Vol 2 Part 3: Returning to Vale

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(no ones POV)(Xiao Long residence)(14:00 PM)

It was a day like any other. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming. In days like these nothing can go wrong. Inside the Xiao Long house, Tai was sitting in the couch of his home while looking at an old family portrait. He left the TV on while listening the news, they were talking about the increase in grimm activity and the Vytal festival. Zwei was resting on Tai's lap while being pet behind his ears. 


The sound of knocking on the door woke Zwei and brought Tai out of his melancholy.

Tai(mind): Who can It Be?

Tai: Wait a second!

Tai went to the door while Zwei followed him from behind. Once at the door, he put the key inside the bolt and opened it.

Tai: How can I he-

Tai could not finish what he was going to say when he saw who was knocking on the door. The person looked like a machine but with human features at the same time, so Tai assumed that he was a Cyborg. The Cyborg was staring at Tai, as if he were trying to pierce his soul with his eyes.

Mecha: Greetings, my name is Mecha. I think you are Mr. Xiao Long, am I wrong?

Tai: You're not wrong... what do you want?

Mecha: I work for Atlas military forces, my purpose of being here is to ask you some questions. According to reports, you are the father of (y/n) Branwen or better known as the armored dragon of greed.

Tai: We... *sigh* We aren't on good terms.

Mecha: Does it bother you if I go in?

Tai: Not at all, please come in. Would you like a cup of tea?

Mecha: No thanks, please continue to tell me the last time you saw your son.

Once inside, Mecha began to analyze the house from the inside in search of energy signals while listening to Tai's story. Obviously, Tai lied in his story, saying that the last time he saw his son was in the fight that (y/n) had against Yang. But Mecha suspected the truth of the story, Tai's tone of voice did not sound as sad as he tried to pretend.

Mecha(mind): There are no sources of energy that detect the presence of (y/n) in this place, but neither I will  obtain information from his father. He is determined to protect his son, hopefully he would have done it before. Maybe he wouldn't have abandoned him if he had acted like a real father in the past, sometimes reading these types of reports is a bit depressing.

Mecha put a finger in his ear to activate the communicator he had and notify that the target was not in the house.

Mecha: Don't come in, the target is not here.

Tai: Huh?

Soldier1(radio): What did he say?

Soldier2(radio): He say "get in, the target is here"!

Mecha: No, wait!

Multiple steps were heard outside the house, each step was getting closer and closer to the door.


Soldier: FBI OPEN UP!

The door was quickly knocked down by multiple military agents, at the same time more soldiers entered through the windows and all began to shoot randomly at the ceiling while they were saying inconsistencies. Tai quickly placed himself above Zwei like a human shield, to protect him from the debris that began to fall on the entire floor of the house. Mecha was simply in the middle of the soldiers while he covered his face for the shame he felt of military efficiency. After a few seconds, all the soldiers stopped firing and began to see their surroundings.

Solder1: Wait, so he is not here?

Mecha: Idiots.

Tai: What the hell is going on!

Mecha: Don't worry, Mr. Xiao Long, I will make sure that all damages that were caused to your home are going to be repaired.

Mecha(mind): If (y/n) isn't here, then where is he?


Far away from Patch, there was a Bullhead flying over the ocean that was heading towards Vale.

All the members of the ARMR team were inside the ship. Roa and Martel were at the controls of the Bullhead driving it, while Dolcetto was sharpening his sword in one of passengers seats. At the bottom of the passenger section, you were with your legs crossed on the floor and making a circle with your hands, performing the art of meditation. 

Martel: So, is Greed training?

Roa: Tha's what he say.

Martel: But he's just there on the floor doing nothing.

Roa: He said he had to train his mind first, find a more efficient method to fight.

Martel: But he is already very strong.

Roa: Greed lost some of his confidence after that fight against Pandora's actor. That guy knew exactly what kind of movements he was going to do and how to avoid them. If we also take into account that he kicked our asses and that he almost killed Greed's sister in front of him, it means that we need to get stronger too.

Martel: *sigh* I wonder what Greed is thinking about?

(inside your mind)

You were in an imaginary version of Tai's house. You were outside the house in the backyard, practicing attacks and movements towards a test dummy. All the attacks you were doing had the same style as martial arts. Then, you make an assault of fists towards the test dummy. Each stroke had a bit of aura following it that made a movement similar to the waves of the sea. Once you finished your attack, there was only the dummy stuffing spread throughout the yard.

(y/n): This is not enough. If I want to defeat that bastard I need to improve my movements even more.

???: I think you are doing good.

You turned to the source of the voice just to see Summer sitting on a bench, while she ate cookies and watched your training.

Summer: Sweetie, I know you want to protect everyone, but you shouldn't let him get inside of your head.

(y/n): He almost killed Ruby! You saw it, didn't you!?

Summer: Yes, I saw it! My heart stopped when I saw that! But it also hurts every time I see someone mutilating the parts of your body like a piñata!

(y/n): But I can regenerate my wounds!

Summer: Do you think that makes me feel better!?

(y/n): And then what do you want me to do!? Do you want me to put on a skirt and do a hula!?

Summer: All I want is for you to be careful!

(y/n): I... *sigh* I know. But I don't want to have to see another loved one die in front of me, especially if it's because of me.

There was a moment of silence between mother and son, the wind blew in the yard and made your long hair move in its direction. You were about to return to your training until Summer got up from the bench.

Summer: Before you return to your training, do you remember that you promised to give me explanations about you?

(y/n): Oh, right. I almost forgot about that. It would be better if you sat down again, it's going to be a long story.

(time skip after the story)

Summer: So you're not human anymore?

(y/n): Yep.

Summer: You are an homunculus?

(y/n): Aja.

Summer: And you share your body with... how many souls again?

(y/n): I share my body with one hundred fifty thousand of souls to be precise, each with a different knowledge. It is difficult for me to know if who is talking about is the real (y/n) or the entity that all the souls formed together. But to be honest, that doesn't matter anymore.

Summer: And do you know who was that man in the white cloak that gave you the philosopher's stone?

(y/n): Not the slightest idea who it was.

Summer: I see.

The silence again filled the yard of the house, but you decided to break it when you noticed the change in the environment in the world outside of your mind.

(y/n): I would like to continue talking, but soon we will reach Vale and I need to concentrate on my next movements.

Summer: Okay... Just promise me that you will be careful and that you will keep the family safe for me.

(y/n): I promise.

Summer: Wait! I forgot to ask you one thing!

(y/n): What is it?

Summer: What is that you're in love with three girls, and one of them is Ruby?

your face turned blue when you heard that question. You didn't know what kind of response to give her so that she wouldn't see you as mad person.

(y/n): I will answer that if you answer my question first.

Summer: Okay.

(y/n): Mom, Is it true what Raven's Diary said about Qrow?

An expression of fear formed on Summer's face and her voice began to crack as her body kept shaking.

Summer: H-How did y-you find it?

(y/n): Is it true?

Summer: *Sigh**depressed* Yes, it is.

(Beacon Academy)(night time)

Team RWBY returned to their dorm after an afternoon of games in the library, which ended in their defeat in their card game. 

Yang: Ugh! We should have never let him play!

Ruby: You're just mad because the new guy beat you.

Yang, Ruby, and Weiss were heading towards their beds, but then Blake got up and headed in the opposite direction out of their dorm, trying to avoid her team. 

Ruby: See if you had just attacked when I told you none of this would have happened.

For Blake's misfortune, Weiss noticed how she tried to get away and how in the last days she acted more anti-social, more than normal.

Weiss: Stop!

Weiss stopped Blake before she could open the door.

Weiss: Lately you've been quiet, anti-social, and moody.

Yang: Uh... have you met Blake?

Weiss: Which I get, is kind of your "thing". But you've been doing it more than usual, which quite frankly, is unacceptable. You made a promise to me, to all of us, that you would let us know if something was wrong. 

The backdrop of the stage changed to white while the logo of the Schnee family was appearing behind Weiss.

Weiss: So Blake Belladonna!

Weiss made multiple flips in the air and ended up doing a perfect balance on a chair while pointing his finger at Blake.

Weiss: What! Is! Wrong!?

Ruby and Yang looked in amazement at Weiss and after a few seconds, Weiss comes down in a blink of the eye from the chair, putting it in it on it's place.

Blake: I just... I don't understand how everyone can be so calm. 

Ruby: You're still thinking about Torchwick.

Blake: Torchwick, the white fang, your brother, all of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!

Yang: Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and the huntsman-

Blake: They can arrest your brother! Besides, they don't know the white fang like I do.

The rest of the team RWBY exchange looks. Some of those looks were full of sadness at the mention of the situation of (y/n).

Weiss: Okay, between blowing up night clubs, stopping thieves, fighting for freedom, and figthing monsters, I'm sure the three of you think you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-wells...

Ruby: Uh... who?

Weiss: But let me once again be the voice of reason... We're students. We're not ready to handle this sort of situation. 

Ruby: Well, yeah, but-

Weiss: We're not ready!

Blake: *yelling* And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just gonna sit around and wait for our graduation! They're out there, somewhere, planning their next move, and the only one doing something is (y/n)!

Ruby: *taking a deep breath* Okay! All in favor of becoming the youngest huntresses to single-handedly bring down a corrupt organization conspiring angaist the kingdom of Vale and help my big bro... say "aye"!

Yang: *closing her fist* Yes! I love it when you're feisty!

Weiss: Well, I suppose it could be fun.

Ruby: *disappointed* None of you said "aye"...

Blake: Alright then... We're in this together.

Ruby: Let's hatch a plan!

Yang: Yeah!

Ruby: *gasp* I left my board game in the library!

Weiss: *shaking her head* We are doomed.

Ruby ran quickly to the library to retrieve her card game. On  other place of the city of Vale, under a highway, there was an old and abandoned textile factory. Outside the door of the factory, the silhouettes of team ARMR could be seen as they approached to enter inside the factory.

Martel: It's been a long time since we didn't use this hiding place.

Dolcetto: I wonder if my collection of albums is still there?

(y/n): That doesn't matter. For now install your things and rest, because tomorrow will be our turn to return them the favor.

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