The Pentagon Wars - Bradley Fighting Vehicle Evolution

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The Pentagon Wars – Bradley Fighting Vehicle Evolution


Lieutenant Colonel James Burton – Jaune Arc

Assistant – Ruby Rose

Brigadier General Robert L. Smith – Taiyang Xiao Long

General 1(Skinny) – Bartholomew Oobleck

General 2(Black) – Thumbelina Peach(she's a teacher at Beacon but never actually appears, only mentioned)

General 3(Fat) – Peter Port

Designer – Summer Rose

I am rather disappointed that no one here has ever pointed out the fact that I use a weird mix of past and present tenses in my story. And I am too lazy to go back and fix all of them. From now on, I'll try to stay grammatically correct.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"This is a more military oriented one, with a hint of comedy." Zack said.

That perked Ironwoods attention. So far these worlds were a goldmine for ideas that could only benefit Atlas. He wondered what this next one would bring.

Zack noticed Ironwoods interest and decided to rain on his parade. "I wouldn't get too enthusiastic. It's a comedy based on actual events. All that you will see actually happened, though not as humorous as depicted. Still as cringe worthy though."

"Oh?" The words comedy and military just didn't mesh in Winters and Ironwoods minds. The military was no laughing matter after all.

"This is a world where the other three kingdoms never disbanded their militaries. The huntsmen are still created and are separated from the kingdoms militaries, but the defence of kingdoms is still mostly the soldier's job."

Ozpin had a sinking feeling about that, remembering just why he had disbanded Vale's armed forces so happily and without much resistance. To put it lightly, the upper echelons of Vale's armed forces were kind of a joke. The only reason Vale lasted as long as it did in the Great War was because he, as the king then, held the kingdom together.

"This is about one of Vale's military projects. It'll explain all that you need to know in the scenes."

"I don't get it." Jaune said. He was sitting in an office filled to the brim with paper documents and schematic diagrams of the development and trials of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

"I'm in the army?" Jaune asked, shocked that he would join the army.

"Air force actually. Lieutenant Colonel Jaune Arc of the Royal Vale Air Force here to figure out just why development of a new armoured troop transport for the army was overdue by a decade and way overbudget."

Pryyha blushed at the sight of Jaune in a uniform. It just wasn't the same when compared to Beacon's uniform. Girls do love a man in a uniform after all.

"My baby brother is in the army!" Saphron crushed her brother in a bone crushing hug.

"Ackgh! Saph! Air!"

Winter looked over her sisters classmate. "A lieutenant colonel. Quite impressive."

Ironwood wondered if he could recruit the Arc. He had looked over his assessment report and while he was on the lower end when it came to combat, his tactical mind and quick thinking would make him a fine officer.

"That's a lot of paper." Ghira commented, grimacing at the sight. The others there who had to deal with piles of paperwork winced as well. The perils of power, the never ending war against the paperwork demons. You think that you're done for the day, having decimated a metre high stack of it. You go for a coffee break and return to see that it has multiplied! It wasn't because of bad management or failure to delegate responsibility either, there was just that much work to do!

"What?" His assistant, Ruby asked among her own pile of documents.

"I'm in this too!" Ruby exclaimed.

"A sergeant by the looks of it." Weiss said, seeing the rank of sergeant on Ruby's shoulder.

"You're Jaune's assistant in untangling the mess that is the Bradley Fighting Vehicle." Zack said.

Tai sighed, at least the most dangerous thing his baby girl would face here were paper cuts.

"Aww. You mean I'm not some kind of awesome commando or black ops here?" Ruby pouted, she didn't want to be just some army pencil pusher.

"Afraid so."

"That." He pointed at a drawing.

"It's the Bradley." Ruby answered.

"Well if that's the Bradley, then what's this?"

He walked over to Ruby, showing her the drawing in his hand that showed a very different vehicle.

"Those are two very different vehicles." Qrow noted.

"How did it change so much?" Glynda wondered. She wasn't a soldier by any means, but she was fairly sure a troop transport didn't look like that.

"Just watch." Zack replied.

Ruby held back a laugh. "What's the date?"

"1968. Question is how did they get to that," points at the current picture of the Bradley, "from this." Places the original drawing of it on top of the new one.

"Isn't that the million lien question." Amber joked.


A printer printed out a schematic of the Bradley as it was then.

"Gentlemen," Tai said to the generals there, "our mission was to design and implement an infantry transport vehicle," hands the artist impression to General Oobleck, "that would be a worthy replacement for the M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier."

The drawing is passed on to the other two generals as they looked at it.

"We have met that objective and then some. The Bradley Armoured Personnel Carrier will bring troops to a combat zone swiftly, efficiently and safely."

The generals listened with their full attention to the presentation Lieutenant Colonel Xiao Long was giving them.

"It will hold 11 men, plus the driver and features a 20mm cannon which will provide amplifying power and at the same time, flexibility. Lightly armoured, speedy and solemnly engineered. Our troops will be arriving at the battlefield in the very finest Vale technology has to offer. And at a million and a half per, a real bargain."

"Nice work colonel!" General Oobleck complimented.

"Outstanding!" General Peach complimented.

"Damn impressive!" General Port complimented.

A big red "APPROVED" was stamped on the schematic.

"I'm in this too!" Tai said.

Summer and Raven blushed. That uniform was tight in all the right places and brought to mind several fantasies they had.

Glynda was less concerned with Tai being a colonel and asked, "Who in the name of Oum thought making those three generals was a good idea!"

"What's wrong with that? I thought that the professors were pretty good huntsmen?" Pryyha asked.

Ozpin sighed. "They were exceptional huntsmen and huntresses and adequate teachers. But those three aren't exactly people we would trust with being in charge of an army." 'Or the school.'

"In other words it was designed to be a big taxi cab. Drive guys to the battlefield then go back home." Ruby summarized.

"Sounds about right." Coco said.

"That's basically all that a troop transport has to do." Sun said.

"Doesn't look all too different from the ones we use." Ironwood added.

Jaune nodded and made a sound of agreement. Looking at the current drawing, he asked, "But how did it end up with a turret on top?"

"Why shouldn't there be?" Nora asked confused. Surely having a big ass cannon was a good enough reason.

"It's a troop transport Nora." Ren said. "It's not suppose to get in a fight with anything more dangerous than enemy infantry."

"Sounds about right." Winter said.

General Oobleck picked up a miniature model of the Bradley and hummed in contemplation. "Well this is all well and good Colonel Xiao Long, but..."

"Something wrong general?" Tai asked.

"Well with this gorilla in production I don't suppose there's going to be anything left in the budget for my scout!"

"Doubt it Bart." Peach said with a cigar in her mouth.

Ironwood winced, remembering what it took to fit the Paladins and the new Atlesian Knights into the budget. Atlas may be the richest kingdom, but the budget wasn't unlimited.

"You don't need scouts." Port said. "You have radar, air recon, satellites."

"Satelites?" Watts asked.

"Man-made orbital satellites. They orbit the world from space and allow for instantaneous communication. Not to mention spy capabilities since it's kind of hard to hide anything large when you have a camera pointing right down from above." Zack answered.

"You mean space flight is possible here! We've been trying for decades without success." Roman said.

"How?! Dust doesn't work in space!" Ironwood asked, astounded. Atlas had managed to get a few rockets close to atmosphere, but they always fail just when they were about to cross the Mesosphere.

"Then don't use dust." Zack answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

And to be honest, he couldn't blame them. They've lived with having dust as an easy solution for so long that to imagine not using it was as if to say they would be going back to using sticks and rocks as tools.

Zack sighed. "Look, there are alternate forms of power generation that aren't dependent on a single substance that doesn't naturally occur anywhere else. Dust is unique to your world but it's nature as your world's natural energy given physical form means that it only works as long as it stays within a certain distance from Remnant."

That was a lot for them to digest. Even Ozpin and Salem, magicians that lived during a time when the gods still roamed the world had a hard time digesting that.

"You always need a scout." Oobleck retorted. "And you know what I'm thinking, why can't his thing serve as a scout?"

"But it's a... it's a troop carrier general." Tai replied.

"But this is a speedy vehicle, why can't it be both?"

"Well for one thing it's too big. And for the other you can't actually see out all that much from inside."

"Sounds like a design flaw to me." Peach said.

"Design flaw? Uh no."

However, Oobleck was not done. "We'll just stick a turret on top with lots of opticals!"

"But then sir, it'll... it'll be even bigger."

"Well, what's your problem Xiao Long? Not elegant enough for you?"

The other two generals chuckled at the joke.

"What the fuck!" Yang shouted. "Are they serious?!"

"Yang language!" Summer yelled.

"Seriously though, won't it be too big?" Velvet asked.

Ozpin was thinking back to the beginning days of the Great War. He was the king of Vale then, and he often had to vetoed the most outlandish ideas and plans.

Honestly, how was training an army of killer squirrels and inserting them into Mantle as spies even going to work! And that general said it with a straight face too with absolute seriousness. Squirrels weren't even native to Solitas!

"Well uhh... The thing is general, it's kind of hard to do a sneak and peak when you're over 10 feet tall."

"He's got a point Bart." Peach pointed out.

"Well all I know is that we need a scout, this is fast enough to do the job and it's funded."

"Well uhmm... actually we're a hair over budget."

General Port didn't hear that. "You turn the Bradley into a scout, we're going to be selling them off to some Vacuoan El Presidente de chimichanga in no time!"

"Anything with surveillance ends up west of the border before the paint even dries!" Peach added.

"Oooi! It's not that bad!" Sun weakly defends. Vacuo was the poorest of the kingdoms, and usually made do with subpar equipment.

Menagerie was actually poorer, but it was both smaller in population and size, so it was actually doing fairly well in comparison.

Oobleck sat down. "When you needed that anti-aircraft gun, who backed you up on that?"

"You did Bart." Port answered easily.

"And who testified to Appropriations on behalf of that gun?"

"You did Bart."

"I'm talking to Appropriations next week. Now do I sell you on my scout or do I not?"

"You did Bart."

"And what about some port holes along the side," Port suggested, "for individual firearms so that the fellows can stick out their guns and shoot people!"

"Port holes!" Ironwood felt his heart about to give out. If these were his men, Atlas would have crashed by the sheer lunacy he was watching.

Ozpin was having terrible flashbacks. This was eerily similar to when Port asked to turn a floor into a Grimm exhibit of sorts with models of Grimm to better help the students learn of the different types that were found throughout the kingdoms.

One month later and Fort Port was created, somehow all legal as the forms all had the needed signatures in all the right places.

Even Glynda couldn't untangle that particular mess of legalese that kept her from storming Fort Port and tearing it down stone from stone.

"Good!" Oobleck agreed. "You know what colonel, we already have the turret, we ought to get the biggest bang we can up there."

"I'm sorry, bang sir?"

"You can't hurt anybody with that pansy ass gun!" Peach said. "Add on some firepower!"

"Where am I suppose t fit the extra ammo?" Summer asked a pacing Tai.

"Oooh! I'm in this." Summer said, excited to be in another world before she realizes something. "Wait! I'm designing this monstrosity!"

Summer fell on her knees in despair as a dark aura surrounded her. She, self proclaimed weapons connoisseur was responsible for the design of a vehicle that was so bad that even the Grimm would laugh at the sight of it.

Not even her family and friends could shake her out of her funk, as a storm cloud somehow appeared over her head and rained.

Amber looked at Zack. "Really?"

Zack shrugged. "Seemed appropriate."

"I don't know. Can't you just shift things around? Make some room."

"You already got 4400 rounds of machinegun ammo now you want to add 25mm shells?"

"General wants his ammo."

"He can't have his ammo, not unless he runs alongside this thing carrying it."

The students chuckled at the image of Professor Port running alongside the Bradley carrying its ammo. Even the adults cracked a smile at it.

"Well can't you just squeeze it in?"


"Oh come on! Just squeeze it in!"

"We're not trying on a pair of Levi's here colonel."

"You sure? Those are hard to get into." Coco commented.

"Well maybe if you bought ones that were actually your size then they would fit." Fox retorted.

Silence reigned as the men sent Fox incredulous looks. Had he just committed one of the classic blunders regarding women. The most well known and important one being never ask a woman her age. But the second and almost as important being never comment on a woman's weight or size, even indirectly.

Coco turned toward the poor fool, taking off her signature sunglasses and glared at the paling Fox. She is joined by the other ladies, including Salem, Cinder and Ruby.

Salem and Cinder may be evil bitches, but they too were women.

Ruby despite her innocence and tomboyish nature was already nearing womanhood, much to Tai's despair. She too joined in this feminine alliance against the foolish man who dared mention one of the unforgivables.

The men prayed for Fox's continued well being as Coco unleashed her Righteous Feminine Fury upon her teammate. They witnessed such horror for the next fifteen minutes that their minds subconsciously suppressed it. Even Ozpin, who had both seen and been subjected to it locked away the memory of Fox's fate and kicked it away to where he kept the other such memories, to be forever forgotten to preserve what little semblance of sanity he still had.

Fifteen minutes later and Zack winced as he checked over the unconscious Fox.

"He'll live but he will never be the same again." Zack said solemnly.

Coco huffed as she adjusted her beret. The nerve of some people. She wasn't fat, was she?

"Are you telling me in a vehicle this size you can't find room for a few rounds of ammunition?" Port asked.

"Not in its current configuration, no sir." Xiao Long said.

"So the configurations wrong." Peach noted, "There must be something you can dump?"

"Dump sir?"

"Something you don't need."

"General, the interior is very spare. Besides the ammunition and the men..."

"Maybe you can leave one of the fellows behind." Port suggested. "Put the ammo where the men go."

"But it's a troop transport." Raven said incredulous over the fact that such incompetence was allowed anywhere near a position of great importance.

If this was the level of her opposition she would be Queen of Mistral within a month.

"If only we had it so easy." Sienna mumbled. Unfortunately, the enemies of the White Fang were actually competent. If they were as idiotic as the three in that world, the Faunus would be kings of Remnant.

"Sir," Tai felt a headache coming and had to take a seat. "It is a troop carrier."

"So? Make a couple extra troops, what's the difference?"

Tai walked into Summer's office and she asked, "They want a transport that doesn't carry men, and a scout that's got a cannon as big as a tanks on it."

"And port holes." Tai added as he opened his briefcase and took out some aspirin.

"Oh great! Port holes! So the guys can shoot out whatever they can't hit with their cannon."

Cinder laughed. "Oh if this was real life my mistress would have destroyed humanity by now!"

Ironwood and Ozpin were mildly uncomfortable at how plausible that sounded as Salem and her cronies laughed as well.

Tai swallowed the pills and got himself a cup of water from the water dispenser.

Ironwood, Ozpin and the other adults did the same. The headache medication not giving them any relief at all.

"You don't have to buy the damn thing Summer, just draw it."

Summer drew a turret on the original drawing of the Bradley. And the port holes. Can't forget the port holes.

A revised version of the schematics is printed out.

"That's one hell of a cannon." Tai commented.

"That's a problem." Summer said.

"Why?" Tai asked.

"You go out on a battlefield with this pecker sticking out of your turret, and the enemy is going to unload you with all they got. Might as well paint a big red bulls eye on the side."

"But it's a troop carrier, not a tank."

"You want me to put a sign on it with 50 languages 'I AM A TROOP CARRIER NOT A TANK PLEASE DON'T SHOOT AT ME'?"

Tai didn't answer the rhetorical question and sat down. "This was going to be so beautiful."

"Kids, if you ever get orders that are just plain stupid, you have my permission to get expelled." Tai told his daughters.

"You too Jaune." Saphron said. If this was the average competence of Beacon's professors, she might have to find a way to get Jaune transferred to Haven or Atlas Academy. That way at least she would be closer.

"Yes dad!/ Sure thing!"

The other students all agreed. Screw the black mark on their records, they wanted to live damn it.

Even Winter was willing to let Weiss smear the Schnee name disobeying orders if she had a commander as retarded as the ones in that world.

People applause at seeing the new design of the Bradley.

"That's good work Xiao Long." Oobleck complimented.

"Looks perfect to me!" Port said.

"Thank you sir." Tai was just glad that the generals liked the redesign.

"Thing is," Peach commented.

"Yes general?" Tai asked.

"Looks a little like a tank with that cannon on top. Probably going to draw more fire."

"Actually sir, that has come to our attention." Tai wondered how these three ever made flag rank.

"Ozpin, Glynda, if those three ever get anywhere near my R&D department, I will not be gentle!" Ironwood warned.

"Just dump them in the Solitas wilderness Jimmy. Maybe they'll actually learn how to be competent." Qrow suggested. Ironwood was seriously contemplating Qrow's suggestion for dealing with idiotic officers.

"We know it's not a tank, but will the other side?" Peach asked.

"I guess we could always thicken the armour. Toughen up the hide a bit." Oobleck suggested.

"Colonel Xiao Long," Port said, "could you explain why you put those port holes there?"

"Uh, yes sir. As per your request, so that the men could shoot out at the enemy."

"You're joking aren't you?" Peach asked.

"Besides, port holes? What are we now the navy?" Oobleck jokes.

The three generals laugh at the joke as Tai wondered what they were teaching at the officer academy a few decades ago.

"Winter! We'll be conducting a root and branch competency evaluation when we get back!" Ironwood said, eyes burning with resolve.

"Yes sir!"

Glynda was seriously considering giving the three professors the boot once she got back. They were good teachers but terrible at anything else such as organizing, paperwork and making sure Beacon ran smoothly. She could only hope her school was still standing once she got back.

*At Beacon*

"The students are revolting Peter!"

"Hold fast Bart! We shall not flag or fail! We shall go...AHH!" Port took a pie to the face as the students got into a food fight of epic proportions.

Peach ducked as a turkey hit a student behind her. The food fight that followed topped the one started by RWBY and JNPR at the start of the new semester. They were still cleaning cake out of the most unexpected places for months afterwards.

*Back to the story*

Who was she kidding, Beacon was doomed!

Oobleck got another idea. "Say, you think you could make this thing amphibious? You know, get the troops across a river?"

"No." Tai then remembered that he was still his superior and he had to be respectful. "No sir. No. Nononono."

"Amphibious?" Ruby said as she walked in with a cup of coffee and some files. "The Bradley is supposed to swim?"

"In theory at least." Jaune answered.

"We might need something a little stronger than coffee." Qrow said as he handed Ironwood a bottle of high quality vodka. He downed it like a true Russian, I mean Atlesian, not even stopping to breath.

Ozpin and Glynda refrained, not because they didn't want to join Ironwood of course. They still had to be an example for the students there.

Ruby put down the coffee mug on Jaune's desk along with a few files. "Amphibious troop carrier slash scout..."

"Slash tank." Jaune added and took a sip of the energy giving coffee.

"Couple more months and I bet they could get this thing to fly."

"What's this in the margin?" Jaune asked as he found a handwritten note in the report. "Please help me. I am losing my mind. T.X.L."

"I'm surprised that he didn't quit by now." Mercury said. If he was Tai, he would have mutinied then and there and killed those generals.

"Ditto." Emerald reluctantly agreed with him. She would have put them in the worst illusion she could come up with. One that included sunsets and overbearing Youthfulness.

Ruby dug out a file among Jaune's pile and flipped it open. "Lieutenant Colonel Taiyang Xiao Long headed oversight in development."

Ruby took a pile from Jaune's desk as Jaune read a different report. "Aluminium? This things got aluminium skin!"


"Anything an enemy tank fires at it is going to go through it like a hot knife through butter!"

"Sir! If you ever order me to get into that thing, I will mutiny!" Winter said, shocking those around her.

The prim and proper soldier considering mutiny! Damn this thing must be worst than they thought.

"Acknowledged Captain Schnee. And it's perfectly understandable." Ironwood understood completely. If he ever found any one of Atlas R&D projects that went as crazy as the Bradley, the men involved would be dishonourably discharged faster than Jacques Schnee made money.

Tai was reporting to the three stooges, I mean three generals on the progress in turning the Bradley into a troop carrier/ scout/ tank.

"We're doing the specs on using steel rather than aluminium. Of course steel is much heavier than aluminium, so it won't go as fast."

"Well we can't lose speed, we lose speed it won't work as a scout vehicle." Oobleck said.

"It won't keep pace with the M1 tanks either." Peach added.

"Thicker armour is a reactive measure here, let's think proactive here." Port suggested.

"Oh great! Here he goes again." Adam honestly didn't think he could have hated a human more than he hated Jacques Schnee, but this fat human was coming close.

Ilia personally thought that these three needed some time with her Lightning Lash. A good whipping might knock some sense into them.

"Make it stop!" Ruby cried. This was an assault on her sensibilities. How could they have made such a grotesque vehicle!

Tai braced himself for another ludicrous suggestion.

Port continued. "I say equip the thing with anti-tank missiles. Then it can blast those enemy tanks before they get a chance to fire! What do you think colonel?"

"Fine!" He forgot to add the sir but at this stage he had about zero fucks to give anymore.

"Not even bothering with being respectful huh?" Neptune said.

"Would you?" Tai replied.

"I would have used worst language." Tyrian said. He may be crazy, but even he wouldn't want a damn thing to do with the Bradley.

It is raining as Tai prepared to leave after telling Summer of the generals latest request.

"Anti-tank missiles?" Summer asked.

"I don't know." Tai said as he packed his briefcase.

"Where do I put them? The men will have to wear the missiles as hats!"

"Ooh, missile hats!" Nora exclaimed.

"NO!!!" Multiple people shouted out, causing Nora to wilt. She never got to do anything fun! Party poopers.

"I don't know Summer! That's why you get paid the big bucks!"

"Colonel, there's no room. We're not talking about..."

Tai cut her off. "...a pair of Levi's! I know! I know! Oum damn it!"

Tai put down his briefcase and grabbed his coat from the coat rack.

"What we aren't talking about here is 11 years with nothing to show for! Except the size of the City of Vale and a career that's on permanent hold!" Pointing at his rank slide, "You see this! I've been a bird colonel for so long that I swear I've grown feathers!"

"Your rank?! That's what's important to you!" Summer yelled.

"Come on Tai! You're better than that! Think about all those poor souls that will have to actually sit in that thing!" Qrow shouted.

Raven just gave him a look, not deeming there to be anything to say, which to her there wasn't.

"It's not me! I would sooner have those men go to war in a Sedan than whatever those three have come up with!" Tai replied.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down! You're scaring Ruby." Yang intervened.

The three adults shut up, looking quite guilty at Ruby's scared look.

Summer looked at him silently as Tai realized that Summer isn't to blame for his frustration and is suffering just as much as him.

"If you have to... design hold those Oum damned missiles then just do it." Tai looked ready to cry as he picked up his briefcase and left.

"Damn you look defeated." Roman said as Neo nodded in agreement. He looked as if he just had the mother of all bad days.

Summer drew a missile launcher attachment onto the turret.


The latest design of the Bradley is printed, turret, missile launchers and all.

Tai was in a room full of officers as he warded off headache. The officers were talking to one another, Tai being the sole person at the table seated.

An officer got Tai's attention and whispered something to him.

Tai stood up. "Ladies and gentlemen, if I can have your attention please? If you'd all just take your seats. Thank you." The officers in the room hurried to their seats as Tai prepared to give his presentation.

"Here comes the big reveal." Hazel said.

Standing in front of a green curtain, Tai began.

"We are please to present, a scale model of the new Bradley Fighting Vehicle."

Patriotic Vale music is played as the curtain is pulled back, showing a giant sized flag of Vale. Behind the flag, a silhouette of a vehicle can be seen. The flag lifted up, revealing the Bradley in all its glory.

The officers cheered and clapped as the vehicle started its engines, driving into the room. Tai continued to talk about the Bradley's capabilities.

"Featuring scout, troop transport and anti-tank capabilities. It carries six men."

"How many was it supposed to carry?" Jaune asked.

"Eleven." Ruby answered.

"The Bradley is outfitted with the most sophisticated surveillance equipment ever developed. It is also equipped with a rapid fire cannon, and an anti-tank rocket launcher."

"Which means it's loaded with," Ruby began as she pushed a cart with a projector on it.

"1500 shells, and ten Tow anti-tank missiles." Jaune finished, placing the screen he was carrying down.

"So in summation, gentlemen. What you have before you is..."

A picture of a soldier exiting the Bradley is shown.

"A troop transport that can't carry troops." Ruby said as Jaune operated the projector, switching pictures every few seconds. "A reconnaissance vehicle that's too conspicuous to do reconnaissance."

Jaune continued. "And a quasi-tank, that has less armour than a snow blower, but has enough ammo to take out half of Vale."

Silence once again reigned over the room.

"That's..." Coco began, but couldn't finish.

"Yeah." Scarlet said.

"I am going to put those three in remedial training for years when we get back!" Ozpin mumbles darkly.

*At Beacon.*

The three professors were still trying to get the school back in some semblance of order when they felt a chill go down their spines.

*Back to the story*

"Fantastic!" Oobleck said.

"Congratulations General Xiao Long!" Peach complimented.

"General?" Tai repeated, stunned at his sudden promotion.

"Hell of a job!" Oobleck said.

"General?" Tai is still stunned.

"Let's build it!" Port said enthusiastically.

"Their building it!" Summer asked in disbelief as she gets a phone call saying just that.

Jaune pointed his thumb at the picture behind him. "This is what we're building?!" He asked in clear disbelief.

The new Bradley is stamped with a big red 'APPROVED' as the camera showed the Councilmen's Building then a flying flag of Vale.

"THEY'RE BUILDING IT!!!" Almost everyone there yelled.

Salem cackled like the evil witch she was. Oh this was glorious. To see her enemies acting like such Neanderthals was the most amusing thing she had ever seen!

"Please tell me I managed to get that thing scrapped!" Jaune pleaded with Zack.

"Noooo." Zack drawled, much to their horror.

"You did however manage to get the entire damn council to watch live fire trials of it, showing what a disaster it was prompting a redesign and a re-evaluation of the Bradley so that it doesn't become a death trap to the soldiers riding it."

A collective sigh of relief escaped their mouths.

"It did cost you your career though." Zack finished.

Ironwood and Winter gripped Jaune's shoulders. "On behalf of every soldier who will be riding the Bradley into combat, we thank you for your sacrifice Jaune Arc!"

"You know it's not me right?" Jaune blushed at the praise.

"It's a version of you." Zack butted in. "You would do the same and everyone here knows it!"

"We'll follow you anywhere Fearless Leader!" Nora proclaimed.

"No matter where the path may lead Jaune." Ren agreed.

Pryyha just smiled, conveying what she thought in that single expression.

"So will team RWBY!" Ruby shouted.

"Yeah!" _WBY agreed.

"If you need us, you know where to find us blondie." Coco told the younger team leader.

"Bros don't leave their bros hanging Jaune." Sun said, getting nods of agreement from his team.

"So sappy." Mercury sarcastically said.

"I know right!" Roman said.

"Right, cut it off kids." Zack said.

The adults smiled at the students, happy with how the next generation of huntsmen and huntresses were turning out.

"Now for this next one, is something special."

For those of you who don't know what these two are, their videos I found on Youtube that were rather funny and I just had to do them. Also I will be only posting once a week now rather than the 2 or 3 a week I've been doing up till now.

Next: The Manslater and If Women Had "Hubby Vision" (16 May 2020)

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