Spectre Trailer

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Spectre Trailer

"This one is technically Jaune's final mission before he retires," Zack said.

"Retire?" Jaune asked.

"Well, more like taking a few years hiatus," Zack said. "You and retirement just don't seem to agree it would seem."

"How's the pension?" Jaune asked.

"Decent," Zack said.


"You still have a whole bunch of people who want you dead."

"Par of the course, then," Winter said.

"I wonder what this final mission will be like," Saphron said.

A celebration was being held on the streets of Vacuo City.

"You had no authority," Ozpin said. "None."

Jaune and a woman were shown on the streets of Vacuo.

"Vacuo City."

Jaune walked across the rooftops with a gun in his hands.

"What were you doing there?"

Jaune took aim at a man in a room across the street.

Jaune fired and the whole room exploded.

"Looks like your boss is angry," Ilia said.

"He blew up an apartment in a foreign country with no authorization," Ozpin said. "Of course I'd be angry."

"What happened to me?" Glynda asked.

"Oh, you died," Zack said.

"Goodbye old boss; hello new boss," Roman said.

"Interesting reversal," Ozpin said. "I always saw Glynda as my successor, not the other way around."

"How'd you blow up an apartment with a bullet, anyway?" Ruby asked.

"Exploding suitcase," Zack said.

"I would have just made one that was also a gun," Coco said.

"I was taking some overdue holiday," Jaune answered.

"You know, normally people take their vacation in places like the beach or a tropical island," Sun said.

"I heard Vacuo wasn't half bad that time of year," Jaune said. "Lot's of places to visit, terrorist to kill, the usual."

"Ah, yes," Penny said. "Your vacation was a working one then."

"How have you not been let go with your blatant disregard for orders?" Clover asked.

"Because his disregard for orders usually results in uncovering a hidden threat that the analysts never knew even existed," Zack said.

Jaune walked through the office level of Beacon, people turning to stare at the legendary agent.

"So what's going on, Jaune?" Ruby asked Jaune in his apartment. "They say you're finished."

"And what do you think?" Jaune asked.

"I think you're just getting started."

"That he is," Pyrrha said.

"I have a feeling this will result in much collateral damage and covering up," Robyn said.

"What makes you think that?" Jaune said.

"The results of the last three trailers, probably," Ghira said.

Jaune was with Oscar and Oobleck in Q department, where a sports car was shown.

"Ooh, isn't she a beauty," Roman said.

"Nice," Neptune said.

"Mine are better," Jacques said.

"Sure they are," Adam said. "But are they spy cars?"


"Yeah, didn't think so," Sienna said.

"Magnificent, isn't she?" Oscar said as Jaune walked up to it. "0 to 60 in 3.2 seconds. Few little tricks up her sleeve."

Jaune was shown driving the car while being chased.

"What tricks?" Oscar asked.

"You designed it, shouldn't you know?" Whitley said.

"Other me," Oscar said. "Though I probably would have put flamethrowers in the back."

"Truly, a civilized weapon," Oobleck said.

"I feel like it needs a big red button in it," Nora said.

"It in fact, does have one," Zack said. "Though it's for the ejection seat."

"Would be nice if it had a hyperdrive," Ruby said. "Make the car go really fast."

"That's for the Men in Black universe," Zack said.

"Do one more thing for me," Jaune requested.

"What do you have in mind?" Oscar asked.

"Make me disappear."

"That's a tough proposition," Oscar said. "I mean, do you know how hard that is when you like to make yourself conspicuous."

"It's not my fault that the enemy always seems to be able to find me," Jaune said.

"It would probably help if you stop going to parties hosted by said enemies," Winter said.

"Now, where's the fun in that?" Jaune said.

Jaune was shown approaching a house in the alps of Mantle, where he found Raven living inside.

"Tell me where he is," Jaune asked, showing Raven a ring with an octopus shaped logo.

"He's everywhere," Raven said.

"Who had you running scared now?" Qrow asked.

"No idea," Raven said.

"You, run scared?" Vernal said in disbelief.

"Maybe they have something to hold over me," Raven said.

"What's with the ring?" Mercury asked.

"Probably belongs to a secret organization Jaune's after," Ren said.

"Didn't he already deal with one?" Melanie asked.

"That was more of a subsidiary for this larger one," Zack said.

"You mean Jacques wasn't even that big a fish in this organization?" Summer asked.


Jacques grumbled. He was a big fish damn it. Nations trembled in fear when he exerted his influence.

Keep telling yourself that.

Jaune was in Atlas, where he seduced Robyn.

"If you go there, you're crossing over to a place where there is no mercy," Robyn told him.

"You too?" Willow said.

"Does he have no shame?" Robyn scowled.

"Says the woman who fell for a god that's also my student," Glynda said.

"Is there anyone you can't seduce?" Saphron asked her brother.

"I don't know, I've always had so much trouble usually," Jaune said.

"That's because you're using your father's advice," Zack said. "Just do what feels natural and you'll have girls flocking to you in no time."

"Really? I'll try that then," Jaune said.

The boys felt as if this was going to annoy them to no end.

The fathers on the other hand felt the need to hide their daughters and wives.

Hazel punched a man, knocking him down with one blow.

"Damn, you have one mean punch," Tai said.

"Thanks, I work out," Hazel said.

"Finally in this I see," Salem said.

"At this rate, our whole group will be in this," Cinder said.

"You're protecting someone," Jaune said to Raven.

A plane was shown flying overhead a jeep with Yang in it.

"Get away from me!" Yang yelled at Jaune.

"Ah, that makes sense," Qrow said.

"Someone's not happy to see me," Jaune said.

"There's only enough room for one blonde as the main character," Yang said. "Two blondes is two too many."

"You said it, blondie," Junior said.

"Come on, we can be the blonde duo," Jaune said. "Us blondes have to stick together."

"Hey, I'm blonde too," Sun said.

"But you're from Haven, we're from Beacon, so you're an enemy blonde," Jaune said.

"What about your sister?" Saphron asked.

"You can stay, you're cool," Yang said. "And I can always get more blackmail material from you when it's time to overthrow him."

"You do realize I can do the same with your dad, right?" Jaune said.

"Then we are at an impasse," Yang said.

"Knock it off, you two," Glynda said. "We all know I'm going to be the blonde in charge."

"Yup," Yang said.

"Can't argue with that," Jaune agreed.

Several men shot at the plane being piloted by Jaune.

"Why should I trust you?" Yang asked.

The plane landed right behind the jeeps.

"Because right now, I'm your best chance of staying alive," Jaune answered.

"I can look after myself," Yang said.

"With a whole bunch of professional thugs after you?" Tai said. "No, keep the spy with you. You can use him as a meat shield at least."

"Hey!" Jaune said.

"That's not going to stop him from seducing her, you know," Raven said.

"A father can hope," Tai said.

The plane crashed landed into the jeeps.

In a big room full of bad people, they all stood up as the doors opened to let in their leader.

"This organization, do you know what it's called?" Jaune asked as he and Yang were with Oscar who was analysing the ring Jaune had.

"Its name is Spectre," Yang said.

"Spectre," Salem said. "Catchy name."

"You know, we never did name our little group," Qrow said.

"What do you want to call it?" Ironwood asked.

"The Ozluminati perhaps?" Amber suggested.

"Yeah, that works," Summer said.

"Should we name ourselves?" Tyrian asked.

"No need," Salem said. "You'll all die out sooner or later then I'll need to find a new name."

"Do you know who links them all?" Oscar asked.

Jaune entered the abandoned Beacon, walking over to the memorial, where his name was spray painted on it.

"Me," Jaune realized.

"How many enemies did you make in your time as a spy?" Saphron asked.

"Too many, that's for certain," Port said.

"Probably should have been more thorough when killing them," Roman said.

"Nah, the enemies just keep popping out of the woodwork," Jaune said.

"Should have chosen a safer career," Robyn said.

"But then that would have been boring," Coco said.

"Boring, but safe," Yatsuhashi said.

"I'd rather live a life of danger," Blake said.

"Please don't," Kali said. "I want kittens to spoil."

"Welcome, Jaune," Arthur Watts said. "You came across me so many times, yet you never saw me. What took you so long?"

Arthur looked up at the balcony, where Jaune was having infiltrated the meeting.

"You!" Cinder said.

"Me," Watts said smugly.

"So, you're the mastermind in this one," Hazel said.

"And you work for him," Tyrian said.

"You did too," Zack said.

"What? Boo!" Tyrian said.

"I'll have you know I'm an excellent boss," Watts said.

"It's not a high bar to set if the lower end is working for the SDC," Adam said.

"I'm an excellent boss," Jacques said. "The greatest in fact."

"Then what was with this document I saw that says, 'Increasing profit while decreasing working benefits for miners'?" Willow asked.


"How has he managed to keep all his workers?" Amber asked.

"He's the only one hiring," Ilia grumbled. Stupid racist companies.

Jaune escaped the building and was being chased by Hazel.

Yang walked down to the diner section of the train she and Jaune were on, wearing a fabulous dress as Jaune in a white tuxedo got up.

"Looking good," Coco said.

"I'm fabulous, I know," Yang said.

"Someone took after their mother," Tai said. "Well, aside for the dress bit."

"I never did like party dresses," Raven said. "Got in the way of mobility."

"It's not that difficult," Summer said.

"You have a knack for them, I don't," Raven said.

"Is this really what you want?" Yang asked.

Jaune walked through the abandoned Beacon, then fought Hazel on the train.

"Living in the shadows..."

Several men raised their pistol at a resigned Robyn, before being shot.

"Someone's about to learn why you don't betray the mob," Roman said.

"Good thing Jaune was there to save her," Clover said.

"I can handle myself in a fight," Robyn scowled.

"Not in a fight like that," Ironwood said.

Jaune punched someone in the Alps then shot another one.

"... hunting..."

Jaune fired as Hazel charged at him.

"... being hunted..."

"You have an angry wall of meat after you, what should you do?" Oscar asked.

"Shoot him," Jaune said.

"Punch him," Yang said.

"Freeze him," Weiss said.

"I can take it," Hazel said.

Jaune drove his car as he was being shot at, the bullets bouncing off the bulletproof car.

"... always alone?"

Jaune flipped a switch on his car and flamethrowers spewed flames at the pursuing Hazel's car.

"I don't stop to think about it," Jaune said.

"You should!" Saphron said. "Think about your future!"

"I am," Jaune said. "And it consists of a lot of threats neutralized."

"So I did put flamethrowers in his car," Oscar said.

"I know what I'm putting on Bumblebee," Yang said.

"No flamethrowers on your bike," Tai said.

"Aww, but dad!" Yang said.

"No buts young lady," Tai said.

A helicopter was doing barrel rolls across the skies of Vacuo city as Jaune fought its pilot.

Jaune was at a funeral.

"It was me, Jaune," Arthur said.

The jeep Yang was in had its glass broken as they crashed. Jaune threw someone off the balcony at the Spectre meeting.

Jaune ran after his target in the streets of Vacuo City. A car flew over another car as Jaune was being chased by Hazel.

One of Arthur's men used a baton to hit Jaune in the knee, bringing him to the floor.

"The author of all your pain."

Jaune looked at Arthur with cold eyes.

"Well, remind me to leave you a bad review," Jaune said.

"Bad review? I would burn down his publisher," Nora said.

"You need to do a better job," Cinder said. "He doesn't seem to worked up about it."

"Like you could do better," Watts said.

"Of course I can," Cinder said.

Cinder was shown fighting Ozpin in her office, then Ozpin was walking across a bridge with several armed officers behind him.

"Oh, you think you can challenge me?" Ozpin asked.

"With the power of the Fall Maiden, I know I can," Cinder said.

Amber coughed.

"I took it from you once, I can do it again," Cinder said.

"Except I won't be falling for that arm again," Amber said. "Nor will an illusion of a little girl work twice."

"I'll figure something out," Emerald said.

Jaune fought someone while on a helicopter, then kissed Yang.

"And another one bites the dust," Cardin said.

"That's all four members of Team RWBY," Fox said.

Team RWBY blushed.

"He beat your record already," Qrow said. "You never managed to sleep with an all-female team."

"Because you don't have the right equipment for me to be interested," Tai said.

Oscar was shown shutting down something on a computer.

Jaune's car flew across the air, then a plane crashed through a barn. Finally, Jaune took aim at something in the sky while on a speedboat driven by Yang.


"Whoo! Do you at least get to retire?" Neptune asked.

"Sure he did," Zack said. "There's one last one about spy Jaune."

"Spy Jaune is the best Jaune," Nora said.

"That one better have me in it," Pyrrha pouted.

"I thought he would retire after this one?" Sun said.

"For like five minutes," Velvet said.

"Well, it's no time to die yet," Jaune said.

"How did you..." Zack said.

"Nora's not the only one who can do it you know," Jaune said.

"Do what?" Ruby asked.

"Nothing!" Zack yelled. "Anyway, here's the next and final one."

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