Chapter 7 - An Overdue Talk

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Hey guys! It's SonicBlade here. And today we're finally back and beginning a new episode of RWBYK: Darkness at Twilight! Sorry for the long wait, I had to step back because I was losing my motivation to write this and because my partner was unavailable for quiet some time. I'll try to get my inspiration back as I got along. (Sorry if the chapter title sucks. Didn't know what else to call it.) With that out of the way, get started!

"...After that, we all decided to keep it to ourselves." Ky finished explaining his story. He looked around the room say everyone was shocked would be an understatement. Silence reigned supreme in the room as everyone tried to take in what they were told, with different reactions.

"Vanitas...A name I never thought I'd hear again." Leon said, rubbing his eyes. "A violent, ruthless, and cold-hearted warrior that will crush anyone that stands in his way."

"So no one else knows about this right? Only the teams do?" Aerith asked, knowing that of others where to know about his origins, it wouldn't end well.

Ky shrugged "Pretty much. Though Mom's team knew as well."

"Not only did they go after you but they also managed to drag your friends along. Damn it!" Tifa seethed, slamming her fist onto the table. "And on top of that, he's working with that same bastard that kil-Damn it!"

"Though I don't agree with the usage of such language, Tifa's right." Aerith said, her once soft and loving features twisting into a furious frown. "The fact he was able to strike when no one was around means they must be making their move."

"If that's the case, they'll keep coming after Ky no matter what." Yuffie added, her hands forming into fists. "Man, I really want to hurt him!"

Cloud had remain silent throughout the whole ordeal, but if one where to look closely, they would've seen he was trying hard to hold in his anger. "Aqua tried so hard to make sure no one would ever got out about this. Seems like it was enough."

"This just means we have to work twice as hard to make sure it doesn't get worse" Aerith stated, glancing over to Ky.

"About that..." Ky said, getting the group's attention. "Mom told me everything about her plan herself."

Everyone froze at upon hearing this, and looked at the blunette in complete utter shock. "Wh....what do you mean Aqua told you?" Tifa inquired, sharing a look with the others.

"After my encounter with Vanitas. How if anything...were to happen, you guys would protect me and give me a 'normal life.'"

"How...How is that possible?" Aerith asked, holding a hand to her chest.

The blunette shook his head. "I'm not sure myself. All I know was that I was drifting within a dark abyss and then her spirit appear in front of me and explained mostly everything."

"Well...that's interesting" Yuffie joked, attempting to lessen the tension in the room.

"That isn't what I would call it" Aerith commented with a sigh. "This is a lot to take in."

"That was pretty much how the others reacted when I told them." Ky joked.

"By others, you mean Aptus and your other friends?" Tifa asked, crossing her arms while getting a nod in return.

"Well, look on the bright side: At least Ky here knows bit more about his origins!" Yuffie chirped.

"But how was Aqua able to do something like that?" Tifa questioned. "She's been gone for almost a decade now."

"Don't forget. This IS Aqua we're talking
Leon spoke up. "She probably stored some of her own energy within Ky. In most ways, she was Master in her own right."

"Soooo...what do we do now?" The ninja girl asked, glancing over at Leon.

Everyone all looked over at said male closing his eyes in thought as he clasped his hands together. He appeared to be coming up with a plan for the most part.

"Now, that they know who is he is, they'll keep coming after him no matter what." The gun-blade wielder spoke up. "Which also includes the Grimm."

Cloud then looked down in thought. "Which means we should keep on our guard even more. They probably have been tracing his steps for a while now.

"There's something else I forgot to mention..." Ky trailed off, gaining the group's attention once more.

"What's that?"

"Well...the girls and I went on a mission that ended with Vale being breached. We had to fight a strong monster and I ended up getting a new power. It was weird. I was glowing with blue energy all around me." Ky explained.

Yuffie blinked owlishly. "Wait what?"

"Yeah, long story short: Got a new power fighting a strange monster while Vale was breached."

"What kind of power are we talking about?"

Ky scratched his head. "Uhh, well...It's kind hard to explain. So, I'll just show you."

The blunette then took several steps back from the table and took a deep breath, before closing his eyes.

The others watched, anticipated to see this new power. Within seconds, a a large glyph-like circle surrounded by symbols appeared underneath Ky as blue energy burst into being around the blunette as it sprayed outward, sweeping across the room and forcing everyone to shield their eyes or risk losing them from the bright light that engulfed everything. Though, no one noticed the door opening slightly.

After a second, the light then shed off the bluenette like sparkles, revealing his new appearance, which had shown he was now engulfed in a blue/cyan- colored shroud that radiated flickering flames of energy, and his clothing and hair continuously billow upwards as if caught in a strong breeze. His eyes were glowing of shining golden and startling silver eyes as they radiated with power as well.

Ky then moved his eyes over the astonished faces of the Committee as the aura lit up the dimmed room. "Well, this is it."

Yuffie was gobsmacked as she took in Ky's new appearance. "W-Wow!" She merely suttered out

"Amazing...!" Aerith breathed out, in awe by the power emitted.

"That's putting it mildly" Tifa said, moving closer to Ky to get a better look. "So, this is the power of the Light?"

"It seems like it, though I'm not sure if this is the full extent of his power" Leon replied, watching Ky move around.

"Agreed." Cloud added. "Feels like it's merely a small percentage of his actual power."

The others all looked over at Leon and Cloud in interest. "Wait really? There's more!?" Yuffie exclaimed.

Leon shrugged. "That's a possibility. We don't know much about the power itself, only what we were told about the history of the Light."

Ky looked down at his hands in awe. To think he was able to beat the Dark Thorn with half of his power, he wondered how strong he would be once he had access to ALL of it.

"Is there anything else can you do with your power?" Aerith asked him. 

 "No idea. When I used half of it against the Dark Thorn, I passed out for a few seconds." Ky replied with a shrug, recalling what happened to him thanks to Ruby after he first used his power. 

 "Maybe we should have Cid run some tests just to be safe." Yuffie suggested. "

Sounds like you haven't really gotten use to it yet.""Wait, a Dark Thorn?" Tifa said, shocked by these news. 

 "Uh... Y-Yeah. At Vale City Town Square, there was a breach a-and the Dark Thorn was one of those Grimm." Ky admitted sheepishly with a sweatdrop.

"Maybe someone sent it." Yuffie guessed. The others stared at her with disbelief. 

 Cloud scoffed as he rolled his eyes, "That's ridiculous. How can someone send a Dark Thorn to a city full of people? Nobody sends Grimm to attack the innocent." 

 "Hey, I'm just saying." Yuffie defended, raising her hands in surrender.

"That's actually a possibility." Leon spoke, leaning against the wall. "The Grimm are drawn to negativity. So if there's a high amount of negativity around, they'll go towards it, regardless to people who are innocent or not."

"He... does have a point." Ky mumbled. 

 "Then we should be ready for anything. Who knows what would happen if another Dark Thorn shows up." Cloud said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Why don't you head back to your friends, Ky?" Aerith spoke. "We can talk more about this tomorrow."

"Yeah, sounds good." Ky said, stretching his arms. "There's other spots I wanna show them, especially Ruby."

"If Ruby wants to sleep with you tonight in your or her team's room, don't get too comfortable while you're snuggling together." Tifa smirked teasingly, causing the bluenette to blush hard at the thought of him and Ruby sleeping in each other's arms on the same bed.

"Tifa!" Ky complained with a glare. 

 Tifa and Yuffie laughed as the others smiled in amusement.

With a grumble, the blunette walked out of the room.

"How did that kid get himself a girlfriend in the first place?" Cloud asked Leon, Aerith and Yuffie, smirking.

"Believe me. I asked myself the same thing." Yuffie chuckled.

"Ky hasn't been happy since his mom was around. Seeing him together with Ruby showed that same happiness I haven't seen in him for a long time." Leon said.

"It's nice to see him very happy with someone special like Ruby, they make a cute couple." Aerith nodded in agreement.

"Did Aptus get a girlfriend too?" Tifa wondered.

"Nope. But, there might be someone just for him." Yuffie smirked, remembering the moments Aptus and a certain blonde brawler were teased as a possible future couple by some of the others.


In the room where the girls of Team RWBYK were staying, they were all in their pajamas, all sitting around.

Yang was fluffing up her pillow. Blake was lounging on her bed while her back was lying down on her pillow and she's reading a book. Weiss was brushing her side ponytail that was now worn down. Ruby was sitting on her bed petting Zwei, who was napping right beside her.

"What a day, huh girls? Going to a new town. Visiting new places. Meeting lots of new friends. Ky and Aptus' hometown is really something else." Yang said as she jumped onto her bed.

"Yes. The food at Remy's bistro is good. So is the sea-salt ice cream. I must admit that I enjoy Twilight Town very much." Weiss replied with a nod, still brushing her flowing hair.

"Me too. Ky and Aptus know plenty of people here. Their Faunus friend Remy is a bit strange at first, but he seems like a nice guy with a talent for cooking. And their friend Cloud has a powerful aura in him. His clothes are dark yet very interesting." Blake added as she flipped the next page of her book.

"Ooooh. You got your eye on a cool-looking spiky-haired swordsman and a mute rat Faunus chef?" Yang asked teasingly, her head resting on her hands.

Blake narrowed her eyes at her blonde partner in annoyance, "No, Yang. I'm saying that Ky and Aptus have a lot of interesting friends."

"Yeah!" Ruby chimed in, "Leon, Aerith and Cid are great. Moogle, Eliza, Hayner, Pence and Olette are all friendly too."

"And let's not forget Yuffie. She may be a ninja, but she's a lot like you when it comes to weapons, sis. You found a new friend you got along with so well." Yang grinned, remembering when Yuffie first met Ruby and tested her knowledge in weapons by asking her random questions.

"I could say the same about you with Tifa. She is friendly, even if she seems scary at first, and she's pretty strong. Maybe much more stronger than you and Nora."

"Let's hope Tifa is being careful with her strength. We wouldn't want another strong brawler who can cause any damage like Yang when those two spar or fight at the Struggle Tournament." Weiss commented.

"I don't know. I mean, we all saw how she punched Ky earlier." Blake pointed out.

"It was shocking, yet frightening." Weiss nodded with a shudder at the end.

"I'll find out about Tifa's strength when we take on each other." Yang smirked.

"Have you ever thought of taking on Aptus?" Ruby asked, earning a confused look from her sister.

"No. Why?" she questioned. "You wouldn't hurt a fox Faunus who you think is very 'hot', right?" Ruby teased.

Blake snickered as Weiss smiled in amusement. Yang blushed hard at the hint in Ruby's words. "What?! No way! Who says I think Aptus is hot? I've never said that!" She protested.

"I didn't say anything about Aptus." Ruby smiled innocently.

Yang's eyes widened. She covered her face with her hands while groaning, feeling embarrassed by giving away her true feelings and Ruby teasing her. The other girls laughed at her reaction. It was a first that Yang usually teases Ruby about Ky even before they became a couple. Now it's happening in the other way around. Not to mention that Blake is aware of Yang's feelings for a certain best friend of his.

"It is obvious you like Aptus more than a friend." The cat Faunus said.

"That's not what I think of him!" Yang shouted.

"The denial says it all. And so does the jealousy. If I recall correctly, you were jealous when the girls in town earlier stared at Aptus." Weiss smirked as she put down her hairbrush and turned to Yang, putting her hands on her hips.

"I wasn't jealous..." Yang grumbled, annoyed.

"C'mon, Yang! You like Aptus. Right?" Ruby smiled. Yang started to speak hesitantly.

"Well... Maybe a little."

"A little?" An amused voice spoke. The girls turned their heads and saw Ky leaning on the doorway with the door open, his arms crossing over his chest. "I think it's more like she's in love." He grinned as he walked into the room.

"Hey, Ky! How was your talk with Leon and your other friends?" Ruby asked, greeting Ky with a wave of her hand.

"It's not so bad." Ky shrugged. ""We just did some catching up is all."

"They're interesting people to say the least." Blake told him.

"Hold on. Ky, what makes you think I'm in love with Aptus?" Yang questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Ky gave the blonde a flat look. "Really? I'm sure the dance was pretty obivious."

Yang froze up at this. Ruby giggled as Blake and Weiss smirked at each other. They remembered seeing Yang and Aptus interacting with one another closely during the Beacon Dance. Of course, their reactions from when they were teased as a possible couple at Twilight Town earlier were amusing. It was also evident to those who took further notice.

"Funny. We just mentioned those 'fangirls' of Aptus. Yang was obviously jealous of the way they stared at him." Blake recalled subtly.

"I told you I'm not jealous!" Yang complained as her cheeks turned red. "

Oh, sis. It's clear that you don't like other girls staring at Aptus like he was very handsome. Let alone a fox Faunus. You can't deny that you love him. Unless you think he's too hot for you. Or maybe his puns are too good to-" Ruby joked until Yang angrily cut her off when she couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, fine! I'm in love with Aptus. There, I said it. Are you guys happy now?" She said and looked away while crossing her arms, causing the others to laugh at her embarrassment.

"I'm always happy." Ky nodded. He petted Zwei on the head and sat down on Ruby's bed right beside her. "How long have you felt 'lovey-dovey' for him?" he asked.

"I don't know. Uh, I think... maybe since we got here." Yang replied as she looked down into deep thought.

"That so?"

"Yeah. I didn't notice until I listened to Pence encouraging Aptus that he'll find a girl sooner than he thinks he will. When I thought about what he said, I was reminded of how you found Ruby. It made me think of what will it be like if Aptus and I were a couple like you two."

"Aww!" Ruby gushed, making Yang and Ky chuckle in amusement. Zwei barked at Yang excitedly.

"Wow. You thought of everything, huh?" Ky grinned.

"Guess I got it memorized because I do have the hots for that handsome fiery foxy." Yang responded with a shrug of her shoulders. Ky laughed as the girls groaned.

"Of course you would joke like that." Weiss mumbled in annoyance.

"You know, just because you actually admitted how you feel, I'm gonna let you have that one." Blake spoke, turning a page in her book.

"So when are you going to tell Aptus you love him?" Ruby questioned with eagerness.

"I-I don't know..." Yang answered hesitantly, rubbing her arm. "I didn't think of that."

"Then you should tell Aptus soon. The longer you hide your feelings, the sooner he'll possibly be taken by someone else." Weiss advised with a hint of humor at the end.

"How am I supposed to do that without messing it up?" Yang exclaimed, swinging her arms up in exasperation.

"You never know until you give it a try. There's a chance that he might feel the same way." Ky replied, mumbling the last part quietly.

"What's that?" Yang raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing." Ky dismissed it, "Anyway, just be honest about your feelings to Aptus."

"Use every amount of confidence in you." Blake added. "And most importantly..." Ruby trailed off.

"No puns." The four finished in unison as Weiss nodded firmly in agreement.

Ky stretched his arms. "Welp, I'm gonna turn in for the night. I'll see you girls in the morning."

Just as he stood up, Ruby grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving. "Wait!" Ky and the other girls looked at the crimsonette, causing her cheeks to blush and let go of him.

"What is it, Rosebud?" he questioned.

"Uh..." She shyly poked her fingers under their gazes. She glanced at her boyfriend's curious look, only for her blush to turn redder as he raised an eyebrow. Everyone in the room waited for her response. Zwei just wagged his bobbed tail.

Finally, Ruby took a deep breath. "I was just wondering... Can I... sleep with you in... your and Aptus' room?" She asked, her tone growing more softer to the last part before she panicked. "Just only tonight! I-I know you and Aptus have your own room here, and that's okay with me! But I wanted to-!"

She was cut off when Ky placed his hand on her head to stop her ranting, letting out an amused laugh. This made her glance at him in confusion.

"Seems like you can't get enough of me." Ky commented, which made Ruby blush even harder. He laughed at her cute reaction and smiled. "Sure, sounds good." His girlfriend smiled back, the redness in her cheeks fading a little.

"It looks like you are cuddling with him tonight." Yang said teasingly.

"Stop it please, Yang!" Ruby glared at her as she blushed hard again.

"Hey. You gave me a taste of my own medicine three times today, including a moment ago when you made me reveal my crush's name by teasing me and started listing out reasons why I like him. Now I had to return the favor for the third time." The brawler smirked.

Ky laughed and grinned at Ruby, "You teased Yang? Haha, wow. I must be rubbing off on you, huh?"

"It's not my fault you always joke around me more than my sister does. That was also before you and I became a couple." She pouted before she looked away with her arms crossed to avoid more teasing from her now-grinning sister or her amused boyfriend, who laughed in response. Her teasing Yang was a first to say the least. While she didn't like feeling any more embarrassed at the moment, it was true that she's being rubbed off on by Ky. Not that Yang thinks it's a bad thing. She likes how great he is as Ruby's boyfriend and knows he has been taking good care for her. If only Aptus would treat her the same way. Weiss and Blake couldn't help but laugh with the bluenette, watching the funny scene of the trio's interactions. Even Zwei wagged his tail rapidly out of enjoyment.

"So is Aptus gonna be okay about Ruby sleeping with you guys tonight?" Yang asked Ky.

"Eh, I'm sure he won't mind it. Not like we're gonna do anything in bed other than cuddling close in each other's arms." He replied nonchalantly, waving his hand down in dismissal.

"Ky!" Ruby whined after she shoved him a little bit hard. "Just messin' with ya." Ky chuckled at her as the other girls laughed. "If you two will only sleep in bed for tonight, then I'm okay with that." Weiss said.

"Have fun." Blake waved them off. "What are you talking about?" Ruby questioned them both, puzzled.

"Don't mind them. You're too young to understand." Yang snickered and smiled, "Go ahead. You can sleep cuddle with him."

Ruby looked confused by Weiss and Blake's words at first, but then she shrugged it off. "Okay. See you guys in the morning." She smiled.

"G'night, girls." Ky waved as she took his offered hand and headed out the door with him.

"Night, you two." Yang waved back as Blake nodded while Weiss watched the young couple leave the room. The door was closed by Ky.

"She can be too innocent for her own good." The heiress spoke as soon as the couple were out of sight.

"Ah, they won't do anything funny. I know Ky would never take Ruby too seriously until she's a little old enough." Yang reassured her.

"Then what if you want to do it with Aptus someday?" Blake asked, causing her blonde partner to give her an unamused look.

"You're not going to let go of that, are you?" She muttered.

"Maybe. Or maybe not." Blake shrugged, closing her book and placing it somewhere near her.

Yang grumbled in irritation with an eye roll. Weiss shook her head amusedly as she went to turn off the lights. The remaining RWBYK girls started to feel tired. Zwei ran around Ruby's empty bed for a second to get comfortable and laid down. Once they  settled in, they began falling asleep.


Aptus was seen in his shared room with Ky, looking through his scroll.

When he heard the door open, he looked up and saw Ky entering the room with Ruby hand-in-hand.

"Well, what do we have here? Is the hero trying to pluck his rose or something?"

He smirked, causing Ky to laugh and his best friend's girlfriend to blush faintly. "Hi, Aptus. I-I just asked to s-stay here with Ky for t-tonight. Is that o-okay with you?" Ruby asked with a stutter.

The fox faunus shrugged casually. "Sure, I don't have a problem with it. But you're gonna do anything, keep it to a minimum, yeah?"

Knowing what he was saying, Ruby turned more redder than she already had. Ky blushed at the same time she did as Aptus laughed at the looks on their faces.

"Dude! We're just sleeping, that's all!" Ky exclaimed. "Besides, it's way to soon to be thinking about that!"

"Relax! I'm just messin' with ya. You should've seen yourselves. Both of your faces were priceless." Aptus said, chuckling at the last part.

"Well next time, sleep with Yang alone and see if you two can 'keep it to a minimum'." Ruby retorted while imitating what he mentioned.

Aptus looked beyond shock with his eyes widened and his cheeks blushing harder. It's not what he had in mind, but it was either a harmless joke, or something like a suggestion that he would possibly do one day.

Ky and Ruby laughed hysterically. When Aptus finally shook his head to snap out of it, he looked at the crimsonette, who was starting to calm down with Ky from the long laughter.

"Ky would only say something like that. Did he just... rub off on you?" He asked her out of surprise.

"Maybe~." Ruby shrugged with a smile that seemed a little too innocent.

"That's my Rosebud." Ky praised as he kissed Ruby on the cheek.

"I don't even know what does she see in you, man." Aptus mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Too bad Yang hasn't seen you the way you see her yet~." Ky teased.

Deeply annoyed, Aptus facepalmed with a loud groan. This made the couple laugh again. They have a feeling about him and Yang despite his doubts on finding a girl, who will return his feelings and feel the same way towards him.

"Ack!" Aptus jerked at that, before turning away from the pair. "Well played, Little Red. Well played..."

"All in a day's work, Foxy." Ruby joked. Ky had to laugh at that one. "Now you're starting to sound like your sister." Aptus rolled his eyes.

"Is that a bad thing~?"

"Don't even."

"Okay, okay. I think we have enough fun for one day. Let's get some shuteye." Ky chuckled, patting Ruby on the head. 

 "All right." She smiled as she walked over to Ky's bed with him.

 "Just don't get too comfortable, you two. And I mean not too comfortable." Aptus said, emphiazing on 'too'.

 "No promises." The couple replied in unison. They looked at each other, surprised that they both said the same thing, then they laughed together. Aptus shook his head with an amused chuckle.

"Night, you too." The fox faunus said, before turning over on his side to the wall.

"Same here." Ky told him, before he and slip the bed covers over Ruby and himself. 
"We'd better get some shut eye too. We got a big day tommorrow."

"Okay." Ruby yawned before nuzzling Ky's chest. "Night, Ky."

"Night Ruby." Ky said, kissing the top of her head and wrapping his arms around her. After that, the couple soon fell asleep.


After a moment, the girl in white ceased her activity to look down at the drawing, which shown as a picture of her standing in a grassy plains and gazing up a night sky full of stars.

As if she felt something a prescene nearby, the girl to raise her head just as a black gateway appeared, and a figure in a black coat and hood appeared behind her.

"Namine, it's time."

Hearing her name, the girl turn her head slighty to look at them, revealing her crystal blue eyes, full of various negative emotions.


At long last, this chapter is finally finished! Again, sorry that it took SO LONG. Hopefully, this chapter made up for it...even though I think it wasn't my best work.

Also, I wanna thank of those who read the last chapter and left reveiws about it! Thanks a lot once again! 

See you guys in the next chapter!

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