The Princess Bride - The Battle of Wits

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Cast :

Wesley – Sun Wukong

Buttercup – Blake Belladona

Vizzini– Whitley Schnee

I was on Youtube, watching videos when this one caught my attention. It was this or Wesley vs Inigo, which I will do later. I found the whole script online, making this the easiest chapter I've ever had to do. The cast was a tricky one. It was either Jaune and Weiss or Sun and Blake. In the end, I decided Jaune has had too much of the spotlight in these kind of stories, the others deserve more representation. As usual, I own nothing.

While Zack went off to get the next world for viewing, the audience was talking about Wonder Woman.

"P-money, great show there!" Yang compliments her.

"Ahh... It was nothing." Pryyha says humbly. Without using her semblance to redirect her opponents weapons ever so slightly, she wasn't as invincible as the media played her to be. Wonder Woman did all that with pure skill and power, something she wanted to be able to do herself.

"So... You two seemed pretty close in that world. What with you both fighting side by side. Tell me, are you two together? Should I tell mom?" Saphron teases the two red faced teens. Jaune panics slightly at the thought of his mom finding out there was a girl he liked. She would pester him till he brought her home. He wasn't ready for that!

Zack popped right back in, sparing the male Arc from his sister's teasing.

"I found a funny one! Or a confusing one! Maybe a bit of both!" Zack says, holding up his remote.

"What do you mean by that?" Roman asks.

"You'll see."

A Man in Black is cresting the peak of the mountain. Whitley is munching on an apple, holding a knife to Blake's throat. She is blindfolded.

The audience recognize who the Man in Black was. It was Sun.

"Sun, what's with the all black get up?" Neptune asks his friend. Sun looked like some kind of outlaw dressed like that.

"Why does my brother have Blake hostage?" Weiss was confused by the sight of her brother holding her blindfolded friend at knifepoint. Blake was wondering that too.

The faunus in the group snarled at the sight of a Schnee holding a faunus hostage, something that was completely expected by the despicable family.

Ghira was being calmed down by his wife, who was worried herself. The sight of their daughter in harms way angering them.

Winter frowned at the sight of her brother, wondering what he was doing with a hostage.

"It'll explain." Zack says.

A picnic spread is laid out. A tablecloth, two goblets and between them, a small leather wine container. And some cheese and a couple of apples. The picnic is set on a lovely spot, high on the edge of a mountain path with a view all the way back to the sea.

The Man In Black comes running around the path, sees Whitley and stops. The two men study each other. Then Whitley starts,

WHITLEY: So, it is down to you. And it is down to me.

The Man In Black nods and comes nearer, Whitley threatens,

WHITLEY: If you wish her dead, by all means keep moving forward.

And he pushes his long knife harder against Blake's

unprotected throat.

Something in the room breaks. It is the armrest of Ghira's seat. So great was his anger that chains had to be conjured to bind him.

"I'LL KILL THE LITTLE SHIT!!!" Ghira yells out, struggling against the chains holding him from destroying the television.

Kali was hugging Blake, who accepted the hug with a resigned sigh. Why did her father have to overreact? She was a grown girl, not his little kitten anymore!

MAN IN BLACK: Let me explain...

WHITLEY: ...there's nothing to explain. You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen.

"Stolen?!!" Ilia yells.

"How despicable." Sienna says, anger clear on her face at the Schnee's words.

Adam was the same, hand going for his sword that wasn't there.

'Brother, what did you do?!' The two Schnee sisters thought, wondering if he wanted to give their family an even worse image.

MAN IN BLACK: Perhaps an arrangement can be reached.

WHITLEY: There will be no arrangement and you're killing her!

Whitley jabs at Blake's throat with his long knife. Blake gasps against the pain.

THE MAN IN BLACK stops fast.

"Do something. Come on!" Sun says to himself, watching his crush being held at knifepoint.

Team RWBY was worried as well. That was their teammate being held hostage there. Team JNPR was concerned for Blake as well, being RWBY's sister team. Team SSSN and Team CFVY being their friends, shared their concern for Blake.

The teachers glared at the screen, not happy with one of their students being threatened.

MAN IN BLACK: But if there can be no arrangement, then we are at an impasse.

WHITLEY: I'm afraid so... I can't compete with you physically. And you're no match for my brains.

MAN IN BLACK: You're that smart?

WHITLEY: Let me put it this way, have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?

"Who?" Ruby asks. Oobleck looked livid at that, but Ruby was saved by her headmaster.

"Their well-known historical philosophers and intellectuals. You should know this Ms. Rose from your history class." Ozpin sips from his coffee, remembering having personally met all three in his past lives.

Ruby laughs nervously, having not paid attention to Prof... sorry, Dr. Oobleck's history class. Her father and uncle look at her disapprovingly, wondering if she wasn't paying attention in class.


WHITLEY: Morons.

"Oh really?" Roman sarcastically says. Someone has a high opinion about himself.

Winter was wondering if she should try and trim her brother's ego once she got back. Being arrogant about their wealth and status was one thing, thinking himself equal to history's greatest minds was another.

MAN IN BLACK: Really? In that case, I challenge you to a battle of wits.

WHITLEY: For the Princess?

The Man In Black nods.

WHITLEY: To the death?

Another nod.

WHITLEY: I accept.

MAN IN BLACK: Good. Then pour the wine.

SS_N look at their leader questioningly. Sun felt deeply insulted. He was smart damn it! Just because he liked fooling around doesn't mean he was an idiot. Could an idiot stay on a passenger ship from Mistral to Vale undetected until they reached Vale. He looked at the others for support, only to receive the same looks from the other students. Some friends he had.

As Whitley fills the goblets with the dark red liquid, the Man In Black pulls a small packet from his clothing, handing it to Whitley.

MAN IN BLACK: Inhale this, but do not touch.

WHITLEY: (doing it) I smell nothing.

MAN IN BLACK: (taking the packet back) What you do not smell is called iocane powder. It is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid, and is among the more deadlier poisons known to man.


"Deadly stuff." Qrow says. Someone tried to poison him with it once. He barely survived by the grace of his beer getting knocked over by a clumsy waitress. The barmaid's dog went to lick the spilled beer, dying quickly. Safe to say, the poisoner didn't get away with it.

"Painful way to die." Ozpin died once ingesting it, not knowing what it was. It was one of his more memorable deaths, since it was the first and last time he died of poison.

WHITLEY watches excitedly as the Man In Black takes the goblets, turns his back. A moment later, he turns again, faces Whitley, drops the iocane packet. It is now empty.

The Man In Black rotates the goblets in a little shell game maneuver then puts one glass in front of Whitley, the other in front of himself.

MAN IN BLACK: All right, where is the poison? The battle of wits has begun. It ends when you decide and we both drink, and find out who is right and who is dead.

"Those are some high stakes." Blake was touched at how far Sun would go for her, not wanting him dead because of her. She had enough red in her ledger as it was.

"I would have stabbed the wimp the moment he putted away his knife." Raven snorted, getting a nod of agreement from Vernal. Why go through such risks when you could just stab him in the throat and be done with it.

"It's probably rigged." Melanie says, having seen such tricks before in her life in Vale's underworld.

WHITLEY: But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of you. Are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet, or his enemy's?

He studies the Man In Black now.

WHITLEY: Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I'm not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.

"Anyone else confused?" Emerald asks, getting sounds of agreement from everyone else. That was a very roundabout explanation.

MAN IN BLACK: (And now there's a trace of nervousness beginning) You've made your decision then?

WHITLEY: Not remotely. Because iocane comes from Vacuo, as everyone knows. And Vacuo is entirely peopled with criminals. And criminals are used to having people not trust them, as you are not trusted by me. So I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.

"Hey! Vacuo's not like that!" Sun says, defending his home.

"Monkey boy's right." Cinder says. "Mistral's the place to go if you're looking for criminals."

The lower dens of the city of Mistral was well-known for its vast criminal underworld. Larger than the other three kingdoms combined, most of Mistral was controlled by these kingpins.

"It's not that bad." Pryyha weakly defends, knowing it was true and partly why she went to Vale.

MAN IN BLACK: Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

WHITLEY: Wait till I get going! Where was I?

"He's not done yet! Damn he must like the sound of his voice!" Coco groans, the others do so as well. What was so difficult about choosing a cup that took so long.


WHITLEY: Yes... Vacuo, and you must have suspected I would have known the powder's origin, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.

MAN IN BLACK: (very nervous) You're just stalling now.

WHITLEY: (cackling) You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? (stares at the Man in Black) You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong. So, you could have put the poison in your own goblet, trusting on your strength to save you. So I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But, you've also bested my Mistralian which means you must have studied. And in studying, you must have learned that man is mortal so you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.

As Whitley's pleasure has been growing throughout, the Man In Black's has been fast disappearing.

"Just drink already!" Amber says, feeling impatient at Whitley's stalling.

"Can I gut his mistress?" Tyrian asks Salem, irritated by the white haired annoyance on screen.

"Maybe later." Salem replies, having not felt such annoyance by any other aside for when her plans were foiled by Ozpin.

MAN IN BLACK: You're trying to trick me into giving away something... it won't work.

WHITLEY: (triumphant) It has worked... you've given everything away... I know where the poison is.

MAN IN BLACK: (fool's courage) Then make your choice.

WHITLEY: I will. And I choose...-

And suddenly he stops, points at something behind the Man In Black.

More groans. What now?

WHITLEY: ...what in the world can that be?

THE MAN IN BLACK turning around, looking.

MAN IN BLACK: What? Where? I don't see anything.

WHITLEY busily switches the goblets while the Man In Black has his head turned.

"That's cheating!" Ruby exclaims, pointing at Whitley.

"No such thing in real life Red," Roman says. Neo waves a sign saying, 'If You're Not Cheating, You're Not Trying'.

WHITLEY: Oh, well, I...I could have sworn I saw something. No matter.

The Man In Black turns to face him again. Whitley starts to laugh.

MAN IN BLACK: What's so funny?

WHITLEY: I'll tell you in a minute. First, let's from my glass, and you from yours.

And he picks up his goblet. The Man In Black picks up the

one in front of him. As they both start to drink, Whitley hesitates a moment. Then, allowing the Man In Black to drink first, he swallows his wine.

Some of them held their breath, wondering which cup was the one with poison. The tension was building, especially among Sun's friends.

MAN IN BLACK: You guessed wrong.

WHITLEY: (roaring with laughter) You only think I guessed wrong... (louder now) ...that's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned. You fool.

THE MAN IN BLACK says nothing. He just sits there. WHITLEY watching him.

"Well, it was nice knowing you." Mercury tells Sun, earning him glares from the students and frowns from the teachers and adults.

WHITLEY: You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is "Never get involved in a land war in Vacuo." But only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Atlesean when death is on the line."

He laughs and roars and cackles and whoops and is in all ways quite cheery until he falls over dead.

"Ehh?!!" This shocks the audience, so all this time it was Sun's cup that was poisoned?!!

"Now that's something you don't see everyday." Sienna is smiling at the scene, wishing she had her scroll to take a picture of it. Adam and Ilia wished they had their scroll's too.

Winter and Weiss were conflicted, on one hand it was their brother. On the other it was a really snobbish version of their brother who kidnapped Blake.

THE MAN IN BLACK stepping past the corpse, taking the blindfold and bindings off Blake, who notices Whitley lying dead.

The Man In Black pulls her to her feet.

BLAKE: Who are you?

MAN IN BLACK: I am no one to be trifled with, that is all you ever need know.

"Not going to unmask yourself Sun? Let the damsel in distress know who her dashing young hero is!" Yang teases.

Blake blushes, looking at Sun who was blushing as well. 'Well, the hero does deserve a reward...'

Blake moves to give Sun a kiss on the cheek. Sun is stunned, before his face is covered by a massive grin. His team congratulates him on it.

"Something you want to tell us Blake," Ruby says, smiling.

"Oh, I figured that the hero should deserve a kiss, nothing more." Blake answers, her teammates not believing it for a second.

"Now, now dear," Kali says to Ghira who was finally out of the chains. "Our daughter's a big girl now. Besides, he seems like a good person."

Ghira just sits there, grumbling to himself that Blake would always be his kitten.

Adam looked as if he wants to say something, but Zack shoots his a warning look.

'Try something! I dare you!' Zack tells Adam telepathically, sending images of the greatest horrors in the known multiverse.

Wisely, Adam shuts up before he can tempt the omnipotent being in the room.

He starts to lead her off the mountain path into untraveled


BLAKE: (a final glance back toward Whitley) To think... all that time it was your cup that was poisoned.

MAN IN BLACK: They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder.

And with that, he takes off, dragging her behind him.

"Building up immunity to poisons," Ironwood mutters to himself, wondering if he should do the same. He had a lot of enemies that wouldn't hesitate to try something if he kicked the bucket early. And Aura only protected you from physical harm, not poison.

"Don't bother Jimmy. Better to build a scanner for it than try to make yourself immune to all of them." Qrow says, knowing just how many kinds of poison were available. Trying to immunize yourself to all of them would probably get you killed.

"Note that down Winter," Ironwood says, seeing Qrow's point. Winter does so, not exactly happy with her boss agreeing with the drunk but could see his point.

"Do you?" Ren asks Sun.

"Uhh... No. But maybe I should." Sun replies. Glynda cuts in.

"Don't try it. It's not as easy as taking a few drops everyday. One wrong step and you'll kill yourself! Am I clear!"

The students all agree, no way were they going against the deputy headmistress orders.

"Remind me to do that to the next idiot who tries to outwit me Neo." Roman says, thinking of all the egotistical idiots who thought they were so smart.

Zack got up from his seat. "Let me go prep the next world for viewing. Ruby will like this one. It has guns, lots of guns and guns that will leave a mark on the landscape."

He disappears, leaving a hyper excited Ruby and Nora to her family and friends who cursed his name for getting them that way.

So, do you like it? I just couldn't get it out of my head once I watched the video, and I had some spare time between online assignments. Comments and criticism are welcome.

Next: MIB International – Alien Twins Fight

Next: MIB International – Hover Bike Chase

Next: MIB International – Star Gun

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