Season 1-Ep1: Ruby Makes Cookies

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Hey Everyoooooone! It's Z-Storm here. And today we're finally back and beginning the series that is RWBYK: Chibi! I really had a hard time thinking of what to write for this due to...not having many ideas. But anyways, here we are now! Enjoy!

In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose drop from the sky to the ground, where the five miniaturized members of Team RWBYK pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: "RWBYK: CHIBI"!


In a simple kitchen with stacked dishes next to the sink, a paper towel roll, a vase full of yellow flowers, and a large window showing beautiful blue skies dotted with fluffy clouds, the view zooms in briefly on the table containing a red bowl, a bag of flour, some eggs, and a package of "Choco Chippies" before Ruby Rose leaps up from behind and rubs her hands in excitement as she glances at the ingredients happily.

At that moment, her boyfriend, Ky walks in, only to see Ruby attempting to make cookies on her own.

Ky: Hey, Rosebud!

Ruby: Hmm? Oh hey, Ky. What's up?

Ky: Nothing much. Just gonna grab a quick snack...

Ruby: Oh.. Okay.

She starts her culinary quest by tapping one of the eggs on the side of the bowl, but the shell doesn't crack. Ruby looks perplexed for a moment, then tries rapidly hitting the egg with the same lack of results.

Ruby: Grrr...

She finally jumps up, screaming in rage, before throwing the egg into the bowl, where it finally splits open in a burst of white pieces and some orange yolk landing on her cheek, which she silently glowers at.

Ky: You seem to be having trouble there Ruby, need any help?

Ruby: No, it's okay, Totally fine.

She says this as she shakes a bag of flour to the bowl, but the flour didn't seem to come out. She stands over the counter while holding the bag of flour upside down. Ky's eyes widen in realization as he figured out what she is about to do.

Ky: Wait, Ruby! Don't shake the---

And with a mere shake of the bag, all the flour came rushing out, creating a brief, small fog.


When the fog died down, Ky saw Ruby now below the counter looking dazed as she sighed in disappointment. She looked over at her boyfriend with a pleading look.

Ky sighed to himself with a smile as he finished the rest of his snack in one bit, and walked over to scythe-wielding girl.

Ky: Alright, I'll help you out....

He grabbed an apron and a chef hat then instructed her on how to make chocolate chip cookies, correctly, as she watches in anticipation. 

Ky: Alright, that should do it! Hey, Rosebud, could you pass me the chocolate chips?

With an excited nod, Ruby went over and grabbed the chocolate chips. She put her hand into the bag and pulled out one of the chocolate chips, holding it in front of Ky with puppy dog eyes.

Seeing what the girl was silently asking, Ky let out a soft sigh.

Ky: Alright, it's fine you have one...

Ruby then shoved it inside her mouth. She stays silent for a while then her eyes dart from her boyfriend to the bag. Ky's eyes widened in realization.

Ky: Ruby, don't you dare...

Ruby's eyes darted back and forth again until she grins and starts digging in to the chocolate treats,

Ky: "No! Bad Ruby!"

He rushed towards her and try to grab at her. However, the sugar in the chips she was eating seemed to have enhanced her semblance as she used it to speed around eating the chocolate chips still and avoiding his attempts to stop her, even as he used his semblance to teleport around the room

Ky: "Ruby! Get back here!"

Every time he grabbed at her Ruby sped away again, even ending up outside at one point. Frustrated, he grunted loudly and tried to create a plan to trap the girl. After a few moments, he devised a scheme to lure her in and put it into action. He went back out towards the doorway into the hall and pretended to look around and get shocked by something.

Ky: "Woah! That guy has a double bladed gunblade!"

Ruby: "WHAT?! WHERE?!"

Going according to plan, the young girl quickly appeared next to the bluenette and began frantically looking for what he had described in the hallway. He took this opportunity and tackled her to the ground, grabbing the bag of chocolate chips from her that had been made immensely more light than it had been before Ruby had gotten her hands on it.


Ky: "You can't say stuff like that to your boyfriend! Now could you please you stir a bit while I heat the oven?

Ruby nodded enthusiastically and went over the bowl. She grabs a hold of the wooden spoon, and tries to stir, only for the wooden spoon to be cemented on the batter, she tried it again giving off a strained groan. She frantically does everything just for the wooden spoon to come off. She goes over the counter as she pulls the wooden spoon off, only to be slipped and crashes off

Ky: "Here, let me try"

Ky went over grabbed hold of the spoon, prepared to show Ruby how easy it was. He tugged at the spoon expecting it to move, but it once again did not.

Ky: Huh?

He tried again, but it felt like trying to stir through hardened cement.

Ky: Come on, you bastard! Move!

He attempts to move it towards him with both hands while grunting, pulling on it from the tabletop with her feet planted on the bowl until he's launched back

Ruby: AAAHH!!

She jumps and uses her feet to push the wooden spoon off the bowl, only to hear a cracking sound, which made her eye twitch in pain and fall on the floor. Ky grimaced at that...

Ky: Ouch.....

He allows Ruby to take another break while he continued with the spoon. While Ky deals with the batter, Ruby is sitting in the sink, eating her woes away with the remaining chocolate chips. As Ky finally stirs the batter again, he turns to see Ruby in a frozen state of wonder as the entire bag dumps into her mouth, her eyes widened and her foot twitching sporadically.

Ky: (smacks his forehead) Oy vey...


Ky: There. All done, and heated.

After a few minutes of waiting (in agony for Ruby) the cookies were finally baked.

Ruby: Not as good as yours, but they're something!

Ky: ('boops' her no the nose) You know it! And what goes better when you have a glass of milk to dip in~?

He then grabbed a bottle of milk and poured a glassful on Ruby's glass. 

Ruby: Yay!

She tries her best to jam the entire cookie in, but no matter what, the delicacy doesn't reach the drink. She gives a moanful wail in despair and collapses back into the ground, with the glass falling over.

Ky safely catches the glass in time before Ruby could be harmed and set the cup back on the table. 

Ky: Hang on, I got an idea.

Pulling Ruby up, he took the giant cookie and tore it in half, keeping one for himself and gave the other to Ruby. She dunks her half into the glass, squealing in joy as the cookie finally fit through. She practically inhaled her half in one second.

Ky offers her his half of the cookie to Ruby's delight, as she devours the cookie and Ky's hand whole. The latter looks at her with a mix of awe and shock, with Ruby blinking back in innocence.

Ky: .....Ow.


(A transition of blue hearts flowing in and Ky cross slashing the screen with Rhindon and Liberator)

"Party Games"

Team RWBYK had decided to have some 'bonding exercises through social engagements' or party games for short. They played various others like 'Twister' and 'Remnant: the Game'. Weiss had suggested Pin the Tail on the Donkey and was up first, blindfolded and rapier at the ready. Using her glyphs, she jumped and launched herself at the paper donkey...

...only to aim a little off.

Ruby: Missed!

Weiss: Drat!

The heiress slouched in disappointment, hanging onto her rapier, shortly before gravity ensured.

Meanwhile, Ky was also prepared, blindfolded and eager to start, raised both of his key-blades into the air.

Ky: My turn!

Yang: *holding Ky up* Ready?

Ky: Let's get er done!

With a mighty heave, Yang threw the blue-haired student into the air, Ky aiming his key-blades in front. It would have been a successful hit if Ky was actually aiming for the donkey and instead of pinning the tail, pinned his head on the donkey and effectively crashed through the wall.

When the dust had settled, a man-sized hole was in place of the fake donkey and stuck in the middle was Ky and his lower half was sticking out.

Ky: Did I win?

The girls huddled together, muttering among themselves until they reach a unanimous decision, splitting back into their respectful teams.

RWBY: Nope!

Ky: Dang it.


(A flurry of pink petals shows Ruby twirling her scythe happily across the screen)

"Ninjas of Love, Pt. 1"

The young Rose skipped happily into her team's dorm, accidentally bumping into Ky.

Ruby: Oof! Sorry Ky!

Ky: It's okay. Hey, do you know where the others are?

Ruby: No. Are they in our dorm?

Ky: That's why I was here. I was going to ask Snow White for a couple vials of Dust, so I could test them out on my Key-blades

Ruby: Oh, I guess we can go check the court... yard...

She dragged off as her gaze fell upon a half hidden book under Blake's pillow. Without warning, she zoomed over to Blake's bed, a look of curious wonder on her face. 

Ruby: Ky, come look at this!

At that moment, Ky appeared next to her and glanced at the book.

Ky: Ninjas of Love? Wait, I remember Shadow-cat reading this before. But she wouldn't let me see.

Ruby: Let's find out! 

The two quickly became engrossed in the book, evident with Ruby's range of emotions, all while Ky loomed over her shoulder, expression slowly morphing into shock at what he was reading.

Ky: Are people even allowed to do THAT to each other!?

Ruby: I dont' know, but it's getting good!

The two came upon a centerfold, Ruby simply turned the book sideways and extended into a full body shot. They examined the imagery from top to bottom, Ky's face morphing into complete horror, before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell backwards to the ground, unconscious.

 Ruby simply smiled as she gazed at the picture.

Ruby: Now that's a katana!



"Weiss and Yang Training"

While the two were occupied with Blake's titillating literature, Weiss and Yang were having a sparing match in the courtyard, with Aptus acting as referee.

Aptus: Alright, ladies! I want a good clean fight. That means no low blows, keep your attacks above the waist, no hair pulling and certainly no hair cutting. Semblances are allowed. Now, weapons ready?

Weiss raised her rapier at Yang with an aggressive snarl, while the blonde raises her arms with a cocky smirk.

Aptus: Fight!

With Aptus' declaration, the two came at each other, with Weiss swung her blade at Yang who ducks in the nick of time, the rapier nearly missing her hair. The blonde retaliates with a punch, only for the heiress to block summoning a small glyph. Weiss attempts another jab at Yang, only for her opponent to counter the blow and smack Myrtenaster away from its wielder. Her opponent now disarmed and open to another attack, Yang leaps into the air and let out a battle cry, ready to deliver a gauntlet blast towards her opponent. Weiss prepares for the oncoming blow, only for her weapon to click instead of delivering a blazing burst of rounds.

Aptus: *facepalming* See, this is why you should always check your weapons before a match. 

Yang lands back on the ground and repeatedly punches her weapons into firing. Weiss, no longer puzzled, openly starts mocking her opponent, raises her hands to her face and sticks her tongue out.

With Weiss caught off guard, Yang realizes the obvious choice and delivers one payload of a non-gauntlet punch, sending the heiress flying off screen and a couple of feet. 

Aptus: Winner by knockout, Yang Xio Long!

An unseen crowd cheers loudly as Yang makes a victorious stance, humming in victory.


"Ninjas of Love, Pt. 2"

While Yang celebrates her victory, Blake returns to their dorm for some quality time with her sordid literature, only to find her book missing. Immediately, she starts searching on her bed, but when it doesn't turn up, she scrambles through her bookshelf, frantically tearing through the shelf.

Blake: Where is it?!

She nearly jumped to the ceiling when she turned to see Ruby standing there with a growling grimace of disgust and a certain vivid novel tucked in her arm. Next to her was Ky whom was passed out on the ground with swirls in his eyes. Now completely anxious, Blake tries to speak up in a meekly tone.

Blake: Ruby, is that my book?

Ruby: This is filth! FILTH!!!

Ruby then leaps and twirls around, smacking Blake across the floor with her own book, before grabbing Ky's arm and marches away in the opposite direction, while dragging her boyfriend behind her.

Ky: (In a daze) Bow Chicka Bow-Wow. That's what my baby says. Mow-mow-mow, and my heart starts pumpin'. Chicka-chicka choo wah, never gonna stop!Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you

Blake merely raises her forefinger as she asked.

Blake: Can... Can I have my book back?

Ruby: Later! Ky and I are confiscating it for now!

The young silver-eyed Huntress disappears into the hallway with Ky as she closed the door and Blake fully collapses.


The first in a series of where anything can happen, from impersonating police detectives to baking cookies, even breaking the fourth wall! That's like, sixteen walls if you carry the negative! So, yeah, hopefully you enjoyed!

Stormy out!!!

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