Chapter 1: Road Trip

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Hey guys! Sonic here, and welcome to the special rewrite arc for RWBYK know as 'RWBYK Vol 2.5: Darkness at Twilight' I've been waiting to do this one and I hope you're exicted to see what I've got in store for you all. To recap on those who forget, this is a special that takes place after the events of Volume 2 and before the start of Volume 3. 

With that out of the way, let's get started!


A girl in white sits alone. Her surroundings match the short sundress and sandals she wears, and the blank sketchpad canvas in her hand.

She reaches over to a white desk, picking up the pencil laying there. With a quick thought, she decides what to draw.

The silent room suddenly comes alive with the skittering sound of pencil on paper, the girl working quickly and efficiently to draw out the picture in her mind.

It comes to life within minutes, the girl's deft hand quickly bringing her idea to life. It's a castle, though far from the normal preconceived image of one. This is a twisted fortress, bits and pieces of towers thrusting out of its superstructure more-or-less at random. Some stick straight up, others veer off diagonally, and some had majestic marble towers. Lastly, from the earth around it, long spider-like legs appear, which seem to be made of flexible stone and are used as it's support, completing its menacing look.

The girl shudders just to look at it.


(In Vale)

"Ten tickets, please." Ky asked the person within the ticket booth at the train station.

"Of course, sir. That'll be 200 Lien." The ticket agent spoke, in a feminie voice.

Ky nodded and handed her the amount need, and gain the tickets in return. "Thanks." He told her, before walking away from the booth.

It had been a few days since the since the Grimm had attacked Vale after the Mountain Glenn incident happened. While everyone was able to stop the Grimm, it left a bitter taste in some people's mouth, but that wasn't going to stop our heroes from enjoying their upcoming trip. 

Which now led to Ky walking through the train station having the tickets in hand. After that, he also planned on getting a new outfit, since he iconic one was destroyed in his fight with the Dark Thorn.

After making his way to the exit, a young female voice shouted his name. "Ky!"

Just as the blunette lifted his head up, he's suddenly tackled by a red blur that forced him into the nearby wall and slide down once the momentum is going. Ky shook his head, moaning in the slight pain it caused, then look down at two silver eyes happily staring at him.

"Hi!" Ruby said, a big smile on her face.

Ky blinked at the crimsonette with a tilted head. "Rosebud? What are you doing here?" He asked. "I thought you were back at Beacon with the others."

"I came here to help you!" Ruby chirped, swiftly getting up before holding her hand to the blue-haired teen, which he took before she help pull him to his feet.

"Help me? I only came into town to get the tickets and get some new clothes," Ky told her, holding up the tickets in his hand to show her.

Ruby then placed her hands on her hips. "I'm gonna help you pick out new clothes!" She replied.

"Wait really?" Ky asked somewhat surprised, not expecting that answer.

"Yup!" Ruby answered, nodding her head. Then she pointed at him with a dramatic pose. "Plus as your super cute and fearless leader/girlfriend, I get first dibs to see you in your new attire!"

Ky grinned as he realized that he didn't actually oppose the idea at all. It actually sounded fun. He let out a snort of amusement at that before shaking his head slightly. "Well, aren't you modest?"

"Of course my good sir," The scythe user playfully said, smiling at the teen.

Deciding to play along as well, Ky repsonded back in a gentleman-like manner. "By all means, lead the way Miss Rose."

"Will do! Let's go!" Ruby cheered, taking his hand and pulling him from the train station and to their next destination.


"Well, how's this?" Ky asked, currently he was standing in front of his girlfriend in his new outfit.

Upon leaving the train station, the young couple made their way around before coming up on a clothes shop, 'Bold Havy' if Ky remembered the name right. The two had been having fun picking out clothes for him to try on, trying to find a look that 'suited him' as they put it, which led them to the moment of Ky showing off the attire was was wearing at the moment.

It consisted of dark black pants on that stretched all the way down to his black footwear bearing on the sides an intricate black design that took the form of wings in it's complexity. His torso was covered by a black vest with a v-cut neck with a gray zipper running down the center. Just over that piece of clothing was a blue jacket with sleeves that extended to just above his elbows and black borders that ran along the bottom of the shirt and sleeves. It also consisted of straps on each side that were connected to pouches on both sides of the jacket. Checker pattern lines ran along his shoulders and rib cage meeting at a right angle. His collar was a vibrant turquoise that ran along his neck, further accentuating the white and black color scheme. Finally, Ky's heart-shaped emblem is visible around his neck, with a wrist band with a black-and-blue checkerboard pattern on his left wrist, as well as a plain black ring on his left index finger and a plain blue ring on his left middle finger. 

(Pretend the jacket is royal blue instead of white)

"Hmmm..." Ruby, cupping her chin in her hands narrowed her eyes as she leaned forward, looking Ky up and down as she did. She rose from her seat and circled the blunette, who stood in place trying his best to remain as still as possible as she inspected him. She quietly sat back down before her serious persona finally broke down "I think it's great! A good look for you Ky!"

He smiled, relief flooding his senses as he allowed himself to move again. "Great, I don't think I could handle too much more shopping."

Ruby laughed and said "Me either, I was running out of funny stuff to have you try on."

Ky shook his head with a grin. "I don't know why you felt the need to have me try all that stuff on."

Ruby giggled as the duo put all the other clothes back. "Because it was funny of course!"

Ky chuckled at her enthusiasm, before showing her tickets. "Welp, we everthing got what we came for." He told her. "All that's left is to pack up for the trip."

 "Yay!" Ruby cheered happily as she hops around. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe we're going to the town you and Aptus grew up in. I'm so excited!"

 Ky grinned and pecked her on the cheek. "And I can't wait for you and the others to meet Leon and the others. Especially since I get to show you off."

"A-Ahhh..." Ruby's whole face exploded cherry red. Becoming meek and shy, she threw her hood over her head and hid her blush.

"Aww, you know I'm teasing you." Ky said, as he laughed at the girl's reaction.

Ruby lightly smacked his arm a few times and pouted. "Jerk."

Ky just chuckled at her pouting face, before he slide behind her and wrapped his arms around her, placing his head on her shoulder. "Tell you what, when we get to Twilight Town, I'll take you on the best date ever. How does that sound?"


"Yeah. I'll even make you all kinds of cookies too."

Ruby's smile grows wider at the thought, face going red as she rubs her cheek against his. "Okay."

Ky grinned at this before letting Ruby good and grabbing her hand. "Great! Now what do you say we get back to the others?"

"Mhm!" Ruby nodded and interlaces her fingers with his as the young couple made their way to the front of the counter.


[-Later: Beacon]

It was a hot summer semestral break at Beacon academy, all students took a break from their classes today and for the next month or two, this included team RWBYK in their dorm room, along with, waiting for team JNPR to arrive. They made sure to pack their thing early that morning and told JNPR to come to their room with their stuff.

"...I'm so boooooooooooooooooored...!" Yang groaned loudly as she laid on her bed, bored of playing video games on her Scroll. "How long do we have to wait?"

"Ruh!" Zwei barked as he jumped up to her.

"Relax, Yang. I'm sure they'll be here soon." Aptus reasurred her, sitting on the floor near the bookcase. "Now that I think, seems like the whole campus has been busy."

"Well, the tournament starts in one month or two, so what most people are doing is preparing for it; training, building up on supplies, the like." Weiss went on as she sat on her chair while going over information regarding the latter. "I suppose we would be training, but we pretty much already have that covered up."

"Well, if you mean traveling to an abandoned Kingdom development area, finding out it was a hideout for a criminal organization, stopping them, and then fighting off hordes of Grimm after riding on a train that crashed into the city, then yeah, sure." Blake summarized their little adventure.

Aptus rolled his shoulder a bit."Not to mention that new Grimm that nearly curb-stomped us."

"Ahh, we were fine!" A new voice stated, as the dorm room door opened revealing Ky walking inside with Ruby.

"We're back!" The crimosnette exclaimed, speeding over to her hanging bed.

Yang then noticed the new attire Ky was wearing and let out a whistle. "Wow, looking good there, tiger."

"Thanks, but the credit mainly goes to Ruby too" The blunette replied, gesturing over to the silver-eye girl. "She was a big help too."

"Ahh, well you know..." Ruby mumbled, rubbing her head sheepishly.

"So, where did you go?" Weiss asked, turning around to face the the group with her arms crossed.

"To a store called Bold Havy!" Ruby chirped happily.

Yang perked up at this. "Oh, I've been there! They have some really great stuff! Not to mention their sells aren't half bad."

"Yeah! It was really cool and fun!"

Ky scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, still...I'm gonna miss my old outfit. Too bad it got wrecked beyond repair."

"Speaking of which, there's something I like to ask you about..." Blake spoke, getting everyone's attention.

"Hmm? What's up Shadow-Cat?" The blunette asked curiously.

Blake looked over at the teen. "What exactly was that you did back at the Breach? When you were facing that unknown Grimm."

Weiss tapped a finger to her chin. "Now that you mentioned it, I was wondering about the same thing. I've never seen anything like that before."

"Yeah, you were glowy and everything." Yang added in gesturing to his hair. "You hair was kinda like mine when I use my semblance."

"Except I don't think that was Semblance

"Yeah! Yeah! You were like 'Whoosh' and 'Zoom'!" Ruby exclaimed, doing cute gestures with her arms.

Ky ran a hand through his hair and sighed a little. "Well, to be honest...I don't know how I did it." He replied, looking down at his hands. "The only thing on my mind was protecting you guys and suddenly, it felt like something within me just...broke free. Like I was taken into a higher state of power, I don't know."

"Do you think it had something to do with you being a descendant of the Knights?" Aptus asked after Ky was done talking.

The blunette hummed in thought. "Possibly, it would explain that trial I had to go through back in my heart..." He muttered the last part to himself. "But I plan to talk to Leon and the others about once we get to Twilight Town. Since they knew something about the 'Light', maybe they could tell me more about it."

"That sounds like a good idea" Blake agreed, looking at the blue-haired teen.

"The more you know about this power, the easier it would it would be for you to understand it" Yang added, folded her arms under her bust. "At least that way, it'll make our trip to Twilight Town so much brighter!"

Everyone other than Ky let out a groan from the corny pun as the bluenette let out a little laugh.

Knock! Knock!

The group all looked over at the door, where the knocking came from. "Hey, guys. It's us!" Jaune's voice called out from the other side.

"Oh, right on time!" Weiss spoke as she stood up and walked over to the door. Opening it, she and the others saw the whole team of JNPR standing there, with each member holding packed bags.

"Hey guys! Glad you made it!" Ky greeted once the group entered the room.

"Geez, took you guys long enough, Vomit-Boy..." Yang grumbled, sitting up in her bed.

Jaune sighed both from disappointment and from hearing that nickname again. "Can we please let that die?"

 "Sure, as soon as we all stop calling Weiss either Ice Queen or Ice Princess," Nora teased.

 "Hey!" the heiress in question snapped, much to everyone's laughing pleasure. 

 Pyrrha was the only one to take pity on Jaune, and instead of laughing, she patted his shoulder as she said, "Don't worry, Jaune. I'll always think of you as a Noble Knight." 

 "Aw, thanks, Pyrrha," Jaune smiled in return.

"Alright!" Ky chirped in, getting everyone's attention. "Now that you're all here, you won't have to wait any longer to find out what we've got planned for us."

"And, pray tell...what do you have planned?" Pyrrha asked teasingly.

"And what's it for?" Ren added. "You told us to have our stuff packed yesterday before we got here."

"And is it going to be a lot of fun?" Nora finished in her usual burst of energy.

"Well, I certainly think so," Ky replied to Nora's question, walking over to the team. He then cleared his throat like he was about to make a big announcement, and said, "After we stopped the Breach, I've found out we have a while until the start of the Vytal Festival, and its tournament. So, Aptus, the team and I have decided to take a little trip until the start of the festival."

"So does that're all leaving Beacon for a while?" Jaune asked, worried that was the case.

"Not exactly. We are leaving Beacon for a while, as in all ten of us," Ky happily corrected, and just like that, the others were starting to get a sneaking suspicion of what he was implying. A suspicion that Ky confirmed for them all when he continued on with his speech. "I talked it over with the Wizard of Oz the other day just to be sure it would be okay, and since he's given his approval, the only ones I need to ask now are you guys. Teams JNPR, how would you guys like to join Team RWBYK and Aptus on a special trip to Twilight Town?"

Even after hearing him say it out loud, the second first year team was still pretty surprised by the question.

"Seriously?! You really want us to go with you guys to your home?" Jaune asked for his team.

"Yep," Aptus confirmed without a second thought. "Ky's already brought the tickets for all of us."

Said, blunette held up the tickets to prove what Aptus said was correct.

"Of course we're going! Right Ren!?" Nora cheered excitedly.

Ren just smiled in answer to Nora, and bowed his head to Ky as he said, "I'm honored to accept this opportunity."

"That sounds grand," Pyrrha smiled happily. "We're all happy to join you and your team, Ky. Aren't we, Jaune?"

"Like any of us are gonna say no," Jaune confirmed to his partner with a grin of his own.

"Alright then!" Ky cheered. "Teams RWBYK, JNPR and Aptus are now ready to set out on their first ever, shared trip to Twilight Town!"

"Let's do this," Ruby cheered just as happily. "Banzai!"

"Banzai!" Jaune and Ky both echoed immediately after, along with Nora and Yang.

As the others laughed at their friends' antics, Blake thought about something. "Wait, what time does the train leave?" She asked.

"Uhh, around 10." Ky replied. "Why do you ask?"

"What time is it now?"


Everyone froze up after hearing that, looking at each other with wide eyes.

"CRAP!" Everyone exclaimed simultaneously as the group of ten, grabbed their bags (JNPR rushing to their dorms to grab their bags) along with Zwei, and bolted out of the room.


[Later: Vale Train Staion]

"Phew! We made it!" Ruby cheered as she and the others entered the train. Thanks to Ky's Flash Step semblance, the group was able to make it to their train with three minutes to spare.

"Okay guys! Time to get this show on the road!" Ky announced to everyone. "Grab a seat and get comfortable!"

All at once, everyone was grabbing the nearest seat that they could find, with seats on both sides of the alley, they were turned to face each other. On one side was were Ky, Ruby, Jaune Pyrrha and Weiss. Facing them from the other side was Aptus, Yang, Blake, Ren and Nora.

"That was way too close!" Weiss sighed before looked over at the red and blue duo. "You dolts! You should've pay more attention to the schedule! We nearly missed the train!" She scolded.

"Aww, cool your jets, Snow White." Ky waved her off as the group moved into the train. "We made it, didn't we?"

"By mere seconds!"

"Welp, it's better than nothing!" Yang chirped in as she leaned back and rested her arms behind her head.

"Would you have rathered us not making it at all?" Blake asked the heiress, who merely huffed and turned away.

"So, do we have everything ready to go?" Ruby asked. 

"I think so." Aptus answered, "Unless we're missing anything." He looked at everyone, who shook their heads as to say they couldn't think of anything. They were ready to leave.

"Oh!" Ky spoke before pulling out a paper bag. "I got barf bags ready for those of us with weak stomachs." He then looked over at Jaune, who realized this.

"Hey, motion sickness is a very common problem! How many times do I have to say it," Jaune huffed to show how little he appreciated the jab at him. "Besides, I made it to the Breach on an airship without getting sick."

"Well to be fair, this is a train. So it's going to be a lot longer than that one," Nora happily pointed out.

"I don't think that's helping, Nora," Ren told her when Jaune suddenly started to look a little pale after that reminder. Luckily Pyrrha was able to calm him down quickly enough.

"Either way, we're ready go," Aptus declared at last. "Next stop: Twilight Town!"

"Road Trip!" Ky, Ruby and Nora cheered in joy, throwing up a fist.

The excited cheers that followed Yang's declaration were likely loud enough to echo throughout the entire train as its' doors closed. With that, it took off out of the station, taking the group of friends to their awaiting destination.


Back at the train station, Emerald was looking out towards the departing train, as Mercury was sitting on a bench, looking through a comic. Cinder walked over to the duo, as she also watched the heroes leave.

"Seems like they're heading off somewhere..." Emerald stated, watching the train vanish in the distance.

"Apparently they said something about Twilight Town." Mercury informed her, flipping another page of his comic. "Seems like Boy-Blue and Flame-Thrower both live in that place."

"Oh, is that right?" Cinder inquired, placing a hand on her hip. "I'm sure Xerxes and Cenutrion will be interested to learn of this... development." 

A dark smile appeared on her face as her eyes glowing omniously.

(Opening Theme - BTOOOM!)


Annnnd....done! The rewritten prologue of RWBYK 2.5 is officially done! Man, it took to long to get this done right. Thankfully, it'll turn out okay.

 Ky and friends are now to Twilight Town, which promises to be full of comedy, action and romance. *Wink*  *Wink*

 So, Thank you very much for reading this. And if you did enjoyed it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause that would be awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I could improve my stories so I could improve myself as well.

 I'll see you guys on the next episode of RWBYK: 2.5 Til then! Next Time! Stay safe and Keep moving forward!

Stormy out!!!

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