The Prologue

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This is done with KyleAlingus permission. This starts off after the RWBY cast watch Trailer 30 of his RWBY Universal Trailers story on wattpad. If you haven't read that before reading this, I recommend doing so though it is not necessary for this one.

I own nothing. Just an average college student.


Bill was talking with Nanny!Glynda and God!Raven. They were currently in an intermission after watching the Incredible Hulk trailer and something had come up that required all three of their attention. Not wanting to leave the mortals unsupervised, Bill rang up a fellow inter-dimensional being to look after them while he and the other two were occupied.

"Ring, Ring...... Hello?"

"Ah Zack, this is Bill. I need a favour."

One explanation later...

"So Bill, let me get this straight. You want me to take these main characters from the RWBY universe in my care for the duration that you three are busy."


"And while they're here, make them watch alternate universes of themselves from universes they have already seen with you as trailers."


"While catering to their every mortal need such as food, bathroom breaks and that thing that they call breathing."

Nod. "Yeah that's basically it. So you willing?"

"You know, this whole making the RWBY cast watch alternates of themselves business is an overdone thing in our line of work."

Nods in agreement. "That's why I made them watch trailers of those alternate universes. No ones done that yet. Or at least in the same way I did."

Makes agreeing noises. "True. Fine, I'll do it. But only for the universes that are really interesting. No way in the Root am I watching that Bad Neighbour universe again."

"That's all I ask for. So when can I drop them off?"

"Give me an hour, I haven't catered to mortals in a while. Zelretch doesn't count since he is practically like us while being mortal. Technically. Do Dead Apostles True Magic users count as mortals?"

"Hell if I know. The Nasuverse is your thing, not mine. So I'll drop them off an hour from now, cool?"


One hour later

Team RWBY and team JNPR were currently in an argument over who was cooler, Captain Vale or Iron Rose. The villains were discussing among themselves what it would take to make Hazel like the Hulk with Watts droning on about protein structures, radiation and other science stuff that only a fictional super genius could follow. The adults were getting worried over the line of conversation that the villains were heading towards and planning countermeasures themselves. The White Fang were wondering how this would aid them in their quest for equality or in a certain bull faunus case, getting his precious Blake back.

Suddenly, the floor opened up and dumped them down what seemed like a bottomless pit. Some screamed, some let out sounds of shock and some shrieked like a little girl *cough*Arc*. They fell for what seemed like hours which in a place like this might not be wrong when they suddenly landed on several conveniently placed couches. The students got couches for four, one team per couch. The adults got their seating based on their status as married or single. The villains got dumped in what seemed like a several day old pile of stinky diapers.

"WHAT HAPPENNED!!!" Students.

"Well this is interesting." A certain millennia old wizard.

"Damn this is a comfortable chair." A certain dusty old Qrow.

"GAH!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SMELL!!!" The undesirables.

"Bill was right. That was entertaining." A cultured British voice mused with a hint of entertainment.

That got a reaction and all looked upon the unexpected speaker. Said person was dressed in a two piece black suit with a dark blue tie, dark blond hair, six foot exactly with stunning blue eyes. (Basically Daniel Craig)

"Well good evening, or day. You can never tell in places like this. The names Zack. Just Zack thank you very much and I will be your host from this point onwards."

Quick to bounce back, Ruby quickly asked, "Ahh, hi? Who are you? Where are we? Where's Bill? And why are they in a pile of dirty diapers but we can't hear them or smell them?"

Giving an amused smile at the adorable red reaper, Zack answered, "Well in order, as I said earlier, the names Zack. Just Zack. A fellow high powered being like your friend Bill. You are currently in my entertainment room. By room, I mean pocket dimension the size of a manor with all luxuries implied. Bill, along with the other Glynda and Raven are occupied with matters that you need not know and I have been asked to continue where he left off. As for them," giving a look at the viciously swearing and smelly group that had a barrier around them, can't have that smell or that language reach impressionable young ones after all, "Because I find it amusing."

Snorting in amusement, Qrow got to the heart of the issue. "Soooo, what's so important my god of a sister had to get involved and what are we going to be watching this time?"

While not saying anything, the adults agreed with Qrow. Ironwood and Winter were hoping for a more military based universe, the parents something less gruesome and the kids something awesome.

The villains were preoccupied swearing and getting the dirty diapers off them. Having had his fun, Zack vanished the diapers and smell, cleaning them but still holding the barrier that was currently taking quite a beating by Salem's magic.

"Let's keep that barrier up for now, but take down the soundproofing shall we? As for what your three currently missing friends are, let's say that aside from archiving worlds, we also actively respond to threats to the multiverse. Most are insignificant but some require a more delicate and time consuming touch shall we say." Zack explained.

It was Summer that asked this time, "So they're off somewhere fighting something?"

"More or less." Zack shrugged.

Suddenly the sound from the villains side returned in the most amusing manner.

"I'LL %^*^%%$@@#$%^&*( YOU!!! *Censored very long cursing* !@#$%^&*(................"

The parents seemed to approve the bleaping of the swearing and everyone else found it amusing.

Smirking, Zack said, "Now settle down now or we're never going to start. For what I will be showing you, well how did Bill do it?"

This time Jaune answered, "Uhm well, he showed us these worlds with us in them as trailers I guess. Are you going to do the same?"

"Not quite. I will be showing you those same universes," que groaning "except instead of trailers, we will be watching various scenes from the nearly thirty universes you have previously seen."

That got everyone's attention. The Atlesians were hoping to see how the Iron Rose suit was made, Pryyha just wanted to see more worlds where she got together with Jaune, most of the students were excited about awesome versions of themselves and watching more of them. The adults hid it better, but they were just as excited as the students. The villains on the other hand were still grumbling about getting dumped on dirty diapers but were starting to get interested.

Predictably, Nora couldn't contain herself any longer and started asking, " Ooh, ooh, which world are we watching! Is it the one with captain leader? Or the one with that academy? Or, or..."

"Calm down Nora, I'm sure any of them will be interesting." Ren, voice of reason and serenity among the students calmed Nora down.

"Well, now that that bit of excitement is over, shall we start with the first one."

So, my first fic. Tell me in the comments if you liked it and any constructive criticism is welcome.

Next: The Greatest Showman – The Otherside 

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