Season 1 - Ep2 : Cat Burglar

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Hey guys! Stormy here with a new chapter for you guys. I didn't think there would be much support for this series, but thank you!

In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a heart-shaped emblem certain rose  embedded inside it drop from the sky to the ground, where the five miniaturized members of Team RWBYK  pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: "RWBYK CHIBI"!


Lisa Lavender: (speaking from a television set the members of RWBYK, along with Aptus were watching with varying degrees of interest as they sit on a wide couch in a rec room) "Reports of a cat burglar being on the prowl in Vale have flooded the police department this week"

Aptus: "Hmm?"

Before the group had been paying little attention to the television but had now become more interested as the news report continued.

Lisa Lavender: "Whether these reports are true, or merely a yarn, citizens are encouraged to stay indoors."

[As the news report finished, Yang picked up the remote and muted the TV. The five of them all turned towards Blake. After a few moments, Blake noticed your gazes and turned to see if there was something behind her you were looking at. Once she figured out there wasnt, she turned back to them all.]

Blake: "Seriously guys?"

Blake then jumped off the sofa they all sat on and faced them, tapping her foot in annoyance.

Blake: "Seriously?"

Aptus: Well, she did say "CAT burglar..."

Blake: "You're gonna think I'm a cat burglar just because I'm part cat? Thats, real mature"

Ky: (holds up his hands) Hey, you said it. Not us.

[With an angered look on her face, Blake walked off towards the exit. Ky sighed and rolled your eyes as she left but were surprised when she turned back and continued ranting.]

Blake: "You know, I have half a mind to report you guys to Glynda. What you're doing is profiling"

(While Blake was talking, she's also seen grabbing Aptus' Scroll, cookie and whole chess set - complete with figures - to the side.)

Blake: "You all disgust me!"

(She then grabs a large houseplant by the doorway and drags it off with her, pot and all. After she finished, you finally heard her exit the room.)

Aptus: "She really couldn't have made it any more obvious"

Ruby: "Huh?"

(Ky looked over to Ruby who had a confused look on her face. As the two boys looked around, they saw that Weiss and Yang had a similar expression.)

Ky: "Seriously?!"

(He was suddenly interrupted when you heard the sound of fast footsteps. After only a split second, Blake had rushed back into the room and jumped onto the back of the sofa.)

Blake: "Nya!"

[With this, Blake grabbed the TV remote out of Yang's hands and rushed back out of the room. The sound of a motorcycle starting up followed her as the tires screeched and it sped away.]

[As the group blinked in the unnerving silence, they regained their thoughts.]

Ky: She took your Scroll, didn't she?

Aptus: Yep.

Ky: And the last cookie?

Aptus: Most likely.

Ky: (sighs) Let's go get them.

Aptus: We're gonna need a fast set of wheels!

(Ky then kissed Ruby on the cheek he and Aptus stood up, grabbed their weapons and ran out the door. Despite her quickness, it seemed Blake had accidentally un-muted the TV as she grabbed the remote and Ruby, Weiss and Yang all refocused on the news.)

Lisa Lavender: "Breaking news! Police have engaged the alleged cat burglar in a high-speed chase! The suspect is fleeing on a yellow motorcycle with what appears to be a cartoonishly large amount of stolen goods. Also in pursuit are what appear to be two Huntsmen chasing down the burglar as well in a police car. The two appear to be students from Beacon Academy flying at incredible speeds after the said motorcycle. 

Aptus: *On screen* Suspect in heading towards downtown Vale! We're in hot pursuit!

Ky: *On screen* Stop right there in the name of the law, Shadow-cat!

Blake: *On screen* You'll never take me alive!

Lisa Lavender: What will they think of next? Back to you Cyril!"

Yang: "Well, at least they'll catch the purrpatrator! Right guys?"

[Yang gave the two a massive grin, proud of her joke. She was greeted by the grunts of Ruby and Weiss at how horrible her pun had been.]


["Ice Skating"]

With a transition of white snowflakes headed by Myrtenaster into the next scene, Weiss is seen gracefully gliding across a sheet of ice in what looks like an outside skating rink. She slides to the left on her bladed shoes, goes back around with an elegant twirl, and keeps spinning happily around wearing a cheerful expression as the camera pans out to reveal an annoyed Yang, Blake, and Ruby trapped up to their waists in a large circular block of ice, with Weiss' blade left in the spot where it froze the water. Weiss finishes her rotations in the center and gives a curtsy to her imaginary audience.

Yang: "Soo, this is the last time we invite her to the pool right?"

Ruby and Blake: "Yep"

Weiss: "Hmph!"

Blake: "Hey, where's Ky? Didn't he come with us too?"

(Realizing Blake was correct, the girls began looking around for Ky. Ruby's hand that was holding her up slipped on the ice and she landed face first on it. Opening her eyes after being shut instinctively, she was greeted with the sight of Ky, frozen in ice with wide eyes and in a swan pose.)

Ruby:  Ky! Weiss! You froze my boyfriend!"

Weiss: "Well, maybe next time, he should look before leaping!"

Ruby: "Grrrr! Hyah!"

(With mighty battle cry, Ruby leapt towards Weiss, sending both of them flying away from the pool as they began fighting with each other, leaving Yang and Blake looking at the froze Ky. The two girls let out a huge sigh before talking to each other.)

Blake: Let's call Aptus...

Yang: "I dunno, I kinda like having him there frozen with his shirt off. Means I can stare all I want~

Ruby: "YANG!

Yang: Alright, alright! I'll call Foxy.


[Pancake Showdown]

(As pink flower petals flow in and Ruby slices the screen with a small Crescent Rose, a bottle of syrup in silhouette on a table; the theme from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" plays. The sun creates a lens-flare wash to Ky and Nora facing off over a monstrous pile of pancakes, all covered in maple syrup. They narrow their eyes at each other in turn; then both flex their paws like gunslingers.)

Ky: Nora Valkyrie, today is the day we settle this once and for all!

Nora: You dare challenge me, the queen of pancakes?!

[Ruby and Ren are seen watching a few inches away, both watching in anticipation.]

Ren: I don't think this is such a good idea...

Ruby: Don't worry, they'll be fine...what's the worst that can happen. It's just a pancake eating contest.

(Ky grabs a pancake and shoves it into his mouth, leaving syrup all over his chin. He slams his fist down and leers at Nora, who yawns theatrically, then devours down a pancake of her own and folds her arms defiantly. Ky raises a paw with four pancakes, which he chows down rapid-fire one after the other, then grins devilishly. Nora stares back in amazement, her eye twitching; then she swallows four of her own, and grins a trifle insanely, breathing hard.)

Ky and Nora: OH, IT'S ON NOW!

(Cut to Ruby and Ren looking at the duo like in a tennis match, as chomps and slurps are heard from one side and then the other in rapid succession. Finally they look in the middle, and the camera switches back to Ky and Nora slumped against opposite ends of the table, both now chubby from devouring the pancakes. Only one flapjack is left in front of each of them. In extreme perspective, Ky reaches for the last one, groans and shudders, then slurps it down; he belches loudly, then looks at Nora with a sleepy smirk. Not giving up, Nora picks up her last one, her belly bulging out over the edge of the table; the pancake in her hands morphs into Ren, staring back at her.)

Pancake-Ren: I told you this wasn't such a good idea! 

(Nora suddenly gags, covers her mouth, totters, and collapses; the pancake shell flies up into the air and lands on the table. The camera trucks back vertically away from Nora, passed out and bloated on the ground.)

Nora: I...yield.


(At that moment, Ky suddenly slumps against the table, now passed out. Ruby and Ren only blinked at the scene for a few seconds, before Ruby gave Ren a closed-eye smile.)

Ruby: "See, I told you everything will be alright!"

(Ren turned and looked at the girl with a deadpanned expression, followed by an eye-twitch)



(After Yang jumps into frame on a cloud of orange and jumps back out with a blast from her, Blake is seen standing in RWBY's dorm room, arms crossed with a neutral expression, as Ky and Aptus are playing cards on the floor. Soon Yang marches up to the Faunus with a big grin on her face and something behind her back and physically holding back a outburst of laughter.)

Yang: "Hey Blake, I got you something"

(Yang snickered quietly as Blake rolled her eyes in annoyance and got up from her bed.)

Ky: Ohhh, here we go..."

(After she had risen, Yang presented a ball of blue yarn to Blake with a massive grin on her face.)

Blake: "Really? What? Do you expect me to roll around on the floor and play with it?"

Aptus: It's kinda stereotypical, Yang... and out of all the jokes too..

Ruby: "AWW YEAH!"

(Everyone's attention was once again taken as Ruby burst through the dorm room, charging towards the ball of yarn and grabbing it as she leapt by, smashing into the wall afterwards.)


(Ruby then slid into the middle of the room and began knocking the ball into the air a few times with her hands before cuddling it tightly. She screamed in absolute delight, continuing to play with the ball of twine to her heart's content. Aptus, Blake and Yang were perplexed on Ruby's behavior.)

Aptus: "I....cant decide if this is cute...or just plain weird..."

(Yang and Blake simply looked at each other, equally confused at the current situation.)

(Ky rushed up to Ruby and tickled her belly, causing her to giggle loudly.)

Ky: Aww, who's a good Ruby! You are! Yes, you are~

(Unexpectedly, Blake pounced on the ball of yarn in front of her and poked at it. In an instant, Ruby loomed protectively over the ball, growling menacingly as Blake hissed and raised her 'paw'. They glared daggers at each other before Ruby barked at her and Blake snarled before they collided into an entanglement of limbs and yarn, fighting over the object.)

(Snapped out of their trance, Ky, Aptus and Yang  grew alarmed and began separating the two.)

Aptus: Blake! Heel, girl! Calm down!

Ky and Yang: Ruby, stop!


"Blake Vs. Zwei"

(When Blake deftly twirls and rolls in with another transition before jumping out of the scene, Ky and Aptus walk into RWBYK's dorm room and look around.)

Aptus: I thought you said Blake was here.

Ky: She is. She's just hiding.

Aptus: Hiding? From what?

(Suddenly, they heard the familiar scuttle of claws on the wooden floor, turning and acknowledging Ruby and Yang's pet Corgi.)

Ky: Hi, Zwei.

(The chipper-looking canine barked happily in response, continuing to sniff the floor and the air until he stopped at a lamp and growled at what appeared to be nothing. As Aptus tilted his head before asking what he was doing, another more familiar voice reached their ears.)

Yang: (faintly) Zwei!

(The dog gave a quick "Woof!" of acknowledgment and scampered out of the room to his owner, with another voice whispering.)

Blake: Is he gone?

Ky: Yeah, you can come out, Shadow-cat.

(He walked over to the lamp and gently leaned it to one side and found Blake hiding somehow. Finally coming to the realisation of what was going on, Aptus facepalmed immediately before addressing Blake.)

Aptus: "I get that you're a cat faunus and all, but Zwei is like, half your size. The most damage he can do is lick you to death."

Blake: "Its evil!"

Aptus: "Yeah yeah, he's gone anyway"

(Blake breathed a sigh of relief and walked to her bed and began reading again without saying a word.)

Aptus: "You're welcome?"

Blake: "You didn't even do anything, Yang got her out of here technically"

(Slightly annoyed at Blake, Aptus quickly created a plan in his head and smirked to himself. He sneaked over to where Blake was without her seeing him and got as close as he could to her ear without her noticing before making a sound as closely resembling Zwei's barking. Blake quickly reacted with a shriek as she jumped out of her bed and onto the ceiling, staying up there as she shook. However, she quickly realized as she scanned the room that Zwei was nowhere to be seen, and quickly turn her gaze to Aptus, hissing at him in annoyance.)

Aptus: "Haha! Remind me to tell the others about this. Easiest way to wake you up if you ever sleep in"

Ky: Oh no...

(Aptus laughed to himself loudly...without noticing Ky backing up slowly, before sprinting out of the room at full speed. At the same time, Blake jumping off the ceiling towards Aptus with an annoyed look on her face, her sharp nails glistening slightly in the light as they moved towards his face...)

(...A 'manly' screams could be heard throughout Beacon a second later.)


And there you have it guys! The second episode of RWBYK: Chibi, finished. So, Thank you very much for reading this. And if you did enjoyed it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause that would be awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I could improve my stories so I could improve myself as well.

Stormy out!!!

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