Qrow Branwen 2 - Suiting Up

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John Wick – Qrow Branwen

Sommelier – Klein (Weiss Butler)

Continental Receptionist – Velvet Scarlatina

Tailor – Prof. Port

Seamstress – Coco Adel

Historian – Dr. Bart. Oobleck

Ares – Vernal

I am aware that the Sommelier was played by Oobleck in Kyle's trailer, but I just don't see him as a cultured, gun recommending gentleman. The Schnee family butler seemed more appropriate. I also had some trouble with the technical terms for the guns, so if any of you know the actual terms used, please show them in the comments and I'll correct them. As usual, I own nothing.

"This one returns to the one where Qrow's a retired assassin." Zack tells them.

Qrow smirks, he was a real badass in this one.

Winter blushes, still not over how attractive a properly dressed Qrow was.

"Quit smirking. It's not you." Too bad for Qrow, his sister had to rain on his parade.

"Yeaaa, what do you know?!" Qrow growls back.

Tai smirks. "Well there was this one time in our first year where you..."

"Alright! Alright! You made your point!" Qrow already knows what Tai was alluding to. The kids didn't need to know that he wore Raven's school uniform once. His reputation as the cool uncle was on the line here.

"Anyway, Qrow just finished killing Cinder, Mercury, and the vast majority of Cinder's gang. Killing around 77 people in just a week."

Qrow's kill count shuts them up. That was a lot of dead people.

"Shit." Mercury sums up everyone's thoughts. As an assassin himself, he knows how hard the job is and most don't survive to amass such a high number. And this was after a five year retirement. What was Qrow's kill count if he included before his retirement?

"You fucked up big time Mercury." Emerald tells him.

Cinder eyes Qrow warily. She always knew that he was dangerous. This just cements it in her eyes.

"You've never killed that many people, right uncle Qrow?" Yang asks nervously.

She and Ruby just couldn't see it. Their druncle Qrow, a killer with a kill count twice his age? That wasn't true, right?

Qrow sighs, and takes a swig of his whiskey. "I have kiddo. Mostly bandits and human traffickers, but if you add up my entire 20 year long career, well I never counted but it's probably in the triple digits."

Qrow always was the more ruthless of team STRQ, despite what Raven thought. After Summer died, well he drowned his sorrows in more than just alcohol. He started taking bandit extermination missions, killing hundreds of bandits before he got over himself and returned to help Tai raise the kids.

He kicked Tai out of the house then, telling him to go kill some Grimm to blow some steam. Tai returned 3 days later having wiped out an entire Grimm nest alone.

Tai and Summer never could stomach killing people, despite knowing that as huntsmen, they might have to one day. Huntsmen protected the people from more than just Grimm after all. Sometimes the worst monsters wore human faces.

Raven only killed when she had too, content to let her enemies live after beating them. The settlements the Branwen Tribe raided let most of the people live and escape, most of the death caused by their raids attributed to Grimm.

Many of them are horrified by Qrow's admission, the students were green around their faces. This wasn't what they signed up for.

"Qrow," Summer wonders what her death did to her friend. She always knew there was darkness inside him, and she thought he had buried it for good.

"Don't Summer." Qrow stops her before she can start. "I've made peace with my darkness. It is who I am, and I'll use it to protect those that I care for. Whatever the cost."

He levels a glare at Cinder, Emerald and Mercury, causing them to gulp. He never did forgive them for what they did to Amber, and never would.

Salem and her followers eye Qrow cautiously. Qrow may have never been able to catch them, but the number of middlemen he found was astonishing. He was Ozpin's best spy not just for his combat strength, but for his ability to track and move about Remnants underworld.

Tyrian cackles madly. "AHHAHHAAHHAAA! We're the same! Oh you hide it but you and I are cut from the same cloth! Yes you are!"

Qrow doesn't refute that, knowing it would make no difference. He just opens a new bottle and takes a gulp.

Raven watches her brother, wondering where all the years have gone and feeling guilty over abandoning him and the team. But she never regretted not falling under Ozpin's thumb.

The White Fang members always knew he was dangerous. He was listed as a flee on sight if he was ever spotted. He once annihilated an entire platoon of their best when they went for a raid on a convoy headed for Patch. A convoy that he was guarding. He and Adam clashed blades only for him to flee, with half a sword and less than a dozen men. They escaped only because Qrow deemed the convoy more important than pursuing the remaining White Fang.

Amber views her old protector with new perspective. He always did have this hint of darkness when they were travelling together.

Ozpin sighed. He tried his best to help Qrow with his re-emerged darkness after Summer died, but he knew he never fully recovered. He always put on a mask for his nieces, but that was it. Every moment he had he spent on missions, barring a few weeks where he stayed with Tai and his daughters. It wasn't until he made Qrow accept a teaching job at Signal Academy that he started to truly recover.

Ruby and Yang rush to hug him.

"Don't worry uncle Qrow, we love you regardless." Ruby says.

Qrow is touched by his nieces. They were too good for him.

Zack coughs. "If you're all done by now? Right, this is around 4 days after Qrow avenges his dog. Now, he has to kill Sienna because Cardin wants to be top dog and Sienna is in the way. So he calls in the favour Qrow owes him."

"He's what!" Sienna yells. "And what do I have to do with this?"

"You're a member of the High Table, the ruling members of this world's criminal underworld. If you die, Cardin gets your place as the next eligible candidate."

"Of course he needs someone else to do his dirty work." Coco grumbles. She still hadn't exacted punishment upon him for bullying Velvet.

"Why can't he just say no? Isn't he like the scariest person they know?" Jaune asks.

"He can't. Cardin called in his Marker. A Marker is basically a favour for a favour, non-negotiable and undeniable until he fulfils it. It's one of the two unbreakable rules, the other being no killing on Continental grounds. He breaks those rules, he'll have every assassin and hit-man in the world after his head."

"Useful, and dangerous." Roman remarks. The number of times someone tried to double-cross him.

"Right. This is starting with him preparing for the job."

Qrow enters a shop belonging to one Dr. Oobleck. The stop is filled with old books and antiques, fitting his history doctorate.

"Looks just like his office." Ozpin says.

Glynda nods, having been in the history professor's office. It was filled with old tome and artefacts excavated from ruins all over Remnant.

"Mr. Branwen." Oobleck greets, looking up from his book.

Oobleck opens a hidden door behind one of the book cupboards, taking them to the back of the shop.

"Well his office doesn't have that I believe." Glynda notes.

Ozpin neglects to mention the secret compartments holding the most important substance in the world that dot Oobleck's office, coffee.

Qrow is shown walking on the streets of Mistral, scouting out his target.

Qrow is in a workshop, where many seamstress are working on their clothes.

Stopping in front of Coco's desk, he places a gold coin on it, catching her attention.

"I'm a seamstress!" Coco still hasn't watched a world where she was cool. She was starting to get depressed that she was the only cool Coco in the multiverse.

"I'm sure there's more to this you than that. Why would an assassin come to you if you were just a seamstress." Velvet comforts her friend.

"Says the girl who was in the circus." Coco did feel better after that, since Velvet did make sense.

Taking the coin, Coco guides Qrow to the back of the shop, where the real business is conducted.

Qrow is shown in the Continental, Mistral branch. He is talking to Velvet, who is dressed in a sharp looking women's suit and manning the receptionist desk.

"Looking good Velvet." Coco compliments. Velvet blushes at the amount of breast that outfit showed.

"Is the Sommelier in?" Qrow asks.

"I have never known him not to be." Velvet answers.

"What's a sommelier?" Ruby asks, unfamiliar with the term.

"A sommelier or wine steward, is a trained and knowledgeable wine professional, normally working in fine restaurants, who specializes in all aspects of wine service as well as wine and food pairing." Weiss answers. The Schnee family had one under their employ and Weiss has met him before despite being underage.

"Why would I need someone to tell me what kind of wine I should drink?" Qrow asks. He never really drank the expensive kind either, usually the regular stuff that was mass produced. The good stuff was for special occasions.

Winter was conflicted. On one hand, this was exactly what she expected of Qrow. On the other, Qrow's revelation really shook her view of him. She always knew he was one of the best huntsman on Remnant, she just didn't quite realize what that entailed.

"It's a bit different than what you would expect." Zack answers.

Qrow enters a room that at first glance, appears to be a wine cellar, but as the camera pans in, shows that it is actually a front for the armoury. Where there should be wine bottles, there are racks of guns, all displayed in lighted racks.

"That makes more sense." Sun says. Of course the supposed wine expert was really a gun expert.

"Oooh!" Ruby was looking at all the guns on display, from pistols to sniper rifles. Now this was her kind of wine.

The Sommelier, Klein, is inspecting one of the pistols on display and notices Qrow. Klein is dressed in a butler's suit and has a medallion hanging around his neck.

"Klein!" Weiss couldn't believe that her butler could be involve in this. Was he even qualified to handle all those firearms!

"You didn't know?" Winter asks surprised. "Klein used to be Atlesian special forces before an injury forced him to retire."

Ironwood remembered reading Klein's file when he was preparing to deal with Jacques Schnee. He had never seen so much black on a file before. He didn't even have access to the un-redacted version! And he was the highest ranking officer in the Atlesian military.

(Basically, think of him as Alfred and you'd more or less be right.)

Ruby gasped. "Weiss! You didn't tell me you had a ninja butler!"

"That's because I didn't know that either!" Weiss was questioning everything she knew about her home life. Klein, kind, funny Klein was a retired special forces operator! Did he have the mansion booby trapped? Were there caches of weapons everywhere? When did her life stop making sense?

Winter decides not to mention all the hidden weapons she found after her training. The only reason she even spotted them was because of her Specialist training. Who knew that you could hide a machete in such a small lamp. Or the grenades masquerading as fruits.

Returning the pistol to its place, he turns to greet Qrow.

"Good afternoon Mr. Branwen," he walks behind the desk, looking at Qrow, "It's been a long time."

It has been five years since Mr. Branwen has required his services, not that he ever needed his recommendations but there are a number of new weapons since he was last active, and Qrow Branwen is many things, but a fool he was not. He would always heed the Sommelier's recommendations when it came to guns.

"I'd like a tasting." Qrow says, which was code for he'd like his recommendation regarding what weapons he should select.

"Yes please!" Ruby wanted one too.

"Why would you need one? You already memorised every publically available weapon in Remnant?" Blake asks.

"Blasphemy! There is always more to learn when it comes to weapons!" Ruby replies.

"That's my girl!" Summer shouts out, proud of her.

"So it is genetic." Ren wonders about the Xiao-Long Rose family. So Ruby got the weapons fetish from her mom, Yang got the bad puns from her dad. Now the question is, what did they get from the Branwen twins?

Nora just wants that grenade launcher she spotted among the weapons there.

With Oobleck.

The scene changes to Oobleck's office. It looked just like what you would expect from a history professor, full of old tomes and ancient armour.

"I am quite excited to show you something." Oobleck tells Qrow, showing him into his office.

He grabs a rolled up sheet of parchment, and turns on the lighted drafting table.

"Why would you go to him anyway?" Mercury asks.

"Hell if I know. He's the assassin here, not me." Qrow answers, though he did have an idea. No reason to clue the little shit that he knew how most assassins operate after all. Though it might be a little too late for that.

With Port.

The scene changes to Coco, showing Qrow into a well furnished room. They are let in by two suited bodyguards.

"Hello Mr. Branwen." Port greets cheerfully.

"Peter." Qrow greets back as they shake hands.

"Welcome back to Mistral. Would you be in need of a new suit?" Port asks.

"I am." Qrow answers.

Coco pales. "I'm working for Professor Port! Worst me ever!" At least she was working in the clothing industry, small consolation for working with the most long winded professor in Beacon.

"Getting a new suit huh? When was the last time you wore anything formal?" Tai asks.

"Your wedding I think." Qrow hated that monkey suit. It chaffed, restricted movement and was a pain in the ass to keep clean. He didn't know how his other move so smoothly in one.

With Klein.

"I know of your past fondness for the Vale varietals," Klein points at the Vale made pistols on the rack. "but, I can whole-heartedly endorse the new breed of Atlesians."

"Glock 24 and 26." Klein grabs the mentioned pistols, taking them to the desk.

"Buying Atlesian now Qrow?" Ironwood jokes. "You've made the right choice. Don't worry, Atlesian firearms are of the highest quality. They won't disappoint!"

"Calm down Jimmy. I know you Atlesians like your toys." Qrow rolls his eyes at Ironwood. Yes Atlas had the best tech, but the equipment wouldn't matter if you didn't know how to use it.

With Oobleck.

"This is the original map, of the Kahn estate." Oobleck places the old map on the lighted table, showing it in clear detail for such an old map.

"Here, you have all the ancient ruins." Oobleck shows Qrow what he should expect of the place.

"So that's why you went to him." Jaune thinks that knowing the layout of the building you would be infiltrating was just common sense.

"I think I recognise that building." Pryyha looked closely at the map. "It's an old building owned by the Mistralian council I think. It used to be all ruins until it was renovated."

"Oh yeah! We've been there." Sage says. "It's a Mistalian heritage site now."

"The catacombs were creepy though." Scarlet says. Team SSSN shudder, it was dark, damp and cold in those catacombs. Serves them right for sneaking in before they were mapped out and have lights installed.

With Port.

One of the tailors is taking Qrow's measurements.

He tells Port something, and he translates.

"Tell me Mr. Branwen, is this a formal event or a social affair?"


"And is this for day, or evening?"

"I need one for day and one for night."

"There's a difference?" Ghira asks.

'That fool!' _FVY think as Coco looked livid. Before she could start on the intricacies of formal wear, Zack put a bubble around her.

Didn't save the man from his wife however.

"Dear," Kali says sweetly, making him sweat. She only used that tone for one of two reasons. She was feeling frisky and they would be trying to give Blake a younger sibling. Or he said something stupid. It was probably the latter. "We will be having a talk on this later dear."

"I don't get it?" Ruby wonders what was wrong with wearing what she usually wore.

"Don't worry," Weiss pats Ruby on the head. "As your partner, I'll make sure you understand the importance of proper attire for different occasions. This should suffice as a summary on all you need to know." Weiss pulls out a book that was thicker than Hazel's biceps.

Ruby looks towards Blake and Yang for help. Blake pretended to be engrossed in the empty plate she was holding, Yang was looking anywhere but at Ruby, knowing her weakness for Ruby's puppy dog eyes would be her undoing.

Betrayal! Ruby cried anime tears as Weiss pushed the book into her arms.

With Klein.

Qrow enters into a few gun stances, getting a feel of the guns Klein recommended.

"Recon toward grips," Klein talks about the guns characteristics as Qrow tests it out. "Flared mag. well for easier reloads. And I know you appreciate the custom porting."

"That's a new gun just entering service! How do they have it?" Ironwood asks.

"Your council is stupidly corrupt." Zack deadpans.

"Your damn right it is!" Roman smirks around his cigar, thinking about all the blackmail he had on them. Neo smirks, since she was the one to get said blackmail. Who knew Councilman Trump was into that!

Ironwood grumbles, inwardly promising to investigate the council after this. Discretely of course.

Qrow puts the pistol down, satisfied with it.

"What's next?" Klein asks.

"I need something robust, precise." Qrow says.

"A scythe not good enough for you?" Raven asks. Ruby gasped. How could her uncle Qrow stray from the true path!

"Well a sword-scythe-shotgun combination doesn't exactly scream precise does it?" Qrow sarcastically replies.

Arthur snorts. He'd seen Qrow's handiwork when one of his middlemen was found. He was one of the guys who got him his human test subjects. Let's just say Qrow wasn't in the mood for prisoners.

"Robust. Precise." Klein repeats, thinking about what suited his client's needs. He smiles as he finds it.

With Oobleck.

"This is the map of the temple, and catacombs underneath." Oobleck shows possible entrances for Qrow.

With Port.

"In what style?" Port asks.

"Mistralian." Qrow answers.

"How many buttons?"




"How about the lining?"


Winter blushes, already picturing Qrow in that suit. It was a very nice image to have.

With Klein.

Klein hands Qrow a rifle.

"AR-15," Kleins says. Qrow tries it out as Klein explains the new rifle.

"11.5 inch, compensated with an iron bonded bolt carrier, tridjucon accu-points with one sixth magnification."

"Nice." Ruby says, already pouring through the specifications mentioned.

Ironwood's eye twitches. Of course even that wasn't safe from getting into the hands of criminals. He really needed to clean house when he got back to Atlas.

Salem smiles. The greedy nature of men was so easy to exploit.

With Oobleck.

"And this is the modern blueprint." Oobleck places a blueprint on the table. "There are one, two, three gates."

Qrow inspects the blurprints with the trained eye of an experienced assassin.

"Seems like a weakness to me. Why wouldn't they have those entrances guarded?" Ilia asks.

"They didn't think anyone would know about them." Zack answers.

Adam snorts. That was sloppy of them. The number of times he and his men exploited overconfident Atlesians soldiers guarding mines or convoys of dust.

Sienna frowned, not liking how her security was so loose. She'd have to tighten it up when she got back.

With Port.

Coco shoots at a mannequin wearing one of Port's suits with a pistol.

"Silicon-carbide disk," Port shows the suit with no bullet holes, taking out the armoured cloth underneath where the bullets have flatten against it. "ceramic mattresses, accompanied laminate, cutting edge body armour."

Port gives the cloth to Qrow, letting him see for himself.

"We just sew it between the fabric, and the lining, zero penetration."

Qrow nods along, quite impressed with the advancements made here. He didn't have this five years ago.

"However, quite painful I'm afraid." Port winces at that, bullets hurt even through Kevlar vests, and those were far thicker than this. Still won't penetrate though.

"We have got to start research into that!" Winter can only imagine how useful that would be. Protection rated against bullets but maintaining the lightness of regular clothing. Huntsmen would be hammering at their door to make orders.

Coco positively salivates at the possibilities. No longer would fashion take a back seat to practicalities. If she could be both armoured and fashionable, she would be in heaven.

With Klein.

"Would you recommend anything for the end of the night?" Qrow asks. "Something big, bold."

"Grenades!" Nora shouts. "Get a grenade launcher! You can't get any bigger or bolder than that!"

"Well the kid isn't wrong." Qrow contemplates that. Anyone else who knew him personally though pales. Explosives and his bad luck semblance made a poor combination.

Glynda can already imagine the reports. A grenade that miraculously ended up in the worst possible place like a gas line and blowing up a whole building or street. One Nora was enough, she didn't need another.

Klein has just what he needs.

"May I suggest, the Benelli M4." Klein hands the shotgun to Qrow. Qrow tries out the modern shotgun as Klein explains its features.

"Custom bolt carrier release in charging hand, textured grips, should your hands get 'wet'. A Mistralian classic."

"Nice!" Yang and Sun, the shotgun users here say.

"Such an elegant weapon." Nora wipes a tear from her eye. It wasn't a grenade launcher, but it would do.

Qrow places the shotgun down, and asks.


"Dessert." Klein smiles as if he would never ask.

Klein opens up a box filled with knives of all makes.

"The finest cutlery, all freshly sterned."

Qrow chooses a spring loaded, showing it to Klein.

"Does anyone else here find it weird that they talk about weapons like fine dining?" Saphron asks.

"Nonsense! It was done entirely with the proper etiquette." Ruby announced in a surprisingly good posh accent.

"Weapons nut." Mercury says.

"Connoisseur! I am a weapons connoisseur!" Ruby corrects, getting a nod of approval from Summer.

Hazel wonders what he was doing with his life. He was supposed to avenge his sister's death by killing Ozpin, not listen to a little red girl talk about weapons as if they were judging a five star restaurant. He saddens, wondering what she would make of the excitable little reaper.

With Oobleck.

Oobleck hands Qrow the keys to the catacombs of the Kahn estate.

Qrow pays Oobleck with a few gold coins. "Well done."

With Port.

"Could you do a rush order?" Qrow asks Port.

"I sure can." Port answers. "Where would you like to have it sent?"

"The hotel."

With Klein.

"Should I have everything sent to your room?" Klein asks.

"Yes, thank you." Qrow answers and thanks.


Qrow turns to leave the armoury, but stops as Klein says.

"And Mr. Branwen, do enjoy your party."

Qrow merely nods, not at all surprised that he knew who his target was.

Qrow walks out to the streets, where he was being watched by Vernal, Cardin's chief enforcer to make sure he fulfilled his end of the Marker.

"Vernal!" Raven is surprised at seeing her right hand woman.

"She's Cardin's chief enforcer! She's here to make sure Qrow keeps his end of the deal and tie up loose ends." Zack answers.

Qrow and Roman snort. Tie up loose ends. Call it as it is, she's there to kill him once he does his dirty work for him.

The scene changes to night, in Qrow's room at the Mistralian Continental. A topless Qrow is putting on his new suit. On his back, there is a tattoo with the words 'FORTIS FORTUNA ADIUVAT'.

"Uncle Qrow, you didn't tell me you had a tattoo! Can I get one!" Yang asks.

"NO!" Tai, Summer and Qrow answer together. Yang sulks, they never let her do anything fun.

"Fortune favours the bold, haven't heard that in a while." Ozpin says, feeling nostalgic.

"What do you mean?" Amber asks.

"It used to be the motto of Vale's Kingsguard." Ozpin answers.

Winter blushes at the sight of a topless Qrow. He was very well sculpted. He had to be to swing that oversized sword around as if it was a sabre.

Qrow gets dressed and prepares for his job. He loads and puts several magazines into his belt.

He loads and inspects his pistols, putting them into their holsters on the back of his belt. Taking the spring loaded knife, he closes it and puts it in his right pocket.

"Isn't that a bit overkill?" Sun asks. That was a lot of weapons and ammunition.

"Nonsense!" Ironwood says. "There's no such thing as overkill in this line of work. There's only is it dead or not dead enough."

The adults snort. Atlas penchant to call in an artillery strike on anything resembling a Grimm nest was well known, justified though it was. What couldn't overwhelming fire power solve?

Flock of Giant Nevermores? Dead.

Herd of Goliaths? Dead.

Grimm Dragon? Well they finally had an excuse to build a bigger battleship.

Placing the assault rifle, the shotgun and their ammunition into a gun carrier bag, he heads out to finish one last job.

"Well, shit." Sienna said. She could only hope Qrow wasn't as good as she knew he was. Fat chance of that.

"Damn he has style." Mercury couldn't help but admire the older assassin. He was going into the job in a two piece suit and loaded to bear. An inspiration to assassins everywhere.

"It's not over." Zack tells them.

You read that right. I'm doing the entire fight from him suiting up to the catacombs fight. Next few should be obvious.

Next: Qrow Branwen – Sienna's Death

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