Starship Troopers Invasion Trailer

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Starship Troopers Invasion Trailer

I know that normally trailers are Kyle's thing but I need extra time to finish the damn chapter. So here's a trailer to keep you company while a finish doing a reaction for an entire f*%$ing movie.

"This world is a military one based in the future." Zack said.

"Is it at least better than the Bradley one?" Ironwood asked.

"Oh, much better!" Zack answered. "Humanity spread out into the stars with their advanced technology due to overpopulation and dwindling resources. But soon, they found a threat that was determined to see them dead. Instead of Grimm, humanity has to deal with bugs!"

"Bugs!" The girls yelled, looking around their feet for any bugs.

"That doesn't sound so bad." Roman commented. "It's just bugs."

"Bugs that are around 3 metres high, 5 metres long from front legs to back and are single minded in the extermination of the human race." Zack said.

Neo climbed up Roman like he was a tree. She looked down in fright, as if a bug would appear from nowhere and eat her.

"Neo! Get off me!" Roman wasn't amused at being used as a tree.

"That's going to give me nightmares for weeks." Blake said.

"So even in space, humanity has to fight for its place." Ozpin sighed.

"What did you expect Oz?" Qrow asked sarcastically. "We're never going to have it easy."

Salem contemplated experimenting with creating new Grimm. The ones that currently roamed Remnant were getting kind of old anyway.

"Anyway, let's start off with a trailer before we go to the real thing." Zack said.

"We have a situation." Arc said as soldiers are seen armouring up.

"Our mission," Belladona said, "is to clear away the bugs and evac the survivors. Are we clear?"

"Sir! Yes sir!" A platoon of troopers' yell.

"Hell yeah!" Several of the audience yelled.

"Definitely livelier than your tin army Jimmy." Qrow said.

"For the last time Qrow, it's to reduce casualties!" Ironwood said.

"More like reduce capability in my opinion." Qrow shot back.

A ship is shown leaving an asteroid base.

"Whoa! A real spaceship!" Ruby said excited.

"Hmm..." Winter looked at the design of the ship. "That is definitely a warship."

"Well he did say this was a military one." Watts said as he too admired the ship. It seemed very advanced.

A dropship makes a hard landing and the troopers riding it exit quickly.

"Go, go, go!" Belladona yells.

"Demanding aren't you?" Yang teased Blake.

"Please," Blake rolled her eyes. "as if anything else would get you moving."

"I thought I was the leader?" Ruby said.

"Well maybe we should get a turn." Weiss said.

Ruby looked at her partner in betrayal as her team actually looked like they were considering it.

Two troopers are running as one called out. "We've got bugs! Multiple contacts!"

The troopers are seen fighting the bugs in several cut scenes.

"So those are bugs." Mercury wasn't that impressed. "They don't seem that tough."

"But look at how many there are." Salem said, wondering what would run out first, bugs or bullets and men.

"They attack in larger swarms than your average Grimm horde." Zack said. "Grimm hordes are rare, and when they happen usually they number in the thousands of all kinds. Bug swarms in the tens and hundreds of thousands are the norm here."

"Shit." Tai said as he imagined that. Usually Grimm attacked in the hundreds, and that was usually enough to overwhelm most settlements. If they attacked in the hundreds of thousands more often, not even the kingdoms could hold out against that.

"We are under massive bug attack!" Nikos said into her comm.

"There you are." Jaune said.

"I'm not a trooper?" Pryyha asked.

"You're navy." Zack answered.

Nora realized something. "Pryyha! If you're captain of a ship, that means we can be space pirates now!"

Pryyha stared at her teammate, unsure how to answer that as Ren face palmed.

"Oh! And Ren can be first mate and I can be the gunner in charge of the guns!"

"Hey!" Jaune asked, "What about me?"

"Oh... You can be Pryyha's cabin wench. You're pretty enough for it." Nora answered.

Jaune grumbled as everyone laughed at him. Curse his sisters for dressing him up in dresses when he was younger.

"You do look good in a dress Jaune." Saphron said in between giggles.

Pryyha blushed at the implications of Jaune being her cabin wench. The things they could do... Pryyha was sent to dream land as she dreamt about the dastardly things pirate captain Nikos could do to a poor helpless Jaune.

Winter hid a smirk, but made a note to keep her sister's weird friend away from the fleet.

A trooper was speared through by a bug.

Some of them grimace at the sight.

"What's the point of armour if their legs go right through it?" Ilia asked.

"Probably survival and to boost their capabilities." Adam said. "They were shown fighting in space earlier."

"Correct," Zack said. "Their armour can't stand against a direct attack but they can block against glancing blows. Their main purpose is to let the troopers survive in harsh environments and boost their mobility. They are the Mobile Infantry after all."

"Fascinating." Ironwood said. He wondered if his own soldiers could use armour like that. It might increase a soldier's chances of escaping the Grimm if he was about to be overwhelmed.

Arc was shown with an eye patch talking to Ironwood.

"My eye!" Jaune said shocked.

"All of those scars..." Saphron muttered worried. She knew being a huntsman was a dangerous profession and she was afraid at what her brother would end up as in a few years.

"Damn..." Neptune said.

"They do add a primal feel to his looks." Pryyha blushed. The seasoned and scarred version of her crush was quite a looker.

"They do." Yang agreed.

"A bug invasion will not happen on my watch." Arc told Ironwood.

Bugs are seen exiting a crashed ship.

"Well that was a lie." Sienna said.

"If those make it to a city, it'll be a slaughter." Amber grimaced.

"They better stop them before that happens then." Ghira said.

"Lock and load." Coco told her troopers.

"Hoorah!" Several troopers cried.

"Yes!!!" Coco yelled. "Finally a version of me that's cool!"

"That's great Coco," Velvet said.

"Not an office worker, not a stripper, but a badass trooper that exterminates giant sized bugs!" Coco cheered.

"She seems enthusiastic." Yatsuhashi said to Fox.

"Let her have this." Fox replied.

The troopers run out to face some bugs.

"We are not fighting for some rock across the galaxy!" Arc said.

Several ships passed by a satellite base.

Two troopers jumped over a large wall.

"Hmm, increased mobility in combat..." Winter noted as she wrote that down.

A trooper was firing down as he was in midair.

The satellite base fired at a ship that dodged the lasers.

Several Plasma Grenadier Bugs fired plasma at Yang but she was pushed out of the way by Yatsuhashi who took the hit instead.

"Yang! / Yatsu!" their friends yelled.

"Since when did bugs shoot plasma?!" Sienna asked.

"Since now apparently..." Cinder said.

Nikos hit the wall while she was in the shower.

"Woah..." The students blushed at the sight while Pryyha turned so red that she could substitute for a traffic light.

"Nice..." Tyrian said creepily, not at all concerned that she was young enough to be his daughter.

Ozpin and the other adults averted their eyes. She was a student after all.

"We are fighting for our home!

A ship was hit by several lasers and troopers are seen in front of an explosion.

"Why are they firing on their own ships?" Ruby asked alarmed.

"That ship was taken over by bugs." Zack answered.

"They can do that?" Watts asked intrigued.

"Do some experiments on Grimm controlling technology when we get back Arthur." Salem told the scientist.

Ironwood was very worried at that. If the Grimm cold take control of one of his ships, Atlas security would be compromised.

"Everyone is doing their part." Ruby said as she straddled a grown up Oscar Pine and they kissed.

"Eek!" Ruby his into her hood, her face matching the colour of her cloak.

"I'LL KILL THAT FARM BOY!!!" Tai and Qrow roared.

"My baby sister finally found a boy that she likes!" Yang cheered.

"Grandbabies!" Summer cheered.

Ozpin had a feeling that letting the two male members of team STRQ kill that boy would be bad for him. More than the fallout of two huntsmen killing a 13-year-old kid at least.

Weiss wasn't jealous. She wasn't and she was sticking to it! Though the boy would look good as an ice statue...

Two ships fired at each other in space.

Whitley Schnee was seen walking in front of several black armoured troopers.

"Who thought giving Whitley a position of authority was a good idea?!" Winter spluttered.

"Is he related to you Weiss? What with the white hair..." Yang asked.

Before Weiss could answer, Sienna did it for her. "That is Whitley Schnee, youngest and only son of Jacques Schnee."

"Why do you know that?" Ironwood asked, paranoid that the White Fang would try to kidnap him.

"Oh relax general!" Sienna said. "It's on the internet and I have no plans for him!"

Adam however, did.

The troopers are shown in a defensive formation.

Coco fired her grenade launcher at some bugs.

"I'm so cool here!" Coco cried.

"We get it! You're awesome! Now can you stop?" Roman asked.

"No." Coco replied.

A trooper jumped off a Marauder suit towards a Bug Queen.

Pryyha Nikos.

Whitley Schnee.

Jaune Arc.

Arc was shown in a Marauder suit and several troopers are running as they fired at bugs.

"Come on you apes!" Arc yelled. "You want to live forever!"

"A few years longer wouldn't be bad." Jaune said.

"Come on kid!" Qrow said. "You only live once!"

Qrow was hit on the head by a frying pan.

"Don't corrupt my baby brother!" Saphron yelled as she waved a frying pan that now had an impression of Qrow's head on it.

"Where did she get the frying pan?" Ozpin asked Zack.

"Who knows how women do these things? Just assume that it's a secret female technique." Zack answered.

Arc fired his Gatling gun, killing large numbers of bugs.

The troopers are again seen fighting bugs.

A ship was seen entering Remnant's atmosphere.

"Why's the ship burning up?" Weiss asked.

"I don't know." Winter said. "Our knowledge on space flight is quite abysmal."

"Unfortunate," Ironwood sighed. "Maybe we can learn some things about space from this."

Nikos was running away from a Plasma Grenadier Bug.

"Pryyha!" Her friends yelled, worried.

"Invincible girl, not so invincible after all." Cinder said.

Two troopers floated forward in a dark corridor.

Troopers fighting.

A trooper was running away from a massive bug swarm.

"That is a lot of bugs." Sage said.

"Oh no! Ruby!" Yang said, worried.

"How do you know that's Ruby?" Scarlet asked.

"The trooper has a sniper. Of course it's Ruby." Blake answered.

"I can use other weapons..." Ruby complained at the stereotyping.

"So you're saying you would give up Crescent Rose?" Weiss asked.

Ruby gasped and hugged a weapon that wasn't there. "Never!"

A ship crashed landed into the mountains as Nikos braced for impact.

The trooper jumped and reached for the out stretched hand of his or her fellow troopers on the ship.

A Marauder suit fired its missiles as explosions kill several bugs.

Starship Troopers Invasion.

"Man I'm hyped!" Sun said as the others nodded in agreement.

"Kill them all!" Coco yelled as she fired at approaching bugs.

Would you like to know more?

"Yes please!" Nora said.

"Hell yeah!" Yang said.

The others made voices of agreement. They were now very interested in watching this next world.

"Right, I'll just start it up." Zack said.

Next: Starship Troopers Invasion (Movie)

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