Vol 2 Part 2: The hunter and the revelation.

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(no ones POV)(military base in Atlas)

Atlas, the kingdom with the greatest military power in all of Remnant. Within one of the multiple bases throughout the kingdom, General Ironwood and his right hand Winter were in a conference with the council. Three members of the council were in different holograms and shadows covered their face, while Ironwood and Winter were standing behind a desk. The reason for this conference, between two of the most important members of the Atlas military force and some council members, was to discuss the search and capture methods of the criminal Greed. But everyone is still waiting for a third person who could help to accomplish this goal.

CouncilM1: Where is he?

Winter: He will come.

CouncilM2: It's supposed that your super weapon should be here ten minutes ago!

Ironwood: Punctuality was never his strength. But I keep saying that between Winter and my soldiers it should be more than enough to-

CouncilM3: Winter already had her chance in the past, but she failed miserably to catch a cornered criminal!

Winter: With all due respect, that criminal has the ability to heal multiple wounds in a matter of seconds and our weapons are unable to penetrate his armor. Even with the most sophisticated weaponry it would be complicated.

CouncilM2: Soldier Winter, did we ask for excuses?

Winter: But sir, you say-

CouncilM2: Did we ask for EXCUSES!?

Winter: N-No sir.

CouncilM1: So why are you looking for pretexts to evade the responsibility for your failure?

Winter: I apologize.

Ironwood: Sir, give me a little more time and I assure you that we will catch Greed

CouncilM3: We will give you time, but we prefer to leave everything in the hands of our investment. If I'm not mistaken, the criminal Greed had already challenged the Atlas authorities and emerged victorious, am I right?

Ironwood: You can't blame me for what happened with the chimera project, that was Stukov's responsibility! I warned him that those experiments would bring him problems in the future, during the escape of the chimeras he was killed by Greed in the laboratories! 

CouncilM1: and we lost many resources because of that criminal that time, if it had not been for the influence of Ozpin we wouldn't have granted him a pardon for his crimes. But what we saw in that recording of his fight in the docks of Vale, we had never seen anything like that before. 

CouncilM2: We want to discover what is the art of "alchemy", we want to know if that ability can be learned and used against the Grimms.

Winter: In other words, use it as a weapon.

???: I knew there was another reason to call me.

Because of their arguments, the members of the council with Winter and Ironwood, failed to listen to the door of the office opening. In front of the open door stood a cyborg with blond hair and an expression of disgust on his face, he didn't like this kind of meetings

Winter: You finally arrived, Mecha.

(An: Eeeeeyyyy... Wait, what do you mean she wasn't referring to me... Oh.)

Mecha: Sorry, but I was busy with somewhat urgent matters.

CouncilM1: It's good that you've arrived, we have a very important mission for you.

Mecha: let me guess, pursue and capture the criminal Greed.

CouncilM2: That's only half of the mission.

Mecha: Half?

In one of the holograms of the council, a screen appeared that showed a small clipping of the Pandora's actor in it. In that clip, you could see how his body transformed and regenerated in the same way that Greed did.

CuncilM2: This is Pandora's actor, a living organism of unknown origin. Like Greed, it demonstrates the same regeneration abilities and also has knowledge about this "alchemy". Your mission is to hunt down and capture both enemies.

Mecha: I refuse.

Everyone: What!?

CouncilM3: What do you mean you refuse!

Mecha: I've seen the security recordings about the theft and the attack on the Vale docks, what happened with Greed is a misunderstanding. His only crime was to attack someone in self-defense, he is innocent.

CouncilM1: You are a weapon! Your duty is to obey our orders and fulfill them!

Mecha: Not when these orders were sent by corrupt leaders! Besides, I am a cyborg, not a weapon or a robot! 

Mecha turned and headed to the office exit, ready to leave and ignore the orders of the members of the council.

CouncilM2: I guess we'll have to send Penny to do this mission.

The cyborg stopped a foot from the exit and slowly turned to the council members with a face of anger.

Mecha: What did you say?

CouncilM2: Since you refuse to fulfill this mission, I think it would be a better option to send Penny to hunt these monsters.

Ironwood: But sir, even though Penny has a very advanced combat ability against grimm, her lack of experience against humanoid enemies makes her vulnerable. Send her against Greed or the other objective would be to send her to death.

CouncilM3: It will be a good evaluation of her abilities.

Mecha clenched his fists tightly, but he resigned and released a sigh. Then, he looked at the members of the council and took a step forward.

Mecha: I'll take care of the mission, but leave Penny out of this.

CouncilM1: We knew that you would change your opinion. Winter and you can retire, we would still like to have a word with the general.

Winter/Mecha: Understood.

Winter and Mecha left the office and started walking together through the hallways of the facility. They stopped in a dark corridor, then Mecha hit the wall making a crater in it and then leaned on the wall.

Mecha: Stupid corrupt politicians!

Winter: keep it low, do you want to be heard?

Mecha: one of these days I'm going to let them know the true flavor of the word justice.

Winter: Until then, what do you plan to do regarding this mission? Do you have any kind of plan?

Mecha: I will have to obtain all kinds of information that I can gather, such as the hiding places of Greed discovered over time and if there is any kind of pattern among them. I'll have to find people who know him and that could know where he could go. Now that I think about it, Winter, didn't you have an intimate relationship with him?

This caused Winter to blush like crazy while holding the cyborg from the neck of his shirt and repeatedly shaking him back and foward.

Winter: you promised to keep that secret! 

Mecha: But I didn't tell anyone.

Winter: *leting him go* You are the worst!

Mecha: It would be very funny if your sister could see this side of you.

Winter: If you try to say a word about this to my sister, I will disarm you piece by piece.

Mecha: S-Sorry.

(with you)(Your POV)

Me: This sucks!

While the others were preparing things to travel on the ship within a short time, I was in the attic of the house looking for some type of jacket. I would like to wear my mother's cloak with me, but It would surely end up with the same fate as my old jacket or worse. 

Me: Stupid Roman!

As I rummaged through the old things in the attic, I found many old photos of Ruby, Yang, and Mom, certainly Tai loves to keep old things. Surprisingly there was a picture of me as a child, on a sign that said "missing". I wonder how long it would have taken for Tai to realize that I ran away? Anyway, in my search for a jacket I found an old roll of black fabrics. I usually do not want to use alchemy, but this is an emergency for my style. I put my hand on the fabric and I see how red electricity covers it and it slowly changes its shape, this makes it twice that I broke my promise to that guy, oh well. Finally I finish the process and I must admit, I like this new style.

Me: And without having to go to a mall. Huh?

I look inside the old box where I found the same fabrics that I just used. Inside of the box, there was an old book with a bit of dust on it, but it had a drawing of a crow on it. 

Me: The hell is this?

I take the book out of the box and gently blow on it to remove the dust, on the cover was engraved "Raven's diary". Curiosity defeated me and I broke the padlock of the book, then I started turning page by page and I could not contain my laughter when I saw the kind of person Raven was. She had at first the same problems as Ruby to talk to people, she also liked joke with puns, only that she didn't show it in public. But then, the title of one of the pages awoke even more my curiosity, it was called "my brother Qrow".

Me: Oh this better be good.

Me(mind): Dear diary, my brother and I fought again, honestly our relationship was always complicated. When we were children, we used to train and always fight together in the tribe, but we always acted as rivals with each other. Always trying to see who was better, I won sometimes, while he won other days. When we went together to Beacon, there was not a single second in which we didn't try to beat the other. It was usually Summer and Tai who separated us in our competitions, those were good times. But I must admit that despite our differences and our rivalry, I always enjoyed the company of Qrow. The only two reasons that made me hate my brother were that he convinced me to follow Ozpin and what he did to my... son... (y/n).

Me: W-What?

I continued reading the chapter of the diary and each paragraph that continued to the other, showed me more and more things that I didn't know about my family. Until in one of the pages, there was information that never in my life had I expected to see.

Me: N-No way! That can't be true!

I read again and again, hoping that what was written in the diary was a joke in bad taste or a lie. But there was nothing to prove otherwise, I was about to read the entire diary again if it hadn't been for Martel that called me from the stairs. I put the diary in my pocket and decided it would be better to read it at another time, I just hope that none of this is true.


Today I do not have much to say, I'm a little sad. So remember... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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