The meeting

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Hey everyone, and WELCOME to the fourth episode of RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! So, just to recap, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN TRANSFORMERS!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Transformers is owned by Hasbro Studios and Polygon Pictures. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET'S REVV UP, AND ROLE OUT!!!!!

Your POV:

It was late at night in the kingdom of Vale, a nice peaceful night. The alleyways, the roads, the houses and buildings, all quiet. At Beacon Academy, everyone is fast asleep for tomorrows class. However, at your side, you are still trying to figure out what your clothes and your weapons can do in your warship.

At the Training Room of the Warship, are using your powers to create things from damaged weaponry and what you did turned out pretty well than you've expected it to be as you looked at the newly improved Turret that was damamged which is now fully repaired and improved by your powers.

(F/n): hmmm... Since I have the power to create stuff, I may have also have the power to destroy things. Like.... (I thought for a second while staring at a badly damaged weapon) well, well, well, well, well.

Just as you are about to charge up your dark powers, Predaking and his followers suddenly entered into the Training room. You calmed yourself and withdrew your attack.

Predaking: My leash, you summoned us?

(F/n): Yes, I have.

Skylynx: Did something happen? LET ME AT'EM!!!

(F/n): No, no, Skylynx, nothing happened. I'm just here to give you an announcement.

All the Predacons looked at Skylynx.

Skylynx: Continue?

(F/n): (I raised my hand up to gesture them to cease the aggression) Now, now. He's got the right to be curious as some of my kind will be coming here tomorrow.

Everyone are shocked to hear it, especially Predaking.

Predaking: You mean, someone spotted us?!

(F/n): No. Our little Predacon friend was spying on our little human friends and it appears that... it has done well. (Raise my right arm where my gauntlet is)

Ripclaw: What do they want from us?!

(F/n): Now, now everyone. Didn't you forget we are comemorating an alliance with them? Remember?

With that, everyone... well, almost everyone forgotten about it and they were dumbstruck.

All (except Skylynx, Darksteel, Predaking and Hun-gurr): Oooooohh....

Ripclaw: Sorry.

(F/n): Need not worry. Which is why, I need this warship to be tidied up for them to see and I want to make sure they feel welcome, you understand that, my legion?


(F/n): Good. Now, let's Rev. Up! And get started.


Ruby's POV:

It was early afternoon and we just finished our lessons for today. My Team and JNPR were about to head to the cafeteria to have lunch until....

(Ruby's scroll and Jaune's scroll started to ring)

Me: Hmmm...

Jaune: Ruby, (picks up scroll) it's Oz.

Me: (picks up)

Ozpin (message via scroll): Meet us at the school grounds after your lessons today.

Jaune: I wonder why?

Me: Well, whatever it is, let's get ready!

We went into our own dorms to get out of our uniforms and into our combat clothes to set off to where Ozpin wants us to meet him at.

Outside the school grounds

We noticed there's a Bullhead ready to take off, followed by Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch on board already. Something tells me that we will be tracking someone or something.

Me: Ummm, Professor? What's going on?

Professor Ozpin was quiet at first until he spoke up.

Ozpin: You will see, Miss Rose. Get on, time is off the essence.

So, with no further questions, my team and Team JNPR went on board the Bullhead and it then flew off.

Yang: Wonder where he is taking us?

Pyrhaa: Probably Mountain Glenn?

Blake: I'm... having a suspicious feeling that we might be going there to look for the same guy again.

Everyone then turned to Blake, then to Ozpin and Glynda, with shocked faces, worried that they might stumble into his territory of Mechanized Dragons.

At the warship....

Your POV:

You were getting prepared for the big meeting with this Ozpin fella and the rest of his hench people, but, it would seem that they might have lost their way, finding your warship which can't be helped as your ship's cloak shields are still on.

(y/n): Hmmmm... looks like our guests are lost in flight. SKYSTALKER!!!

Just as you called her name, a blue coloured dragon came out of nowhere to greet you.

(y/n): (Inner thoughts) Looks like there was a reason why everyone called her Skystalker. Neat.

(y/n): Anyway, fly over to where they are, don't harm their little ship... just let it follow you.

Skystalker: (nods and turns to the other direction and flew away to find my guests)

(y/n): I will be in my throne room, if you need me... or for this case, when they arrive.

And with this, you walked off, heading towards the throne room.


Ruby's POV:

Weiss, Blake, Yang, Team JNPR and I are on the Bullhead with Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch, searching the entire grounds of the forest as we are heading towards Mountain Glenn, but we found nothing in sight. I sighed.

Me: Ugh.... Where is his house, refuge or...

Nora: CASTLE!!! If he has one.

Me: Yeah... where is that?

Ozpin turned to Ruby and sighed out of frustration of no luck finding the person's refuge.

Ozpin: Well, it is highly possible that he is taking refuge somewhere that we cannot see. Even if we flyover to Mountain Glenn, it will be hard searching for him in the air, even on ground. So, ke--

Before Ozpin could finish, the pilot of the Bullhead picked up something.

Pilot: Uh, sir! We got a visual!!

As he said that, we looked outside as the doors opened. Once the Bullhead doors are fully opened, it revealed a blue, Mechanized dragon, flying in the air right beside us.

(A/N: Skystalker - Dragon form.)

Ruby: Turn it around so we can shoot it down!!!

The two teams readied their weapons. But, Ozpin grabbed Ruby's weapon, indicating to hold their ground.

Ruby: But, why?

Ozpin: If this Dragon wants us dead, it would have shot a blast, now would it?

As he said this, everyone looked at the dragon and it appears that Ozpin was right, the dragon did nothing.

Jaune: I-I think he's got a point.

The dragon then slowly descends to the ground. As Ozpin and Glynda saw this, Ozpin went to the pilot, saying:

Ozpin: Follow it.

Pilot: !!! But... sir!!

Ozpin: If this Dragon belongs to someone, i think it is trying to tell us to follow it. 

The pilot was about to think otherwise, but due to his curiousity also, he decided to go on with the flow.

Pilot: Alright. As long as i get paid for it. (A/N: Now thats mean.)

Now that was decided, the bullhead slowly descended to the ground in front of the Blue dragon. Once landed, my team and Team JNPR alighted the Bullhead with our headmasters and followed the dragon that is leading us to the person's refuge.

A few minutes later,

Weiss' POV:

We were walking for like almost about half an hour and I couldnt take it anymore.

Me: Are we there yet?! Is like 30 minutes already!

Ozpin: We're almost there, Ms. Schnee.

Just as were are about to keep walking, the blue metallic dragon suddenly stopped in its tracks, alerting everyone that they might be here. Until, they noticed a ship right in front of them.

Ruby: We're... here??

Goodwitch: I don't know.

The dragon then walked to one side, gesturing the group with its head to move into the ship.

Yang: What's it say?

Ozpin: i think its implying us to enter. So,... come along.

Ozpin's POV:

We then walked up onto the ship, whereby another dragon, but larger came up to us and led us to his leader. So, in curiosity, I asked.

(A/N: Predaking - Dragon form.)

Me: Excuse me? Is it alright if I ask, did your leader made this ship?

The dragon stopped at its tracks, and looks back at me and the group behind me. Then, out of nowhere it transformed into a humanoid robot right in front of us, and spoke.

(A/N: Predaking - Robot Form.)

???: Not build! Hijack, will be a better term for it!

To everyone's shock, Ms Valkyrie then asked.

Nora: Did a robot dragon just transform and talk at the same time???

Ruby: (looks at Nora while noding)

???: Well, you all might have numerous questions about our very existance here. My name is Predaking, and your answers you seek shall be answered when we reach the Throne room.

The Dragon, Predaking then kept walking and so we followed, having questions in our heads as to what they are doing here and why they're here. That was until Ms Schnee interuppted our train of thoughts.

Weiss: Excuse me, are you a Grimm or something? Because you don't look like the Grimm we fought before. And we didn't have any Atlas Archives about you!

Predaking: That will be answered as well. And do know... (turns back to the crowd with a slightly stern look) I AM no BEAST!!! (Turns back and keeps on walking)

Blake: I think it's best if we think about what we are going to say.

Weiss: hmph!

3rd Person's POV:

It has been a few minutes since they were walking inside the warship, and everyone is beginning to think that oing to Predaking's leader's throne room will be long until...

Predaking: Here we are.

As Ozpin and his group stopped behind the Predaking, right before them was a huge door leading to the throne room at the other side.

Predaking: This is where my work here is done. When you enter the throne room, please do know that it's quite of a... "sight-seeing" tour in there. And please be very careful if you would wish to touch them. I shall now take my leave. (Walks away from them)

Jaune: Sight-seeing?

Weiss: What could be sight-seeing about a single throne room?!

Ruby: Only one way to find out, guys.

Glynda: Professor Ozpin?

Ozpin: Nothing. I'm just trying to compose my self. Come now, students. 

As we walked closer to the door, the door then automatically opened at a fast rate, revealing not just a throne in front of them, but a bunch of huge weapons and small replicas that they never seen before.

Ruby's POV:

I was so shocked to see some cool and awesome weapons that we never seen before. This made me scream out of my lungs.

Me: This . Is . AWESOME!!!!! Guys!! Look at all the weapons!!!

Jaune: ... (eyes widened) wow.

Nora: Wwoooo~ I like that gold hammer over there!! (Points at the huge and a miniture version of the hammer)

Ren: How did one get to have so many of these unknown weapons that we never seen before??

Weiss: Atlas has never seen these weapons or made them before!

Ozpin: (Glynda and I are looking at the students) Now, Now children. Yes, it is a sight-seeing tour here, but right now, we are here to talk to someone.

Me: Oh, right... sorry.

We then went on our way in front of the throne room, whereas for Nora, she went somewhere else. As we reached to the bottom steps of the huge throne, we heard some fast-paced footsteps behind us. As we looked back, we saw Nora holding the hammer that she was pointing at.

Pyrrha: Nora!

Me: What are you doing?!

Nora: Guys!! This hammer suits me don't you think!!??

Everyone saw her enjoying herself swinging the hammer she found on the podium until when she whammed it onto the ground, causing a dent on the floor to form while causing us to fly in different directions, getting shocked at the same time, except for Ms Goodwitch and Ozpin as they dodged the attack. Nora was shocked at this power the hammer she was using and felt bad, yet overjoyed.

Nora: Sorry... but look at how much power this hammer has in it!!

???: (Echoing around its surroundings): Heheheh~~ I see you are enjoying the relics I have on my podium, including the miniture ones I made for my use as well.

Everyone then stood still while Nora just dropped the hammer until another huge dent was created on the floor.

???: Heheh. Don't worry about those. I will take care of it later. 

I have no idea where that guy was talking from. So, I asked.

Me: Ummm, who... are you???

???: Human questions as always. Give me a moment, if you don't mind.

Your POV:

As everyone is waiting, you simply came out from nowhere as you reappeared to reveal the same old self from last time.

(y/n): Hello, Ms. Rose.

Ruby: You.

(y/n): Well, this seems.... overwhelming, to see you all as guests. And to you, a headmaster, Professor Ozpin and a huntress and a right-hand of the headmaster, Glynda Goodwitch, true honor. (Bows my head)

Ozpin: The honor is mine.

Glynda: An honor. But, I must know, how do you know us?

(y/n): Oh, this warship gave me some data about this kingdom so, shouldn't be a problem.

Ozpin: I see. (Very ammused)

Just as you finished talking, you disappeared again, but this time, into the ground.

Weiss: Where did he go?!

Ren: Is that his semblance? Going through walls and the ground?

Ruby: That is... hard to tell as I--

(y/n): Well, that's not my what you said, "semblance".

This shocked everyone, including Ruby as you are now right behind of Ruby and in front of the crowd without them knowing you were actually there.

Weiss: How did you even get there?!

(y/n): (removing something from my wrist to deactivate it) Phase Shifter. There are plenty of them around. Saves lives, allows you to go through anything, essetra. 

(A/N: Phase Shifter.)

You threw the Phase Shifter at an empty Podium with the huge-sized Phase Shifter is at and it somehow magnetized itself on the Podium.

(y/n): So, I assume you are not just here to seek my audience is it?

As you noticed this, this Ozpin person looking so calm at this matter as he started.

Ozpin: Well, as a matter of fact yes. We're here to get answers as my students here has questions in their heads.

(y/n): Really? Well, this is astonishing as I love questions. So, ask away, but, one-by-one if you don't mind.

So, you waited for someone to answer our questions until a ginger-hair girl raised her hand.

(y/n): Ah, you. (Points at her)

Nora: Name's Nora, aaaaand what's this I'm holding?

(y/n): Excellent question, like the previous when we first met. Well you see, that hammer, is the Forge of Solus Prime. You can fight with it, and you can create things from it. Like for example, raw metal, when you use the forge on it, you can create any armor or weapon you wish to have.

(A/N: Forge of Solus Prime. Exclude Bulkhead in the scene.)

Weiss: Does that include dust too?

(y/n): (looks at Weiss due to that interesting question) Well, I've tried that on my clothes that you all are seeing now so, yes.

Weiss: (Inner thoughts) wow.

Ruby: (raises hand)

(y/n): Yes?

Ruby: How did you wield those two sabers?!

This caught you off guard as after all, everyone saw you how you wield these huge swords.

(y/n): Well, when you're as powerful as a Prime, you can actually wield them.

Yang: So, that means you're a "Prime", right?

(y/n): No. I got to wield them due to a special pardon from my Ol' friend, Optimus Prime.

Yang: Whoa... I bet he's strong and good looking.

(y/n): You can say that... but don't get any bright ideas.

Yang: Ooooooooohh.....

(y/n): (noticed someone raising up his hand) You?

Jaune: How did you do that??

(y/n): Do what??

Jaune: Cleave a Deathstalker, Grimm army and a Nevermore in half!!

(y/n): Well, if you concentrate your powers into your sword and empty your mind, you will get a perfect slash like the last time.

Jaune: Wow.

Ren: Ummm, (raises hand) excuse me?

(y/n): Yes?

Ren: What semblance do you have?

(y/n): Well, hate to break it to you but considering it is an answer... That is uncertain as I don't know what it is, yet.

Ren: Oh. I see.

(y/n): And you, faunus girl. I have searched your question already, and... I apologise on what you went through all the years.

Blake: Oh,... it's okay. Hey! How did you know I was used to be part of the White Fang without asking another question?

(y/n): Data, Faunus Girl. I've looked into one of the files on the Warship's Databanks and one of them showed you in it.

Ren: (raises his hand again)

(y/n): Yes again?

Ren: You got all the details from here itself??

(y/n): Yes. Everything being asked will all be answered here, like Blake's question from before.

Ren: Ooohh....

Yang: I got one, sweet drago. (Raises hand)

(y/n): Ye-- wait, what?

Yang: How are you so strong?

You blushed behind your mask at the question.

(y/n): I-I trained everyday. Including the times I carried dragon bones to the ship.

Yang: Whoa.

(y/n): Oh, how silly of me. I haven't introduced myself. My name is (y/n), (y/n) (l/n). 

Ruby: Hi. Ruby Rose.

Weiss: Weiss Schnee.

Blake: Blake Belladonna.

Yang: I'm Yang.

Jaune: Jaune Arc.

Nora: NORAAAA!!!

Pyrrha: Pyrrha Nikos.

Ren: Lie Ren.

(y/n): The honor is mine to see you and to answer your questions, all of you.

Ozpin: Now, now, students. More questions later, I wish to talk with Young (y/n) about his... recent activities, if you don't mind, Mr (l/n).

(y/n): Sure. We can talk at the hanger. Allow me to lead the way.

Ozpin: (nods)

As Ozpin, Glynda and you were getting closer to the same door they came in, you looked back and suggested.

(y/n): Do make yourselves at home, Children. Feel free to try out my miniture sized relics, but do be careful of the Immobilizer. It immobilizes any machinery, including transformable weapons as well.

Pyrrha: (raises up hand)

(y/n): Yes, Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: Does it immobilize people??

(y/n): Hmmmm... good question. I haven't tested it on people yet, so as of now.... it remains to be seen. So, have fun and make yourselves at home. 

Ruby's POV:

As soon as (y/n), our teacher and headmaster exited the room, we then looked at each other, then to the relics that can be man/woman-handled with.

Me: Well, he said to make ourselves at home right??

Yang: YEAH!! (Looks at a certain relic) Well... let's try one. 

Yang then walks towards the relic with a blue crystal-like orb button at the center.

Yang: Hmmm...

Nora: Well, (y/n) said we can try them so, LET'S TRY ONE!!!

Yang: Okay. Let's see what this one can do. (Grabs the relic) hmm... it doesn't seem to do anything when I touch it.

Jaune: Then, what about that orb thing at the center?

As Yang notices the orb, she looks at everyone, then back to the relic she is handling.

Yang: Hmmm, let's find out.

As I grabbed one of the relics from the podium, I heard something transforming at Yang's side. Thinking that something went wrong, I decided to go check it out.

Me: YAAANG!!! Yang are you o-kay? 

As I asked my sister whether she is okay, I stopped in shock to see Yang in some kind of armour. I was in awe when she is in it.

(A/N: Apex Armour.)

Yang: This is.... impressive.

Weiss: Why didn't Atlas think of this!?

Me: What is that armour?!

???: That, my human friends, is called the Apex Armour.

We then stopped at our tracks when we heard someone boomed his or her mouth off. Just as we were about to ask another question, the same blue dragon came down out of nowhere to greet us.

Me: Hey!!

Ren: You are that Dragon from before.

We watch it transform into a huge robot, and it started to speak.

Skystalker: My name is Skystalker. I see my leash has given you permission to touch his things. Neat.

Me: Well, yeah. 


Your POV:

Professor Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch and you are currently at the hanger of your warship, as we are walking along, you three are then seen talking with each other.

Ozpin: I see you've been... making some changes around the ship.

(y/n): Yes. As after all, it is too dark for me to see, now is it.

Glynda: (puzzled on what I said)

(y/n): Don't be too puzzled, Ms Goodwitch. What I meant was, since the warship is too dark, I thought of maybe turning its colour-scheme into a little, lighter colour so people may see where they're going.

Glynda: I see...

As we are walking, you felt a sudden doubt in Ozpin's heart. So, you asked.

(y/n): My good man, what's wrong? You seemed troubled.

Ozpin: (snaps back to reality) Sorry, I was worried about something... which is why I ask, why come here to Remnant?

(y/n): Hmmm... an interesting, yet decent question. Well, why we are here is because we Predacons want to show the people of Remnant that we can co-exist with them peacefully... that we can assist them in times of need of a White Fang attack or a Grimm Attack.

Glynda: I see...

Ozpin: So, you wish to co-exist with us, correct?

(y/n): Correct. That is only if you and your councilmen doesn't mind.

Ozpin: Well, as long as your.....

(y/n): Predacons.

Ozpin: Predacons don't cause trouble, it will be alright.

(y/n): Rest assured that they won't cause trouble.

Ozpin: Hmmm, very well then.

(y/n): Will that be all?

When you asked that question, there is a moment of silence until Ozpin responded.

Ozpin: Well, that is not all. Since you wish to co-exist with Remnant, how about you join my school as a student.

When you heard this, you were shocked to hear that he wanted you, a king to join his school. When you looked at Glynda, she felt the same as well as you do.

(y/n): Hah! You're asking me, a king, to join your school as a student? You sure about that?

Ozpin: Of course, King (y/n), as after all, we need huntsmen like you, to have an army, much worthier than no other, more intelligent as well.

Glynda: Ummm... Ozpin, we do have the Atlas Military as well.

Ozpin: Yes, Glynda, although that may be true, but I find his army, (gestures to (y/n)) your army very.... convincing to have in downtown vale, in our academy, our kingdom, as this world shares a extremely dark secret when it comes to the Grimm.

Glynda: But that would mean--

(y/n): Her, correct? Remember what I said, I may know most of the truth behind this world by  via the ship's databanks but, I came from another universe. So, what's happening?

After figuring out and trying to ask on what is happening, Ozpin sighed as he goes off topic for now.

Ozpin: That will be another story to be told when the time comes. But for now, Mr (l/n), welcome to Beacon.

(y/n): Yes, I thank you for this offer, Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch.

(y/n) (Inner Thoughts): As soon as this so called competition called, The Vytal Festival starts, I will keep asking questions. Just you wait Oz. but still, I will be patient for now.

To be continued....

And that's all folks! The fourth episode of RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader. If you ladies and gentlemen and other readers and deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story ro your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lightened up! Stay Brave! BeNice! SEE YA!!!!

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