Chapter 6 - Sea Salt Times

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Hey Everyoooooone! It's SonicBlade here. And today we're finally back and beginning a new episode of RWBYK: The True King 2.5! Also, I wanna thank of those who read the last chapter and left reveiws about it! Thanks a lot once again! With that out of the way, get started!

(Opening Theme - BTOOOM!)


"Woooooow!" Ruby cooed in awe barely seconds after they had all arrived at the top of the Twilight Town station's clock tower. It was a bit of a tight squeeze to get everyone up there. but somehow, they ended up managing to pull it off, and now, the Beacon group were all able to take in the magnificent sight of a Twilight Town sunset with their own eyes. "This is so cool! Isn't it, Zwei?"

The corgi merely barked in repsonse, talking in the sight with Po next to him.

"Incredible." Jaune aid with a grin "I know you've told us about this place Ky, but it's so awesome up close."

"Told ya. This used to be my favorite spot to relax in town." Ky said as he sat next to Ruby, Weiss sat on his left as Yang dangled her feet off of the edge next to Ruby, with Aptus and Blake on her other side.

On the other side of Ruby, sat Jaune with Pyrrha, Nora and Ren on his left.

"I've seen a lot of sunsets, but I don't think I can remember any of them being as nice as this," Blake admitted with a peaceful smile.

"I don't think I've ever even seen anything in Atlas that's as beautiful as this," Weiss added with her own admission.

"Yeah, the view of Beacon from Vale, and the view of the school right after we got off the airship on our first day definitely have nothing on this," Yang agreed.

"Naturally," Yuffie nodded like it should have been obvious. "There's a lot of reasons why this town is called Twilight Town after all. And the biggest one is because you won't find very many places with a more amazing sunset. Of course, this is definitely the best spot for watching them, but I may be a little biased, all things considered."

"This is very gorgeous sight!" Pyrrha said as she sat on the edge of the clock tower gazing out towards the seemingly enormous setting sun.

"It's like you can see everything from here." Ren observed, trying to sound reserved but failing due to the look of wonder washing over his features. The entire town was visible from below, the playing kids they had seen before, the older town center where they had arrived.

"You never worried about... falling off, did you?" Weiss said as she peering over the edge with a frown. They had to be over one hundred feet off the ground. Her legs were tucked underneath her as she sat staring over the edge.

"Ky has." Aptus and Yuffie said unison, with knowing looks on their faces.

"Good Oum, it was ONE time!" Ky groaned out of defense and annoyance.

"Ky was being his usual goofy self when he slipped off and plummeted down." Yuffie explained, shaking her head.

"We thought he was a goner, when his semblance came in, saving his life." Aptus added.

"Wait what!?" Ruby and the others all turned to look at said blunette upon hearing this.

Weiss gave him a deadpan look. "Wow, I thought you were a dunce before. But now, you're just plain stupid."

"It's not being stupid, I merely slipped off!" Ky answered. "Besides it worked out in the end. My Semblance came through for me, so it's a win-win."

"I kinda want to jump off of here myself..." Yang mumbled with a devious grin.

"Yang, don't do that." Ruby scolded, rolling her eyes.

"What? I'll be fine. I've got my girls!" she said, raising her shot gauntlets with a grin.

"I don't think we want to draw attention to ourselves, and I bet that seeing a girl rocketing through the sky would probably raise some eyebrows from down below." Ruby responded, sounding like an older sister.

"What people? I don't see anybody down there." Yang said peering over the edge. As Weiss and Ruby looked, they found that she was right. There wasn't a soul in sight. "Soooo...Can I do it? Cool if I jump off and have some fun?"

Ruby opened her mouth to answer but found Weiss speaking first, "You may be correct about the current amount of people not down there, but I'm certain that this town wouldn't respond well to shotgun blasts sounding out from the highest point of the city." Weiss said, very informatively.

Ruby raised an eyebrow and laughed "Good point! I didn't even think of that!"

"Ugh. fine.." Yang sighed in annoyance before laying back, resting the back of her head against her hands as she did.

However, she was unable to mope about it longer since Hayner, Pence and Olette chose just that moment to finally arrive. "Hey, hope you guys didn't start without me," the blonde greeted with a wave.

"No, we were just waiting on you," Ky reassured him. He then became a little more excited as he asked, "Did you get it?"

"I'm offended you even thought it was necessary to ask," Hayner scoffed in return as he produced the item that Ky was referring to. "Take one down, pass it around, and enjoy the icing on the cake."

"Yes! Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme," Ky cheered as he nearly jumped at Hayner for the treats that he and the othe two had started passing out. The minute he had his own in hand, Ky let out a longing sigh as he said, "Oh my sweet, wonderful darling~ How I have missed you."

"Addict," Aptus playfully teased with a roll of his eyes.

"Can't blame him. This stuff is amazing!" Yuffie said, taking her treat from Olette.

JNPR and the girls of RWBYK on the other hand, could only look at what they had been given in confusion, while trying to puzzle just what it was that the trio had handed them. "Is this...some kind of ice cream?" Blake finally asked.

"Not just any kind of ice cream. Its sea-salt ice cream, the best cold treat you'll ever have," Ky declared proudly, almost sounding like he was the one who had created the flavor.

Unsurprisingly, Weiss was the first one to give a voice of skepticism. "Sea-salt ice cream? That sounds incredibly gross."

"I actually have to agree with Weiss," Yang admitted, as strange as it seemed. "That really doesn't sound like a flavor that many people would enjoy."

Jaune saying something like, "I'm with Weiss and Yang on this one, it sounds funny."

"What? Are you kidding? Everyone loves it!" Hayner protested.

"He's not wrong. Everyone that we know who's ever tried this ice cream does like it a lot, and once they have tried it the first time, they can never get enough," Pence confirmed. His defense of the treat soon turned into a moment of teasing as he added, "No one's quite as bad about it as Ky, but..."

"Hey you! Don't make me take that ice cream away from you and throw it over the ledge," Ky threatened while waving his popsicle at Pence in a similar manner.

"Is it really that good?" Nora questioned.

"Just try at least one bite. Trust me, you won't regret it." Olette gently encouraged the Beacon group.

Pyrrha then spoke up. "Well, I suppose that makes sense."

"Works for me!" Nora exclaimed happily.

When they saw JNPR nodding along in agreement, the girls of RWBYK figured that they did not have much to lose and decided to give the strange treat a try. So, on the count of three, the group all took a quick, small bite of their popsicle, and almost immediately after, flinched back a little as the first bit of the ice cream's taste came over their taste buds.

"Ugh, it's really salty," Weiss grumbled in displeasure.

"And yet...really sweet too," Ruby added after the saltiness in her mouth had passed for the more favorable side of the ice cream flavor.

"Good right?" Ky asked.

"It's a little surprising, and may take some getting used to..." Blake started to say.

"But yeah, this is really good." Yang finally concluded, and it seemed like the rest of the team agreed with her on that.

With the entirety of Team RWBYK's girls now giving a seal of approval for sea-salt ice cream, JNPR decided to try the ice cream next. They had similar reactions. Of course, they didn't like it at first because of the salty side, but then they started to like the treat when they tasted the sweetness a few seconds after.

"Whoa... This is not so bad after all." Jaune murmured, amazed by the flavor of the ice cream.

"Right?" Aptus agreed.

"It's rather unusual, but it tastes very remarkable." Ren commented.

"Indeed." Pyrrha nodded in agreement.

"I could eat this at anytime." Nora grinned, pointing at her popsicle as emphasis.

The TT friends were glad the Beacon group liked the sea-salt ice cream. With that, everyone found themselves falling into an amicable silence while enjoying the rest of their frozen treats for a good amount of time. Not that you could blame them. When you have a good spot, some tasty treats, and good friends all in one place, you can't help but let your troubles take a back seat so that you can enjoy the moment for a little bit.

"Wow, that this stuff is really tasty!" Jaune said as he finished the last bite of the tasty ice shavings.

"Indeed, I've never tasted something with two flavors before." Pyrrha commented looking content as she too finished her ice cream.

"Glad you think so." Aptus smiled as he swallowed the last of his popsicle.

"No one can resist it!" Yuffie wiped her lips with a sleeve before eyeing her remaining popsicle stick. "Darn, no luck this time!"

"I already love this flavor! I want more!" Nora declared, holding up her stick in the air.

"Me too. I wonder why I've never tried it before." Ruby said looking slightly disappointed that she had finished her own.

Yang laughed. "That's true, you are sorta a 'treats connoisseur' aren't you? I can't remember all the times I've caught you with a cookie in your mouth..." Yang trailed off, staring out towards the sunset with a calm smile.

"To be honest, it won't been found it anywhere else." Hayner spoke up after finishing his ice cream too."As far as I know, Twilight Town, is the only place to get some."

Ky then gazed out into the distance, losing himself to the sunset as he did his best to push the rest of the world to the back of his mind.

He could hear the others talking about something, Weiss was trying to form a plan to take some home with her so that she could have 'her people' try and see if they could reproduce the product. Ruby promptly volunteered to taste test each of the batches to 'assure quality' as she put it. Yang promptly teased the girl telling her that she would probably become rounder than any ice cream scoop if she tried to go ahead with that plan. Everyone laughed that this, leading Ruby to cross her arms with an annoyed pout.

'This is just like the old times...' Ky thought to himself as his mind trailed back to before, to the last time he'd been here, like this, with his friends.

Just sitting here, enjoying the sunset, enjoying some ice cream, enjoying being with each with the Beacon group alongside them as well.

He paused, a soft grin forming on his lips as he continued the thought. 'I wish we have more days like this in the future.'

He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the small blue jewel he got from his shared room in the mansion. He then raised it up to the sun and looked right through it, drawing the attention of everyone else.

"What's that?" Ruby asked, leaning over to her boyfriend curiously.

"A treasure I won in the Tournament." Ky told her, before looking at at the TT gang. "You guys brought yours?"

"Yeah, we did!" Olette answered as she pulled out her own orb, which was a bright yellow.

Hayner rolled a red orb through his fingers. "Never leave home without it!"

"Same here!" Pence smiled, holding up a green one with pride.

"You win an orb at the tournament?" Weiss asked, interested on why the orb was important.

"Yeah, though four of them are found one the Struggle Trophy." Yuffie explained, tossing a purple orb in her hand. "After last year's tournament, we each took the jewels off and held on to them as a treasure we can share."

"Since then, we came up here together every chance we had and held them up to the sun." Aptus added, holding up a orange orb.

"Sounds like we're going to have to win to get our own treasure!" Yang stated, a smirk on her face.

"Hey! We want to win too!" Nora exclaimed, pointing a finger at Yang.

"Yeah! And we promise not to lose to neither of you!" Jaune added, pointing at team RWBYK and the TT gang.

"Not if we have something to say about it!" Ruby countered. "We're gonna kick your butts!"

"I, too, am looking forward to participating." Weiss added.

"Looks like you better start training more, right Hayner?" Yuffie asked, finding the banter between the two teams amusing.

"Yeah, cause we're not going down without a fight." Hanyer stated with a smirk. "I've been working my butt off for this thing!"

"Wow, something tells me that this year's tournament is definitely gonna be one to remember." Olette giggled in her hand.

"Well, it's only mere days away." Pence reminded them. "Which means, they're going to have to make it count."

"Hehe, this is going to be fun!" Ky declared. "I'm all fired up!"

"Hey, don't still my line!" Aptus exclaimed, causing everyone to laugh at this.


Soon, the group made their way down the clock tower, as all but the Beacon group and Yuffie left to head back home, saying they had homework to do.

"So what are we going to do now?" Ruby asked, skipping as they walked through the town.

"We're heading back to the mansion!" Yuffie answered.

"We need to rest for tomorrow." Aptus added, gaining confused looks from the two teams.

"Why do we need to rest?" Yang asked, crossing her arms.

"For me, it's training. After everything that's happened, I wanna get as strong as I can for the festival." Ky announced, thinking of what he was going to do tomorrow.

"But!" Ruby shouted. "What about..." She shiveled up a bit, becoming embarrassed and red. "Our date..."

Ky nodded in acknowledgement. "We're still going. I'm not going to break my promise."

The crimsonette nodded. "Okay."

"I kinda wanted to see more of this town." Jaune spoke up as they walked through the woods back to the mansion. "I'm not sure why, but it has such a...homey feeling to it."

"I agree, it's peaceful and welcoming." Pyrrha added, clasping her hands behind her back.

Nora smiled as she held her stomach. "Plus the food and ice cream were totally awesome~"

"Indeed." Ren nodded with a small smile.

"So was the view." Yang smiled, remembering how the breathtaking sunset was. "The one at Beacon at nothing on that. I'm kinda jealous of you guys."

"That's why Twilight Town unique from other places." Aptus added, glancing up at the sky.

Soon, the group reached their destination as the began to appear through out the sky. "Even the stars are beautiful here." Ruby pointed out, astonished by the sparkles that lit up the clear sky.

"Yeah..." Ky trailed off, as he looked up at the stars when a memory from his childhood flew through his mind.


Five-year old Ky sat in the field, ontop of his father's, Noctis', shoulders as they looked up at the clear sky. The stars shimmering, lighting up the night sky. "Hey Dad," Ky spoke, gaining his father's attention,"We're pals right?"

The black-haired man send him an amused grin, "Right." He spoke in a somwhat deep voice.

"And we'll always be together right?" Ky asked, his eyes shining with innocence. He was too young to notice the look his father had.

"Kyon, let me tell you something my father told me - look at the stars." Noctis merely said, before turning his gaze back the starry sky. "The Great Kings of the Past look down on us from those stars."

The young blunette gazed up at the sky in awe. "Wow, really?"

Noctis nodded. "Yes. So, whenever you feel alone, just remenberm that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I."

Ky squinted his eyes hard at the stars, before puffing his cheeks. "I can't see them, dad."

"Keep looking, son. Keep looking." The man merely smiled as both father and son continued their star-gazing.

Flashback ends

'Can't believe I still remember that after all these years...' Ky let out a small sigh as he look up at moon. 'He'll be there to guide me, but when will that happen?' He thought to himself, until a hand was waved in his face.

"Remnant to Ky? You there?" Ruby called out, snapping the blunette out of his trance.

"H-huh?"He blinked twice and glanced aroud, as he look down at her. "Rosebud, what's up?"

"We were heading back in and you're like...not moving" The crimsonette asked, gaining the group's attention. "Are you okay?"

"O-Oh." Ky realized, rubbing his head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just...lost in thought, I guess."

Ruby smiled as she took hold of his hand. "Okay. If you want to talk, I be here to listen."

"I know. Thanks, Ruby."

"Alright, people!" Yuffie called out. "We got a big day tomorrow, so let's get some shut eye!"

"Sounds like a good idea." Yang agreed, yawning.

"Sleep sound really good." Blake spoke, using her hand to cover her own yawn.

"Especially after this eventful day." Weiss added.

Aptus then walks to the mansion and opens the door, as he and the other all enter inside. "It was only the first day."

"Well..all of things happened today, not to mention the walking around town."

"All the more reason to have more to look forward to."

"Seems like you all had fun." a gentle female voice called out. The group all turned to Aerith who smiled at them.

"Yeah, it was amazing!" Nora exclaimed, her sleepiness long gone. "It was a good adventure" Yang added.

"And really good food!" Ruby chimed in, remembering the amazing food Remy and Ky made as well as the ice cream.

"It was quite an expeirence to say the least." Weiss added.

"The fight was cool!" Jaune commented, remembering how Ky faught with Seifer."Fight?" Aerith asked, raising an eyebrow in question.

"Seifer." Ky, Aptus and Yuffie all said in deadpan unison.

The bruntte nodded in understanding. "Ahh, that makes sense. Well, seems like you've all had quite the day. Why not get some rest?"

"Rest is very much needed" Ky answered, knowing how the group was tired.

"Oh, by the way. Weiss, was it?" Aerith spoke, getting the heiress' attention. "Moogle said that he and Eliza will have your rapier ready for you first thing in the morning."

"That's wonderful." Weiss stated, bowing her head slightly. "Thank you very much." With that, the two teams proceeded to their rooms.

"You guys go on ahead." Ky called out to the group, making them pause, "I need to talk to Leon and the others about something, so don't wait up for me."

"Alright, just don't make any loud noises when you come back." Aptus commented, having an idea on what he's going to tell the others. Ruby, worried by his sudden mood change that occurred not to long ago, sent him a worried look before being dragged away by Yang.

"Come on, sis. You can cuddle with him later." The brawler teased, much to her sister's embarrassement.

"I..uh...alright." Ruby stumbled out, accepting to be taken away to their room. Once the groups was out of sight, Aerith and Yuffie both turned their attention to Ky.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" The ninja girl asked, tilting her head in curiousity.

"It's better if I tell everyone at the same time" Ky answered, glancing at the duo.

Aerith blinked at that before gesturing to the staircase on her left. "Well, Leon and the others arein the lounge." She told him, getting a nod in return.

"Well to the lounge we go!" Yuffie chirped, walking up to the staircase with the two following along.


"...And that's the jist of it." Tifa told Leon, explaining what had occured on her mission with Cloud, whom was leaning against the wall as his partner was talking to the leader of the squad.

The gun-blade wielder took a moment to process what he was told, before running a hand through his hair.

"Sounds like we have a lot of work to do." He sighed lowly. Before anyone else could say more, a knock at the door drew their attention as Aerith along with Ky and Yuffie walked into the room.

"Hey guys! Ky has something important he needs to tell us!" Yuffie explained, gaining the group's attention as they all glanced over to the boy.

"So what's this about?" Tifa asked, placing her elbows on the table.

"You might want to get comfortable. This might take a while to explain." The blunette said, then gestured to his eye scar. "The majority of it involves this." Ky replied, gesturing to his eye scar.

"Your scar? What about your scar? Did something bad happen?" Tifa asked concern for his well being.

Ky sighed as he rubbed his head. "You could say that. Okay, this is what happened..."


And there you have it guys! That pretty much concludes for today's episode of RWBYK Vol 2.5 Thank you all so much for reading this. I'm very happy to see you've all been enjoying this series so far. I love reading every review and comment I get, truly. It helps keep me going to see all the feedback, whether it be constructive criticism or what you liked in that specific chapter.

(I'm not good at making chapter titles)


nyhow, that's all I can think of for right now. I thank you all for reading, and look forward to seeing you next chapter. Also, stay safe!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!

SonicBlade out!!!

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