Wonder Woman - No Man's Land

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Cast :

Wonder Woman – Pryyha Nikos

Steve Trevor – Jaune Arc

Sameer – Cardin Winchester

Charlie – Nora Valkryie

Chief Napi – Scarlet

As usual, I own nothing.

"What's next?" asks Neptune. The last one was funny, but not that interesting compared to some of the ones that they watched.

"You'll like this one," Zack says, "Its set during in your Great War with some differences. Vale invaded Mistral immediately after they declared war, gaining a foothold in Anima. The Vale army gained a few kilometres before being held, a few dozen kilometres away from the city of Mistral."

That interested them. Their Great War was mostly in Sanus and on the Anima coast. The Vale army never gained more than a few kilometres from Anima's coast, being held there. They never even got close to Mistral.

Dr. Oobleck, naturally was the most interested, being a historian with a focus on the Great War. "What changed! How did this affect the Sanus front! What about Vacuo!..."

"Well a key difference is that without Aura, casualties were even higher," Zack said, shocking them. No Aura?! How did the soldiers survive. Even the lowliest soldier in Atlas's army had Aura, allowing them to survive being hit by bullets and Grimm.

"What about Dust?" Weiss asks, wondering if Dust was a factor here.

"None exists here. Grimm either," Zack says. "This Great War started the same, settlers in east Sanus got into a conflict that spread to become a world spanning one. It was shorter though, lasting about five years compared to your ten."

Dr. Oobleck looked ready to burst. To placate him, Zack gave him a book on this world's Great War, which he dived into with gusto. Pages were flipping faster than seem humanly possible.

The others were wondering what a world without Aura, Dust and Grimm was like.

"Now this is year 3 into the Great War, the Anima front. Let's begin now shall we?" Zack says.

Jaune is leading Pryyha through one of the many trenches that now dot the continent of Anima. With him is Cardin, an intelligence agent from Vale, Nora, a soldier and sharpshooter and Scarlet, a smuggler and old time friend of Jaune's.

"We're in this?" says Jaune, looking at himself dressed differently from the soldiers there.

Ozpin looks at the uniforms, remembering all the young men he sent off to war as the king of Vale, feeling sorrowful at the sight.

Ironwood watches the men in the trenches, wondering how the lack of Aura changed the tactics used in war.

"What is this?" Pryyha asks, looking at all the soldiers in their trenches.

"You wanted me to take you to the war. This is it!" Jaune answers.

"Why would I want to go there?" asks Pryyha, unsure on how to feel about the war. On one hand, it was her countrymen she would be fighting. On the other, they weren't exactly very nice to even their own people during the war.

"To fight obviously," Cinder says sarcastically. She was watching this with interest, eager to see how real war was like.

"So where are the Mistralians?" Pryyha asks, still new to what a modern war looks like.

"About a couple hundred yards across the fields," Nora answers, having been stuck in these trenches along with the rest of the men for a long time. Hearing something, she shouts, "GET DOWN!!!"

An artillery shell hits the ground in front of the trench, Jaune grabs Pryyha and braces her along the walls of the trench. The soldiers, having been here for a year, do so as well without any prompting. Dirt rains down on them.

"That was close," Ironwood says, Aura or no, getting hit by artillery was a guaranteed kill.

"Jaune..." says Saphron, holding her brother's hand, concerned.

"Chief!" a soldier says, noticing Scarlet. He goes to hug him, glad that he was still alive. "Oh it's good to see you!"

"Hey chiefs back!" yells out a soldier, the others yelling out greetings of their own.

"They seem happy to see you," Sun says to Scarlet, who was wondering why that was.

"You're a smuggler," Zack explains, "Sometimes you bring back either information or goods that are hard to come by in the front line. The soldiers are always happy for some cigarettes or chocolate. Makes their lives less miserable."

Winter frowns at that, not sure how she felt about a smuggler working with the army. Ironwood seeing her conflicted look, explains for her.

"In war, you can't be picky with who you work with," he says, "Smugglers and other less reputable people are often used to get information or supplies to the front."

"He's right," Qrow chips in, "Smugglers know routes that aren't mapped. Not to mention that they keep an ear on the ground, picking up information that might be useful."

Raven and Vernal nod along, knowing what huntsman were after the tribe was useful in either setting an ambush or disappearing.

"Alright let's move!" orders Jaune, anxious to get on to his mission.

A woman calls out to Pryyha, grabbing her hand. She is in rags and holding her child. "Help, please help!" She is among other civilians in a side of the trench where they were placed.

The sight of the woman and child tugged at the minds of the huntsmen and huntresses there. It was a common sight at settlements where the Grimm had overrun them and the survivors were successfully rescued. It was also a common sight in the aftermath of a bandit raid.

"Get used to it kids," Tai said, "You'll see it often enough once you start taking Grimm extermination missions."

The students frown, but nod anyway. This was why they trained as huntsmen, so that the people could be safe.

Pryyha goes to see what is wrong. "What?"

"They've taken everything... homes, food...the ones who couldn't escape, they took as slaves."

Pryyha is horrified. "Where did this happen?"

"There," she points towards No Man's Land, "Veld. On the other side of No Man's Land."

The students were horrified as well. They lived in a time of peace, where the atrocities were committed by Grimm and bandits, never by their own government.

Ozpin frowned into his coffee cup, remembering the villages in Mistral and Vale that were caught up in the war. People were often worse than the Grimm. The Grimm would just kill you, people would exploit and make your life difficult as long as they held power over you.

Sienna wondered if war was really what the faunus needed, seeing how devastated the land and people were. Ghira was determined that it would never come to that. Faunus would fight for equality peacefully, war being a final and last resort.

Jaune approaches Pryyha after meeting with the soldiers. "Pryyha we have to go."

Pryyha replies, "We need to help these people."

"We have to stay on mission," Jaune says, long used to being unable to help those who were caught in this war.

"Jaune!" Pryyha says angrily. "The mission! Really!"

His friends and sister look at him with similar angry looks, not believing he would just abandon people in need.

Jaune looks as if he agreed with them, but his mind told him that there was literally nothing he could do about it.

"He has no choice," Ironwood defends the Arc, "What can he do that a whole battalion can't?"

"While I don't like it, I must agree," Ozpin says, "The war was most horrific to both friend and enemy alike. The people were always caught in it, harmed by either Grimm or the enemy."

This deflates their anger somewhat, knowing that they were right, They were still angry about the situation though.

"The next safe crossing is at least a day away!" says Scarlet, needing to know this due to having smuggled information and supplies to the soldiers.

"Well what are we waiting for!" shouts Nora, eager to get this done and over with.

"We cannot leave without helping them," Pryyha says passionately, "These people are dying. They have nothing to eat and the village. 'Enslaved' she said!" She pleads with Jaune.

"I understand that," Jaune tells her. He really did but he knew that they couldn't help them.

"Women! Children!" Pryyha continues, hoping to convince Jaune.

"We need to make our next position by sundown," Jaune says, as if not moved by her pleads.

"How can you say that?! What is the matter with you?!" Pryyha shouts at him angrily.

An artillery shell lands near the trenches, stopping her short.

"This is No Man's Land, Pryyha!" Jaune explains to her. He sounds resigned, knowing that she was new to the horrors of war. "It means no man can cross it, all right? This battalion has been here for nearly a year and they barely gained an inch! Because on the other side, there are a bunch of Mistralians pointing machineguns at every square inch of this place! This is not something you can cross! It's not possible!"

"A whole year," Ironwood says unbelieving. In all the battles fought in Remnant, none have lasted more than weeks. Aura made quite a difference in war.

"Aura makes you all significantly harder to kill," Zack says, "It could take dozens of bullets before it breaks. You can perform superhuman feats with it, run faster, fight harder. Without it, you die just as easily as everyone else."

That got them all thinking. If they lost their Aura, what would the point of huntsmen be if they were no better than another person with a gun.

"So what? We do nothing?" Pryyha asks, not believing Jaune could be so heartless.

"No," Jaune replies, exhausted at the feeling of helplessness. "We are doing something. We are."

"Jaune," Cardin calls him, grabbing his arm.

"We can't save everyone in this war," Jaune tells Pryyha.

"Jaune. Jaune," Cardin continues to try and get his attention.

"This is not what we came here to do," Jaune finishes, going to see what Cardin needed.

Pryyha walks towards the ladder, taking off her hair pin and putting on her tiara. The soldiers near her wonder what she was doing.

"P-money," Yang says, knowing the look on her face, "What are you doing?"

"What needs to be done," Pryyha smiles, glad that her other was doing what needed to be done.

"No," Pryyha says, "But it's what I'm going to do."

Her cloak falls as she climbs out into No Man's Land, showing her shield, bracers, lasso and leg guards.

"Foolish," Raven says, seeing Pryyha about to go play the hero.

"What would you know!" Nora retorts, angry at Raven for insulting her friend.

"Pryyha!" yells out Jaune, noticing what she was doing.

Pryyha walks into No Man's Land, dressed in red armour with gold motif and a blue skirt. With only her sword, shield and lasso, she fearlessly walks into the death zone that had claimed so many lives as artillery shell fall behind her.

"It's Wonder Woman!" exclaims Ruby, recognizing the outfit from the trailers. The students were excited, remembering the second trailer they watched.

A bullet comes for her, but her superhuman reflexes allow her to block it with her bracers, deflecting it away.

Yang looks at her wrist, wondering if she could do the same with her weapons. The others wonder if they should add bracers to their outfits.

"What the bloody hell is she playing at?!" yells Nora, speaking what was on everyone's mind. Jaune and the other soldiers watch on, unsure of what to do.

"Playing the hero, obviously," Watts scoffs, earning glares from the good guys.

She blocks another bullet, not stopping. A Mistralian officer orders his men to fire at her.

More men began to focus their fire on her. Pryyha starts to run at them, deflecting bullets that came her way.

"She's taking all their fire! Let's go!" Jaune says, getting up to join her.

Nora looks at him like he's crazy before she, Cardin and Scarlet move to join him.

Pryyha smiles at Jaune, glad that he had her back even in another world. Jaune noticing it, smiles back.

Saphron sees the looks they send one another, wondering if they were an item and if she should tell the family.

Some soldiers look as if they were about to join them before a Vale officer orders them to stay down.

"Coward!" Nora yells.

"Smart," Cinder says, "Why follow fools to their death?"

The students glared at her. Why wouldn't they follow their friends to fight the good fight. That was why they signed up as huntsmen.

Pryyha continues blocking the bullets that come her way, getting closer to the Mistralian trenches. A mortar fires at her, but she takes out her shield to block it, deflecting it away from her.

"Good deflection," Glynda notes, her shield having hit it at the side, not detonating the warhead.

Pryyha looks at her other, watching her charge her enemies without fear. This was what she wanted to be when she finished training, to be a warrior fearless in the face of the enemy, Grimm and human alike.

Machineguns began to focus fire on her, causing her to kneel down with her shield up, taking all of their fire. She wasn't hit yet, however she couldn't advance.

"She's pinned down," Port says, having watched the whole fight with interest.

"We'll just have to unpin her then," Jaune says, knowing his other was on his way along with his team.

Jaune and Nora make it to where she was, using their rifles to take out Mistralian soldiers.

Cardin and Scarlet join them on Pryyha's other side. Scarlet takes out a grenade and throws it into the Mistralian trenches. The grenade takes out the machinegun suppressing her. She immediately advances.

The Vale officer, having watched their progress, orders his men to charge after seeing that they have breached the Mistralian line.

The soldiers charge forward from their trenches, yelling out "She's done it!" They advance further in those few minutes than they have in the year they've been there.

The students cheer as well, seeing the Vale soldiers advance. Little love was lost for the Mistralian soldiers, knowing how they treated those under their occupation.

"Well their enthusiastic," Roman says.

"They've made more progress in those few minutes than the year they've been there," Zack states. "Of course they'd be happy about it."

Pryyha makes a flying leap into the Mistralian trenches, taking out another machinegun. Jaune hits a soldier with the butt of his rifle before shooting him.

The soldiers from Vale finally make it to the enemy trenches.

"Jaune!" Pryyha calls out, grabbing his attention. "Let's go!"

Pryyha jumps out of the trench, making her way to the village that the Mistralian's have occupied.

"Come on, go!" yells out Jaune. He, Cardin, Nora and Scarlet climb out of the trenches with ladders to join her.

"Taking your sweet time, aren't you?" Blake says.

"No Aura," Jaune shrugs, "No way to enhance my muscles to make that jump."

The Vale soldiers continue to overrun the Mistralian trenches, taking out enemy soldiers as they advance.

Pryyha, Jaune and the others make it to the village. They are spotted by a trio of Mistralian soldiers immediately. They shoot at them, causing them to move into cover.

"Always be aware of your surroundings students," Glynda lectures, "You never know where the enemy might pop out, especially in urban areas."

The students nod, knowing that the advice was sound.

The soldiers move deeper into the village.

"Stay here. I'll go ahead." Pryyha tells them. She then runs in pursuit.

The three look at Jaune, wordlessly asking if they should listen. Jaune just stays there indecisively, unsure if they should let her enter alone.

"Ladies first huh?" Emerald says.

"I'll let you go first next time we have to enter unfriendly territory," Mercury jokes.


Pryyha runs into the village, a mortar round lands near her. She uses her shield to block fire from a machinegun nest in one of the buildings. Not stopping, explosions erupt around her. She jumps onto the wall of a building, jumping off it through a window into a building full of enemy soldiers.

"Impressive," Raven notes, seeing Pryyha as a potentially deadly enemy in the future.

The villains, knowing that she would definitely oppose them, made note to keep an eye on her progress.

The soldiers just stand there for a moment, shocked at her abrupt appearance before moving their rifles to aim at her.

She kicks a table into two soldiers, taking them out before they could shoot her. Using her shield and bracers to deflect their bullets, Pryyha engages them in hand to hand combat. She breaks a rifle with her bare hands, before kicking a Mistralian soldier through the wall, sending him out into the streets.

"How fast and strong is she?" Winter asks, seeing her take out trained soldiers with ease.

"Slightly stronger than Yang and faster than Ruby in both speed and reflexes. And significantly better trained," Zack answers.

Ruby pouts at that, but doesn't refute, knowing that she couldn't deflect bullets the same way Pryyha could.

Yang wonders which one of them would win an arm wrestle, thinking that she should challenge her later.

"WHAT THE!" yells Nora, seeing the man fly out of a building.

"Let's move!" orders Jaune. He and the others entering the village with minimal difficulty due to Pryyha taking most of the attention.

"Eyes front Nora," Ren says, knowing how easily distracted Nora could be.

"Sorry Ren," Nora says.

Bursting into another room, Pryyha takes out soldiers with her sword and shield. Seeing a bayonet pointed at her, she uses her shield as a slide and avoids it, sweeping the legs of another soldier in the process.

Pryyha looks interested in the move, wanting to copy it herself.

Some bullets hit her leg guards, causing her to stumble. A soldier uses his rifle to knock her shield away. Pryyha does a flip, avoiding getting shot and retrieves her shield. She knocks away the pistol of a soldier then knocks him away. She deflects a bullet into the throat of another soldier, flips towards him then bashing his head with her shield. She continues her flip, using her sword to slice a rifle in half, knocking down the soldier as well.

"You're really going to town with them," Weiss says, seeing the Invincible Girl in a fight against so many opponents.

"Really good form and adaptability," Ozpin says, seeing how quickly she compensated for her sudden lack of shield before retrieving it.

"Thank you," Pryyha says, taking in every detail of the fight.

She looks at the last man there, smirking before kneeing him out of the window and into the streets. She runs alongside Jaune and his team on the roofs.

Jaune and his team run into an alley full of Mistralian soldiers, blocking their path.

"We need more firepower!" Jaune says. Scarlet pulls out the pin of a grenade, handling it to Jaune. Jaune throws it into the alley, causing the Mistralians to yell in panic.

"Maybe we should invest in some grenades," Sun says, thinking how they could help in clearing out multiple enemies.

His team agrees, thinking how some fights could be made easier using grenades to take out multiple enemies.

The grenade goes off. Jaune and his team enter the alley. Jaune uses his rifle to hit a soldier that survived, knocking him down. Before Jaune can finish him off, a soldier appears from a building, hitting him in the head with the butt of his rifle, knocking him down to one knee. Jaune shoots him immediately, taking him out.

Saphron hugs Jaune. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack Jaune!"

"Be more aware of your surroundings Mr. Arc," Glynda says.

"Yes Professor Goodwitch," Jaune says, knowing that he might have died if the soldier had decided to shoot him instead.

Scarlet throws a bunch of sticky grenades at the gate blocking their way. Jaune shoots it, destroying the gate.

Pryyha is nearly at the village centre, taking out a few soldier, an armoured car fires it's machinegun at her. Dodging, Pryyha jumps high into the sky towards it.

Dr. Oobleck is spewing out details of Great War era armoured vehicles. Ironwood and Ruby look at it in interest, seeing the antic in action when it was cutting edge.

However, the car fires an artillery shell at her. She blocks using her shield, protecting herself but losing her shield in the process. Undeterred, she body slams into it, denting the side. She then lifts it up, flipping it on its side with a yell.

"She really is as strong as me, maybe stronger!" Yang says in shock. She could do the same, but with slightly more difficulty than Pryyha showed.

Pryyha wonders if she could do the same using her semblance, useful if anyone came at her with machines.

Surrounded, Mistralian soldiers shoot at her. One goes down before she does anything. Turning around, she sees Jaune firing at the soldiers behind her. They look at one another for a moment, before turning towards the attacking Mistralians.

Pryyha uses her lasso to fight them. Either pulling them close to take out by her fists or to slam them into their fellows. Jaune is beside her, shooting at any Mistralians that she misses.

"Good teamwork," Jaune notes, watching the two watch one another's back. He hopes to be able to do the same soon with his partner.

Pryyha puts her hand on his, giving him a smile, reassuring him that they would get there eventually.

Ilia looks at Pryyha's lasso, wondering if she could fight that well using her whip. Blake as well, wondering if she should incorporate the ribbon part of her weapon more with her fighting style.

Both breathe deeply, having taken out the last of the soldiers in the village centre. The sound of a gunshot enters their ears and a civilian near them falls. Looking around, they find the shooter in the bell tower looking over the village centre.

Ironwood eyes harden at the sight of a civilian getting killed. He didn't like it when there were civilian casualties. He wonders if he should take a closer look into his soldiers training in a civilian environment.

"Winter," Ironwood eventually says, "Make a note on fighting in a civilian environment. Don't want the men to accidentally shoot civilians after all."

"Yes sir!" Winter says.

"SNIPER!" yells out Jaune, shooting at him. "MOVE!"

Pryyha ushers a woman, the wife of the shot man, back into her house.

Nora, Cardin and Scarlet runs towards them, having finished off any stragglers. Seeing them, Jaune calls out, "Nora! Bell tower!"

Nora takes aim, but she is unable to fire, still in shock.

"Come on Nora! Shoot him!" Jaune yells, the sniper taking a few shots at Pryyha.

Cardin pulls her back, seeing that she wouldn't be able to do it.

"Come on!" Nora yells out, seeing her other self freeze up. "What's wrong with me?"

"Probably PTSD," Ironwood says, having seen soldiers and huntsmen like that after particularly bad missions.

Jaune sighs, back to a wall and out of the sniper's sight. He notices the door of the armoured car, having been knocked loose when Pryyha threw it. Remembering watching the Amazons train when he was on their island, he gets an idea.

"What are you planning Jaune?" Ruby asks, knowing that look in his eye.

"You'll see," Jaune says, having had the same idea as his other.

"Follow me! Give me some cover!" Jaune orders them, rushing for the door, Scarlet and Cardin following him.

They lift up the door, a bullet bouncing off it. Using it as cover, Jaune tells them his plan.

"Right! We're going to put this on our backs, and, when I say go, lift hard!"

"OK," says Cardin.

"Pryyha!" Jaune yells at her, making her look his way. "Shield!"

They lift the heavy metal door on their backs, and Pryyha immediately understands their plan. Running towards them, she jumps on the door and jumps at the bell tower, getting a boost from them.

She slams shield first into it, destroying the bell tower.

"Excessive," Amber says, thinking that it was a bit much for taking out a sniper.

"At least that took him out," Jaune says unapologetic. It worked, and no civilians were killed. As far as he was concerned, that was all that mattered.

Pushing the door off their backs, they look at the destroyed bell tower, hoping that Pryyha was alright. The people of the village come out of their homes, looking at the destroyed bell tower in shock.

Pryyha comes out of the dust storm, not a scratch on her. The people cheer, grateful at being liberated after so long.

"That was awesome!" Ruby shouts out. "Pryyha was like wah, then ..." Ruby makes karate motions and noises, really excited by what she had seen.

"I'm not that good Ruby," Pryyha humbly says. Though she could see how she could do the same things her other did with her training and semblance. The idea of essentially being able to stop bullets from even hitting her interested her very much.

"Nonsense," Jaune says. "You're the best here."

"Very good fighting ability Ms. Nikos, I look forward to your performance in later fights," Port says.

"Indeed," Ozpin agrees, thinking that she was the perfect candidate as the next Autumn Maiden.

Amber, knowing what Ozpin was probably thinking, rolls her eyes. Though she did agree that Pryyha was a good candidate.

"Right, next one," Zack says.

I hope you all enjoyed that. Was originally only going to do the No Man's Land part, but added the village fight afterwords.

Next : The Princess Bride - Battle of Wits

I might not publish anything in April. My school is having us do all our tests, assignments and what not online for the next few weeks.

AN : Alright, I've figured out what I'm doing next, but I'm conflicted about the cast. It's either Jaune and Weiss as Wesley and Buttercup, or Sun and Blake. I have no idea who to cast as Vizzni. Give me your recommendations and I'll try to publish it this weekend. 

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