Season 1 - Ep3: Reloading

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Hey everyoooone!!! Sonicblade here, (Yes, I've changed my username...again) and welcome back to another episode of RWBY Chibi: Male!Reader Insert..... So.. YEAH! I'M LITERALLY BACK, GUYS!!!.... Now where was I?...


O_O!!! Geez! Okay, okay, okay..... So hope you guys enjoy... Now what were those magic words again? Let's get er done!


In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose drop from the sky to the ground, where the five miniaturized members of Team RWBYK pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: "RWBYK CHIBI"!

"Jaune Calls Weiss"

A ringtone is heard playing, with the screen shrouded in darkness. After some notes are played, a voicemail message tone sounds, and the screen shows Jaune talking into his Scroll.

Jaune: Hey, um, Weiss... Schnee! This is Jaune... Arc, of the Arc family - last name's Arc.

Anyways, I was wondering what are you doing Saturday night? I'm doing... nothing, uh, which means I could be doing something with you! Yeah!

The pebble underneath Jaune's foot is sent rolling away...

Jaune: Whoa!

...causing Jaune to flip backwards, landing on his head, with his Scroll landing beside him. Jaune looks to it in a daze

Jaune: me.


Weiss: Why are we here again?

Ruby: Because we're besties, Weiss! Plus I want to try out these new bullets Ky gave me, like the sweet boyfriend he is!

Ky: That's me

Weiss rolled her eyes and sighs.

Weiss: Fine, but hurry it up. I got things to do today

Ky: Pfft, what? You going to hang out with the Seven Dwarfs at their cottage and sing 'Heigh-Ho?"

Weiss: Shut up!

Ruby laughs at this, as they set some stuff up. The trio now shown standing on campus, said Ruby armed with Crescent Rose and the Weiss with magazines for said weapon. Ky is seen behind Ruby for some ukknown reason.

Ruby: Ice!

Weiss hands Ruby a magazine decorated with a snowflake. She loads it into Crescent Rose, and cocks it. She fires the weapon, and a blast of ice discharges from the barrel.

Ruby: Fire!

Weiss hands Ruby another magazine, this one emblazoned with an ember. Ruby loads it, and fires again, this time causing a plume of fire to appear.

Ruby: Gravity!

Weiss hands Ruby a third magazine, this one decorated with four arrows pointing inwards. Ruby inserts the magazine, and fires. A flash of darkness emerges from the muzzle, but this time, Ruby is blasted back, colliding into Ky. Ruby's recoil stopped as she hit Ky, but the force was passed unto the bluenette, sending him flying offscreen. Standing back to her feet,Ruby dusted herself off for a moment before seeing Ky's unconscious figure. 

Ky: (in a daze) Mommy, I don't wanna go to school today! I wanna stay home and back cookies with you~

Ruby: Ky! Are you okay!? I'm so sorry! 

She started to run towards her boyfriend to check on him. Weiss watches her go, before slapping her palm against her face.

Weiss: Dolts...


"Jaune Calls Weiss Pt.2"

Once again, Jaune is in the courtyard, pacing back and forth as he leaves another message for Weiss.

Jaune: Hey Weiss. Um, I'm guessing you didn't get my call earlier. Maybe the messing up or something. I mean, there's no way you wouldn't get my message and not call me back. Right? I mean, that's... that'd be rude. That's ridiculous. You're definitely not, y'know, playing these messages to the rest of Team RWBYK and Aptus, and laughing... heheh, laughing. It's, uh, it's not you. You wouldn't do that, you wouldn't- you wouldn't do that. Right? That's crazy.


"You're It"

Blake is standing nonchalantly in the courtyard, as Yang leaps up behind her.

Yang: Tag, you're it!

Unfortunately for Yang, Blake phases out of existence, having used her to dodge the surprise attack. Yang spins around, and leaps for her again.

Yang: You're it!

Once again, Blake dodges the attack. Yang leaps for her again.

Yang: You're it!

Despite Yang's efforts, Blake continues to phase away from her.

Yang: YOU'RE IT!

With a chuckle, Blake continues to dodge her teammate's attempts to tag her, much to Yang's chagrin. Aptus laugh at Yang's misfortunes as he watches from a bench.

Aptus: Give up yet, Yang?

And her answer to him was a shotgun shell to the chest that belonged from her Ember Celica, sending him straight for the courtyard waters. With a huff, she and Blake went back to their game of cat and mouse.



"Jaune Calls Weiss Pt.3"

Another voicemail tone sounds, as Jaune pops up right in the camera, a look of frustration on his face as he yells into his Scroll.

Jaune: ALRIGHT, ICE QUEEN, I'VE HAD IT UP TO HERE! It's one thing to deny a guy, but it is another thing to ignore him entirely! If you were here right now, I would give you A PIECE OF MY MI-!

As if on cue, Weiss strolls in behind Jaune.

Weiss: Hi, Jaune!

Jaune stands there for a moment with wide eyes before turning towards her with his scroll behind his back, hiding the fact that he was about to leave yet another desperate and angry voice messages on Weiss' Scroll.

Jaune: Hey! Weiss, what's uh, what's going on?

Weiss: Not much, I'm just looking for my . I can't remember where I put it!

Jaune: Oh.

Blake: Weiss, I think I found your Scroll.

Jaune dashes over to the new arrival, snatches the Scroll out of her hands, and begins to stomp on it repeatedly, finally kicking it away, as Weiss and Blake look on bewilderedly.

Jaune: Right, I will see you later!

Jaune slides away, as Blake looks to Weiss in confusion. Weiss merely hangs her head in shock.


Blake vs. Zwei - Part 2"

Zwei: Ruff!

Zwei enters an empty dining room and snoops around. He first sniffs towards and stand on a trash bin, before falling on its backside then to its side. Zwei rolls back up to stand and continues. It then sniffs its way under the chair, and releases his head out of it with 'pop'. When Zwei left, you entered in as well. aptus was thirsty, so you grabbed a glass, filled it with water, and walked towards the fridge. He opened the freezer, revealing a freezing Blake hiding inside that made him scream a bit in surprise.


Blake: I-Is h-he g-g-gone?

Aptus: (sighs in exasperation) Don't tell me you're hiding from Zwei again are you?

Blake only answered with a shivered nod before carrying her out of there and thrown over Aptus' shoulder.

Aptus: Come on. Let's give you a warm, soothing bath to warm and calm your body and dissipate the chills.

With that, he walked out with a shivering Blake on his shoulder.


And there you have it guys! That pretty much concludes for today's episode of RWBYK Chibi:! Thank you so much for reading this. And if you did enjoyed it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause that would be greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I could improve my stories so I could improve myself as well.

See you guys soon and stay safe!

Sonicblade out!!!

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