Vol 1 Part 15: Black and White (part 2)

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(Dolcetto POV)

During our stay in Beacon I have been looking for information without stopping about the Fallen Maiden, but it turned into an unsuccessful investigation. Luckily when I began to lose hope I found at least small data, but however small and insignificant it may be, it at least simplifies our search a bit. Apparently this supposed "Fallen Maiden" is a person carrying a great power and not a weapon or some object of great value asI supposed in the beginning , but of course that only means that I have to search among more than a million of people to see which one is the carrier of the power... Great. What I did not expect to find during my research was our favorite kitten Blake, I used my semblance to read her mind and was full of pain and regret, in a mixture of fear and sadness. Blake's team discovered that she is actually a faunus but they still do not know that she was a member of the white fang and the things she did during her stay in that group. In other words, Blake is a person who is on the one hand trying to escape from her past, while on the other one she wants to fix the mistakes she made, At one point the kitten and I are not so different. I decided to help her with her research on the white fang but I can already say that it would not end well. If I have to keep adding things to the list of oddities that happened lately, then I would put this monkey faunus on the list. Sun apparently has been following Blake since he saw her at the docks... if someone wants to ask me, I would say that those are the actions of a stalker, instead of a romantic person. 

Sun: Hey Dolcetto, what are you thinking now?

Me: Huh? Oh, nothing. I was just a little distracted.

Sun: So, what's the plan now?

Blake: I still don't believe the white fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much dust before. 

Me: As I recall, they plan to organize a large-scale attack. But those are rumors that we heard with Greed while we assaulted and stole one of their bases.

Sun: Greed?... Wait! You mean the armored dragon of Greed! I heard a lot of crazy stuff that he did!

Me: We did more than crazy things in our group, you know that right?

Sun: You are part of his group !? How is he?

Me: Well, he has long black hair, he also has red eyes and a dragon tattoo on his hand. 

(Mecha: I know that supposedly in FMA they say that it is the tattoo of a "Uroboros" but I prefer to think that it is a dragon.)

For some reason, Sun's face turned blue as if he had just seen a ghost or if he had pissed off the devil himself.

Me: Is everything alright?

Sun: Y-Yeah...

Blake: Can you focus please!

Me: Sorry.

Sun: Well... a way to prove that the white fang didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there... right?

Blake: The only thing is, I have no idea where that would be.

Me: A couple of months ago I had heard about a "huge" cargo of dust coming from Atlas, it's not to much far from here.

Sun: I heard from it too on the ship. 

Blake: How huge?

Sun: "Huge". Big Schnee company freighter. 

Me: Like to support an army.

Blake: You're sure?

Me: *chuckle* Did I ever lie to you?

Blake: ...

Me: Auch, now you act like the ice queen.


Weiss: Achoo!

Yang: Bless you.

(with you)(your POV)

Penny: So. Blake is your friend?

Ruby: *Sigh* Yes Penny.

Penny: But you're mad at her?

Ruby: Yes! W-well, I'm not, Weiss is.

Penny: Is "she" friends with Blake:

Me: *whispering* Dear Oum, she is like a kid asking things to her father.

Velvet: *whispering* At least she is helping. Not like the selfish ice queen.

Me(mind): That's one side of Velvet that I did not expect to see.

Ruby: Well that is kind of up in the air right now.

Penny: But, why?

Ruby: *sigh* Well you see, Blake might not be who we thought she was. 

Penny: *gasp* Is she a man!?

This made me start laughing so much, to the point that I had to hold my stomach for laughing so much. But the only thing I won was a smack to the head by Velvet and Ruby causing me to hit the floor and generating a small cracks on it.

Me: S-Sorry.

Ruby: No, no, Penny, She's n- I don't know what she is.

Me: *getting up from the ground* A cat faunus.

Penny: I don't have a lot of friends besides my cousin, but if I did, I would want them to talk me about their problems. 

Velvet: Aww, that is so nice.

Ruby: *sad* I would want it too.

Me: Hey, don't worry flower princess. We will find her, I promise.

Ruby: Thanks (y/n).

Velvet: After finding her, *blushing* w-would you like to go on a date (y/n)?

Me: I would love it.

Penny: That sounds romantic!

Ruby: Date!? Love it!? WHAT!?

Me: She ask me on a date some days ago.

Ruby: *angry* You can't go on a date with Big bro!

Velvet: Excuse me!? Why not!?

Me(Mind): This is gonna go well...

Ruby: I- H-He promised to buy me some cookies! Yeah, that's why!

Velvet: That is not a reason!

Ruby: Of course it is!

Me: Do you want my opinion?

Ruby/Velvet: NO!

Me: *whispering* Penny, a little help here.

Penny: Sorry, but my cousin told me to not get into fights between couples.

Me: Fantastic.

Ruby/Velvet: WHAT WAS THAT!?

Me: *drop sweat* N-Nothing!

(time skip)(no ones POV)

Tt was night over the docks and Blake was on the roof of a building near the area where the shipping containers were stored, she was staring at the shipments with the name of the Schnee company engraved on them. Sun approaches Blake while carrying a couple of apples and Dolcetto arrives in a few seconds to sit on the edge of the roof.

Sun: Did we miss anything?

Blake: Not really. The've offloaded all the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there.

Dolcetto: Patience is a virtue kitty.

Sun: Cool. I stole you some food.

Blake: Do you always break the law without a second thought?

Sun: Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?

Blake: *death glare*

Sun: Okay, too soon.

Dolcetto(mind): Idiot.

The air began to blow violently in an unnatural way, this is because a ship was flying over the area while illuminating the dock and searching for a place to land. When it landed, members of the white fang began to descend one by one.

Blake: Oh no.

Dolcetto(mind): Better call the boss and the others.

Sun: Is that them?

Blake: Yes. It's them. 

Sun: You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?

Dolcetto: Maybe she just didn't want to believe it was them.

Blake: Stop reading my mind please.

Dolcetto: That, my dear kitten, is the power of perception.

Roman: Hey! What's the hold up? 

Dolcetto: Now this is geting better and better. I forgot that Roman is working with the white fang.

Blake: This isn't right. The white fang would never work with a human. *draws her sword* Especially not one like that.

Sun: Hey! What are you doing!?

Dolcetto: Okay, boss for the love of god, please pick up your scroll.


(phone call time)

(y/n): Jello!

Dolcetto: Boss!

(y/n): Dolcetto? Where are you now? We are looking for Blake?

Velvet(distance): You are his little sister! You can't decide who is he going to date!

Ruby(distance): All I'm saying is that he isn't free.

(y/n): I'M looking for Blake.

Dolcetto: Well... do you remember Roman working with the white fang right?

(y/n): Yeah, what about it?


A big explosion was made by Roman's gun and a giant cloud of smoke rose up towards the sky.

Dolcetto/(y/n): ...

(y/n): I'll be there in five minutes.

Dolcetto: Good, I'll already feel Roa and Martel close... Wait, did you tell them to follow us?

(y/n): Just in case.


Dolcetto: Sorry! I must hang up now!

(Phone call time end)

Dolcetto jumped down the building and when he landed, Dolcetto ran quickly to help Blake in her fight against Roman. But before he could get close to Roman, Dolcetto was forced to jump to evade an attack by a person who puts the word "elegance" into execution. Neo was standing in front of Dolcetto with her umbrella resting on her shoulder and she waved her hand in greeting while smiling.

Neo: Hi!  

(Mecha: No, Neo is not talking. She uses a book with notes to communicate, but to make it less confusing, I write her dialogues like any other character.)

Dolcetto: Hi Neo! It's been a long time since we last saw each other. 

Neo: Why (y/n) is not here with you?

Dolcetto: Don't worry, he'll arrive soon

Neo/Dolcetto: ...

Neo: Do you want to bet who is going to win between Roman and the girl with the bow?

Dolcetto: Mmmhhh... Ok, I bet 500 liens to Blake.

Neo: Deal!


When Sun was fighting the members of the white fang, a ship approached the docks and prepared to leave more reinforcements to kill the two young hunters. Roa and Martel were hiding in a building near the battle while watching the events of the fight. 

Martel: We should help.

Roa: Even if the monkey boy is doing quite well, they are going to be surrounded by the white fang. Our best option for now is to intercept the support squadron before they can get to the center of the battle. 

???: I can't allow you to do that.

Martel and Roa turned around quickly, getting into battle position and ready to fight any possible enemy. What they did not expect is that the supposed enemy was a woman with black hair, a samurai armor, and a notorious Grimm mask. Her red eyes threw daggers that pierced the souls of the weaks.

Roa: Is that... Raven? 

Martel: Greed's mother? What is she doing here?

Raven: Please, don't talk about me as if I wasn't standing in front of you.

Roa: We don't have time for this!

Raven: Then you are wasting time here with me.

Roa took off his jacket and his muscles began to grow in size along with his height, from his head came two horns that made him look like a bull faunus. His eyes began to shine in the shadows and he was ready to jump into action.

Roa: Then I'm just going to crush you quickly!

Raven: So this is a chimera? You better not disappoint me.

Martel: You maybe are forgoting that this is a two vs one fight.

Raven: So you are fighting me too? Hardly seems fair... For you!


Roman points the tip of his staff at Sun's head, while Dolcetto was reluctantly gives the money promised to Neo for losing his bet. Before Roman could pull the trigger, Ruby catches his attention, making him turn and look at the roof of the building where she was standing with her weapon ready to fight. 

Roman: Oh, hello Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?

Penny and Velvet were approaching from behind of Ruby while trying to observe what was happening at the foot of the building.

Penny: Ruby? Are these people your friends?

Velvet: Is that Roman Torchwick?

Ruby: Get back!

Roman took advantage of the distraction of the little huntress and fired a flare with his cane towards her. But before the projectile could hit Ruby, she was pushed aside by (y/n).

(y/n): What is going on down ther-


Everyone, including Roman, were covering their mouths for fear of knowing the damage that (y/n) had suffered from the impact. When the smoke from the explosion dispersed, (y/n) was still standing perfectly in place. But his jacket had been completely charred and his face was black for the ashes. He quickly shake his head and removed all the dirt from his face and blikn a few times, He then turned his gaze to Roman who was trying to hide his cane behind his back in an attempt to hide what his mistake, but the smoke coming from the tip of his gun did not help him in this situation. (y/n) jumped from the building and generated a small crater on the ground when he landed.

Roman: H-Hey Greed... T-The thing is-

(y/n): I warned you Roman, that I would make you go through an unimaginable pain if you tried to attack my sister again. But you not only attacked Ruby, you also killed my jacket.

Roman: I-I... Ups...

(y/n): *devilish smile* Don't worry, I'll be gentle.

For the surprise to everyone, what supposedly would have to be a massacre it turned into a somewhat ridiculous persecution. It was comparable to seeing a child runing away from another child.


(y/n): I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna rip your head through your ass and shove it back dawn your throat! Then I'll bury you and dig you up and make a human transmutation! And then I'll kill the result of it! GET BACK HERE!!!

Roman hides behind Neo and (y/n) tries to go around her to catch Roman. But every time (y/n) tried it, Roman went to the opposite direction. Neo got tired of this situation and hit both of them on the head, then she held both of their ears while pulling them.

Roman: Auch! Neo, what are you doing!?

(y/n): Auch! Auch! What did I do!?

Neo: *stare*

(y/n): I'm not going to apologies for been mean with him!

Sun: *whispering* What is going on here?

Blake: *whipsering* I think she is... scolding them?

Neo: *stare**pulling your ear*

(y/n): AUCH! FINE! *sigh* I'm sorry for been mean.

Roman: HA! Nicely done Neo!

Neo: *stare**pulling Roman's ear*

Roman: Ouch! What!? Me too!

Neo: *nod*

Roman: Okay! Sorry for shooting your sister and burning your jacket! There, are you happy!?

Neo nodded and let go the ears Roman and (y/n). Then she jumped to embrace the arm of (y/n) and rest her head in his shoulder. The reinforcements of the white fang, despite the strange situation, began to regroup to once again attack the hunters. Penny along with Sun and Dolcetto began to take action and went to confront them. Ruby and Velvet quickly approached (y/n) with looks of hatred towards Neo, who was still huging his arm.

Velvet: (y/n), who is she?

(y/n): Her name is Neopolitan, but we call her Neo for short.

Ruby: And why is she huging you?

Roman: She do that stuff with him all the time little red.

Velvet/Ruby: WHAT!?

(y/n)(mind): Here we go again.

Velvet: Leg go his arm now!

Neo: *shaking her head* No!

Instead of letting go of (y/n)'s arm, Neo held the collar of his tank top and make him come down to her level. Then she, to the disgust of Ruby and Velvet, gave him a kiss on the lips. (y/n)'s face turns red but he didn't stop Neo, if it were not for an explosion that happened in a building close to them, he would have continued.

Neo(mind): At least I got what I wanted. Neo 1 / Bitches 0

Blake: What was that!?

From the smoke of the explosion came Roa and Martel covered in wounds as they fought to keep themselves standing.

Martel: How strong is that bitch?

Roa: Did she become stronger after the fight in the emerald forest?

(y/n): What the hell happened!?

???: How pathetic can you be Roman?

Roman: Oh, great! Is the big cheese!

Raven walked out of the flames as if they were nothing with her sword in hand. 

Raven: Is nice to see my little boy again.

(y/n): ...

Ruby: Wait... Is she Yang's-

(y/n): Drop the act already!

Raven: Huh?

(y/n): In emerald forest it was funny, but there is no point now! Show me who you really are!

Raven tilted her head as she began to laugh a little, but slowly began to laugh like a psychopath while clapping her hands.

Raven: BRAVO! I DID NOT EXPECT ANYTHING LESS FROM GREED! *serious* But tell me, what was it that gave me away?

(y/n): When I hit you in the forest, you were already out of breath. There is no way that bitch is that weak.

Velvet: So she is the one that attack you in the forest?

Raven: Hoo! I made the mistake of an amateur! Thanks for the advice! But now, it is time for me to show my real form.

Raven's body began to move in an inhuman way and take a mold like a white mass, which after a few seconds took the shape of a humanoid form.

???: My name is Pandora's Actor, but you can call me... ENVY!


Cinder: Are you really going to finish the chapter here?

Mecha: It is always good to leave your audience wanting more. Besides, you and I will make our appearances in the next chapter. 

Cinder: REALLY?

Mecha: Yep.

Cinder: *kiss on his cheek* Yay! I love you!

Mecha: Eh?

Cinder: I-I mean... I love you all!!! *runs away*

Mecha: That was something. Anyway, I'M NOT DEAD AND I'M STILL WRITING THE CHAPTERS. It's just that the exams are coming soon and the books that I have to read do not fit in my backpack.

Ban: You are just lazy.

Mecha: This is not your book! Get out of here! 


Mecha: *in the corner* I cant even end my books.

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