Refuge on Remnant

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the very first episode of RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! So, to recap, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN TRANSFORMERS!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Transformers is owned by Hasbro Studios and Polygon Pictures. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET'S REVV UP, AND ROLE OUT!!!!!

(Flashback; 2 years ago) 

Narrator's POV:

It has been many cybertronian years later after Cybertron has been rebuilt to its former glory, back to its same Golden Age by the autobots. Things were going extremely well as Optimus Prime himself had allowed one 15-year old boy by the name of (F/n) (L/n) to start his new research on Project Predacon, but this time, he gets to do it himself. It's a big project, for one human to do, huh? Yeah, it was. But that was two years ago when Prime wanted him on the task. At the same two years ago, this boy, by the name of (F/n) (L/n), was halfway into completing one of the Predacons that he called him, Grimwing. However, he was experiencing some 'human'-like 'cybertronian' difficulties.

(F/n)'s POV:

(F/n): Man!!! These bones are huge.... and heavy at the same time. (Struggling to pull a single bone into a huge warship that I hijacked before) come on.... who's gonna come help me with all these bones I have to colle- whoa!

Just as you were about to lay down to rest, someone, somebot, somecon or something lifted the bone that you were dragging back to the warship at ease and stared at you. When you looked at it, it turns out to be a predacon, not just any predacon but, The King of the Predacons, Predaking.

(A/N: Predaking.)

(F/n): hmmm... from the looks of things and how emotionless you are, you have questions on why I'm carrying that now do you?

Predaking: As a matter a fact, Yes! I do have questions like that, squish boy! Why are you dessecrating my legion?!

(F/n): Well, you see--


As you knew by the Big 'O', Predaking is the King of all Predacons, he's tough, he's swift and almighty powerful of all levels. And on top of that, he defeated Optimus Prime and Megatron (nearly) in battle. That was what amazed you the most. During your training of thought, Predaking shook the bone you were carrying. Your fingers slipped off from the bone due to the shaking and you fell onto the ground hard from your rump.

(F/n): OW! Hey! I was holding that!!

Predaking: Well, not anymore! So, go home to your wretched planet where you belong!

As Predaking walked away, you said your final words to him, saying:

(F/n): Okay, suit yourself. If you don't want my help resurrecting your legion, it's FINE BY ME.

Predaking: (while walking away) I don't need your help resu--

As Predaking was about to finish his words, the word 'resurrect' dawned into his mind. And in short time due to one word, he immediately walked back to you.

Predaking: Wait! Resurrect my Legion?! How?

(F/n): I've been scavenging for resources. Looks like I have everything in my warship, ready to be used to increase your legion... No! "OUR" legion in style, strength, speed and the brains. You can thank the autobots for that.

Predaking: If you said you have everything you need, I assume you have what Megatron said that was, "Cyber-Nuclaid Acid"?

(F/n): All to its disposal to bring back our legion. And by right, two of your little friends should be ready. If you know Skylynx and Darksteel.

Predaking: What?! They were disposed off?!

(F/n): Yes. By the decepticon named, Starscream.

Predaking: (in rage) HIISSSSSSSSSS!!!!

(F/n): (raises my hand) But don't worry. He is now in stasis, after what he did back on Earth. So, you need not fear about that, Predaking.

After assuring Predaking that he needed not to worry about Starscream, you then notice him going into a sense of thought for a moment, until he questioned you once again.

Predaking: Hmmm... why should I trust you? After a long while, you will be just like Megatron, to dispose of us!

(F/n): Too much in your thoughts I see? Well, allow me to reassure you. I'm not like Megatron or any other Decepticon who gave you the wounds you have now, I'm just a teenage boy who is fulfilling a life-long dream on leading a legion with someone. Apparently my luck has turned for the better when you are around, which is why I am offering you a little job.

Predaking's POV:

Although he may not be Megatron, I still do not trust him. But, if I want to join him on his good side, I thought maybe he can prove it to me. This gave me an idea to join him, to see if he is heeding his words that he said.

Predaking: Alright then, human! What do you propose?

(F/n): Okay. first, to introduce myself, my name is (F/n), (F/n) (L/n).

Predaking: Okay. Predaking is my name, if you are asking.

(F/n): Now, what I'm proposing is this. You help me bring all the Predacon bones of your legion to the warship. You, Skylynx, Darksteel and I will work together to mend back your dead brethren, bring them back to life and other stuff to your expectations. If you heed my requirements, I will no doubt, give you something that no Predacon has recieved ever before.

When the human named, (F/n) said give me and my brethren something that we have not recieved in history, I began to grow wary.

Predaking: And that would be?!

Inside the Warship,


Darksteel: Then hold it steady!!

Both Darksteel and Skylynx are placing something down inside the warship as we passed.

(A/N: Skylynx.)

(A/N: Darksteel.)

Predaking: Looks like you had them busy?

(F/n): Yes, I have to... do some changes in this place as it is... dark here.

Predaking: Interesting.

As (F/n) and I made a right turn to the Vault room, I was shocked to not only see some of the relics, but one relic in particular that I destroyed once.

(A/N: Forge of Solus Prime. Exclude Bulkhead wielding it.)

Predaking: THE FORGE OF SOLUS PRIME?! How in Megatron's pistons were you were able to repair it?!

(F/n): Oh, I have my ways, King of Predacons, and the other relics will be yours and your legion when we succeed. You and I can rule the earth, with the humans peacefully, together.

Predaking: Humans?!

(F/n): Yes. We wish to show the people of earth that your species can be a species of peace. That your brethren can help others to serve purpose to help them keep the peace itself. Remember, I'm not like Megatron, and I will never be like him. So what do you say, Predaking? I will be your King, and you will be their king? (Offers a hand)

After what the human said to me, I was astonished to hear that he will reward us, if our mission is successful. This has convinced me more than Megatron convinced me once. So, I decided:

Predaking: Hmmmm.... Very well, I shall join you on your quest, Lord (Y/n). (Returns by using my finger to shake (F/n)'s hand)

(F/n): Okay, what's with the "Lord" stuff? I'm not your Lord.

Predaking: You are! Back in my time with Megatron, I always address him as, Lord Megatron. So, I want to imply the same terms to my new master, Lord (Y/n).

(F/n): (sighs) Okay. You can call me that. But, you may call me (F/n) (L/n) as well, Predaking, King of all Predacons.

Predaking: It will be done! I will grab all the bones of my fallen brethren to the warship.

(Flashback ends: Present time)

(In the Warship, in space making our way to earth)

(F/n)'s POV:

After thinking about the past, you are now come to think about how to find a place on earth to hide your warship, even if the warship is equipped with a Cloaking device so that no man can see it. Several minutes later, your train of thought was interrupted by Predaking walking towards you.

Predaking: Lord (F/n).

(F/n): (looks up to him) Yes, Predaking?

Predaking: I just want you to know that, I thank you, for what you did 2 years ago. You are the only human of earth that has ever neigotiated with a predacon to co-exist with a human planet, your planet.

(F/n): Well Predaking, like I told you before, we want to show people of earth that you and your predacons can co-exist with their world, my world. And you all can be their line of defense to protect them. I know it is hard to cope but, once you get the hang of it, I'm sure you and your predacon army will be praised by them.

Predaking: (nods) Believe me, I have doubts about you. But now that you have proven that you are not like him, I will always be at your side.

(F/n): Thank you, Predaking. And do remember now, I am not like Mega--

Hun-gurr: Lord Shadow! Predaking! We have an unknown Space Bridge Portal that just opened in front of us!

(F/n): --tron.

Both you and Predaking went to the front of the bridge, seeing a portal in front of your warship.

Predaking: Where does it take us to? Earth?

(F/n): I'm not sure. But whatever it is, it will be our refuge. (Looks up at Predaking)

Predaking: (nods and looks at Hun-gurr) Hun-gurr, ensure you have the navigators online, and ensure our cloak shields are online as well!

Hun-gurr: With pleasure. 

Hun-gurr began pressing buttons in a fast rate to activate navigator systems and cloak shields so that we won't be seen. While he is into it, the warship entered the portal.


At Remnant,

Ruby's POV:

It was getting dark that me and my team got ready for bed after all our classes that we have to bare.

Me: Alright, now let's head off to bed.

Weiss: I... should really keep studying.

Yang: (bored) Boooorinnngg!

Blake: Weiss, I think we should sleep for the night, as after all, tomorrow is going to be Glynda's class, early in the morning.

Weiss: Blake, first of, don't think I don't know that. And second, you all can sleep first while I---

Me: Guys.... What's up there?

W/B/Y: Huh?

My team looked outside at the clear blue sky, seeing that there is nothing outside.

Yang: Nah, probbably just a Nevermore flying around the Emerald Forest.

Blake: Yeah.

Me: But, I saw a blue portal, opening and closing!

Weiss: (telling her that she is daydreaming) Ruby, you're daydreaming. Portals can't appear in the sky and they don't kind of... exist.

Me: Aaaaaawwww.....


(F/n)'s POV:

After entering out from the portal, your warship, cloaked with a cloak shield, was flying high above a city.

(F/n): Darksteel! Status report!

Darksteel: Lord Shadow, it appears we have reached a different planet, just like earth, but different.

(F/n): What's the planet's name?

Darksteel: According to our databanks, we've arrived at Remnant, my leash.

(F/n): I see. Maybe we can use this as our refuge as well.

Darksteel: My leash, there is more to it. This earth has nasty creatures called, Creatures of Grimm. There are also four Kingdoms known as Vale, Atlas, Mistral and Vacuo. In these four Kingdoms, they have four specific huntsmen academies. The Kingdom we are at now is the Kingdom of Vale and the huntsmen academy here is called, Beacon.

(F/n): Beacon? How intriguing. Is there anymore of the.... secrecy stuff this earth has to offer?

Darksteel: Hang on. (Looking for sufficient data on what I meant.) Yes. We have four special relics. One of which is in Beacon now. And- Oh!

Predaking: What is it?

Skylynx: (on comms as well) It seems that we found traces of Iacon relics here as well, including most of our legion, Lord (F/n) and "Preda-tor King" (Chuckling) see what i did there? (Chuckling)

Predaking: Very Funny Skylynx!

(F/n): Relics and more bones of our brethren eh? Interesting. (Being extra serious and curious) Alright, Skylynx jokes aside, DarkSteel, Hun-gurr, land us somewhere around Vale and we will proceed from there.

Hun-gurr: My leash, there is a forest called, Emerald Forest. We can take refuge there while expanding our numbers.

(F/n): Excellent. We can go to the outskirts of the Emerald Forest then. Now, proceed!

The warship began to make its way to the outskirts of the Emerald Forest where your we will take refuge there. While descending to the coordinates that Hun-gurr pointed out, Predaking spotted a few buildings.

Predaking: Hmmmm... Lord (F/n)! There are buildings near our coodinates!

(Y/n): Interesting. Darksteel, intel.

Darksteel's POV:

I began to look into the files of that city near our coodinates of our descend. When I found what I needed in a certain file, I was in deep shock as to see the savagry and the ruins the city is in now.

Me: Uuuhh... my leash. We have a major problem....

(F/n): What is it?

Me: The files said that this abandoned city or ruins is stated at a mountain called Mountain Glenn. According to the records that the warship has offered us, it says that this city is an expansion of Vale. However, it was overrun by Grimm and was fenced off from the rest of the kingdoms. It is also one of the kingdom's most greatest failures in history of remnant to what it said in the files I got here.

(F/n): By the primes....

Predaking: These ruins look familiar to Cybertron... back in the times of war.... 

(F/n)/Predaking: CURSE THE GRIMM TO THE PIT!!!!

Once the warship has landed, Darksteel and Skylynx were the first ones to step out of the warship and onto the floors of the outskirts of Emerald Forest, close to Mountain Glenn (A/N: Buuuut, not close enough.).

(F/n)'s POV:

You were about to enter out the warship to look around, to see what Vale and Remnant has to offer, but, as usual Skylynx and Darksteel overtook you and stopped right in front of you.

Darksteel: That's one small step for us. (Skylynx and I took a step)

Skylynx: And one, giant leap-- (Darksteel and I took a huge leap into the air and lands down to the ground, causing a minor tremor to occur for a few seconds) -- to Predacon-kind! (Laughing)

(F/n): Guys! guys! Let's not get ahead of ourselves alright. I know you all are excited but, remember what I said, we "cannot" harm the humans here a--

Dakrsteel: Even the ones with animal parts on them?

(F/n): Excuse me?

Darksteel: Files said that not only humans roam freely around kingdoms but, humans with animal ears or traits known as "faunus" roam freely around kingdoms as well.

(F/n): Hmmmm... humans and faunuses... interesting. Very interesting indeed. Very well then, let's take refuge here and scout around our new refuge. Darksteel, Skylynx! Scout around.

Skylynx/Darksteel: Yes, my leash! (Transforms into their predacon form and flies away to scout around)

(F/n): Predaking, I need you to assist me on expanding our numbers of our brethren. We must ensure that the safety of this earth relies on us even if Atlas has the firepower.

Predaking: As you wish, my leash!

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The first episode of our RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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