Chapter 2 - Into the Twilight

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Hey Everyoooooone! Today we're finally back and beginning a new episode of RWBYK: The True King 2.5. I've been waiting to do this one and I hope you're exicted to see what I've got in store for you all, especially with the group meets a few certain characters. With that out of the way, let's get started!

(Opening Theme - BTOOOM!)


[On the train]

Ky gazed outside the window in silence as the train continued rumbling down the tracks, his chin resting lazily against the palm of his right hand; watching the grassy landscape through the window, it has been several hours since he and the others departed from Vale's train station and so far, he had passed a couple of other small towns but that was about it. 

He then looked back at the others and noticed they were all still left buzzing with excitement as they wondered what Ky and Aptus' home, Twlight Town, was like. Just hearing about all the adventures that Ky and his TT friends there had each gone on was enough to make them wonder what such journeys would be like, so having a chance to get something close to that now, and going through with taking the chance was making them even more excited than ever before. 

"We're going on a trip. We're going on a trip. Today's, the day; hip-hip hooray! We're going on a world trip! Wee!" Nora could not help but sing ever since they had road through the landscapes.

"Nora, calm down. You're disturbing the other passangers," Ren said trying to calm down the orange-haired girl.

"Hey, you can't blame her for being excited. This is probably the closest any of us are going to get to experiencing a trip together," Jaune reminded him. Surprisingly, even to him, he had still not gotten sick, so Jaune took that to be a good sign of how well he would hold up on this train trip.

"He's got a point there." Yang agreed. "I've been looking forward to this!"

"Does it mainly inolved wanting to meet Tifa?" Aptus inquired with a knowing smirk.

Yang turned her head away from him with a sheepish smile. "Well...half of it."

"While we're on the subject," Weiss spoke up, getting everyone's attention. "What are we to expect once we get there?"

"Well, there's the 'Struggle' Tournament to look forward to." Ky replied. "It always comes around this time of year, and I'm sure everyone's gonna be hyped for it, especially Hayner, Pence and Olette."

"Hayner, Pence and Olette? Who are they?" Ruby asked, as this was her fist time hearing the names.

Ky looked at her confused. "Wait, I never told you about them?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ruby merely shook her head. "Not that I know of, no. You only talked about Leon and the Twilight Committee."

Ky was surprised by the answer. "Really? Wow, I guess it must've slipped my mind."

"You forgot to mention Hayner and others to them?" Aptus snickered. "Oh man! Wait until they hear about this."

"Shut up! Like you're any better!" Ky retorted, turning to the fox faunus. "Besides, because everything's been very crazy lately, I just forgot to mention them."


"Anyways..." Ky began while facing the others. "Hayner, Pence and Olette are a couple of great friends of Aptus and I. They were the ones we befriended before anyone else. We went on adventures together, always went to the beach in summer and mostly sat around and ate Sea-Salt ice cream."

" cream?" Weiss, Pyrrha and Jaune all said puzzled.

Yang snorted at the name. "What kind of ice cream is that?" She asked in amusement.

"Trust me, it tastes better than what it's called." Aptus assured them.

Ren turns away from his friends' discussion to look out his own window, and thus catches a glimpse of what lies not far away. "Uh guys?" He said, drawing his friends' attention to his side, "I think we're here."

Then everyone besides Ky and Aptus immediately look out the window, and what they saw was a breath-taking sight. "Whhooaa!!!"

 Seeing the group's reactions, Aptus smiled at the scene. "Breathtaking, isn't it?"

 "Yeah!" Jaune nodded. "It's...amazing!"

"Such a grand sight," Pyrhha agreed.

"Understatement of the century!" Nora retorted, as the others looked on in awe.

"It's gorgeous!" Ruby chirped, eyes sparkling with glee. "Is this it?"

"Yeah!" Ky spoke, a fond grin formed on his face. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Twilight Town."


[A Few Moments Later...]

The train then pulls up into the train station before sliding to a smooth stop in a gap, and by the time its door glides open, the group was ready to immediately disembark as they grabbed their bags and walked out, along with Zwei.

They looked around and saw the station was conisted of a huge area with several trains resting in different stops. 

"Wow, I thought we'd never get off that train!" Nora whined as she stretched her arms.

"Well, at least got to see a great view of the town!" Pyrhha chirped in.

 "Oh, it gets even better than that!" Ky said sounding more excited than anyone of them could recall him ever being. Something about being back in Twilight Town again just forced a huge grin onto his face. "C'mon!"

Suddenly, the blunette dashed towards the direction of a small case of stairs that led to the exit. "I've got somewhere to show you guys!"

"Wait up, Ky!" Ruby yelled before she dashed after the boy, sharing the same enthusiasm as he did. "Let's go, Zwei!"

The corgi barked in reponse as he took off after the scythe user.

Seeing her partner just dash off, Weiss called out. "Hey, do you actually know where we're going?"

Ruby announced back. "No! But I definitely want to see what this place has to offer!"

Weiss watched the duo leave before she huffed slightly. "Geez, I know they're excited and all, but come on...!"

Aptus chuckled as he walked ahead of them. "Well, once you see how our lifestyle is, you'll know why."

The others each turned to cast confused looks between one another before they quickly fell in step behind him. "It must be nice to be home, huh?" Blake asked Aptus, who merely smiled in reponse.

"You have no idea."



The doors to the train station flung open, and out came Ky tumbling head-first down the stairs and falling to the ground below, with Ruby falling on top of him. Zwei ran down the stairs and rushed to their side. "Ow!" Ky groaned.

"Sorry." Ruby grimaced as she climbed off of him and help her boyfriend to his feet again. She looked around and saw they were at aa large plaza of orange brick with a fantastic view of the lower reaches of town, with a squat building that declares "Central Station" above its doors at the far end. Above that stretches an enormous tower of white stone, leading up to a massive clock face. Two golden protrusions extend from its deep maroon roof, bronze bells attached to their ends. All in all, it's a lovely place.

"Wow!" Ruby said, as she picked up Zwei ran over to the edge and looked out at the town. "This. Is. Awesome! Isn't it, Zwei?"

"Ruh!" Zwei barked in reponse.

"Hehe, I'd knew you'd like the view," Ky said, walking over to her side.

"Please tell me that you guys have a weapons shop here too!"

"Well, we' wouldn't be doing much training if we didn't, Little Red." Aptus spoke as he and others walked out of the train station.

"So, what should we do from here?" Ren asked.

"We should go check in with Leon and the others first." Ky told him as he pointed to path that led to the town. "After that, we'll get Snow White's rapier fixed and while you guys get settled in."

"Sounds like a plan." Pyrrha agreed.

Before the group could start moving, they all heard an outcry coming up the street. It sounded like a mixture of a meow-bark. 

"What was that?" Blake asked, her covered ears twitching at the sound.

"It sounded like a meow and...a bark?" Yang questioned, trying to see if she heard it right.

Meanwhile Ky and Aptus, knew the all too familiar sound as they gave knowing grins.

Suddenly, a blue dot came running/bouncing up the street before it came to halt, several feet from the group. the dot was was revealed to be a plump creature that resemble a cross between a cat and a dog. It has a point at the top of its head, and its eyes resemble plus signs. It has a dog-like muzzle, spots on its side, and pointy ears. There is a small ring of color on its legs, separating its legs from its paws.

It waddled over to the group, who all leaned in and looked at it. The cat/dog creature looked at them as it happily let out a bark mixed with a meow.

While Ky and Aptus were not too fazed by this little blue creature's sudden appearance, Ruby and the others had a rather different reaction. "WAAA-AAAH!"

"What is that?" Jaune gaped.

"Oh, that's Po," Aptus answered in a casual tone.

Ruby's eyes widened in realization when she heard the name. "Wait, you mean the 'Po' from that picture Ky showed me?"

"Yep!" Ky grinned, before holding his hands out to the dog/cat hybrid. "Here, Po! Come here, boy!"

Seeing who was calling it, Po happily ran over to Ky, before pouncing on the blunette. The teen tumbled over, and laid on his back, with Po on top of him, licking his face.

"Hahahaha! Okay, I missed you too!" Ky laughed, as Po kept licking him. He looked over at his girlfriend and beckoned her over. "Rosebud, come here! He's going to love you!"

Having been drawn in because of the former factor, Ruby was quick to make her way over to the duo, causing Po to suddenly perked up. He hopped off of Ky and quickly bounded over to Ruby. Upon reaching the scythe user, Po started sniffing at her feet for a few seconds, while slowly circling her. After letting Po continue his run around of her person, Ruby finally just knelt down, placed Zwei down and held her hand out to the cat-dog hybrid, letting Po stop sniff her hand a little more before petting him a few times, and immediately gasped, "AHH, he's right! Aren't you just so adorable?!"

Po let out a meow/bark and rolling over on his back, allowing Ruby to rub his belly.

"Aww, I don't know what it is, but it's SO CUTE!" Nora squealed while gushing over the adorable sight of Po, who was enjoying Ruby's belly rubs. She quickly knelt down to the cat-dog hybrid next to the crimsonette and rub Po's belly as well next, causing him to let out two satisfied meow-barks and express a cute smile with his tongue hanging out and his cheeks blushing slightly.

The two girls cooed at his face while their eyes sparkled. "AAAAAWWWW!!!"

Yang awed affectionally at this as the others watched the scene in enjoyment.

"So, he's part cat and part dog?" Blake asked, looking over at Aptus.

"Yep. Though we never question why." The fox faunus told her. 

Obscured by the scene in front of her, Weiss looked at the Twilight duo and then at Po with confusion.

"Are you telling me that this creature..." She started to say, but when she noticed Po halting in his chase with Zwei to look at her cutely for a split second, her tune changed to one of admiration and glee in an instant. She was suddenlt kneeling down, rubbing Po's cheeks. " your sweet little Po who you mentioned before? AAAAAHHH! HE is such an adorable thing! Oh, you look so cute! Oh, yes you are, yes you are!"

"Whoa. That was even faster than when Weuss met Zwei back in the dorms." Yang said amuesdly to the others, mostly Aptus and Kym while they all watched the heiress pet, coo and rub Po on the belly along with Ruby and Nora, as the crimonette introducing Zwei to the cat-dog hybrid.

"Yeah, no kidding" Aptus replied as Ky nodded in agreement.

Before anything else could be say, a feminine voice called, getting the group's attention.

"Po! where you'd go?"

  (Play the music throughout the chapter)

Hearing footsteps coming their way, the group turned and saw a young woman with black hair, almost identical to Ruby's, wearing a metal headband with two green tussels. She wore a a yellow scarf, a green tube top two blue belts holding it up, tan short-shorts with another loose, blue belt around her waist, white socks that reach about mid-thigh, orange shoes, and mesh sleeves on her arms that disappear into orange, fingerless gloves with black bands constricting the ends.

"Geez! Next time, I'm gonna to have Cid place a tracker on that walking blob..." She muttered to herself in slight annoyance. She then took noticed of the group before her eyes widened upon seeing a familiar face among them. "Aptus?"

"Yo, Ninja-girl." Aptus greeted with wave.

"You're back already?"

"Yep, and I brought something extra too." The fox faunus replied, gesturing over to Ky, who then stood to his feet.

"Yo, Yuffie!" Ky called out to the girl cheerfully, waving at her with a huge grin.

Ruby looked surprised at that name. "That's Yuffie?" She muttered to herself.

The girl, now Yuffie, looked at the boy in shock. "Ky...?" She muttered lowly.

"Well, who else do you know has hair like this?"

 "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it!" Yuffie exclaimed as a huge smiled formed on her face, before she ran up tp the blunette and wrapped him up in a tender, not to mention tight, hug. "I missed you so much!"

"Same here, Yu." Ky grinned as he hugged her back.

After a second of hugging, the blacked-haired girl released the blunette. "I see you're still in top form." She commented, giving Ky a look over.

"What'd you expect?" Ky asked, thumping his chest, "Looks like you're doing okay, yourself."

"Well, what'd YOU expect?" Yuffie retorted, before looking over at Aptus to see Ruby and the others. "I'm guess these are all friends of yours?"

"Yeah, they are!" Ky spoke, eagered to introduce everyone to each other as soon as possible. "Everyone, this is here is Yuffie-"

"Ahem!" Yuffied coughed loudly, cutting him off. "That's the 'Great Ninja Yuffie' to you."

Ky rolled his eyes, but snickered anyway. "Sorry, the Great Ninja Yuffie,"

"'Great Ninja?'" Yang asked, with a smile.

Aptus leaned to her side. "She's like people to know how much of badass ninja she is. Hence, the title." He told her.

"And don't you forget it!" Yuffie snorted back, facing Jaune's team as well. "So what are your names?"

"Hi there," Jaune greeted, not wanting to sound rude. "I'm Jaune Arc."

Nora posed with her arms held stiffly out to the sides. "Nora Valkyrie."

Pyrrha waved with a smile. "Hello, I'm Pyrrha Nikos."

"Lie Ren," The last member of the team spoke, putting his arms behind his back. "Please to meet you."

"And together, they're known as Team JNPR." Ky said, performing jazz hands.

"Sounds awesome!" Yuffie said, energetically. She gazed over at the girls of RWBYK. "What about these four?"

"These are my teammates," Ky told her with a proud smile. "Together, we form the 'bexy' team of RWBYK!" 

Everyone looked at Ky, blinking owlishly at what he said. "'Bexy'?" Blake asked, with an amused smile.

The blunette nodded. "Yeah, it's badass and sexy mixed together. It's wordplay!"

"Dunce," Weiss remarked with an eye roll, while Yang and Ruby snorted and giggled at his explanation, respectively.

"Anyways, allow me to introduce these four rays of sunshine." Ky joked, before moving over to Yang. "First off, we have our infamous blond beauty of a brawler, Yang Xiao Long."

"Beauty brawler, huh?" Yang said, tapping her chin. "I like that."

Ky moved over to Blake. "Next up, we have our dark and steathly ninja-girl, Blake Belladonna. Or as I call her, Shadow-Cat."

"Oh, I guess that explains the cat ears." Yuffie summarized. "You must be a Faunus."

Hearing that, caused the the girls to look at her in surprise. "Wait, how did you-?" Blake began, though was cut off.

"You bow twitched not too long ago!" the dark-haired girl said as she pointed at Blake's bow.

"O-Oh! Uhh..." Blake stuttered as she covered her bow. "I..."

"Hey, it's cool," Yuffie waved her off. "No need to act tense. Here, we humans co-exist pretty good with Faunus! We don't discriminate against anyone. Just ask Ky and Aptus!"

"She's right, Blake." Aptus said, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Here in Twilight Town, you don't have to hide who you are. But, if you're comfortable with the bow on, we won't force you to take it off."

Blake looked at the Aptus, before nodding. "O-Oh okay."

"Alrighty! Moving on," Ky said, as he placed his arm on Weiss' shoulder. "This here is none other than the infamous Ice Queen of Atlas, Weiss Schnee. A.K.A, 'Snow White'."

"Hey!" Weiss grew a tick mark. "I resent that!"

"So, you're a Schnee, huh?" Yuffie said, staring down the heiress. The smile that adored her face had dropped into a mere frown as her violet gaze narrowed on the white-haired girl.

Weiss looked at the dark-haired girl with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, is that a problem?"

"No, not with you per say..." Yuffie replied, as the amtosphere grew a bit tense from her stare. "Your father is one of few people who personally annoys me, and I rarely get annoyed. I don't repsect him whatsoever, but seem different and I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. So, tell me, why is you want to become a Huntress?"

Everyone, but Ky and Aptus, all tensed up as the dark haired girl looked straight at Weiss after her question. They looked over to Weiss, who's expression was surprised for a few moments, before it turned into a determined one as she spoke. 

"I realized my father has done things that would be seen as injustice. The same can be said for our company, I also disagree against his methods...Which is why I feel the need to make things right! I became a Huntress in order to not only restore my family's name, but to have a legacy of my own and fight for the people."

Hearing this, Yuffie remained quiet for a few seconds with a blank expression on her face...until a huge smile appeared on her feautres again. "Well, seems like there's more to you than meet the eye, Snow White! The fact that you're actually lifting a finger to help make the world a better place, despite being from the kingdom in the cloud makes me respect you for that and I hopr that we could become good friends."

'What a mood shift...!' the others thought, bewildered.

"F-friends?" Weiss questioned surprised by the dark haired girls sudden mood change. "That sounds good" Weiss answered with a small smile.

"Alrighty!" Ky with a fond grin as he moved over to Ruby and place an arm around her. "Last but certainly not least, I would like to introduce the face and leader of Team RWBYK herself, Ruby Rose! A.K.A Rosebud."

Ruby blushed at the introduction as she swayed side to side. "Oh know..." She laughed sheepishly.

"She's also my girlfriend," Ky stated proudly, planting a kiss on Ruby's cheek, causing her face to turn the same color as her cloak.


Everyone looked over at Yuffie, whose eyes were wide as dinner plates. She walked over to Ky, placed her hands on his shoulders and started shaking him rapidly. "What did you say? Your girlfriend? What? When did this happen!? SPILL IT!!!"

"O-Okay, just stop shaking m-me!" Ky groaned out as his head swayed back and forth, feeling like it might get whipslash.

The group stared at the duo with surprised expressions as the dark haired girl stopped shaking the key-blade wielder. "Long story short, I met her when some pretty boy named Roman Torchwick was robbing a dust store. From there, we fought him off alongside the wicked witch of Beacon, met Ozpin, A.K.A, 'Wizard of Oz' who allowed us to enter Beacon. We became a team not long after and than a couple a few months later. You could say it was love at first fight." Ky summarized making Yuffie put him down and the group except for Yang to groan at the pun. 

"Oh, man. Wait until the gang hear about this" Yuffie said, rubbing a hand through her hair. "Especially Tifa and Aerith. They're going to flip out!"

"Umm, excuse me?"

Yuffie and Ky looks over to see Ruby walking up to them with a curious gaze. "What's up?" The ninja girl questioned.

"If it's okay to ask, what kind of weapon do you use?" The crimsonette asked, gesturing over to the blade hanging from her hip. 

"Oh this?" Yuffie grabbed the blade and brought it up, before twirling it around as it suddenly transformed into a large fuma shuriken. "This is my lifelong sweetheart, 'Phantom Wind'."

Ruby gasped excitedly, as she zoomed over and looked all around the weapon. "It looks so cool!"

Yuffie puffs out her chest and rubs her nose proudly. "Aww, thanks! I made it myself." She spoke on pride. "What about you?"

 "Oh! I have my trusty Crescent Rose!" the silver-eye girl chirped happily as she took out her trusty scythe, in its box form, and shifted it into its combat mode.

"Whoa!" Yuffie jumped back in shock, "Holy crap! Is that a scythe?!"

"That's what I said too!" Jaune shouted in agreement, recalling when he first saw Ruby's weapon of choice.

"It's also a gun!" Ky added in as he stood beside Ruby. "Rosebud here is also a weapon's extremist like you, Yu!"

Yuffie perked up at this. "Oh, is that right?" She then zoomed her face up to Ruby as she eyeballed the shorter girl. Ruby merely blinked at this.

"Why is a Knight's sword only sharpened on one side?" Yuffie asked randomly, pointing at Ruby.

 "It always the sword to achieve a fine edge so that it could preserve the life of a sword." Ruby replied.

"What was the original purpose of scythes?"

 "They were created during the wide spread of agriculture in order to mow down hay and reap crops."

"Alright. Final and most important question: Who actually used Shurikens when they were developed?"

 "They were used by Samurai swordsmen."



"...We're gonna be the best of friends!" Yuffie said as she wrapped Ruby in a big hug. She then glowered over at Ky. "You better be good to her Ky, she's a keeper!"

Ky gave her a thumbs up in assurance. "You can count on that!"

The others blinked in shock at the scene before them. "Uhh, what just happened?" Yang asked, leaning over to Aptus.

"Seems like your sister just found herself a best friend!" He shrugged, good-naturedly.

"By the way, what's up with that scar?" Yuffie asked, placing Ruby down and pointing at the scar across Ky's eye. "Did you get that from that 'Roman' guy?"

The group slightly flinched at this, as Ky gave her a dry chuckle. "Not...exactly. That's something the whole team has gotta hear about. Speaking of which, how are they?"

"Great!" Yuffie answered excitedly. "I was out doing some errands, before I ran into you guys. I'm heading back now. Why don't you all follow me and we can get your friends all settled in! Everyone else will be happy to see you again, Ky! Which I always knew we would."

Ky grins as he recalls a memory. He puts on a serious face as he stared at his raised palm. 

"Even if we're far apart, that doesn't mean our friendship will end, or that we'll never seen each other again" he says in a low, sullen voice. "If we stay in each other's hearts, and we don't forget about each other, we'll still be together in the ways that matter."

Everyone looks at Ky in confusion at the impersonation, while Aptus and Yuffie like how snorts of amusement.

"Is that supposed to be Leon?" Yuffie asked as she grinned. Ky merely rubbed his nose in reponse.

"Well, come on!" Yuffie getsured to the street leading down into the town. "Everyone's working over at the manision! I'll introduce your friends to them!" With that, she changed her shuriken back into its blade form and put it on her hip.

Ky tightens the straps on his backpack. "You don't have to tell me twice!" He said, before looking back at the group. "What do you guys say?"

"Yes! Let's go!" Ruby and Nora exclaimed simultaneously with stars in their eyes. The others laughed at the two girls except for Weiss who sighed.

"Great! Let's get a move on, people!" Yuffie cheered, before she took off down the street, with Ky, Zwei, Po and the others following behind. They then ran down to small area where a few shops were all around, and much to Blake's surprise, some were being run by faunus. Along the way, they passed numerous of people, both human and Faunus, all milling about and living normal lives.

"This here is Station Heights!" Yuffie explained, doing a sweep around the area with her hand. "This is where items and medical supplies or accessories are sold. Other things such as weapons, bullets and Dust can be found in Market Street. Where we'll be passing through now."

To Blake's surprise and shock, she saw several faunus working at the shops, as well human/faunus families walking pass them with smiles on their faces. Seeing this brought a warm feeling to Blake as a smile came to her face. She knew they could live together in peace one day, but she never thought she'd see it so soon.

Everyone, besides Ky, Yuffie and Aptus, were all in awe at how well human and faunus were able to co-exist in the town, escpecially Weiss.

"We gotta bring Velvet here one day." Ky spoke up in glee. "She'll love this place!"

"Yeah, she would..." Ruby said in agreement, taking in the scene.


Soon, the group walked down the road that led to the lower part of Twilight Town and emerged into a grand common area with tall buildings rising up all around, mostly constructed from brown and orange brick. Its' architecture was somewhat modern Mediterranean style. All around the wall were posters with 'Struggle' printed on them.

They could see festivities were in bloom, and currently as decorative ribbons and bands hanged in small walkways.

They also noticed numerous of humans and faunus moving through the area, carrying on with their business. Several children were playing with a ball ran past them.

There was a loud noise of 'chugga chugga', and the group turned to see a small tram rounding a corner into the plaza. Ky smiles appreciatively at the little conveyance.

"Wowwwww!" Ruby, Yang, Jaune and Nora all gaped in awe at the town.

"I know, right?" Yuffie giggled at their expressions. "Breathtaking, isn't it?"

"That would be putting it lightly, I'm afraid." Pyrrha replied chipperly as they make their way along, drawing attention from a few passersby, who smiled or waved at the group. "It's just so marvelous!"

Ren hummed in agreement, "Indeed. It is a nice change in scenery."

"Excuse me!"

Swerving around, Ren slid out of the way to avoid being run down by a teenage girl on a skateboard, a mailbag hitched over her shoulder. "Sorry!" She called out as she went on her way.

"If you don't mind me asking..." Weiss began to say. "How did such a huge place come to be?"

"Oh, that's simple really." Yuffie explained, skipping merrily along. "The town itself was founded by the Committee for those who where in need of help. Many of the residents are those who have lost their homes from Grimm attacks, genocides and others from being treaty horribly. It was made as a safe haven where everyone is accept no matter the race." 

"Wow, that's actually pretty cool." Yang commented.

"It's amazing for a town to achieve such peace after losing a lot." Blake agreed, thinking back to when she was apart of the White Fang.

"Yeah, it's been kind of crazy," Ky said with a shrug. "That's why the Claymores were added in. For extra safety."

"Claymores...?" Ruby asked. "What is that?"

Just then, something white came out of nowhere, surpsing the girl. It looked like a white orb sandwiched between two ciruclar disks. It was definitely digital, the evidence through their appearance was clear of that.

"What is that?" Jaune asked in awe, as Zwei sniffed at the digital orb and barked at it.

"That would be the Claymores." Aptus replied. "They're the town's defensive system, installed presumably by Cid. They aid the Committe in battle by eliminating enemies that may have  tried to infiltrate the town. Though, their not much help beyond the walls."

"Well, duh. I mean, they've only been installed for a year..." Yuffie retorted.

"A YEAR!" the group exclaimed simultaneously, looking at the girl with shocked expressions.

"Um, yeah," she replies warily, taking a step back from the group. "Did they not have defense mechanisms at Beacon?"

"Not exactly," Yang says sheepishly. "Well, we do. But normally, it's 'sink or swim' for us."

"Huh" The ninja hummed. "Well, that's okay. As long as the Claymores are up, we won't have to worry about Grimm getting into the town."

The group was lead down out of the town into a large tree line with oak trees so large they themselves were taller than most buildings in the town itself.

Blake marveled at the sight of the trees "Where... exactly are we going?" she said with wonder.

"To the mansion." Ky replied, placing his hands behind his head.

"Oooohhh! Are we going to see a mansion?" Nora asked excitedly his eyes darting left and right . "Where is it?"

"We're almost there." Aptus responded in amusement, as he passed a tree. His only indication that they were right being his continued step towards a clearing from the trees.

Yang chuckled, looking over at Weiss "I'm sure this'll be nothing new for you eh? I'm sure the Schnee family can afford a huge mansion, can't they?"

Weiss only rolled her eyes at the comment, choosing to studying the few rays of light that managed to cut through the layers of branches and brush above them.

"Oh that's right huh!" Ruby smiled "Then you'll be able to tell us if this mansion is like, a, a high class mansion or like, a run of the mill mansion."

Weiss dropped her gaze from the sky and shot a glare towards the girl, expecting to find a sneer of sarcasm from the Rose. Upon noticing her sincere look Weiss flushed, her harsh gaze softening.

"I- I guess I could." She stammered frowning as she looked away.

"We're here!" Yuffie annoucned as she paused just outside of the treeline where sunlight found it's way unobstructed from the ground.

The girls of RWBYK and team JNPR each stepped out into the light with wide eyes, taking in the sight. Before them was a tall intricately designed metal gate opening past a stone wall into a grass courtyard walled by square shaped bushes clearly maintained along with the lively look of the mansion just past the walkway. The structure was made of brick with tones of docile browns and tans. Several of the towers peaked with long spherical cones jutting out towards the sky. At its tallest point was a center tower ending with a triangle at it's top with cupped a glass painting spherical in design.

"Whoa...!" Ruby and Nora uttered as they stepped into the courtyard looking up at the massive structure.

"Now that's what I call a mansion." Blake breathed in wonder.

"Indeed." Ren gazing up at the windows.

"So." Yang said, clearly equally taken in by the sight " What do you think Weiss?"

The girl smiled in response "Well, it certainly looks nice."

"It is a very grand sight," Pyrrha agreed.

"No kidding," Jaune nodded to his partner.

For Ky, all he could do was look up at the mansion for a moment before a fond smile grew on his face. "Heh, it's good to be home."


And there you have it guys! That pretty much concludes for today's episode of RWBYK: 2.5. Thank you so much for reading this. And if you did enjoyed it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause that would be greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I could improve my stories so I could improve myself as well. Keep moving forward and stay safe!

Sonic out!!!

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