Starship Troopers Invasion Part 1

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I nearly crashed the page trying to post the whole thing! I'll have to divide this into 4 parts.

Starship Troopers: Invasion


General Johnny Rico – Jaune Arc

Captain Carmen Ibanez – Pyrrha Nikos

General/Dr Carl Jenkins – Whitley Schnee

K-12 Team

Major Henry "Hero" Varro – Coco Adel

Lieutenant Otis "Bugspray" Hacks – Oscar Pine

Sergeant Ratzass – Cardin Winchester

Holy Man – Yatsuhashi Daichi

Gunfodder – Fox Alistair

Kharon – Neptune Varsilles

A-01 Team

Lieutenant Tony Daugherty – Blake Belladona

Ice Blonde – Yang Xiao Long

Mech – Nora Valkyrie

Chase – Sun Wukong

Shock Jock – Velvet Scarlatina

Tia "Trig" Durer – Ruby Rose

Chow – Ren Lie

"Right," Zack said, "here's the actual movie."

"I can't wait to watch me in action!" Coco said in anticipation.

A soldier is seen putting on his Power Suit.

"I always get the shakes before a drop."

"Jaune, it's you!" Ruby said.

"I'm a soldier as well in this one huh." Jaune said.

"Sweet armour fearless leader!" Nora said.

"What do you mean by drop?" Saphron asked.

Jaune groaned, remembering the 'landing strategy' he learnt to do.

His gauntlet is assembled on his arm.

"I had the injections..."

The armour on his boot locked in place.

"hypnotic prep..."

A circle tightened up, causing the suit to inflate, sealing it.

"The Federation shrinks scanned my brainwaves."

The Muscle Suit's arms inflated.

"Everything checked out."

He pulled down the upper body armour over his body.

"The doc says it wasn't fear."

The soldier is fully armoured.

"I could've told him that."

"Interesting armour," Ironwood commented.

"I think its powered armour sir." Winter added.

"Take some notes for R&D Winter. They might be able to build something similar for our regular troops."

He locked and loaded his weapon.

"A horse locked in the starting gate isn't afraid. He's just ready to run."

The armed and armoured soldier is shown in his black coloured armour, armed and ready.

"Man, you look badass!" Sun complimented.

"Oh great! Now you're just another faceless soldier in the world." Adam insulted.

Jaune frowned at that. The closed helmet did give a cold feel to it all.

Starship Troopers Invasion

A dropship is lowered from a ship and it flied off.


The dropship flied around a giant asteroid.

Lieutenant Belladona was seen debriefing her team on their mission.

"A-Team, our mission is to seize and control the B Dock area, clear away the Bugs and evac the survivors. Now, once we land, we join forces with the K-12 team at the fort. It's a standard grab-and-go. After the rescue, we return to the ship, take off, then we blow the fort and the Bugs. Are we clear?"

The troopers responded with "Loud and clear, sir!"

"Oh my!" Kali said.

"I'm a soldier here!" Blake was shocked.

"Most of you are. Military service is mandatory here." Zack said.

"And you're the leader of that team as well!" Ruby added.

"Yes, Lieutenant Blake Belladona, commanding officer of A-01 team." Zack said.

"A-01?" Pyrrha said. "That sounds rather dull."

"It's common in the military to give simple designations for teams Ms. Nikos." Ironwood answered. "Though the teams tend to give themselves nicknames that are sometimes used instead."

The dropship made a hard landing in the dock and the troopers quickly exited the space craft.

"Go, go, go!"

The troopers got into their formation and opened fire at the incoming Bugs.

"No casualties yet." Ozpin said. "Off to a good start."

They cleared the dock quickly and Belladona used hand signs to order two troopers to join her and assist the two K-12 troopers who were at the dock while the rest guarded the dropship.

"Reminds me of the signs we use." Ilia said.

"They are kind of similar to ours as well." Winter said.

The two K-12 troopers were firing away into the corridor, keeping the Bugs at bay.

"Report!" Belladona ordered.

"Pretty bad, sir. Some of our men are still up our corridor."

"Then let's get 'em outta there."

The two troopers joined them defending the corridor as she orders,

"Mech! We're done here. Prep to blow."

"Sir!" The trooper, Nora 'Mech' Valkyrie went on to place the explosives.

"Oooh! I'm the demolitions guy!" Nora said.

J_PR sweated. Who let Nora near the high explosives!

"Why 'Mech'?" Ruby asked.

"Soldiers usually have call signs that they are referred to over radio for quicker communications," Winter explained. "Sometimes they use their last names or a nickname."

"Do you have a call sign?" Weiss asked her sister.

"No!" Winter answered a little too quickly. She did in fact have one, 'Snowbird', because her CO saw her use her Nevermore summons on their first mission.

"Holy Man and Chow, on the cover. Biggers and Crysoch, hold position. The rest of you, follow me. We're on a rescue mission, people!"

"I remember those," Ironwood said. Sometimes, Atlesian outposts became overrun with Grimm and had to be evacuated. Not fun.

"Why do you have outposts in the middle of nowhere anyway James?" Glynda asked.

"Mostly as an early warning system. Sometimes as a place to kick the idiots to," Ironwood answered.

The troopers followed her orders and they slowly retook the corridor from the Bugs.

A smaller ship is seen approaching the base and docked with it.

"Lieutenant Belladona, what is your status?" The captain of the Alesia asked.

"Too many Bugs. No way to take back Fort Casey. We'll hold 'til the John A. Warden evacuates." She reported.

"Alesia will stand by for immediate evac. Keep me posted."

"Roger that. Mech, what's your ETR?"

"Almost there, sir." Mech placed C-4 on what appeared to be a gas line of sorts.

"Done. Let's go!"

A Bug managed to get close enough to injure a trooper but was quickly gunned down by the rest of them.

"Charleston's down! Medic!" Belladona roared.

"I'm on it!" Velvet 'Shock Jock' Scarlatina went to the fallen trooper's aid.

"Velvet's the medic apparently." Yatsuhashi said.

"Maybe I should take a few classes..." Velvet contemplated that. Her team could use a medic.

"That might not be a bad idea," Ozpin said. A medic for every team would decrease mortality rates greatly. Sure, huntsmen were given basic first aid training but that wasn't always enough.

The rest of them advanced into the corridor, clearing the way for the remainder of K-12 to evacuate.

In a different dock, General/ Dr Whitley Schnee, accompanied by three black armoured troopers approached the dock as a shuttle docked with it.

"Have you completed loading the crates? No, that is your priority." Schnee ordered into his earpiece.

"The crates and not the people in the base, really?" Sienna wasn't impressed.

"What did you expect? It's a Schnee. Profit before lives." Adam said.

"Hey!" Winter and Weiss said.

"You have to admit your father's policies aren't exactly worker friendly." Blake said.

"Yeah I know." Weiss sighed. "I'll change that once I take over."

"You better." Ilia grumbled. Her parents died in those mines.

Captain Nikos of the John A. Warden entered the dock from the shuttle.

"What the hell is this about, Whitley?" She asked him.

"Wonderful to see you again, Pyrrha." He greeted as if there wasn't an angry woman in front of him.

"So, we know each other?" Pyrrha asked.

"You, Whitley and Jaune went to high school together here I believe." Zack answered.

"You commandeered my damn ship."

"Borrowing it. I'll give it back."

Ironwood winced at that. Ship captains guarded their ships jealously and often resisted when they were told that their ship was being commandeered. It rarely happened but when an operation needed a ship, but the captain didn't have the needed clearance, it could happen.

"You're never gonna take the John A. Warden from me."

"Guards, I believe Captain Nikos needs an escort to the Alesia."

Two of the two black clad troopers went to grab her arms, but she shook them off."

"What do you want with my ship, Whitley?"

"Probably a classified mission," Jaune said.

"Isn't it always?" Roman said.

"Pyrrha, that's classified. But I can tell you this. This mission...Oh, this mission will turn the tide."

"You always were such an asshole."

"And I was always so fond of you as well, Pyrrha. See you on Remnant."

He turned to leave and gave a parting shot.

"Friends always, right?"

"Weiss, your brother is an asshole." Yang said.

"I know," Weiss sighed.

He entered the John A. Warden with a trooper as the other two made sure she made it to the Alesia.

With the troopers in the docking bay, they had managed to kill the last Bug and cleared a path for the remainder of the base's troopers.

"A-Team, reload!" Belladona took advantage of the lull in the fighting. The troopers did so quickly.

"Their efficient," Raven noted.

"How big are those guns anyway?" Tai asked.

"I think their assault rifles are similar in size to Crescent Roses collapsed form." Zack answered.

"That's big." Summer said.

"But not if you're wearing power armour." Qrow added.

"This is A-Team leader to Fort Casey. Evacs, come in!"

"About goddamn time." Someone called over the comms.

"It's a little crowded out here. Exit now, Dock B."

"On our way."

"Show some hustle. It's quiet now, but that ain't gonna last."

The troopers took a defensive position around the entrance.

"Evacs coming up! Keep your eyes open and your heads down! I don't want to lose anyone to friendly fire."

Belladona went ahead to meet with the evacuating K-12 team.

"Who's in charge?" she asked.

"Acting Commander, sir." Lieutenant Oscar 'Bugspray' Pine saluted. "Major Coco Adel has been relieved of duty."

"Relieved? What the hell happened?" Lieutenant Belladona asked.

"What did you do this time?" Glynda groaned.

"How should I know?" Coco defended. You blow up a building full of Grimm one time...

"This was a suicide mission from the get-go. Fucking headcase!" Cardin 'Ratzass' Winchester spat.

"Cardin? I don't see it," Ruby said.

"Neither do I," Ren said.

"Shut your mouth, Ratzass. You wanna be busted like Hero?" Bugspray warned.

Major Coco 'Hero' Adel was dressed in a grey tank top and pants. She had a scar underneath her left eye. She was handcuffed and escorted to the docked Alesia by two black armoured troopers.

"You look terrible." Fox said.

"You don't say..." Coco looked at the scar on her face, wondering how she got it.

She spotted Dr Schnee about to board his shuttle in a different dock. Their eyes met and she lunged at him despite being in separate docks. The two troopers held her back.

Dr Schnee smugly saluted at her and entered his shuttle with his guard. The shuttle took off and headed for the John A. Warden.

"Definitely Whitley's fault." Weiss said, seeing her brother's familiar smug look.

"Someone's getting a wedgie..." Coco muttered.

Her guards pulled her up and they made their way to the Alesia.

The troopers have evacuated the last of the bases troopers but were on guard for any more Bugs.

"We're outta here. Let's get back to the ship. Mech, how's it coming with that charge?" Belladona asked as the troopers walked to the dropship.

"Armed and dangerous." Mech answered.

The troopers stopped for a moment as the base shook.

"You have to be kidding me." A trooper said as they watch the John A. Warden leave without them.

"They left without them?!" Ghira asked alarmed.

"That's illegal!" Ironwood said. Ships don't leave until everyone was evacuated, not before.

"Probably the cargo he was talking about earlier." Amber said.

"Thanks for waiting, jackass!" Belladona yelled as the troopers made rude gestures toward the leaving ship.

"Command, if there are new orders let me know, goddamn it! Are we gonna escort the John A. Warden or not?" she asked into her comm.

She heard the shriek of a Bug and quickly turned around. More Bugs were attacking them, and the troopers fired.

"Behind us!" Someone yelled as Bugs entered the dock from outside.

"That is a lot of bugs!" Hazel said alarmed by just how many there were.

"How did they get there?" Cinder asked.

"They were there first. The Federation built a base there without knowing about the bugs." Zack answered.

"Well that was some poor planning." Roman said.

"Sir, this is Biggers! Can't hold anymore! We're...F*ck! Sons of bitches!"

Biggers and two other troopers were overwhelmed and killed by Bugs.

"Beautiful." Tyrian said at the brutal deaths.

"Why do we keep him again?" Watts asked Hazel.

"Because he's insanely loyal and good at what he does." Hazel answered.

"Captain Jonah, this is A-Team. Landing ship destroyed. Boarding directly now." Belladona informed as the troopers were besieged on all sides by the Bugs.

"Roger that. As soon as you're aboard, Alesia will depart." The captain informed.

"Lance formation! Fall back to the Alesia!" Belladona ordered as they made a fighting retreat through the corridor.

"Well trained," Adam commented, seeing the troopers make an orderly retreat.

"Yes," Winter agreed with the faunus. Fighting retreats could easily become routs if not done well.

Once the last trooper was through, the corridor doors were sealed.

The troopers watched the doors warily, but the Bugs bypassed it. Entering from the glass windows, Bugs attacked them, and a trooper was bisected, and another stabbed to death.

"Does bugs don't need to breathe do they?" Sienna asked.

"Nope," Zack answered.

"Damn," Qrow said. Even the Grimm needed to breathe, despite not being normal living beings.

"Grimm that don't need to breathe," Salem noted. That could be useful.

"Hold formation! Hold formation!" Belladona ordered as the troopers valiantly held their ground.

A Bug bit off a trooper's arm but the trooper managed to get away and sprayed the Bug with bullets until it died.

"My arm! My goddamn arm!" Fox 'Gunfodder' Alister yelled in shock.

A trooper helped him up. "Medic!"

Fox grabbed his arm and grimaced.

"Yikes," Coco said with a wince.

"Are you alright Fox?" Velvet asked concerned.

"I will be," He said.

Yatsuhashi patted him on the back in comfort.

A Bug was about to make it to Belladona but was killed by a sniper shot.

Turning towards where the shot came from, she found Ruby 'Trig' Rose outside the docking bay, sniping Bugs from her position.

"424," she counted as she covered their retreat. "425, 426."

"Saved by the sniper!" Ruby crowed.

"Thanks, I guess," Blake said.

"That was close," Ghira sighed.

"Return to the ship!" Belladona yelled and the troopers ran for it as Trig covered their back.

"428, 429, 430, 431..."

"Since when do you count?" Weiss asked.

"I don't know," Ruby said. "Maybe I should start? I bet I have over five hundred now!"

"No way! I bet I have higher!" Yang said.

"Girls, girls, you're both pretty," Nora said. "But you all know I have the highest kill count!"

That started a round of arguments among the students on who had the highest Grimm kill count.

"Kids," Tai sighed as he and the other teachers commiserated.

"Trig! Move your goddamn ass! We're taking off!" Belladona ordered into her comm.

Ruby watched as a swarm of Bugs ran at her from outside the fort. Holstering her sniper on her back, she ran as the Alesia detached from the fort.

"Come on!" the troopers yelled in encouragement from the ships docking hatch, providing covering fire for her.

"Come on," Summer said, hugging her daughter.

Tai was praying that Ruby made it and Qrow gripped his bottle tightly, cracking the glass.

"Jump!" She jumped, the lack of gravity making it seem easy. She stretched out her hand and Bugspray caught it, pulling her in. The hatch closed as the last trooper got onboard.

"She made it," Yang sighed relieved.

"Thanks." Trig thanked as her helmet folded into her armour, showing her face.

"Any time." Bugspray replied, helmet folding back as well.

"Score?" Yang 'Ice Blonde' Xiao Long asked, helmet already off.

"430. Give or take." Trig boasted.

"Hah! Top that!" Ruby said.

"Wait for it," Nora replied patiently.

The Alesia scrapped Fort Casey as she made a sharp turn, unmindful of damage as at most the paint was scratched. With her thrusters facing the base, the ship blasted away at full speed, frying a few unlucky Bugs who were too close to it.

"You gonna do it or what?" a trooper asked Mech.

"Hit it, maestro." Belladona said with her helmet off.

"Three, two, one... Boom!" Mech counted as the base exploded, the C-4 charges she placed detonating.

The troopers cheered, watching the base explode from the hatch's window.

"Hah! Over a thousand easily!" Nora yelled as Ruby grumbled about explosions not counting.

"Come on, guys. This shit ain't over yet." Mech told her comrades.

Fort Casey's power core detonated, destroying the base and all the Bugs in it.

"Yeah! All right!" the troopers cheered.

"It's so beautiful," Nora wiped away a tear.

"Strangely satisfying," Tyrian agreed.

"Should we be worried?" Glynda asked Ozpin.

"Probably," He answered, shuddering at the unholy union of Nora and Tyrian.

The troopers were in the Alesia's locker room, changing out of their armour.

"So, what the hell happened to you guys down there?" Sun 'Chase' Wukong asked Ratzass.

"We were right on top of a motherfucking anthill. Adel saved our ass. Then that ESP prick Schnee sent us on a death run. Straight into a goddamn hive. But you didn't hear that shit from me."

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Chase pretended to have forgotten the last few seconds.

"Ah the usual gossip," Roman said. "Not even the army is free from it."

"He shouldn't be divulging secrets like that," Ironwood frowned.

"Come on Tin man!" Qrow said, "Soldiers will be soldiers, meaning that they'll complain about damn near everything."

"What do you know?" Winter shot back.

"Ice Queen, we may not like each other but I've talked to other of you soldiers before," Qrow said, "usually at the bar where we complain about everything from Jimmy to the leak in the bases communal shower."

"Attention!" the troopers saluted as Belladona entered the locker room. She saluted back and they all went as ease.

"You can all be proud of yourselves. We saved some lives."

The troopers cheered.

"And we killed some Bugs."

The troopers cheered louder.

"But we lost some good troopers today."

The troopers went silent and lowered their heads.

"Here's to the dead." Belladona raised her arm, miming holding a shot glass.

"And to the next man to die!" the troopers finished, doing the same.

The huntsmen and students there bowed their heads respectfully in honour of the dead.

"Now let's get back to Remnant. Then we can put some real glasses in these hands."

The troopers cheered at the thought of shore leave.

"Here, here," Qrow said, raising a new bottle for them.

Bugspray and Ratzass walked into the locker room dressed in casual uniforms where they found Ice Blonde getting naked without any sense of shame.

"Yang!" Tai yelled as she gave everyone there a free show.

"Damn I'll look even better in a few years," Yang ignored her father, looking over her older self's unblemished skin and great figure.

Weiss glared jealously at the two mounds of fat on her teammate's older body. How did they get even bigger?

"It's the genes," Raven said. She was nearly forty and still looked barely older than a twenty-year-old.

"Hey, check that out." Ratzass whispered to Bugspray.

"What's the matter? You never saw a flanker without her armour before?" She made no move to cover herself.

"Yeah, but they usually look like Ratzass." Bugspray replied.


"That's what they call me." Ratzass said.

"Because you don't give a rat's ass about anything." Bugspray finished.

"And that's Cardin's new name from now on," Coco said.

"Seconded," JNPR said.

"Agreed," RWBY said.

"Motion carried," Velvet said, giggling into her hands at how ridiculous they were being.

"What a surprise." She took of her pants, now fully naked in front of two men without any shame.

"Yang Xiao Long, I thought I raised you better!" Summer said loudly as she loomed over a shrinking Yang.

"Hey... You want me to show you to the shower? I could wash your back." Ratzass flirted.

"You don't want to wash my front?" She said, closing the locker and walked towards him in all her naked glory.

She got up close to him and Ratzass had his back to the lockers, speechless.

She went to the shower as Bugspray laughed at his teammate's predicament.

"Shut up!" Ratzass said, embarrassed.

"Oh man!" Sun laughed.

"Priceless!" Neptune said, holding his stomach as he laughed.

Hero was in the brig, still handcuffed as she sat in a chair.

Captain Nikos entered the bridge of the Alesia.

"Captain on the bridge." The Alesia's executive officer announced as the bridge crew came to attention.

"Stand down." Nikos said as she returned Captain Jonah's salute. "This is your ship, not mine, Captain."

"Simple respect, Captain Nikos." Captain Jonah said as she got out of the captain's chair. "For what happened on planet P-Ventamonas alone. If only more strikes were executed that way."

"Looks like you can't escape your fame even in another world," Ren said.

"At least it's because I saved lives," Pyrrha said.

"I had a good team. What can you tell me?"


"Where's my ship? And why does Schnee want it so badly?"

"Captain believe me. If I could provide you with any information on..."

"They have no idea, do they," Amber deadpanned.

"No," Zack answered.

"This ship is in pursuit of the John A. Warden, isn't it?"

Belladona entered the bridge in her officer's uniform.

"I understand your concern for the John A. Warden, Captain Nikos." Belladona told her. "But this is the Alesia and we command it. Our orders are to return to Remnant."

"You look like them now," Ilia said, pointing at the two soldiers.

"Don't remind me," Blake held her face in her hand.

"What's wrong with being a soldier?" Winter asked.

"Nothing," Sienna said unconvincingly.

"Then show me that data on the John A. Warden's path. Where is she headed?" Nikos asked.

"We don't know, Captain. We lost her signal shortly after we began pursuit." Jonah informed her.

Nikos took in the information Jonah just gave her.

"Please contact me when you find the John A. Warden." Nikos asked.

"Aye-aye, Captain." Jonah saluted her.

Nikos left the bridge in anger, wondering what Schnee was doing to her ship.

In the medical bay of the Alesia, Gunfodder was receiving medical treatment for his injured arm by Shock Jock.

"That does not look good," Yatsuhashi grimaced at his teammates mutilated arm.

"I'm sure I'll fix it right up!" Velvet said to Fox.

"My life is in your hands then Velvet," Fox said.

"Hey man, don't write this up, okay?" Gunfodder asked.

"This is a serious wound." Shock Jock said as she checked the monitors.

"Could've been a lot worse."

"I can't keep something like this off the record." Shock Jock told him apologetically. "I'm gonna have to take your arm, yeah?"

"Fine." Gunfodder answered. "But, look... At least do what you can to make sure it doesn't get back to my folks? You can at least do that. Right, doc?" he asked.

Shock Jock doesn't answer, picking up a bone saw. The ship shook as she prepared to amputate Gunfodders arm.

"Let's do this." She said.

"Why don't we wait until the shaking stops?" Gunfodder asked.

"The ship will be fine."

"I'm not talking about the ship."

Shock Jock looked at him as she realized that her hands were shaking.

"Maybe not..." Fox amended.

"Don't blame her," Raven said, remembering when someone in the tribe needed an amputation. They didn't exactly have access to anaesthesia or the best medical equipment.

In the Alesia's cargo hold, Ren 'Chow' Lie was practicing his martial arts. Ratzass saw him and mockingly copied him, causing Chase and Mech who were nearby to laugh.

Chow turned towards Ratzass.

"Hey, noob, dance class is down the hall." Ratzass mocked.

"No, it's right here. Care to dance?" Chow challenged.

"This ring is for fighting." He replied as he got in a stance.

"Oh, this will be good." Yang grinned, eager to watch Cardin get his ass handed to him by Ren.

"Mr. Lie is the best hand to hand combatant of his year along with Ms Xiao Long." Glynda looked at Ruby, the worst of their year, even worse than Jaune who knew some boxing.

Ruby pouted. "Why do I need to learn hand to hand when I have my baby?"

Tai sighed. "Ruby, we've been over this. It's for in case you lose your weapon in a fight."

Qrow remembered painful hours spent trying to teach Ruby how to fight without her scythe. She somehow managed to hurt herself more than the punching bag.

"Humour me."

"What's your name?" Ratzass asked as he stood a few paces away from him.


"I thought you were Ren?" Sun asked.

"Call-sign," Zack answered.

"Yeah, but why 'Chow'?" Jaune asked.

"It was my father's name." Ren said quietly.

Nora hugged her not-boyfriend.

"Well, Chow, I don't usually dance with guys. But in your case, I'll make an exception."

With Mech and Chase,

"Who's your money on?" Mech asked.

"Ratzass is bigger. Not much upstairs, though." Chase said.

"Whatever, dude. Ratzass gets in one good solid hit and Chow's going down."

"Huh!" Nora exclaimed at her others treachery. "How could I?"

"You do kind of have a glass jaw," Yang said, having sparred with Ren before.

"Shit, if he can ever land a punch. Chow's fast, man."

Ice Blonde clapped to catch their attention. She was naked from the waist up, her breast covered by a small towel.

All the boys and shameless men ogled the topless blonde.

"So shameless," Weiss sighed. At least their Yang had some shame, otherwise Beacon's male students would suffer from blood loss more often.

"All right, fighters. To your corners." She pushed them away.

The two circle one another.

"You back out now, I won't think any less of you." Chow said.

Ice Blonde hit a crate with a metal pipe. Catching everyone's attention.

"When I ring the bell, come out fighting."

Nearby troopers came to watch the fight.

"Ten lien on pinkie," Coco bet.

"Twenty on Cardin," Sage said.

"A million pancakes on Ren!" Nora yelled.

"Where do you get a million pancakes?" Roman wondered.

"I'm gonna miss you when you're gone." Ratzass insulted.

Ice Blonde hit the crate, creating a gong sound.

Ratzass charged at Chow, but he merely moved out of the way and tripped him.

Mech and Chase laughed at Ratzass.

Ratzass got up and Chow made a 'come at me' gesture.

Ratzass threw a right punch but Chow caught it easily. He forced it down and backhanded Ratzass, knocking him back.

Ratzass tried again with a left punch, but Chow caught it again, spinning him around and elbowing him.

Ratzass turned to attack Chow but received a kick to the head for his efforts.

"Good thing there's not much upstairs. Don't have to worry about brain damage." Chase said as Mech despaired at Chow humiliating Ratzass, probably costing her the bet.

"Hey, damage this." Mech gave Chase the finger.

"This seems familiar," Ozpin said as the students cheered and laughed at Cardin's poor showing.

"The last time I paired the two for combat training I believe," Glynda said as she mentally critiqued the two combatants.

Ice Blonde watched on as a concussed Ratzass tried to see straight. Chow was in front of him, ready to finish this.

"Hey." Ice Blonde decided to give Ratzass some 'inspiration', lifting the towel over her right breast, flashing him.

"Now that's inspiration!" Scarlet grinned.

Qrow was tempted to agree, but that was his niece who was showing off the goods.

Ratzass stepped forward and managed to catch one of Chows kicks. Trapped, Ratzass managed to land a solid punch, knocking Chow to the ground.

Ratzass went down as well, the concussion having taken its toll.

The watching troopers laughed at the fighters.

"So that's what it takes to motivate Cardin!" Blake said in between laughter as she and everyone there laughed at the double knockout.

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