First Mission in Vale Begins

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the second episode of RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! So, to recap, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN TRANSFORMERS!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Transformers is owned by Hasbro Studios and Polygon Pictures. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET'S REVV UP, AND ROLE OUT!!!!!

The few days later,

(F/n)'s POV:

You and Predaking are getting ready to unleash three more new Predacons from their cansitors containing Cyber-Nuclaid Acid after settling in for a few days. While Predaking held onto the lever while you were stepping on it, you two counted down from 3 to 1.

Predaking: Three....

(F/n): Two...

Predaking: One....

(F/n): IGNITION!!!! 

The both of you then pulled the lever down with your feet and Predaking's hand-like claw and the machine began to act up a bit. Yellow electricity flowed through in and out of the wires connecting to the canistors, where the Predacons are laid. Within a few minutes later, the Predacons' eyes opened wide and they started to screech loudly.

(F/n): (gasping loudly) THEIR ALIVE!!!!

Predaking: Indeed, my leash. They are. 

Just as the both of you are witnessing our new brethren coming to life, the Cyber-Nuclaid Acid used to awaken the beasts seeps out of the canistors from below, indicating that the three predacons that we have awakened are ready for combat.

(F/n): Predaking, release them from their canistors. Allow me to orientate them.

With that, Predaking gave you a nod and released them from their canistors so that you can talk to them, and so does Predaking.

(F/n): Arise, my creations. Arise, and come to papa!

Hun-gurr: (chuckles a bit) come to papa... (chuckles getting a bit louder)

(F/n): Anyway.... I, Lord Shadow and your King (hand gesture to point on my right), Predaking shall lead you to your freedom in our new refuge here on Remnant, Skystalker, Windrazor and Ripclaw.

Ripclaw's POV:

As Skystalker, Windrazor and I, Ripclaw looked at our rulers, Skystalker and Windrazor took it okay but I was quite confused. I transformed into my robot form and asked: 

Me: Um, may I ask, Predaking, why is he leading us? A human?

Predaking: (F/n) and I made an agreement. So, from now on, you will address him as Lord (F/n).

Me: Understood, my king. All hail, (F/n)!! And all hail, Predaking!

Skystalker/Windrazor: (screeches)

(F/n): Alright. Now that intruductions are out of the way, let me start by saying that we are here for a purpose... to take refuge on Earth. But due to an unknown portal that opened out of nowhere, we have decided to co-exist on this planet called, Remnant. So, there are ground rules here on our ship, and those are our rules (using hand gesture to point at yourself and Predaking), understood?

Skystalker/Windrazor: (transforms to robot form) Understood, my leash!

Me: Yes, my leash!

(F/n): Now, rule numbe-- 

Before you could even talk about the rules of the warship, you heard two pairs of wings flapping close by our warship. When you looked back, you noticed Darksteel and Skylynx making a return trip back to the warship with relics and a box.

(F/n): Okay.... Predaking, you know the rules, maybe you could address those rules to them.

Predaking: It will be a pleasure, my leash.

(F/n): Thank you, Predaking. (Walks of towards Darksteel and Skylynz while hearing Predaking saying all the ground rules expected to be upheld inside and outside the warship)

Darksteel's POV:

Skylynx and I flew back from our scouting mission around town and the Emerald forest. It was fortunate that no one saw us flying away with our goods. And by goods, I'm referring to Iacon relics and a crate that we noticed that it kept glowing when we came towards it with the relics we found. Let's hope this will make our leash proud.

Me: Let's hope our leash is happy about the relics that we found.

Skylynx: Don't worry, Darksteel! He will be glad. But still, there is something about this crate that gives me the creeps in my grindors and pistons.

Me: Really!? How so?!

(F/n): Darksteel! Skylynx! 

Just as we heard our leash calling our names, we jumped a bit for no good reason due to the crate we brought back.

Me: Uumm... my leash! I-I-I come bearing good news.

(F/n): Good news, eh? Then I don't see why you should be afraid of failure then. Which is why I now ask, why fear me when your resolve is high?

Me: Our resolve is high, my leash! But--

Skylynx: But we've encountered a special crate (points at the crate). It kept glowing everytime when we walked towards it with the found relics we recovered.

(F/n): Is that so? Interesting. And I see you've recovered Decepticon Hunter number 1 and the Phase shifter. Well done, both of you.

Me/Skylynx: Thank you, my leash!

(F/n): Darksteel, open the crate.

I was hesitant first as to what its contents would do to our leash. But since I don't want to displease him, I scratched the crate open to reveal it's contents.


After Darksteel opened the crate, inside the crate were some skeletal parts of an animal, there are some skulls, resembling to a Dragon, blue crystals and purple crystals, and blue and black cloth, good enough to make some clothes out of it.

(F/n): Interesting. Darksteel, Skylynx! You have done well, today. As a reward for unrevealing the relics and this crate of resources that I can equip myself, you may keep these Iacon weapons for your own personal usage.

Darksteel: Wait, you're serious?!

(F/n): Yes. Like I told your king here, you will be rewarded with any Iacon relics if you do well. Haven't I told you that?

Darksteel: I-I thank you for your praise, my leash!

Skylynx: It would be a pleasure and my thanks to you, my leash!

With their thanks, they bowed in gratitude to you. You soon chuckled, saying:

(F/n): Your welcome, you two. Now remember, don't doubt yourself. Don't be hesitant unless something is wrong, ok?

Darksteel/Skylynx: Yes, my leash!

(F/n): (nods) Now, if you excuse me, I am going to do something with these resources. (Carrying the crate to the blacksmithing room) (A/N: I have specific rooms to call it. There will be throne rooms, blacksmithing room, etc. You might get the picture there).

An hour later,

Predaking was walking by, looking for you. While his search, he walked across Darksteel and Skylynx and decided to talk to them for a bit.

Predaking: Skylynx, Dakrsteel! Have you seen our leash anywhere?

Darksteel: He is at the Blacksmithing room, if you could hear the banging sound of the forge of Solus Prime.

Predaking: Hmmmm, that means he is making something. And I see you two have been rewarded.

Skylynx: Yes, my King. You see, we found these relics and a special crate and came back with them. Our leash rewarded us these relics for our successful retrieval.

Predaking: Then well done, you two.

After a while, they heard that the loud banging has stopped.

Darksteel: Looks like our leash is done.

Predaking: I can tell that! (Looks behind them)

Darksteel and Skylynx were puzzled as to why his King is looking behind them. When they turned around, they saw you, in a very different look-- (The armour areas are replaced Grimm bones, including the shoulder armour pieces are replaced into Grimm Dragon skulls (snout of the skulls facing upwards) as shoulder pads. The red details on the clothes are purple and blue. The hood is not worn as I would be weaing a Grimm Dragon Mask.) (A/N: I LIKE Blue and purple so don't judge me!)

(A/N: This is what you look like when you've worn the clothing thatyou forged. The maskis included but I couldn't find the right dragon mask for it.) 

--I spun around 360° for the three predacons to see and ask:

(F/n): So, how do I look?

Skylynx: Not too shabby at all.

Darksteel: Very Predacon-like.

Predaking: My leash, may I ask.

(F/n): Ask ahead.

Predaking: Those relics on your back. Are those--

(F/n): Oh, these? That one on the left is the Star Saber of Primus. The one on the right is the Dark Star Saber of Unicron. The blaster behind me as well is called The Requiem Blaster. That Dark Star Saber, I have altered its behaviour with the help of the purple dust crystal.... well, that's what people call those crystals, "dust".

(A/N: Star Saber of Primus.)

(A/N: Dark Star Saber of Unicron.)

(A/N: Requiem Blaster.)

Predaking: Fasinating... (interested in my relics behind my back) You are like a humanoid dragon, if you ask me, my leash. (Complimenting)

We were all chit-chatting about for a few minutes until you returned to be serious.

(F/n): NOW!! Darksteel, on your return trip to the warship, have you seen anything unusual?

Darksteel: Unusual... the crate is the only thing and uuuuuhh.... oh right!!!

(F/n): Hmmm? (Tilting my head to my left)

Darksteel: As Skylynx and I were flying back to the warship with the crate and the relics we've, we encountered a human battle against an army of Grimm!

Skylynx: Looks like they can hold out long but how long we don't know. So, What do we do, my leash?

After hearing news that there was a fight between creatures and humans going on, you thought of what to do. Several thoughts later, you then came out with an idea.

(F/n): I have a good idea to solve this. Predaking, assume command of this warship until I return.

Predaking: As you command, my leash. (Bows)

(F/n): Skylynx! Darksteel! You are with me. I would like you to test out your relics that you found. Those humans do need the help they require to eradicate the Grimm.

Skylynx/Darksteel: Yes, my leash!

(F/n): Now, Darksteel! Skylynx! TRANSFORM, AND TAKE TO THE SKIES!!!!

Darksteel and Skylynx transformed into their dragon forms and took to the skies while you ran out of the warship and leaped from tree to tree, following the two dragons which are now flying to the location where the battle is held.

(F/n): (inner thoughts) Well, let our very first mission of predacons coexisting with the people on this planet called Remnant, Begin!

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The second episode of our RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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