Starship Troopers Invasion Part 2

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"Of course! These babies will inspire greatness in anyone!" Yang gave her bosom a squeeze, causing the boys there to blush.

"Did you see that?" Someone said.

"Didn't know you had it in you." Chow massaged his bruised jaw.

"A flash of inspiration." Ratzass answered as the two of them went unconscious.

"Some inspiration," Saphron said, remembering that for alone times with her wife. It didn't take much to 'inspire' her wife, Terra to agree with her.

"E-057, E-057." Bugspray was looking for the room assigned to him.

Finding it, he pressed the button to open the door, but it doesn't open.

He tried again but the door didn't open. He gave the jammed door a punch.

"The very finest of Atlesian technology folks," Watts said. Atlesians liked their automatic everything.

"This is why we didn't automate Beacon," Ozpin said. He heard stories of when some hackers decided to prank Atlas Academy by changing all the passcodes for their doors. It took their IT staff the whole morning to return everything to normal, and the staff a week to fix the doors when super-powered teens decided that getting locked in their rooms were not cool and broke the doors.

A different door opened as Trig walked in. Seeing Bugspray's dilemma, she decided to help him.

Pressing the button, she kicked it in a specific spot, opening the door.

"Thanks, I really appreciate... it." He thanked then stopped as he realized the room was currently used as a storeroom.

"Poor planning that," Mercury said.

Winter frowned, remembering when she had to hitch a ride on ships that didn't have spare rooms left. Finding a place to bunk wasn't exactly easy.

In a different room, Bugspray had just finished using the ships intercom.

"They can't get me a bed 'til tomorrow. Thanks for letting me use the comm..."

"Ruby, Ruby Rose. Trig is fine." She answered.

"Oscar Pine. Bugspray." He said in return.

He made to leave but Trig stopped him.

"Hey uhm... thanks for the catch." She thanked him, remembering from earlier. "At Fort Casey."

Bugspray looked at the sniper in her room.

"Sleeping with a gun?" He asked. "You must know something I don't."

"Morita Triple-X Sniper Rifle." He picked it up and checked it over. "Classic."

Ruby looked over her others sniper with a detailed eye. It was a nice sniper.

Seeing Trig smile at him, he said. "You've got a nice smile for a soldier."

"Thanks. I think."

"So, up for a little training?"

"I think I've had about all the target practice I can stand today."

Laying down in Trig's bed, he said, "Yeah, I was thinking about something a little more... strenuous."

"That boy is dead!" Tai yelled, a shotgun somehow in his hands.

"I'm going to cut off what makes him a man!" Qrow somehow has a blunt and rusted knife in his hand.

"Sit down!" Summer and Raven said as they pulled their male teammates back down.

Ruby was so red that she could be mistaken for a tomato.

She walked in closer. "You didn't really use the intercom, did you?"

Getting up, he asked. "Would you like to know more?"

Trig straddled him on her bed.

"Everyone's doing their part." She said and they kissed.

"So, what part will you be doing Ruby?" Yang teased.

"Something strenuous?" Blake continued.

"Well as long as you use protection..." Weiss finished.

"Guys!" Ruby hid in her cloak as the teasing continued.

In a different room, Belladona was looking at Hero's file, wondering why she was under arrest.

"Major Coco Adel. One of the most decorated officers in the Federation. You've run long-range ops in places even God's given up on. What did you do? Why won't you talk? And why won't your men talk?"

Belladona wondered what happened to cause Hero's arrest.

"Hero, interesting." Coco said at her callsign.

"You got it by doing something equal parts suicidal and heroic. Your men called you that and it stuck." Zack explained.

"Sounds like her." Velvet nodded.

Shock Jock had replaced Gunfodder's amputated arm with a prosthetic.

"There are a couple of modifications you can score on the black market when you get to Remnant," she explained, "but as far as what the Federation paid for, it's still a pretty good prosthetic."

"Got it. Nice job. Don't know what you're nervous about. I bet this looks as good as all the others." Gunfodder complimented.

"What others? You're my first. Matter of fact, you're the first guy I've worked on that's actually lived."

Gunfodder closed his prosthetic arm into a fist, wondering if she was even qualified to do amputations.

"It's not as bad as it sounds." Zack explained as everyone there was horrified at the thought of getting treated by an unqualified medic. "Most troopers who get injured in battle usually don't make it out alive when things go bad like earlier. So, Velvet just doesn't have many patients who survive to get treated."

"Still though..." Sienna was not eager to get treated by someone who never actually healed anyone.

In Trig's room,

"Every commander I've ever served under tries to get me to use a regulation gun. That is, until they see how many I kill with that one. Then they don't ask me anymore." Trig said.

She and Bugspray were naked, having just finished 'intimately' getting to know one another.

Someone whistled.

"Who did that!" A rabid Tai asked loudly, ready to rip who did it to pieces.

Mercury wisely made himself as small and unassuming as possible.

"My parents made that rifle." Trig said.

Bugspray got up, realizing that she was telling him an important moment in her life.

"There was an armoury in my hometown. Everyone worked there."

He turned her to face him.

"That is, until the Bugs melted the place with a plasma bomb. Soldiers, civilians... Families. Everyone died. I swore then that I'd kill just as many Bugs. And I do it with that gun."

"That's why you count." He said.

"No. That's why it counts." She corrected.

"Sap story," Cinder snorted, not sympathetic at all.

"Isn't it always?" Watts asked.

Captain Nikos was in the shower. She turned off the water and punched the wall.

"Goddamn you, Whitley."

An alarm sounded on the ship and she went to change.

"No, go out like that." Tyrian said.

Pyrrha blushed but wasn't as embarrassed as you would have thought. Living with two boys in a small room often led to moments where the opposite gender saw more than normal.

The troopers were rushing towards where they were ordered to be.

"Where'd you learn that haymaker?" Chow asked Ratzass as the two of them and Ice Blonde ran.

"Dance class." He joked and Ice Blonde huffed in amusement.

"Shit! I knew it!" Chase said. "I just felt it! We aren't gonna see Remnant any time soon."

"You pessimist." Mech said.

"Specialist, actually." He corrected as Ratzass, Chow and Ice Blonde entered the meeting room. "Well, almost. Five points short on the ESP test. If one more jack had been a diamond, I wouldn't be here with your dumbasses."

"Say what?" Ilia asked.

"It means he's psychic." Zack answered.

Ice Blonde turned towards them.

"You son of a bitch. That's how you always know when I'm in the shower."

Sun was promptly given a lot of space.

"Hey! I'm not the one who's psychic!" Sun complained. 'Though I wish I was...'

She stood over him. "So, can you tell what I'm thinking now?"

"Hell, even I know what you're thinking now." Mech said.

"You make me sick." She sat down as Chase felt a little guilty at abusing his gifts.

Gunfodder and Shock Jock entered the room.

"What's up, Lieutenant Daugherty?" Gunfodder asked.

"I thought you were in medical."

Showing his new prosthesis, "Wasn't as bad as it looked." He went to find a seat.

Belladona said, "Glad you two could make it." As Trig and Bugspray entered much to the jeers of their fellow troopers.

"So, was he any good?" Yang asked.

"Yang!" Ruby, Tai and Qrow yelled, all for different reasons.

"My baby girl has a boyfriend now!" Summer was ecstatic.

They were the last to arrive and found their seats.

The monitor switched on as General Jaune Arc appeared, making a video call to them. He had an eye patch over his right eye along with some scars on his face.

"Someone grows up well," Saphron teased as several of the women swoon at the sight of an older, battle scarred Jaune.

"Oh my." Pyrrha fanned herself at seeing an older Jaune.

"Hubba, Hubba," Yang looked on hungrily. What a hunk.

The troopers stood at attention and saluted.

"At ease." Arc said as the troopers sat back down. "I wanted to brief you all personally. First and foremost, because I know of the great sacrifices that both the crew of the Alesia as well as the defenders of Fort Casey have made and the great losses that you've suffered. And second, I know you could all use some R&R about now. Believe me, I've been there myself. But unfortunately, we have a situation."

"What?" A trooper complained.

"Stow it!" Belladona warned.

"Always something." Ironwood grumbled, remembering cancelled leave due to some sudden emergency when he was still in the field.

"That's life James." Ozpin commiserates with him, remembering nights of interrupted sleep as the council decided that they needed the Headmaster to solve this or that issue.

"The John A. Warden has gone silent." Arc explained. "The Alesia is the only star ship in the area of last contact. I've ordered your captain to divert course, find the Warden and investigate. Any questions?"

Ratzass stood up.

"Yeah. I think I speak for everyone from Fort Casey when I say this..."

Chase whispered, "Shut the f*ck up!"

Arc however heard it.

"It's okay. Go on." He encouraged.

Ratzass continued. "We're only going in if Hero takes point.

"Hero?" Arc asked.

"Major Coco Adel." Belladona explained. "Commander of Fort Casey, General Arc."

"Right." Arc contemplated the request. "Arrested by Doctor Whitley Schnee for insubordination at the battle of Fort Casey."

He answered, "Fine. If Major Adel chooses to participate in this mission, the Mobile Infantry will accept his service. However, this will not in any way be prejudicial to his trial. Is that understood?"

"Understood, sir." Ratzass saluted the general and sat back down.

"Looks like you'll get to have some action after all." Amber said.

"Yeah, but that Schnee brat is still a prick." Coco said.

"I've called him worse." Adam shrugged.

"We'll probably lose communications as you cross the nebula. Godspeed, Alesia. Dismissed."

The troopers got up and left the room.

"Assemble in the staging area." Belladona told them as they left.

"A word, Captain Nikos." Arc said before Nikos could leave.

"Looks like someone is trying to sneak some personal time with the captain." Emerald said suggestively.

"Oh, those moments are hard to come by." Winter said.

"Why do you know that sis?" Weiss asked.

Winter panicked; she doesn't need her sister to know that she used to sneak out with her classmates. That would ruin her cold aloof image she maintained with such dedication.

Ironwood doesn't comment. Winter wasn't as sneaky as she thought she was when she was still a student. He just never made a fuss about it because she always returned before curfew.

She was alone in the conference room and she decided to forgo the formalities.

"Why did you let him take my ship?" She asked.

He sighed, "Pyrrha, it's not your ship. It belongs to the Terran Federation."

"Try telling that to my navy captains." Ironwood mumbled. Those captains were scarily possessive of their ships.

"General Arc, perhaps you recall, there was a certain young trooper who was with me when the Rodger Young went down. I vowed that would never happen to a ship under my command."

Arc sighed again and explained. "This is not my choice. I mean, look. I don't care what you thought about Whitley back when we knew him, and I don't care what you think about him now. He's Minister of Paranormal Warfare and High Command has authorized him to use the John A. Warden. Look, Pyrrha... This is a mission that's so classified, I don't even know what the hell is really..."

"And look how well it's going." Nikos said.

Arc continued. "You know the John A. Warden like the back of your hand."

He hesitated before continuing. "I need you to go aboard with the insertion team."

"I looked at the manifest." Nikos told him. "That ship didn't just go dark. Her signal was turned off. And you know as well as I do, the only one who has the gall to run a Federation starship dark is Whitley Schnee. And how do you know we're even close to my ship?"

Arc explained. "Before we lost contact, we analysed some of the scattered signals. Calculating course and speed, we were able to get a good estimate of its location. Now, it's not spot-on, but we can get you pretty damn close."

Nikos took in everything Arc told her before answering,

"Fine. I'll do it. But not to save Whitley's sorry ass. I'll do it to take back my ship."

"You just be careful. We need you back intact when this thing is over." Arc said.

Nikos, however, knew what he was really saying.

"Thank you, Jauney."

"Hey, Pyrrha," Arc began, "when this thing is over, maybe you and I can meet at Zim's and..."

Nikos however, left before he could finish.

"Yeah." Arc said, not at all surprised.

"Trouble in paradise?" Nora asked.

"Shame. You two would make a good couple." Ren said.

It went unsaid that the other two members of JNPR also made a good couple, if only they would see it.

In the brig, Belladona was telling Hero what was going on.

"I gotta tell ya," Belladona said, "this will in no way be prejudicial to your trial."

Seeing her unresponsive, he let go of the professionalism.

"Come on. I didn't have anything to do with any of this. I'm just the damn janitor trying to clean it up."

"Story of my life." Glynda said, having to clean up the mess her students left behind.

"Damn idiots." Adam and Sienna sighed. Sometimes their recruits were more enthusiastic than skilled, leading to messes that they needed to handle.

Captain Nikos entered the brig and said,

"Look, Major, I'm no more enthusiastic about saving Whitley Schnee than you are. But your men want you. And something tells me we're gonna need you."

Hero heard every word and huffed lightly.

"Come on Coco. Don't leave us on our own." Velvet said.

Yatsuhashi and Fox looked at her as well. She was their leader and come hell or highwater she wouldn't abandon them.

"Don't worry your butts off! You're stuck with me until the day we die!" Coco told her team.

"That can be arranged." Salem said quietly to herself.

The ships intercom called, "Lieutenant Belladona, we found the John A. Warden."

"Tell Captain Jonah to move to standoff range. I'll be right up." Nikos told the comm.'s officer.

"So, which is it?" Belladona asked Hero.

She answered, "Get these chains off me."

"They really don't suit me. Clashes with my outfit." Coco said sagely.

"That's what you find wrong about them?" Emerald was bewildered by that.

"She's a bit nuts. But aren't we all?" Roman said.

The two nodded, glad that she agreed.

In the locker room, the Ratzass, Bugspray, "Yatsuhashi 'Holy Man' Daichi and Neptune 'Kharon' Varsilles were armouring up for combat.

"Nice tattoos," Sage said.

"Mr. Daichi, while it is your own body, please leave getting body art for after you graduate." Ozpin said.

"Yes sir." Yatsuhashi was admiring some of the symbols he had tattooed on his body. He barely knew half of them.

"A bit much." Ruby said. She was never going to be allowed to get one.

"It'd be too bad if a stray shot hit Schnee." Ratzass said.

Nearby, Bugspray warned, "Look, I know you're pissed, but don't even think shit like that. They threw Hero into the brig. You or me, Holy Man or Kharon, what do you think they do to grunts like us? They'd shove us out of a goddamn airlock."

Ratzass said, "So I gotta watch my ass?"

Bugspray answered, "Yeah. But if you're not gonna do that, at least watch mine."

Trig, still in her muscle suit walked pass the four of them. She winked at Bugspray before going to armour up herself. The four stared at her as she passed.

"You are never wearing anything that tight! Ever!" Tai said protectively.

"Oh, my baby sister is all grown up and turning the heads of boys now!" Yang suffocated Ruby in her heavenly mounds.

Ruby was too busy trying to breathe to be embarrassed.

"Oh, man! F*ck you!" Ratzass punched Bugspray in his armoured shoulder.

"Can't believe I'm the only one not getting laid around here." Ratzass said as they left the locker room.

Ice Blonde entered the locker room and commented,

"Looks like you got all your bases covered."

She looked at all the tattoos on Holy Man's body.

"Tell me, Holy Man, which one's gonna save you today?"

He pointed to one on his left forearm then himself. He then pointed at the one on his left pectoral then at her.

Ice Blonde chuckled at that. "I can take care of myself."

She left and the two men watched her leaving form.

"I sure can!" Yang said. "No bug is going to get me!"

"Tell that to the Grimm blondie." Roman said.

"Or me." Adam said. For some reason he felt that they were going to clash one day.

"Women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent." Kharon said.

"Are atheists the only philosophers you can quote?" Holy Man asked.

"He can only quote anything he watched from a movie." Sage said.

"Or videogames." Scarlet continued.

"Hey!" Neptune protested. "I can quote philosophers."

"Doubt it." Sun said.

"I find that believers such as you see so few things worth writing down." Kharon answered.

"And I found that he who looks so forward to the abyss, is simply afraid of the light."

Kharon hummed at that as Holy Man turned to leave.

"I'm gonna go get you a pen."

"Wait, did you just make that up?" He chased after Holy Man. "No, I'm not writing that down."

"Nice one big guy." Coco complimented.

"I try." Yatsuhashi shrugged. It was a good line.

The Alesia has found the John A. Warden and they tried to make contact.

"John A. Warden, this is the Alesia. Please respond."

Captain Nikos entered the bridge.

"I've tried everything." The communications officer told the two captains. "Voice, radio flash... Even light code. Nothing."

"That's not good." Amber said.

"Gee, you think Captain Obvious?" Mercury snarked.

"Just saying." Amber defended.

"Keep trying, Lieutenant." Captain Jonah told him.

"Zoom in on the bridge." Nikos asked the officer. He does so, the screen in front of him zoomed in on the John A. Warden's bridge.

"Maybe they can't hear us." Jonah suggested.

"They'd have to know what our objective is." Nikos said.

She tried to send a message to her ship.

"Bridge, this is your captain. Respond. Now! If you do not respond, we will board."

The John A. Warden remained silent.

Nikos turned towards Jonah.

"Board it. That's not my ship anymore."

Jonah nodded.

"Sounds like Pyrrha is going to retake her ship." Nora said.

"That might be risky. Why did it go dark in the first place?" Jaune asked.

"Isn't that the question..." Ironwood wondered.

The Alesia manoeuvred itself to dock with the John A. Warden.

The troopers were making their final preparations to board it and doing their pre-deployment rituals.

Ice Blonde was looking at a photo of herself and a little girl.

"I'm an aunt!" Ruby exclaimed.

"I'm a grand/father/mother/uncle!" Certain people exclaim.

"I'm too young to be a mom!" You know who said that.

"Poor kid." Blake and Weiss said. That kid was being born into a crazy family.

"Kids?" Ratzass asked, "Husband?"

"Died on Planet 4976." She answered.

Ratzass tried to cheer her up.

"Hey, the way I figure it, the Bugs got more reason to be scared than I do. I've killed hundreds of them. They've killed zero of me."

"Probably thought he smelled funny." Jaune joked.

Nora nodded along. "He'll probably give them indigestion."

Roman felt vaguely uncomfortable of the getting eaten by giant creature joke. He wondered why he had this sense of foreboding.

Neo had this weird urge to exterminate giant flying Grimm. Hmm, she wondered how many Nevermores it took to get enough feathers for a pillow.

Ice Blonde closed her locker and left Ratzass.

"Oh, man." He said, realizing she left.

"Rejected." Sun said.

"That had to hurt." Neptune said.

Bugspray was checking his assault rifle when,

"Listen... I want you to do me a favour." Trig asked him.


"If I don't make it, I don't care what happens to my body. But try to get my rifle scope, will you? And have it buried in my hometown."

"Look, I don't like funerals. Do me a favour. Don't get killed." He replied.

Trig smiled at that and left.

"Damn that was dark." Qrow said.

"It's the job Qrow." Ozpin sighed.

Glynda wondered how many of her former students asked their teammates for similar requests. It was probably more than she would like.

Hero entered the locker room, armoured and ready for a fight.

The troopers there stopped whatever they were doing to look at him. The K-12 troopers saluted him, the A-01 troopers following suit. He saluted back and briefed them.

"And the hero arrives!" Coco said.

"Boo!" Tyrian booed. Get to the bloodshed already!

"Tough crowd." Coco sat as no one else responded. Velvet patted her in consolation.

"Okay, boys and girls. Looks like this is gonna be my last mission, so let's make it a good one. Our job is to retake the John A. Warden, rescue any and all survivors and exterminate any resistance we might find. You got that?"

"Sir! Yes, sir!"

"All right, troopers. Let's get the lady her ship back."


"Time to retake my ship." Pyrrha said.

"I thought it was the Federation's ship?" Ghira said.

"Schematics!" Pyrrha replied.

"Oh god the madness is spreading." Glynda was horrified at even Pyrrha starting to become as crazy as RWBY and Nora.

The Alesia docked with the John A. Warden.

"Initiate docking procedure." Captain Jonah ordered.

"Initiating docking procedure." An officer replied.

Hero is briefing the troopers on the plan.

"Team One. Lieutenant Daugherty, Ice, Trig, Mech, Shock Jock leading Captain Nikos to the bridge."

Captain Nikos join them, wearing a helmet, turning her captain's uniform into an EVA-suit.

"So, she just put on a helmet and she's all suited up?" Ruby asked.

"The uniform is actually a survival suit." Zack explained. "Putting on the helmet makes the whole outfit sealed and lets her operate in space for at least an hour."

*This is bs I just came up with. Don't know is this is true or not*

"Team Two. Chase, Kharon, Chow, Bugspray, Gunfodder, Ratzass, Holy Man and the rest of you, you're coming with me to the engine room. Don't know what we're gonna find in there, so be ready for anything. Let's go!"

The Alesia completed docking with the John A. Warden as an officer reported.

"Gravity: zero. Oxygen level: yellow. Ready to board the John A. Warden."

The dock doors open, and two troopers took point, lights on their helmets illuminating the dark ship interior.

Boarding the John A. Warden, the troopers looked around for threats. Not seeing any, Belladona reported,

"We're in. Team One moving toward the bridge."

Team One advanced cautiously, Captain Nikos guiding them towards the bridge.

"Team Two boarding. Moving toward the engine room." Hero reported as well.

The much larger team made their way through the ship.

"So far so good." Winter said to herself.

"Something up ahead." Belladona warned.

"No." She said as the floating bodies of the ship's crew floated in zero gravity.

"Oh, my God." Nikos breathed as she looked at the remains of her crew.

"You were saying?" Qrow said, stunned as everyone was at all the floating dead bodies.

"Oh god!" Weiss said.

"Team Two, we've got bodies near the bridge. We've got bodies everywhere." Belladona reported solemnly.

With Team Two, they found bodies near the engine room as well.

"Man, they've been Bug-ripped." Chase said, looking at the bodies around him.

Hero didn't let the massacre affect him. "Infestation confirmed. Stay sharp, people."

"She's good." Ironwood silently commented. Not many people could let such devastation not affect them.

"How did the bugs get on the ship in the first place?" Sienna asked.

Adam snorted. "Probably what Schnee was transporting from that base."

"Renewing objective."

Team One entered the bridge.

"Belladona to Team Two. We're on the bridge."

She took in the dead crew of the bridge. "And it ain't pretty."

Looking over the bodies, she reported. "We've got multiple casualties."

Finding something alarming, she continued, "And one dead Bug."

"Well that confirms it." Kali grimaced at the dead bridge crew. If armoured soldiers could get bitten in half, the sailors stood no chance. It was probably luck that they managed to kill one at all in such a closed space.

"All clear." She confirmed that the bridge was safe.

"Shock Jock." She ordered.

She went to do a field autopsy on the dead crew.

"Massive tearing wounds."

She held in her vomit. "Oh, my God."

Several of the students were holding in their lunch as well. They weren't ready for this. This was like Mortal Kombat all over again.

Captain Nikos walked into the bridge, looking at the bodies of her crew, her friends.

"My crew." She said quietly.

"Bridge is secure. Team Two, what's your status? Over." Belladona reported.

"Entering engine room now. Over." Hero replied.

Team Two were in the engine room as two troopers scouted ahead.

"Fucking bloodbath." Chase said, taking in the sight before reporting. "Team Two scout. I've got dead troopers and Bugs."

"Holy shit!"


"Why'd they all die here?" Some of the troopers wondered.

"Isn't that the million-lien question." Summer said.

"Focus on the mission, troopers." Hero ordered. "Chow, prep the engines."

"Yes, sir."

Chow went ahead into the engine room with a case.

Chase using his scanner scanned the engine room when the scanner picked something up.

"Major, I have a survivor." He reported.

"The hell!"

"How could anyone survive that!"

"Why is he still alive when everyone else isn't!"

"Well, find him." She ordered. "Chow, what's the status on that engine?"

Chow was typing into the console. "Give me ten."

"You got five."

"Yes, sir."

"What if he actually needed ten minutes?" Velvet asked.

Coco snorted. "Then we'll give him ten minutes."

"Why do you guys always cut the asked time in half anyway?" Amber asked.

"Saves time." Winter answered. "If he can get it done in half the time then that's all the time he gets."

"Team One, engines operative in five." Hero told them.

"Is that a real five minutes or a sort-of five minutes? Over." Belladona asked.

"Hard five. And we've got a possible survivor. Going to investigate. Over."

She and Chase went to find the survivor.

"Gunfodder, have team hold position." She ordered, "Bugspray and Ratzass, cover Chow."

"Like paint, Major." Ratzass replied.

The two found the room where the survivor was.

Grabbing his attention, Hero motioned him to kill hit lights.

They both activated their suits' stealth mode and switched off their headlights.

"They have a stealth mode and infrared vision as well." Watts made a note.

"That armour is sounding better and better every minute." Ironwood said. That armour combined with Aura would make his soldiers more effective.

Hero took point as the two entered the room, Chase covering her six.

"Looks like they were trying to make this into a lab." Chase said, looking at the equipment.

Finding something ahead, Hero motioned for him to follow.

The two approach it, Chase's scanner beeping more rapidly as they found their survivor.

"What is that thing?" He asked.

"A holding-cell." She answered. "To keep a Bug inside. Now it looks like they were trying to keep 'em out and somebody else in."

"We actually have those." Winter said.

"We do?" Saphron asked.

"We use it to transport captured Grimm for live combat training." Glynda answered. The students needed to fight Grimm from different continents for experience and this was surprisingly easier than a field trip to a different continent.

The diplomatic mess that came about from Beacon's last trip to Mistral took months to clear up.

She looked at the deep gashes in the cell's outer wall left by Bugs.

"Emergency power supply from Alesia seems to be working." Captain Nikos told her team as she sat in her captain's chair.

"Team One, Team Two," She informed, "gravity restoration in five...four, three, two..."

Gravity is restored and the corpses, both human and Bug, fell.

"F*ck!" Ratzass yelled as a body fell right in front of him.

"Wimp." Raven said.

"Like you didn't do the same thing when we were attacked by those giant leaches." Qrow said.

Raven glared at him. "You swore to never speak of that again!"

"I distinctively remember snickering at you but not making any promises."

"So that's why you came back late that time." Tai realized.

Summer smirked. Blackmail!

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