Yoda vs Palpatine

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Yoda vs Palpatine

"Anyone else hyped about watching another lightsaber fight?" Sun asked.

"Yup," Cardin answered.

"Never a doubt," Yang said.

"I still want one," Ruby said.

"Was my fight with evil Tai not good enough?" Qrow asked them.

"You can never have too many lightsaber battles," Coco said.

"Agreed," Whitley nodded.

"Well, the kiddies sure are excited," Roman said.

"This time it's a fight between Ozpin and Salem," Adam said. "The two most powerful beings in Remnant. Of course they'd be excited."

"Well, I wouldn't be too enthused by it," Ozpin said. It was damn annoying that nothing he did to her stuck. How do you kill someone who could regenerate from anything? Well, he had that plan that involved a big boom with all that energy stored in his cane, but he doubt he'd get the opportunity to use it.

"I am," Salem said. Killing Ozpin was always enjoyable. He always came back for more. At least he used to. Nowadays he just sat in his tower and the two played games in the shadows.

Grand Master Ozpin hobbled into the Chancellor's office, using the Force to knockout the two Senate Guards in the room.

Empress Salem and Vice Chair Tyrian turned towards him.

"Oz, is that you!?" Ironwood exclaimed at the tiny green Ozpin on screen.

"Reminds me of that time I reincarnated as a frog faunus," Ozpin mused. "He was more frog than man too. At least I was stupidly agile then."

"And had a speech impediment too," Salem recalled.

"Well, you'll squish him like a bug for sure," Cinder said.

"What's Tyrian doing there?" Arthur asked.

"He's the Vice Chair of the Republic," Zack answered.

"Him! In a position of power!?" Everyone who knew of the crazy killer yelled.

"And I would like to propose a bill that will enable law enforcement to be even more ineffective than usual," Tyrian mockingly acted.

"You don't even need a bill for that," Roman and Neo snorted.

"Is it wrong that I can name politicians worse than him?" Glynda said.

"No, that's normal," Ghira said.

"I hear, a new apprentice you have, empress," Ozpin said. "Or, should I call you, Darth Sidious?"

"Master Ozpin, you survived," Salem said, not all too surprised at that. The little green pest was annoying like that.

"Surprised?" Ozpin asked.

"Not really," Salem said. "He's like a cockroach. And like said bug, you can always find them in your kitchen no matter how much you make it bug proof."

"This apprentice wouldn't happen to be Tai, would it?" Raven asked.

"It would," Zack said. "After he killed her last apprentice, Cinder first."

"Say what!?" Cinder said.

"Well, first he unhanded her, literally," Jaune said. "Then he decapitated her after Salem egged him to do it."

Cinder was heartbroken. Betrayed! By her Mistress!

"Such is the way of the Sith," Nora said.

"Your arrogance blinds you, Master Ozpin," Salem said. "Now, you will experience the full power of the Dark Side."

Salem raised her hands and sent a burst of Sith Lightning at the unprepared Ozpin, sending him flying into the wall of the office.

"I wasn't ready for that," Ozpin quickly said.

"Right, and you weren't just sucker punched by way of lightning," Junior said.

"That had to hurt," Port winced.

Salem cackled as Tyrian left the room, well aware that he would be collateral if he stayed any longer. Dramatic music started playing.

"I have waited a long time for this moment," Salem gloated as she made her way to the downed Jedi Master. "My little green friend."

Ozpin got back up to face her.

"At last the Jedi are no more," Salem gloated.

"Not if anything to say about it, I have!" Ozpin sent Salem flying into her chair with a powerful Force Push.

"I wasn't ready for that!" Salem quickly said.

"Sure you weren't," Robyn said.

"Well, the both of them have sucker punched the other at least once now," Oscar said. "Now what?"

"The real fight is about to begin," Sienna said.

"At an end your rule is," Ozpin said as Salem got back on her feet. "And not short enough it was."

Salem acrobatically Force Jumped towards the exit, only for Ozpin to do the same to block her escape.

"If so powerful you are, why leave?" Ozpin ignited his green lightsaber.

"Leaving the party?" Ozpin asked.

"Well, you are there," Salem said.

"You know, most couples when they fight usually just end up getting a divorce," Robyn said.

"This isn't an ordinary couple," Winter said.

"I foresee much collateral damage," Jaune said.

"You don't need clairvoyance to know that," Nora said.

"This is where the fun begins," Vernal said.

"You will not stop me," Salem said. "Darth Vader will become more powerful than either one of us." She ignited her own red lightsaber.

"Faith in your new apprentice, misplaced maybe. As is your faith in the Dark Side of the Force." Ozpin got into a lightsaber stance, the time for words over.

Salem raised her own lightsaber, the two masters of Light and Dark clashing in the office, Salem cackling the entire time.

"I guess the old master trope is in full effect here," Ilia said.

"This should be good," Melanie said.

"Providing that the two don't run out of steam midway," Miltia said.

"That old, we are not," Ozpin said.

"You're doing it again," Amber said. "And look at all those wrinkles on both of you."

"I'll have you know I am ageless," Salem said.

"Half of the pop cultural references we're using fly over your head, don't they?" Mercury pointed out.

Salem grumbled,

The two's duel eventually ended up on the Chancellor's Podium which raised up into the Senate Chamber. Ozpin moving about with his Ataru style, using his small form to his advantage.

Salem became more and more enraged as she couldn't get the upper hand.

"That's a big chamber," Penny said.

"And to think, it barely has enough room for all the senators of the galaxy," Zack said.

"How does anything ever get done there?" Willow asked.

"Very, very slowly," Zack answered. "If you thought a typical democracy was slow, wait till you get a load of this one. Heck, they let a company invade one of their member planets."

"Ooh..." Jacques was intrigued.

"You'd think such a large body would be useful for something," Summer said.

"Well, to paraphrase a certain government official," Zack said. "It's just like the United Nations in fact. The more members it has, the more arguments it can stir up. The more futile and impotent it becomes."

"What appalling cynicism," Glynda said.

"Yes, we call it diplomacy," Clover said.

Eventually, the two ended up on one of the senator's platforms. Salem used the Force to send several of them at Ozpin.

Ozpin dodged as the platform crashed where he used to be, looking up to see several more being levitated by Salem.

Dodging several, Ozpin eventually fell on one of the platforms still attached to the building. Putting away his lightsaber, he used the Force himself to catch another of the platforms sent his way.

Ozpin began spinning his caught platform, then sending it at the cackling Salem.

"Spinning's a good trick," Ruby said.

"Did it make it go any faster?" Penny asked.

"Well, it looked really cool," Ruby said.

"Didn't seem all that useful to me," Ren said.

"Well, I'm sure it has its place," Pyrrha said.

Ruby grumbled about people not understanding the glories of spinning.

Salem jumped down onto a lower platform and looked for the little green Jedi, Ozpin jumping onto the same platform she was on with his lightsaber ignited.

Salem sent out a stream of Sith Lightning at him, disarming him of his lightsaber and forcing him to stop her attack with the Force.

Ozpin struggled against the power sent his way, before regaining momentum and sending the both of them flying off the platform with his counterattack.

"Well, guess both were equal in strength then," Neptune said.

"Well Ozpin isn't winning either," Sun said.

"Where's the security?" Winter asked. "You'd think a fight happening in a government building would attract attention."

"They probably fucked off the moment they saw two senior citizens throwing platforms like its going out of style," Emerald said.

"Wimps," Tyrian scoffed.

"Didn't you leave too when the fight started?" Hazel pointed out.

"And get in the way of my mistress' fight? Are you daft?" Tyrian said.

"He has a point," Watts said. "And I can't believe I said that."

Salem barely hung onto the platform while Ozpin fell, crashing into the Chancellor's platform before losing his grip and falling down to the floor of the chamber.

Salem was still cackling even as she started to pull herself up.

Ozpin made his escape through the tiny vents in the building. Stopping he pulled out a communicator.

"And there he goes," Salem gloated. "With his tail between his legs."

"You'll get yours when the time comes," Ozpin said. He had lost against her enough times that he was used to it.

"Why's the vent big enough for a small being to crawl through anyway?" Oscar asked.

"See all that wiring?" Ironwood said. "It's for small robots to be able to move about to maintain and fix anything."

"Well, makes more sense than anything else," Ren said.

"Hurry, careful timing we will need," Ozpin said to the person he was calling.

In the skies of Coruscant, Pietro flew his aircar as he answered. "Activate your homing beacon when you're ready."

"Father's there," Penny said.

"And helping him escape," Blake said.

"He will pay for that," Salem said.

"Considering he lived for a good long time and was a leader of a rebel alliance until someone decided to blow up the planet he was on? I'd say he didn't," Jaune said.

"Oh, hush," Salem grumbled.

Back in the Chamber, a squad of Clone Troopers, now Stormtroopers reported to the Empress and her Vice Chair.

"There's no sign of his body, sir," the Clone reported.

"Then he's not dead," Tyrian said.

"Double your search," Salem ordered.

"Yes sir!" The Clone answered. "Right away, sir!"

"You'll never find him," Adam said.

"Well, the effort had to be made," Salem sighed.

"I shall punish those troopers for failing you, mistress!" Tyrian declared.

"No, no," Salem said. "We have more important things to do, like actually hunt Ozpin down."

Ozpin finally reached a hatch leading to the bottom of the building, activating his beacon and opening the hatch.

Pietro was down below, waiting for him.

Yoda jumped down into the aircar.

"Into exile, I must go," Ozpin said sadly. "Failed I have."

The now fugitive Jedi Master made his escape with the aid of the senator.

"Well, at least the fight wasn't boring," Roman said.

"Qrow and Tai's was more epic," Zack said.

"We already watched that one," Weiss said.

"The one where they were in their prime and fighting on a volcanic planet," Zack said.

"One of the coolest things of the decade," Nora nodded.

"Now, we shall go on to a scene which will have you all saying Pyrrha OP Please Nerf," Zack said.

"Isn't she already OP?" Sun asked.

"Nah, she's skilled, but not quite in the OP tier yet," Tai waved off. Having seen her fight, he could cream her in 5 moves.

"Well this one is," Zack said.

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