The Greatest Showman-The Other Side

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The Greatest Showman – The Otherside

"Text" Normal speech

"Text" The Scene

"Text" Singing

I don't own anything. Just a college student with a lot of time on his hands due to Covid-19.

"You guys remember the universe where Ozpin starts a circus?" Zack asks as he set up the dimensional viewer, a flat-screen TV that was a massive 300 inches as well as being ultra high definition. A sound system was already set up that would make the viewers seem as if they were listening straight from the source.

That got the students excited. Glynda blushes, remembering that she and Ozpin were married in that world with children. The women in the room give knowing looks toward her, further embarrassing her.

Ozpin, wishing to avoid further embarrassment, "Yes, I do believe so. I take it we're about to see a scene from that one?"

"Yes, this is a scene where Ozpin is convincing Jaune to join him."

Jaune looks intrigued at being recruited to join a circus and asks, "So how am I recruited?"

Zack hides an amused expression, thinking about that particular scene and says, "Let's just say it involves singing and whiskey."

Qrow starts feeling jealous. There wasn't any whiskey involved when he got asked to be Ozpin's spy. Amber however, says what goes through most of the audiences mind.

"Ozpin can sing???"

Ozpin feels mildly insulted as everyone there gives him incredulous looks. He can sing damn it. Even if it was a few lifetimes ago since he sung in public.

The students however cringed as they remember Jaune's attempt to serenade Weiss. Saphron however knows better, having heard hin sing when he was doing it naturally rather than being corny.

"Oh boy," Weiss sighs.

The scene opens with Ozpin and Jaune in a bar with Junior as the bartender.

Saphron eyes Jaune with a look and says, "Jaune, you better have not been drinking, have you? Do I have to tell mom?"

Jaune panics, "NNnnoo, I've never been to a bar in my life. Swear."

Winter looks him over, "Good, don't end up like that drunkard over there."

"Heh" huffs Qrow.

Ozpin says to Jaune, "You might just find yourself a free man." Both drink the whiskey they have then Ozpin starts singing.

Right here, right now

I put the offer out

I don't want to chase you down

I know you see it

You run with me

And I can cut you free

Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in

Everyone seems shocked at how well Ozpin sings.

Ozpin taps the bar table and Junior tosses him a whiskey bottle. He slams down a coin then pours them both another drink. Ozpin continues singing.

Qrow starts sulking. His recruitment wasn't in a bar. No drinks either. Yang however,

"Say, Zack any chance you could..."

"No." Zack deadpans.

"Party pooper." Yang sulks, joining Qrow.

So trade that typical for something colorful

And if it's crazy, live a little crazy

Ozpin tosses the bottle back to Junior.

You can play it sensible, a king of conventional

Or you can risk it all and see

Puts on his top hat and they both drink. Ozpin turns them both around.

Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play

'Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride

It'll take you to the other side

"Man, this is one hell of a way to recruit someone." Says Mercury.

"Shut up Mercury. No one asked for your opinion." Says Emerald though she privately agrees.

Flips Junior another coin who then kicks a chair towards Ozpin. Ozpin uses the chair to get on a table, dances and continues.

'Cause you can do like you do

Or you can do like me

Stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key

Kicks up his top hat, puts it on and continues

Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly

Junior moves the chair for Ozpin to get down

It'll take you to the other side

"How come I don't get this kind of service." complains Roman.

"You don't pay me like he does for such service," Junior states.

"Anyone else concerned at how much whiskey they're both drinking" asks Summer.

"They can handle it." states Zack.

Junior puts another bottle of whiskey for Ozpin who starts pouring. This time Jaune sings.

Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in

Well I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen

So thanks, but no

I think I'm good to go

'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in

RWBY and _NPR were quite shock at Jaune's singing. They remembered that time he tried to serenade Weiss and compared it to the Jaune on screen.

"Jaune, since when could you sing?" asks a still unbelieving Weiss.

"What do you mean?" asks Saphron, "Jaune has a great singing voice. You guys should have heard him when he was little. Sometimes when one of us would get upset, Jaune would sing for us to make us feel better."

Saphron remembered when she came home upset, being picked on for her preference for women. Jaune sang for her till she smiled again. She still had a recording of it.

Jaune walks away from the bar. Grabbing his hat, coat and scarf.

Now I admire you, and that whole show you do

You're onto something, really it's something

But I live among the swells, and we don't pick up peanut shells

Throws a few shells on the ground.

Junior, Militia and Melanie look at Jaune annoyed, more work for them.

I'll have to leave that up to you

Junior sweeps the floor really quickly. Jaune tosses his coat and scarf at a piano.

Don't you know that I'm okay with this uptown part I get to play

'Cause I got what I need and I don't want to take the ride

I don't need to see the other side

Jaune gets on the bar counter and dances.

So go and do like you do

I'm good to do like me

Jaune moves across the counter as Junior moves the bottle and glass.

Ain't in a cage, so I don't need to take the key

Oh, damn! Can't you see I'm doing fine

I don't need to see the other side

Nora got into Jaune's face, looking at him like he just said the most preposterous thing in the world.

"Fearless leader, you don't really think that, do you?" Nora half asks half demands.

Jaune nervously looks to his friends for support but some of them look at him like Nora is while some were pretending to not see anything.

'Traitors.' Jaune thinks.

"You sure about that Jaune?" asks Ruby, not believing her fellow leader could accept a normal life.

"Maybe in a different life Ruby. I'm a hunter aren't I? Not exactly a normal life." Jaune answers.

Ruby accepts that answer and Saphron just smiles at her little brother, glad that he is happy with the path he chose.

Jaune gets down from the counter and walks towards the piano. Ozpin follows and starts playing the piano.

Now is this really how you like to spend your days?

Whiskey and misery, and parties and plays

If I were mixed up with you, I'd be the talk of the town

Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns

Raven looks at Qrow then remarks, "Looks like you found your calling brother."

Tai and Summer had to hold in their laughter as well as the others since Qrow did act like comedic relief at times. Qrow looks at them with betrayal in his eyes.

"Some team I had." Grumbles Qrow as even the Ice Queen and Ironwood laughed at Raven's remark.

But you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little

Just let me give you the freedom to dream

And it'll wake you up and cure your aching

Take your walls and start 'em breaking

Now that's a deal that seems worth taking

But I guess I'll leave that up to you

At this point, Ozpin has Jaune convinced.

"Yessss!!! Fearless leader is joining the circus!!! Ren, Ren. Quick, think up an act we can do so we can join the circus too. Oooh, Pryyha can be part of it too, that way all of team JNPR is joining the circus!!!" exclaims an excited Nora.

J_PR can only sigh at Nora's exuberance, well used to it at this point.

Jaune smirks, turns around then starts,

Well it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly

So what percentage of the show would I be taking?

Fair enough, you'd want a piece of all the action

Junior takes eight shot glasses, pours then places a glass for each line.

"Ah, the bargaining. The best part of making a deal." states Roman.

"Agreed." states all those there who have experience with this sort of thing.

I'd give you seven, we could shake and make it happen

I wasn't born this morning, eighteen would be just fine

Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime


I'd do eight


Maybe nine


Everyone are at the edge of their seat, waiting to see who blinked first.

Both are at a standstill. Junior taps the counter and looks at Ozpin. Ozpin pads his clothes for more money but Jaune just places a few bills and pays for the drinks.

"Poor form Ozpin, running out of money when negotiating in a bar." says Qrow. He and all there know that Ozpin just lost that bargain.

Jaune smirks, knowing that the deal agreed on, "Sir, looks like you have yourself a junior partner." Holds out his hand.

Cash register rings.

Ozpin smirks back. Grabs both shot glasses in front of them and hands one to Jaune.

"What I have is an overcompensated apprentice."

"Your damn right he is." States Qrow, jealous at all the whiskey they are drinking. Winter chose not to comment and barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes.

Both drink then sing

Don't you wanna get away to a whole new part you're gonna play

'Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride

To the other side

Scene change to the circus. Jaune stumbles around a few performers.

"Whoa!" says the students plus Oscar at seeing all the performers and animals.

The faunus among the audience judged the scene, noting that there were faunus among them.

"Velvet look!!! It's you, except that your tiny and look so cute in that costume!!!" exclaims Coco upon seeing Velvet (Velvet is General Tom Thumb, the dwarf that gets recruited in the trailer).

Velvet turns bright red at Coco's exclamation, idly noting that she was rather adorable at that size.

So if you do like I do

So if you do like me

Forget the cage, 'cause we know how to make the key

Oh, damn! Suddenly we're free to fly

We're going to the other side

Both climb the stairs

So if you do like I do

(To the other side)

Take their hats off for the bearded lady, who laughs

"Gah!" most of the males there say, weirded out by the bearded lady.

"Damn that's one hell of a beard" says Neptune, who for once can't think of something good to say to a lady.

"Hmmm..." Tai contemplates getting his girls beards as boy deterent.

"Tai..." warns Summer, knowing what he was thinking.

So if you do like me

(We're going to the other side)

'Cause if we do we're going to the other side

We're going to the other side

Both appear on a balcony, where Jaune watches, mesmerized as Blake does a trapeze act and swings in front of him.

"So Blakey, trying to seduce vomit boy over there?" grins Yang, remembering that Jaune and Blake were love interests in this world.

Blake blushes and hid into a book she got from somewhere while Ghira had to be restrained by Kali.

"Now, now dear. Different world remember." Kali calms Ghira who was inching towards team JNPR couch.

Pryyha frowned, realizing she might have competition.

"So how was it?" asks Zack, a little worried since this was his first time doing this.

"OH MY GOD, thatwasamazinganddidyouseeblakeandtheanimalsandvelvetgodshewassocute....." Ruby shouted, mashing her words together.

"Quite entertaining Mr Zack. Why this reminds me of that time I had to blah blah blah..." drones Port who the students almost forgot about since he was unusually quiet during the viewing.

"I never knew you could sing so well Ozpin." States Ironwood, realizing that he didn't know Ozpin as well as he thought he did, thinking 'Maybe we should meet up in a less official capacity more often.'

"Why couldn't the sales pitch you gave me be like that Ozpin?!! I mean sure I could do without the singing and dancing but the booze!!! How many cups did you and the kid drink throughout that! Man, some people just get all the luck." Complains Qrow.

"Of course that's what you focus on." Says Winter, disgusted at Qrows alcoholic tendencies.

"Alright on to the next world." Says Zack.

My first scene. Hope you all enjoyed it.

AN: Just corrected a few mistakes.

Next : Now You See Me – Bank Robbery's Secret

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