The Beginning of the First Mission

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the third episode of RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! So, to recap, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN TRANSFORMERS!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Transformers is owned by Hasbro Studios and Polygon Pictures. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET'S REVV UP, AND ROLE OUT!!!!!

Ruby's POV:

I felt relieved that Pyrrha managed to join the group as fast as she could after being chased by a Deathstalker. After reaching us, Yang said something either in sarcasm or for reals.

Yang: Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!

Me: Not if I can help it! (sounds a battle cry and rushes towards the Grimm)

Yang: Ruby, wait!

I, still screaming, fires Crescent Rose and charges at the oncoming Death Stalker. When the we met, the Grimm swiped me away and I am knocked back.

Me: (getting up slowly) D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!

After stating that I'm fine, I turned back to the monster and shoots it in the skull, running away from it and sheathing my scythe at the same time as the Death Stalker now goes after me.

Ruby: Oh no....

Yang: (running forward) Ruby!

I rushed towards Yang, but the Nevermore caws above us, flapping its wings and releasing lines of sharpened feathers with points that catches on my cape, preventing Yang from reaching me.

Yang: Ruby, get out of there!

Me: (struggling with my cloak) I'm trying!

The Death Stalker approaches, raising its golden stinger above me and heading down on me.

Yang: (reaching out in vain) Ruby!

(Y/n)'s POV:

After leaping from several trees for a couple of minutes, you finally reached to the location where Skylynx and Darksteel said that the battle was held. While looking at the battle between eight teens and an army of grimm, you soon noticed a girl with a red cloak, stuck due to the huge feather. When you saw that she is about to get stung and killed by a huge scorpion, you were worried about what is going to happen if no one takes action, and fast.

(Y/n): (inner thoughts) Oh man, oh man, oh man! What should I do!? A huge scorpion, heavily armoured with skeletal pieces... huge stingers and really powerful pincers. Come on, (Y/n). You're Lord (Y/n), Ruler of the Predacons, what would you do whe--- (looking back at the two sabers and my blaster behind me) Oooooohhhh... right!

With no time taken, you disappeared from the branch, readying to strike immediately.

Back to Ruby's POV:

I was in fear when the Deathstalker's golden stinger was coming down on me until I heard someone blocking its attack. When I opened my eyes and lowered my arms from their futile position over my head as I stared at my savior.
My savior was donning black clothes, with blue and purple dust crystals embedded into its clothing. When I looked up to his eye-length, I noticed it was covered by a grimm mask, a very different Grimm mask, with two more similar masks covering his shoulders as armour. Whoever this guy is, he is extremely strong to block the Deathstalker's attacks by using his huge sabers. Wait!! Huge sabers?!

Me: Uuuummm... who... are you?

When I asked that question, the Grimm-masked guy turned to me, saying--

???: My name is non of your concern for now, pretty rose. So, wait up for just a little will you, I'm just gonna get rid of this first, then free you, then deal with the Grimm army for you.

When he said "pretty rose" to me, I suddenly blushed out of the blue. Like, how does he know I like roses? How is he going to take down that army on his own.

(Y/n)'s POV:

After talking to her, you turned back to the creature, while blocking its stinger by your sabers. You smirked at it and let out some of you Sabers' power which made the huge scorpion stagger back a few feet away from you. While the scorpion was staggering, two of your sabers started to glow, and so does your clothes, masks and some of its armour parts, and with no hesitation, you did a double slash at the scorpion which made it disappear out of sight, while turning it to ashes. 

Your double slash still trailing while killing some of the Grimm in sight until it hits the tree, cutting it down in half. Your attack and your aura level shocked the huntsmen and Huntresses in-training as they never seen someone used that extreme amount of power before.

Weiss: I don't believe this!! He cleaved a section of the horde of grimm, a deathstalker and a tree in one slash of his weapons.

Ren: Not just one slash, but two slashes

Yang: Whoever he is, he's extremely strong, for a guy in that size~

Blake: I don't see the point in this. Look at what he is wearing. (Looking at the Grimm mask he is wearing)

Weiss: Hey! Is he from the White Fang?!

Yang: Easy there. We never seen him before.

Weiss: yeah but still!

While seeing them squabbling, you walked over to little-red and grabbed the feather that held Ruby in place with her cloak and ripped it off, throwing the feather at one side, freeing her.

(Y/n): Are you okay? (Offers a hand)

Ruby: I'm-I'm fine, thanks. (Grabs his hand and held me up)

(Y/n): So, have a name, Kid?

Ruby: Uuumm... Ruby.... Ruby... Rose.

(Y/n): Ruby Rose? Well, like the outfit. Love the eyes, they all suit you.

Ruby: Uuuuhh-uuuuhhh.... uuuuuuhh... th-th-th-thank you...

Before you could introduce myself, you heard a loud growl and looked towards another direction, looking at the Grimm army still looking at the both of you, figuring out when to stirke.

(Y/n): Ruby, you go back to your group and get out of here. Now! I can take them.

Ruby: Wait, you can take them? (Feeling worried for him) how?

(Y/n): Well, if you want to be the audience, you may now. But please, let those that are suited for the task to take the lead. SKYLYNX!! DARKSTEEL!!

Ruby's POV:

When he called out two names, I was puzzled as to who he was calling for. After a short second later, my question was answered when two mechanized dragons landed in between us. The one on the left looked like a Griffon-like dragon and the one on the right looked more like a... dragon. I giggled to myself to my remark i made about these two awesome dragons.

Me: (softly) wow...


I heard him, ordering his dragons as he wields some kind of Blaster from his back as they charged forward to oppose the army of Grimm in front of us.

Me: What!? Wait! What are you doing?! You can't just take them head on like that!!

Meanwhile at the group, everyone was shocked to see that a person with a huge blaster with two dragons charging in with no plan.

Weiss: Is he insane?!

Blake: No one can take an army on his or... well, their own!!

Nora: He's got guts. Yet he's nuts!

(Y/n)'s POV:

Skylynx, Darksteel and yourself are charging towards the army of Grimm, and the Grimm were charging at us. However, there are somethings that we have that those Grimm charging at us don't have, and that's firepower. Skylynx and Darksteel blasted fireballs out from their mouths, while you shot a several rounds from your requiem blaster, leading the Grimm to disappear in thin-air.

(Y/n): (Inner thoughts) Well, the Grimm are decreasing in numbers now. (Speaking up) Skylynx, Darksteel, keep up the pace! We are making progress!!

Darksteel and Skylynx then charged their firepower from their throats and fires a laser beam with a combination of fire to add its effect. 

A few minutes later,

After the forest is cleared out from Grimm, all there is left to do is to take out the big guns, flying up in the sky.

(Y/n): Well, isn't that nice? "Big Bird" wants to play, in a different way. HEY YOU!!!!!

The huge bird flying up in the sky, looks down and caws to get its attention and your attention and my Predacon comrades attention.

(Y/n): You may be big, but there is an old saying, the bigger they are, the harder they fall!! Which leads you to a great big disadvantage!! Now, allow me to introduce to you, my servants, Darksteel and Skylynx (points swords at each of my sides to introduce) and these ultimste relics that you see before you, are the Star Saber of Primus, the Dark Star Saber of Unicron, and the Ultimate Requiem Blaster! SLAYER OF ALL GRIMM IF YOU WOULD!!!

The huge bird then caws even louder and charges towards you and your comrades in the air. Just as it was about to fly into you three, you shout your last command.


Skylynx and Darksteel charged up their flames while you concentrated your power into your blaster. Just as you all have fully charged your attacks, your Predacon comrades blasted the huge bird in the face when it was about to open its mouth to eat you. Just as the huge bird was about to get tooclose to you and eat you, your Requiem Blaster is now fully charged beyond Max. Level as you fired it through the bird's mouth, causing it to be cut in half and to disappear, much to everyone's shock. After that intensive battle, you, Skylynx and Darksteel nodded to each other to tell ourselves that our first mission is completed.

(Y/n): Predacons, our first mission has been completed!

After Skylynx and Darksteel heard the good news of your first mission, they roared to celebrate their first victory on their firdt mission. 

(Y/n): Now, TAKE TO THE SKIES AND BACK TO THE WARSHIP!! (Hand gestures to point at the forest)

The two dragons roared again and flapped their wings to fly off back to the warship. Just as you were about to leave, returning back to the warship, you are suddenly stopped by the group behind you, asking you questions.

Blake POV:

The whole group, including myself to be part of the group ran over to Ruby to ensure that she is alright. I was glad that she was fine after what the boy did to protect her from the Grimm. But what I don't understand was, why is he, a White Fang Member, helping students of Beacon academy. So, in determination, I stood forward and stopped him.

Me: STOP!!

After I told him to stop, he stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me.

Me: Who are you, or what are you?! Are you afilliating with the White Fang?! Are you taking advantage of people which turns out you will harm then in time?!

Awkward silence...

I was waiting for an answer from him. After a while, I realized that I had enough of waiting and decided to speak up again, but this time, the boy spoke.

???: Human questions, I see. Well, No. My afilliations are with no one, and NOT with the White Fang.

Me: Then why the mask?!

???: To represent the true kind of what these dragons you see before you, are. A ruler of its ranks if you would. Now, I shall take my leave. 

He turns around and left us behind. I was reluctant to ask him more questions but, due to his speed, he disappeared in a nick of a second.

Me: ugh....

Back at the warship....

Back to (Y/n)'s POV: 

You returned to the warship, catching up with Skylynx and Darksteel who has landed, entering into the hangar. When Predaking saw you, he walked over towards you.

Predaking: My leash! Are you alright?!

(Y/n): Never been better actually. So, how are the new recruits?

Predaking: They are doing quite well, my leash. One just got back from his mission to uncover the remains of our fallen brethren.

(Y/n): I see. Tell him or her, good job.

Predaking: Understood, my leash.

(Y/n): HUN-GURR!!

Hun-gurr heard you calling for him, and walked towards you in his robot form.

Hun-gurr: Yes, my leash?

(Y/n): I want you to research for me this. 'The White Fang'. After you found some detail on it, let me know.

Hun-gurr: As you wish, my leash. (Rushes off to grab intel on the subject)

(Y/n): hmmmm, The White Fang? What an interesting topic, this is. (Crossing my arms in curiousity)


At Beacon Academy,

Ruby's POV:

It was close to nighttime when Jaune's Team and my team were called to Professor Ozpin's office to see Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch after what happened today. After my team and I spilled out every information about our mystery person and those two dragons, this made me excited and this made Ozpin very curious as well.

Ozpin: Two Mechanized Dragons? Interesting.

Me: Yeah, exactly.

Yang: He and his dragons took out a Grimm army within just a few minutes with no trouble at all.

Weiss: And the fact matter is, he holds these two huge sabers and a blaster which he calls themmmm... uuuuhh...

Blake: (tilting her head over to Weiss) The Requiem Blaster, Star Saber and Dark Star Saber.

Weiss: Precisely! The Requiem Blaster, The Star Saber and The Dark Star Saber. He stated that they are the Ultimate Relics in history.... and he also said they slay Grimm as well right? (Confused while turning to Ruby, Blake and Yang)

Yang: Yeah. He said those relics are "Slayer of Grimm, if you would!!"(trying to imitate the boy's voice and body language). Yeah, Weiss is correct at that point.

Jaune: Whoever he is, he is somehow controlling those dragons.

Nora: Dragons exists?? (Asking a question that made everyone to look at her)

Glynda: Ultimate relics that can destroy Grimm and that can cleave a Deathstalker and a Nevermore with one slash... (looks at Ozpin)

Ozpin: Two slashes actually, due to the fact he used two Star Sabers. Interesting. (Startingto feel intrigued and curious about the boy) Does he afilliate with anyone?

Blake: So far, I asked him if he works with the White Fang, he replied it as a "no".

Me: Actually, I got a peak on where he went after cleaving all of the Grimm. He went to where Mountain Glenn is. I think that's where he came from, to the direction he went to. Probably, he has refuge there that we didn't know off...

Ozpin: Hmmm...

Glynda: Professor Ozpin?

Ozpin: I'm alright, Glynda. Thank you for your concern. And thank you, for telling me info about this boy and his dragons. I will see to this matter once we are ready. You may leave now, RWBY. Thank you for your time.

Me: Anytime.

Ozpin: And, RWBY, JNPR. (Team RWBY looks back to Ozpin and Glynda) Please, keep this matter as discreet as possible.

Me: Yes sir. 

Jaune: Yes, sir.

The rest of Team RWBY and JNPR nod their heads then enters the lift and the lift begins to descend after its doors closed shut.

Glynda: Do you think they came from the portal we saw last night?

Ozpin: I don't want to jump to conclusions but, yes, I'm afraid so.

Glynda's eyes widened upon hearing what Ozpin has to say.

Glynda: So, what now?

Ozpin: Now, we wait till tomorrow when we meet him. As of now till then, we have to wait to see if they strike.

Neither do they know that there is something spying on them in the office, getting info on what is going to happen tomorrow. Once the data is complete, the mysterious lifeform scurried out of the office at a fast pace.

(A/N: Robot Dragon. He is small-sized for now. A size that can be turned into a Gauntlet.)

At the warship,

(Y/n)'s POV:

You were starting to get bored looking out at the view of Mountain Glenn at the bridge of the warship. Yes, it is a good view at night but, what is there to do in your free time now. Until, something dawned upon you about your clothes.

(Y/n): Hmmmm... my clothes lit up when I attacked the Grimm with my sabers and my Blaster (looking at the clothes I am wearing)... but, there must be more than that came from, is it?

You are now looking at your clothes with armour pieces on it, to figure out what it can do as you could tell that there is much more that these clothes had to offer. That was when you heard someone walking close towards you.

(Y/n): (without looking) Ripclaw, what is it that you need to report?

Ripclaw's POV:

I was shocked to hear that my leash knows that I am nearby after calling out my name, as after all, I need to report to him on something. So, I replied:

Me: Umm, my leash,... yes, I do have something to report but...

With hesitations filling through him, I stepped up to calm him down.

(Y/n): Calm down, Ripclaw. I know it is our first time seeing eye-to-eye after I awakened you but, have no fear, I can listen to your problems when you are ready. So, take your time, as after all, it's not getting late at night now, now is there.

Me: (breathes in and out slowly to calm down) Okay. My leash, well, thanks for your concern for me. No problems, just came back from a run that's all. I'm here to show you this. I stumbled upon them while I was making my runs around our territory, my leash... well, to guard the place as well too from Grimm.

(Y/n): Really? Show me.

Me: Sure.

I then displayed two similar bones in front of him. These bones that I have collected, have two identical jaws.

Me: Two jaws of the similar predacon. Interesting right?

(Y/n): Yes. Now, let us see what these two fossils have to offer.

Just as I was about to speak, my leash's clothes suddenly glowed blue and purple outlines. Then out of the blue, he shot out lasers from his hands, but neither do I know that it gave him a purpose. So, when I looked at the pieces I uncovered, I noticed it rebuilding back on its own.

Me: Is it, reanimating?

(Y/n): (puts down my hands to stop the flow of energy coming out from them) No. I simply regenerated their skull-like bone structure... and it appears that you have uncovered another two-headed beast, which is a bonus.

Me: Whoa...

I was shocked to see that the bones I found was a two-headed beast, it is usually hard to find when both heads are separated but... well, lucky me, I thought.

(Y/n): You have done well, uncovering these bones, Ripclaw. Now, transform and show me your tail.

Me: Wait, what?! Why?

(Y/n): You shall see.

I was quite nervous and decided to go on with it. I transformed into my Predacon form and gave my leash my tail.

(Y/n): Now, let us... begin. (Clothes glowing again at the outline areas)

(Y/n)'s POV:

Once your clothes glow brighter, your hands emit out lasers again, but this time, it created something for Ripclaw to use as a weapon in robot and predacon form. Once the process was finished, you lowered your hands to indicate that you're done.

(Y/n): Alright, sweet claws, it's finished.

As she turned back to look at you, she looked at her tail to see some modifications and transformed into robot form.

Ripclaw: What, did you just do?

(Y/n): I added some modifications for your claw-like laser gun tail. You can say that,... hmmm... you can pry almost anything open within a pull and your shots from your tail will be very effective and yet efficient.

Ripclaw: Wow. I-I thank you, my leash.

(Y/n): No problem, Ripclaw. Resume your duties then.

As soon as our conversation is finally finished, Ripclaw left you behind in the bridge, probably going to test her weapon with her new modifications you made for her.

(Y/n): (sighs) Ripclaw, you are always loyal to your brethren... but yes, you have the right to be nervous when a human is around. But in time, you will be at ease. Well, looks like I have to thank Hun-gurr about the data I got from Atlas tech and its dust coorperations via the ship's databanks.

As you were about to leave your post to rest, the same creature that was in Ozpin's office scurried towards your.

(Y/n): Ah, you're back... and fast.

The Creature then transforms into a gauntlet and inserts itself onto your right arm.

(A/N: This is the gauntlet that the Dragon, that was in Beacon Tower, will transform into. Replace the red into White. Leave some red behind for details. And do know that it is not severly damaged like the one in the picture.) 

(Y/n): Now, let us see what you have... (tapping on buttons, and a screen shows 2 teachers and 8 teens talking about me and my legion)

A few minutes later after getting info,

(Y/n): So, they want to seek audience with me? Interesting. Well, we must get our legion to prepare for their coming. (I pressed the P.A system on the ship and called all the Predacons) PREDACONS!!!! ASSEMBLE TO THE BRIDGE!!! I have an announcement to make, regarding our visitors!

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The third episode of our RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lightened up! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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