Skyfall Trailer

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Skyfall Trailer

"Hmm, I believe this one can be called the one where Jaune almost died," Zack said.

"What!" Saphron yelled.

"Say what?" Pyrrha said.

"No! He's too awesome to die!" Nora yelled.

"Guess the jobs finally caught up to you," Ren said.

"I said almost," Zack said.

"So, who almost got him?" Roman asked.

"I bet it was me," Tyrian said.

"No way," Watts said. "A simpleton like you could never best a spy like him. It would take a man of superior intellect to do so."

"So, anyone but you," Hazel said.

"That's one hell of a burn," Cinder said.

"Just watch it," Zack said.

Jaune entered an apartment where he found a dead agent. Picking up a computer, he found the hard drive removed.

"It's gone," Jaune said.

"What kind of intel was on that drive?" Ironwood asked.

"The sensitive kind," Zack said.

"That goes without saying," Amber said. "But was it about secret weapons? Secret agreements between countries? A program that'll let you take over the world?"

"You'll have to keep watching to find out," Zack said.

Jaune and Ruby were in a jeep as they chased someone.

"You both know what's at stake here," Glynda said.

"Ruby's here!" Ruby cheered.

"No fair, you get to be a spy!" Nora said. "I'm his teammate, why am I not a spy?"

"You do realize that being a spy means not destroying everything in sight, right?" Weiss said.

"At least not until the moment is right," Jaune said.

"I can keep it in," Nora pouted.

"Please," Zack said. "I already pre-emptively Nora-proofed this place after what I heard you did to Bill's."

"Do you want me to get the hammer?" Nora threatened.

"I'll give it to Jaune instead," Zack said.

"He's worthy?" Nora said.

"Always has been," Zack said.

Jaune fought with Mercury on top of a train, both having to duck as the train entered a tunnel.

"Looks like I'm the one who stole the drive," Mercury said.

"Kick his ass!" Yang yelled.

"Are you going to let him kill you too?" Emerald asked. "Fight harder!"

"Throw them both off that train," Vernal said.

"There isn't much road left!" Ruby said.

"Take the bloody shot!" Glynda ordered.

Ruby took aim at Mercury as he and Jaune were still fighting on top of the train.

"That's going to be a hard shot to make," Ozpin said.

"That's too close for comfort," Winter said. "Maybe she shouldn't take that shot."

"What ever is in that drive must be very valuable if I ordered that," Glynda said.

"Don't worry Jaune," Ruby said. "I won't miss."

Ruby fired, hitting Jaune and making him fall into the river below.

Jaune was shown unconscious and sinking into the water.

"You were saying?" Adam said as they watched Jaune sink.

"You killed him!" Jaune's friends yelled.

"You shot me!" Jaune yelled.

"I'M SORRY!!!" Ruby yelled.

"Killed by friendly fire," Salem said. "Well, there's the end of that particular thorn."

"Didn't you say he almost died in this?" Oscar asked.

"That I did," Zack said.

"That doesn't look very survivable," Robyn said.

"It isn't," Clover said.

Qrow looked at Ruby. "You and I are going for some remedial training. It won't end until you can shoot an apple off your dad's head while he's on a moving train."

"Hey, why do I have to be the one she's shooting at?" Tai said.

"Because I'm not doing it," Summer said.

In Beacon, Glynda was typing Jaune's obituary.

"What do you say about a man like that?"

Glynda met with Ozpin.

"Three months ago, you lost the drive containing the identities of every agent embedded in terrorist organizations across the globe," Ozpin said.

"That's what's in that drive!" Nicolas said.

"Well, that's bad," Ghira said.

"Bad, more like catastrophic!" Ironwood said. "Every agent in the field is now at risk."

"Guess we know why Glynda ordered Ruby to take the shot," Amber said.

"Well, not like that helped," Oscar said.

"You should have trusted me to finish the job," Jaune said.

"It was you or every agent who's identities were on that drive," Glynda said. "I can see why she made her choice."

"And look how far that got you," Saphron said.

Glynda turned around in her house as she sensed someone else in there.

"007, reporting for duty," Jaune said, shrouded by the darkness.

"Where the hell have you been?" Glynda wasn't even phased at his resurrection.

"Enjoying death."

"It's not bad," Ozpin said. "Gets boring after the first few times though."

"You're alive!" Pyrrha cheered.

"What have you been doing while you were dead?" Ren asked.

"Oh, you know," Jaune said. "Enjoying death."

"Girls and drinks then," Qrow said.

"Now that's the life," Neptune said.

"All for the cheap price of getting shot down a train that's on a bridge," Sun said.

"I said I was sorry," Ruby said.

Jaune was shown finishing a shot with a scorpion on his hand. He dropped the scorpion back onto the counter and put the now empty shot glass on it as the patrons cheered.

"Now that was cool," Cardin said.

"Remember when you did that trick," Raven said. "And how you actually did get stung."

"Good thing I had Aura to protect me," Qrow said.

"Maybe you should take some lessons from the kid," Summer joked.

"Can you do that?" Blake asked.

"No," Jaune said. "I could try though."

"You are not drinking young man," Saphron said.

"Notice how she said no to the alcohol but not to the scorpion," Sienna said.

"I only have one question," Ozpin said to Jaune. "Why not stay dead? There's no shame in saying you've lost a step."

Jaune fired his pistol at a target, missing.

"Ooh, guess death had a greater effect on you than you want to admit," Roman said.

"Maybe you should have stayed dead," Mercury said.

"Meh, it's just a target," Jaune said. "I'll make sure I won't miss when it's a real enemy."

"You better," Weiss said.

Glynda was in her car as her computer was hacked.


Glynda met with a police officer holding her up when Beacon exploded.

"Damn, who did that?" Watts said.

"No fair, I wanted to be the one to do it," Tyrian said.

"My oh my," Salem said. "Your sanctuary is safe no longer."

"Hmm, I'll have to top that," Cinder said.

"What was that?" Port said.

"Oh, nothing," Cinder said. Now, how much fire Dust would she need to cause the whole building to explode like one of those action movies?

"They weren't targeting her," Jaune said.

Glynda stood before several coffins with the flag of Vale draped over them.

"They wanted her to see it."

"Ah, guess some of those names came out after all," Willow said.

"Or they died in the explosion," Whitley said.

"We'll get whoever did this," Ruby said.

"We?" Jaune said. "No, you stay back and let me handle this. Wouldn't want to accidentally shoot me again."

"I'm never living this down, aren't I?" Ruby said.

"Cheer up," Zack said. "You became a legend in the service as the person who shot Jaune Arc."

"That's not helping," Ruby said.

Jaune was driven somewhere.

"Welcome to the new Beacon," Oobleck said.

Oscar was shown looking at a map of Vale on the big screen.

"I'm your quartermaster," Oscar introduced himself to Jaune as they met in an art gallery.

"You must be joking," Jaune said.

"Why, because I'm not wearing a lab coat?" Oscar asked.

"Because you still have spots," Jaune said.

"My complexion is hardly relevant."

"Your competence is."

The two stared at each other, before laughing.

"What came over them?" Adam asked.

"Probably an inside joke," Ilia said.

"So, Oscar's the tech guy?" Whitley asked.

"That he is," Zack said. "Unfortunately, the don't do exploding pens anymore."

"Boo," Yang said. "Does he at least do explosive gadgets?"

"Well, there was a watch," Zack said.

Oscar handed Jaune a case.

"Walter PPK/S, 9 mm short," Oscar said. "It's been coded to your palm print so only you can fire it."

Jaune was shown in a car, checking the pistol over as it lit up green when he held it.

Mercury set up his rifle on a floor of a building.

"Ah, here for round two," Mercury said.

"I'll make sure you don't make it out of the building," Jaune said.

"Please," Mercury said. "I'll be out in no time."

"We'll see," Emerald said.

"Less of a random killing machine and more of a personal statement."

Jaune fired his pistol at someone in a courtroom.

"Q," Jaune greeted Oscar, more friendly now that he's had his measure.

"007." The two shook hands.

"You two seem to be getting along," Oobleck said. "Good. Friendly relations among colleagues important especially during times of emergency."

"Is this an emergency?" Velvet asked.

"Well, considering their HQ was just blown up as a blatant act of provocation, I'd say they're more or less at war," Coco said.

"I almost pity whoever did that," Yatsuhashi. "Almost. They now have an angry Professor Goodwitch to deal with."

"That's not going to end well," Fox said.

'Yeah, for her,' Zack thought.

In Mistral, Jaune met Ilia in a casino.

"I want to meet your employer," Jaune said.

Ilia was shown in a dress that hid nothing.

"Is she a hooker?" Kali asked.

"Looks like it," Ghira said.

"Why?" Ilia asked, mortified.

"You must have a link to whoever bombed Beacon," Adam said.

"That dress looks good on you," Blake said.

Ilia blushed. "Thanks."

"So, who do you guys think will be her employer?" Sienna asked.

"Whoever it is, they must be intelligent, ruthless and cunning," Junior said.

"How much do you know about fear?" Ilia asked.

"All there is."

"Not like this."

Tyrian was shown walking away from a burning house, then in a car driving through Vale.

"Not like him."

"Well... he's two of the three," Cinder said.

"I'm the villain, yes!" Tyrian said.

"He was the one behind Beacon's bombing?" Ozpin said. "He seemed more like a blunt instrument to me."

"Oh, he is," Salem said. "But he has his uses."

"My goddess honours me," Tyrian said.

Jaune was bound in a chair as Tyrian came to meet him.

"Just look at you," Tyrian said. "Chasing spies."

"Oh no, Jaune got captured!" Nora said.

"Don't worry, it's all part of the plan," Jaune said.

"Your plan is to get captured?" Neptune asked. "That's stupid."

"Hey, now I have him in sight," Jaune said. "Nowhere to run."

"Yeah, now I can kill you slowly," Tyrian said, smiling creepily.

"Did you check if he has a radio transmitter on him?" Watts asked.

"A what?" Tyrian said.

"You know, a radio, with which he can use to transmit his location," Hazel said.

"Oh..." Tyrian said.

"Would it help if this was part of Tyrian's plan as well?" Zack said.

"Sure, too bad our Tyrian didn't think of it," Cinder said.

Jaune and Tyrian were in a tunnel. Jaune aimed his pistol at Tyrian, who was escaping by climbing the ladder when the tunnel wall behind Jaune exploded.

Jaune was standing on the roof of a building, looking at Vale.

"Vale. Beacon."

A yacht sailed on the seas towards a small island.

"She sent you after me knowing you're not ready, knowing you would likely die," Tyrian said to Jaune. "Mommy was very bad."

"Don't call me that!" Glynda yelled.

"Sure, granny," Tyrian said.

Glynda screamed in anger at that.

"Are you insane!?" Jacques asked.

"Hahahaha!" Tyrian cackled.

"He's never had a sane day in his life!" Watts said as they took cover from a raging Glynda.

"I am so not cleaning this up," Zack said as Glynda hurled everything and the kitchen sink at Tyrian.

"Where's Zwei?" Ruby asked.

"He's in the toilet," Weiss said. "He locked himself in there the moment Tyrian called Professor Goodwitch a... you know."

"At least he's far from me at the moment," Blake said.

After a few moments, when Glynda had calmed down, they emerged from their cover behind upturned sofas and chairs.

Tyrian was currently buried under damn near everything, only his tail sticking out.

"Should we dig him out?" Roman asked.

"Nah, let's leave him there," Zack said.

Glynda was shown overlooking Jaune's physical evaluation.

"We're two survivors," Tyrian said to Jaune. Tyrian fired an old fashion pistol. "This is what she made us."

"Everyone needs a hobby," Jaune said in reply.

"So what's yours?" Tyrian asked.


"Yeah, death is for losers," Jaune said.

"Oh really?" Ozpin and Salem said. Both immortals dearly wished that they could die.

"Well, look at you two," Amber said. "It's not like anyone can match you two in terms of power and skill."

"I suppose," Ozpin said.

"Hmm, he's not unkillable though," Cinder said.

"I feel like I should be worried for some reason," Ozpin said. "That and find someone to shake off all that rust that's accumulated over the years due to seating in a desk for so long."

"Yes, I suppose you're rusty," Ironwood said.

"We're all rusty," Tai said.

"Should have gone out more," Raven said.

Jaune fought several of Tyrian's men. A house burned in flames. Jaune slid down the escalator of a subway. Jaune was fighting a man over ice and they both fell into the water.

Mercury fired at Jaune while he was in a crane that was being transported on a train. Jaune was hit by several bullets in the shoulder.

Tyrian fired at someone, face bloody from an injury as Jaune took cover.

"So you do get beat up," Hazel said.

"At least I'm in this," Tyrian said.

"Give it some time," Zack said.

"Hmm, I hope he dies in this," Sienna said.

"Don't we all?" Robyn said.

A car drove pass several police cars.

Oscar was monitoring all cameras in Vale, keeping track of where Tyrian was.

"You can't hide anything in a city these days," Roman said. "Too many cameras."

"And yet you always seem to disappear whenever you feel like it," Junior said. "How do you do it?"

"Trade secret," Roman said. "And Neo."

Neo waved cheekily. Teleportation for the win.

Jaune and Ilia were in the shower, getting hot and intimate.

Ilia's entire body turned bright red. She was so red, that you could compare her to a setting Sun.

"I thought you weren't interested in men," Adam said.

"I'm not!" Ilia squeaked out. "At least, I don't think I am?"

"Can we get one of these where you don't sleep with a girl?" Qrow asked.

"At least it's not Ruby," Tai said. "Or did he do it?"

"Surprisingly, no," Zack said.

"Oh," Ruby for some reason seemed rather disappointed at that.

Jaune was shown riding a motorcycle on a rooftop.

A train crashed down in the tunnel where Jaune was.

Ruby helped Jaune shave, looking very sexual while doing so.

"Are you sure?" Yang asked. "Cause that looks rather... intimate."

"Well, did you?" Tai asked Jaune, cracking his knuckles.

"Oh, leave him be, dear," Summer said. "Ruby's a grown girl there. She can sleep with whoever she chooses."

"No! My little girl must remain pure!" Tai yelled.

"Dad," Ruby and Yang sighed. Dads were so embarrassing.

Mercury was thrown off a skyscraper.

"You know, buildings have elevators for a reason," Emerald said.

"If that's too slow for you, there are stairs as well," Miltia said.

"Though if the express way is what you want, go for it," Melanie said.

"Haha, very funny," Mercury grumbled. So he joined Emerald in being killed by Arc? Damnit!

The arm of the crane Jaune was on ripped off the top of a train car, Jaune jumping on just in time then adjusting his cuffs like nothing was wrong.

"And look how he moves on like he wasn't just shot and jumped off a moving crane," Saphron said.

"All the while looking fabulous in a designer suit," Coco said.

"You know, suits don't seem to fit in with where he is," Whitley said. "I mean, he is in Vacuo, right?"

"How could you say that?" Neptune said. "Suits are the best! They are appropriate in any environment."

"Well, if you have to choose between suits and perfect 10, what would it be?" Sun asked.

"I..." Neptune thought about it. "Is this a trick question?"

"There's a song about this somewhere," Zack said. "I'll have to dig it out later."

Tyrian and several of his men stood ready.

Ruby was lying in a jeep as a motorcycle flew through the air with no rider.

A helicopter flew towards a house in the countryside, Jaune firing a rifle out the window.

Jaune winked as he took aim with his pistol.

Several more action sequences ending with Jaune firing at a door's lock while a train was headed straight for him.


"That was awesome!" Sun cheered.

"As usual, spy Jaune doesn't disappoint," Ren said.

Pyrrha pouted. "Where am I? How come Ruby got to be in this but not me?"

"Say, anyone else notice how three girls from Team RWBY have shown up?" Coco said.

"Yeah," Velvet said. "I bet the next one will have Yang in it, just to round it off."

"No! Not my little sunshine!" Tai said.

"Dad!" Yang said, mortified.

"Heh, little sunshine," Weiss said.

"We'll have to remember that," Blake said.

"Tai, she's a grown girl," Summer said.

"I don't have any objections," Raven said. "If he survived all that, he has to be strong."

"I wonder if Tyrian finally bit the dust?" Robyn said.

"Oh, Jaune's the last rat standing," Zack said.

"Drats," Tyrian said.

"Why rats?" Oscar asked.

"It's something Tyrian told Jaune when he was bound to that chair," Zack said. "Something about how his grandmother would take captured rats and keep them in a cage until they turned cannibalistic then set them free to eat other rats."

"Ah yes, nanny Callows was one smart woman," Tyrian said.

"That's creepy," Kali said.

"It's Tyrian, you get used to it," Cinder said.

"Anyway, off to the next one," Zack said. "And yes, Yang is in it."

"Damn it!" Pyrrha yelled. She wanted to be with this Jaune for once.

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