Vol 1 Part 16: The End!

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(no ones POV)

Pandora's actor was standing in front of the young hunters and he proclaimed himself as envy. While many of the group were somewhat confused by this, (y/n) began to laugh while pointing to the possible homunculus.

(y/n): You, the new envy!? That was a very funny joke!

(Mecha: Instead of calling him Pandora's actor, I'll directly call him envy)

Envy: Eh? You don't believe me, Greed? After all, it was you the one who say "everything is possible".

(y/n): Then prove it, show me that you are same like me.

Envy: Very well.

Pandora's actor removed his military hat, revealing the tattoo of uroboros that the homunculus possess in their bodies. This mark was in the middle of his head. (y/n)'s eyes were wide open at the truth, there was another homunculus in front of him. Does that mean there are others? Was the secret of the philosopher's stones discovered? Those and many more questions ran through his mind but he could not think of any possible answers.

(y/n): You... You really are...

Envy: Even if we are of the same species, you are a more advanced homunculus. 

Blake: Same species? Homunculus? (y/n), what is he talking about?

(y/n): ...

Envy: You haven't tell them yet? You don't trust them enough or are you afraid that they see you like a mosnter when they find the truth? After all, unlike us, humans fear the truth more than anything. They fight all their shorts lifes to find the truth, but when they finally find it, they fear it and reject it. 

(y/n): That is no-

Before (y/n) could finish answering, Pandora's actor transformed his arm into a giant long-range blade and cut off his head. (y/n) body falls to the ground lifeless and his head turn into ashes, while the others watch in horror.

Everyone: (Y/N)!!!

Envy: Roman, I am very disappointed with you and your work. BUT, fortunately for you I'm having a lot of fun with this. Take this chance to escape while I get some information.

Roman: R-Right! Neo, let's go!

Neo: *death glare to Pandora's actor*

Roman: *whispering* I know you hate him for hurting (y/n), but he is not going to get defeated so easily. If we don't leave now we are going to get in a lot of trouble.

Although Neo wanted nothing more than to see the Pandora's actor, she use her semblance to create an illusion and escape along with roman. Meanwhile, (y/n)'s body was covered in red electricity and began to get up from the ground. To everyone surprise, after a few seconds his mortal wound had regenerated, as if nothing had ever happened. 

Blake: What... What are you?

(y/n): Why did you hit my handsome face? The ladies love it for one reason.

Envy: Is that the only thing you want? The atention of some random ladies?

(y/n): *chuckle* I am Greed, I want money, I want woman, I want power and a tittle. But above everything, I want the world!

Ruby(mind): The world?

Velvet(mind): That is a pretty big ambition.

Envy: Oh Greed, you are pretty good at fighting and surviving, but you are a pretty bad lying. Anyway, I have some questions for you.

(y/n): Like I care!

(y/n) charged against Pandora's actor and released several attacks with his claws but to his surprise, his opponent evaded all his attacks with little effort. After dodging one last attack, Pandora's actor increased the size of his arms that now doubled the height of an average human. Then he, even with his great size caught Greed and hit him repeatedly against the ground. Then he held it in the air with both of his hands and began to squeeze (y/n) with great force.


Envy: It is true that your "ulimate shield" is impenetrable, but that does not mean that you still do not feel pain from the force of a impcat or in this situation, a crushing weight *squeeze*.

(y/n): AAAAHHH!


The sound of a weapon filled the air and Envy let go of (y/n) to avoid the attack. The homunculus looked in the direction of the shot and saw Ruby with her crescent rose in her sniper form pointing towards him.

Ruby: Leave him alone!

(y/n): Ruby *cugh*, Stay away from him!

Envy: You want me to leave him alone? 

The body of the Pandora's actor once again changed, but to what looked like a slightly older version of Ruby.

Envy: *devilish smile* Just like mommy did? 

Ruby: *shocked* M-Mom?

(y/n): Ruby, watch out!!!


Ruby felt a strange heat and wet in her chest, followed by a sharp pain. Slowly she looked down and saw a sting that came from the arm of Envy and was going through her torso, right in through hearth.

Blake: RUBY!!! 

Velvet: *shocked* No...

Envy: Humans are so predic-

Before he could finish his sentence, his head was destroyed by a heavy blow from Greed. Then (y/n) ran to Ruby and looked in horror at her sister's mortal wound. He crouched down and held tight on Ruby's pale and cold hand.

Ruby: (y-y/n).

(y/n): Everything is going to be alright! *tears* Don't worry!

Ruby: (y-y/n)... I... love you.

(y/n): *crying* I love you too. Please, don't leave me.

Envy: You know very well that there is a way to save her, Greed.

Pandora's actor had already regenerated his wound and was standing with one of his hands resting on his forehead.

Roa: You bastard!




Envy: There is. Use alchemy to save her, Greed. I am aware that you know the methodology and with a philosopher's stone you can break its rules at will.

Blake: Alchemy?


Envy: Even if would love to use it, I have cero idea of how to do alchemy.

(y/n): WHAT?

Envy: My souls came from more... young humans, if you want to call it like that. So I don't know anything about alchemy, but you do. Time is ticking, take your choice.

(y/n) was in panic, the longer he took to make his decision, the more Ruby was moving further and further away from the land of the living. After releasing a heartrending scream, he clapped his hands and placed both of them on her wound. Red lightning appeared on Ruby and healed her wound completely. She opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times, then she looked down at her chest and there was not even blood on her already healed wound.

Ruby: I'm... alive?

Velvet/Blake: RUBY!!!

The two hugged tightly to Ruby, while she was trying to take a breath for the painful love of her friends.

Ruby: Can't... breath.

Blake: Oh my gosh! How did he do that!


(y/n): Envy... Do you want to see a trick.

Envy: Huh?

(y/n)'s arm began to be surrounded by his aura, but this time it was much more intense and it was generating a few small explosions around it. 

Envy: Oh! *turning into Summer* You wouldn't attack mommy, would you?

(y/n): Die you stupid monster! BIG BAN IMPACT!


(Mecha: Skip to 1:13)

(y/n) threw a punch towards Pandora's actor, generating a big explosion that cleared the clouds from the sky. If it were not for him to aim his attack to the sky, the explosion would have destroyed the entire place, along with the others. The smoke dispersed and there was no trace of the homunculus.


Greed turned around and saw a large number of policemen pointing their weapons at him and his group.

Police1: Dragon of Greed! You are under arrest for homicide and multiple acts of terrorism!

Velvet: Wait! This is just a misunderstanding!

Police1: Stay back faunus!

Police2: Shoot at him!

The police officers began firing repeatedly towards Greed, but Martel activated her semblance, creating a barrier around Greed and her companions. 

Dolcetto(in the distance): Boss, we have to get out of here!

(y/n): But-

Roa: Martel is running out of aura and if we stay, the others are going to get in trouble! You just save Ruby, don't let her die again!

(y/n): AAAAHHH! LET'S GO! 

(y/n) hit the ground, creating a curtain of dust that they used to escape from the police, while Roa made an escape tunnel with his power. Dolcetto who was on the distance, jump from building to building away from the law. Penny and Sun return to reunite with their group, but the first thing they find is a devastated Ruby and a depressed Velvet.

Penny: Ruby, what happened?

Sun: This place is a war zone! What the hell heppened here!?

Velvet: *tears* (y/n)...

Sun: Did he...

Ruby: *crying* Big bro is gone again!

(with you)(your POV)

Fuck Envy! Fuck the police! Fuck everything! Life smiled at me once and I lost everything because a freak that came out of nowhere and made me look like a criminal ... even though I was one, but I am not one anymore! that's the important thing! But now I'm one again, what the hell do I do!?

Roa: So... what now?

Martel: Firts thing is first, we need to hide for a while until we think of something!

Roa: And where are we going to hide? We have to go to a place where nobody is going to verify if there is a high-level criminal!

Me: There is a place...

Roa/Martel: Huh?

Me: There is a place like that.

Roa: If you are going to say Vacou, is to far away for us to go.

Me: I wish it was Vacou... *sigh* Call Dolcetto with your scroll in the safe line. We have to steal a boat first and then I'll tell you where are we going.

(meanwhile)(Inside of a limo)

Penny watches her friends in the distance from inside a limousine with a sad face, it was painful for her to see Ruby, her first friend in pain, while she had to explain what happened to the rest of her team. The driver of the limo was a cyborg with blond hair and it was easy to say that he was more machine than man.

Mecha: (an: yes, me!) You should know that is not a good idea to go running around in a strange city by yourself, Penny!

Penny: I know cousin.

Mecha: Penny. Your time will come. But please, tell me everything about your new friends. I am proud that you have made so many friendships in such a short time!

(Time skip night)(Tai POV)

It was night and I finished preparing my dinner, nothing necessarily complicated. Some pork chops and a salad to accompany. Since the girls left the house, It feels lifeless and empty. If it were not because Zwei that is making me company I will feel abandoned. Just before I could take a bite, I heard the sound of someone knocking the door. Zwei got up quickly and waved his tail from side to side in joy, that's strange. Are they Ruby and Yang who came to visit me? I opened the door and a man with... Summer's cloak was in front of me! How did he get that!? Behind him, there was another three persons with black cloaks.


Zwei: Bark!

Zwei jumped on the leg of the person with the white cloak trying to get his attention. The person  began to scratch Zwei head, behind his ears,

???: I miss you too, Zwei.

Me(mind): Wait! That voice...

Me: (y/n)?

He took off the hood of his cloak and I could not believe that my son, the one I hurt for so long was in front of me. But instead of his expression of hatred, it seemed more an expression of concern and sadness. What happened?

(y/n): Heya... I need a favor.

(Inside of an abandoned construction)(No ones POV)

Roman had finally reached his base, after a day that was too full of action for his taste. Unfortunately, he returned with practically empty hands of a robbery that should have been easy. Roman leaves his briefcase on a desk while letting out a heavy sigh in defeat. 

???: How very disappointing, Roman.

Roman: Woah! Haha... I wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon.

Four figures entered through the door of the warehouse, but only two could be distinguished by the darkness. One was a woman with black hair and colored eyes, she was wearing a red and elegant dress. While the other figure was a man whose biggest feature to distinguish was his mutant arm with a white armor and the color of the skin of his amr was black. He wore military clothes, of the rank of general in Atlas.

Roman: *Nervous laugh* Hey, you were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts from the white fang and that weird shifter guy.

Cinder: *snicker* And you will continue to do so. We have big plans for you, Roman. *with fire in her hand* All we ask is a little cooperation.

Stukov: After all, we don't want unnecessary deaths. Except for that bastard's of Greed! When I put my hands on him, I will make him feel the real burden of death! 

Cinder: Patience, Stukov. We still need him.

Stukov: I know, comrade. Let me take care of him.

???: That won't bee easy!

Pandoras actor comes out of the shadows and approaches his companions.

Envy: If you want to hit him good, then go for the ones he love.

Stukov: You have a point there comrade. He took everything I had, now it's my turn to return the favor.



Mecha: I can not believe that this is happening! We are here! We are finally here!

Cinder: Penny, bring the champagne!

Penny: Coming right up!

Mecha: Even though we arrived at the beginning of the good stuff, I want to thank everyone for their support to this book.

Cinder: Also a thanks everyone for the support in the book of the seven deadly sins!

Penny: You guys are the best! 

Mecha/Cinder/Penny: And remember, that WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Penny takes the cork out of the champagne bottle, but the cork goes off and hits Mecha in the middle of his forehead, knocking him out.

Penny: Oh dear!

Cinder: Well, there goes Chapter 1 from Volume 2. Good job Penny!

Penny: Im sorry!

Mecha: *dizzy* Error 53

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