..."

"Nothing was taken," she denies immediately, having expected this. " Those among your own came to us with these territories."

"A knife was pressed to their throats." Lionheart replies.

"That blade you speak of was meant for their children," Sienna corrects. "They were only meant to watch. What is yours is now ours, Mr. Lionheart."

Sienna smiles predatorily as Lionheart doesn't react, knowing who had the upper hand here.

Sienna had a similar smile. To be able to force a headmaster to back off was no easy feat.

"That's so evil!" Ruby jumps out, pointing a finger at Sienna.

"That's life Red," Roman snorts. "Pretty standard among crime bosses really."

"Doesn't make it right." Weiss remembered when the White Fang managed to kidnap her for ransom. She was ten at the time. Atlas sent a Specialist team to rescue her, no casualties. Atlas doesn't negotiate with terrorists.

Winter remembers that day. She was still in training then. She had to be physically restrained by her team when she tried to get to Weiss. She never wanted to feel that way ever again.

"Now go," she dismisses him, getting up. "Enjoy the party." Lionheart gets up and leaves. "Have some fun."

Once Lionheart leaves, Sienna tells Adam.

"Why don't you go entertain our guests, while I freshen up my makeup."

"Yes ma'am." Adam leaves, returning to the party.

Sienna watches Adam's leaving form, and asks herself.

"What would I do without you, Adam?"

"Yes, what would you do without me?" Adam repeats.

"You're not irreplaceable Adam. Remember that!" Sienna warns, getting a snort in return. He already had a good number of followers who viewed him as High Leader. It would be all too easy to stage a coup.

Sienna opens two large doors, entering her personal room. It is large and has a hot bath in the middle. Chairs and dressing tables dot the well decorated and lit room.

Sienna inspects her makeup in a mirror. However she is no longer alone. Like a wraith, Qrow appears in the mirror.

"Gah!" Nora shouts. "How'd you do that!"

"One Blake is enough. I don't need my uncle doing that too." Yang mumbles.

"I'm just that good kid." Qrow boasts.

"Sure you are." Winter rolls her eyes.

Qrow was stealthy when he wanted to be. It was how he got the drop on so many of Salem's middlemen. You wouldn't think that with the giant scythe-sword-shotgun he called his weapon. The times where he got exposed was when his damned bad luck semblance acted up.

"Qrow," Sienna says as she sees Qrow.

"Sienna," Qrow greets as Sienna turns to meet him face to face.

"There was a time not so long ago in which that I considered us as friends." Sienna says, remarkably calm despite knowing of only one reason that Qrow would sneak into her room when she was alone and unguarded.

"You two are friends?" Glynda asks.

"Nope/ Never met him before." Both answer.

"I still do." Qrow answers, walking around the bath towards her.

"Yet here you are," Sienna replies, "Death's very emissary."

"Now why can't I get such a nice moniker?" Tai complains. All huntsmen eventually got a nickname for themselves once they reached a certain level of infamy. Or lived long enough.

Summer was the White Death, Raven was the Crimson Reaper and Qrow was the Emissary of Death. But him? He got called the Sun Warrior!

He wanted to be called the Dragon but noooooooo! That name was taken!

S_RQ smirked, knowing that Tai got the short end of the deal. Wasn't their fault that the media ran out of badass nicknames to call him.

She looks at him, a few paces in front of her.

"What brought you back Qrow?" Sienna asks.

"A Marker." Qrow replies. The two word answer tells Sienna all she needs to know.

"Held by..." Sienna has a hunch, but she needs to know for sure.

"Wincester." Qrow confirms. Cardin Wincester had always coveted a seat at the High Table, and Sienna was the easiest way there.

"Why the fuck would you give Wincester anything to hold over you Qrow!" Tai shouts!

Ozpin couldn't help but agree with him. Wincester was as shady as you could get in Vale's upper class. Why would Qrow ever willingly associate with him.

Sienna is silent, walking towards a different dressing table closer to Qrow.

"Tell me Qrow," Sienna asks, "this Marker. Is it how you got out?"

Qrow nods.

"And what was her name?" Sienna inquires, "This woman whose life has ended my own."

There is some bite in her tone, no doubt bitter at her soon to be death.

Those that knew him leaned in closer, eager to hear the name of the woman Qrow massacred hundreds for.

"Summer." Qrow answers.

"What?!" The woman in question sputtered. Qrow liked her? She married him here?

Qrow took a long drag of a bottle of whiskey. He wasn't bitter over Tai for getting Summer, having made his peace with that a long time ago. But his other was one lucky bastard to have gotten together with Summer despite how short it was.

"Summer." Sienna repeats. She walks towards Qrow, unafraid.

"This Summer, was she worth the price that you now seek to pay?"

Qrow sighs. What he wouldn't give to have Summer back with them among the living. Tai was of a similar mind. He hated being a single father. Qrow helped him greatly, but there were things that just required a mother's touch. Raven was silent, missing her friend despite how things turned out with their team.

Ruby and Yang hugged Summer, who hugged them back. Summer smiles sadly down at them. How much had she missed since her death. She should have never taken that mission.

Qrow nods lightly. Sienna muses over it, and gets into Qrow's face.

"Now, let me tell you what happens when I die. Cardin will lay claim to my seat at the table. He will take Vale. And you, will have been the one to have gifted it to him."

"Cardin in charge of Vale!" The students who knew him blanched. Cardin was getting better sure, but they wouldn't trust him with a food stall, let alone the entire kingdom.

"Sienna is that powerful?" Ghira asks, shocked that the death of one individual could pave the way to power for someone else.

"Oh like you wouldn't believe." Zack answers. "He already has most of the council in his pocket, only Sienna's influence is greater than his own since she's a member of the High Table. Taking her seat will solidify his hold on Vale and parts of Mistral."

The adults were worried about such power in the hands of one man with bad intentions. Democracy wasn't perfect, but it distributed the power, making sure that no one person had too much power.

Cinder was taking notes. Why didn't she ever think about that. It would mean more work sure, and she would actually have to do some good but to get Ozpin to hand her power on a silver platter and not be able to do anything about it because she got voted in 'fair and square'. Priceless.

Sienna walks away from Qrow as he contemplates what Cardin will do now that he has Vale. Sienna takes of her white coat, throwing it off without a care.

She looks in the mirror, taking in her body in a glittering silver low-cut dress. Turning back to Qrow, her eyes meet his as she undoes the straps of her dress, letting it fall down to her feet.

"Whoa!" the men said. Sienna was one hot piece of ass.

Sienna was mortified at her other getting naked in front of others. Though she did like the fact that men will still stare despite being in her 40s.

"Not going to drool and stare like an idiot?" Amber asks Qrow, pointing at the boys who were getting berated by their female teammates and friends. The only ones who didn't were Tai, who was happily taken, Ironwood, who had eyes for Glynda only, Ozpin, who was millennia old and had seen it all. Even Saphron snuck a look in despite being married.

"Nah," Qrow shrugged. "Nothing I haven't seen before."

Sienna felt vaguely insulted at that while Winter for some reason felt pleased.

Sienna takes out the hair pin holding her hair up, shaking her hair. She turns towards Qrow, throwing one last barb.

"What would your Summer think about that Qrow?"

Summer hugged Qrow, surprising him. "I could never hate you Qrow. You're my best friend and partner." There were tears in her eyes t how much her death must have hurt him.

Qrow hugged her back, relishing in the warmth he hadn't felt aside from his nieces. "I thought your swords were your best friends?" Qrow teases.

Summer pushes him and huffs. Though she didn't let go of her smile.

Mercury gagged, what was with all the mushy stuff that was going on recently. Emerald elbows him to shut up! This was better than those soaps that were on TV.

Qrow doesn't answer. Sienna, taking her hair pin with her, which is actually a hidden blade, steps into the bath.

Looking at Qrow, she asks as she places the blade on her wrist.

"What would your Summer think about you? Hmph?"

Using her hair pin blade, she cuts her right arm down the vein as Qrow watches.

"Why?" Qrow asks as she does the same to her left.

"You wouldn't get it." Sienna says.

"Oh no, I think I do." Qrow says.

"Because, I've lived my life my way. And now I die my way."

Many of the older audience thought about those words. Nearly all of them had regrets in their lives. To die how they wanted, either on the field of battle or surrounded by family, was something they all hoped for.

Those morbid words struck a cord in the students. This was the life they were signing up for, where death was a matter of when and how, not if.

Both are silent, Sienna lying down in the bath, spreading her arms out. Blood flows into the water, making bloody wings around her submerged body.

"Do you fear damnation Qrow?" Sienna asks him.

"Yes." Qrow answers. He then walks towards where her head was.

"We're all damned." Salem says, knowing that she was already on the bad side of the gods. Ozpin frowned, not disagreeing. Why was he being forced to live over and over again to stop Salem. Sure she was his wife in his first life but the vows were till death do us apart.

Ozpin sighed. He had a long time to think about it. Sometimes he wondered if the gods made men in their image or was it the other way around. Why else would they make such a decision to give him an impossible task to resolve a problem that was at least partially their fault.

"You know." Sienna continues, "I always thought, I could escape it. The dark sees you coming."

Qrow sits down on the side of the bath, keeping her company in her last moments.

"The dark see you."

"Man that's dark." Roman says, pun intended. You don't live in this side of civilization without having a little darkness in you.

Neo nodded along.

Qrow sighs, thinking over the words. How many times had he starred into the abyss, always thinking about how easy it would be to fall into it only to pull himself out for Yang and Ruby. It was why he drank so much, to dull the pain and not think about it.

Qrow holds her hand as she continues to bleed out. Sienna turns to look at Qrow one final time.

Soon after, Sienna's eye closes and her body goes limp in the water as she succumbs to the blood loss. Letting go of her hand, Qrow raises his pistol, putting a bullet through her head.

Qrow gets up, takes one last look at his old friend and leaves the room.

"Was that necessary?" Neptune asks, wincing at Qrow putting a bullet through Sienna's head.

"Always double tap when you can." Mercury says. Playing dead was a common tactic after all.

"Still," Glynda didn't like it, exposing the students to plain murder so soon.

"Next we'll be seeing Qrow fight his way out." Zack says.

"Oh great!" Qrow groaned. Of course his bad luck would mean he would have to shoot his way out.

All these dark and action scenes are really getting to me. After I finish the last Qrow Branwen scene, I'm going to look for something comedic to do. Suggestions are welcome.

Next: Qrow Branwen 2 – Concert and Catacombs Fight 

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