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Chapter 100

Translator: Yonnee


"Hurry! We need to get everyone into the shelter!"

At Mom's command, the guards moved quickly and led the others. The citizens entered the cave entrance into a former mine, which we had transformed into a shelter.

I also helped the citizens. Each time the ground shook, leaves fell down from the trees.

"Now, come this way."

I took a child's hand and led him into the cave. Seeing him hold his breath a little, I couldn't help but think that he had done great at the evacuation training. My respect for my parents soared once again.

Suddenly, it became noisy outside. When I went out, I saw that the guards were all looking at one place, holding their swords up.

They all looked like they were prepared to die.

Mom was at the vanguard. Seeing just her back, it looked as if she was completely shocked still, unable to move due to what she had seen.

As I rushed to Mom's side, I sensed something being hidden by the trees up ahead.

Lying flat on its stomach, the monster looked around with its big eyes. It must have been the one making the ground rumble from the start.

It was as big as a mountain and had moderately high intelligence. In the past, whenever I encountered a monster like this, I almost always tried to avoid it.

At this point, I really couldn't understand anymore. Why were monsters that were supposed to be endemic to Korea being seen in the Stern Empire now?


As if it had been waiting for this chance, the monster opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar. It reached forward and tried to swing its huge arm at Mom.



The guards all rushed in at once, but they were quickly deflected by the monster's huge arm. It looked like it was truly aiming for only my mother.

Disgustingly enough, it had the same behavior as it did in my past life, so I was already expecting this to happen.

This monster only ate women and children.

Only looking ahead, not even once did Mom let out a scream. While the rushing guards were trying to subdue it with their swords, the monster shook them all off without fail.

I managed to reach where Mom was, and I hugged her from behind.



The moment Mom heard my voice, her eyes widened as she looked behind to see me. She must have thought I was safe at the shelter.

Right then, the monster who had flung away all the guards looked straight at me.

Even more white eyes rolled open, and it opened its enormous mouth with a grotesque sound.

Immediately, I pulled Mom and pushed her aside.

Then, I took out my katar and jumped away to avoid the monster's huge hand. If it's impossible to avoid it, there was no other choice.

It's kill, or be killed.


My heart clenched as I heard my mother's scream. However, I couldn't escape any longer.

I ran up on the monster's disgusting arm. I had defeated one of its kind in the past, and I could do it again.

Fwoosh- Swish-

Its other hand tried to grab me, but I stabbed my katar down and jumped. Thanks to the constant training I'd been doing thus far, my body moved not so differently from how it did in the past.

No, it even felt like I was faster and stronger than before.

"Lady Closch!"

I soon heard a familiar voice from below. I briefly glanced down and saw Aiden, who was staring up at me with his mouth gaping open. Behind him, Rouman also stood frozen.

I checked further and tried to see if Ciel was nearby as well. He'd be a great help in this situation.

However, I couldn't find him anywhere, and I could no longer look away from my opponent.


In the distance, Morgan bellowed at the same time he stood up from a monster he had defeated.


As I rose further up, I jumped and found a place to land so that I wouldn't fall. Even as I had dug my katar down on its shoulder, the monster wouldn't even feel it. It growled only at random.

In the meantime, I climbed up the monster's head swiftly so that I'd be able to attack it more efficiently. I was equipped with only a dagger, so I'd be able to pierce its eyeballs at least, but not its skull.


Right then, the monster shrieked and started to shake. Checking below, I saw that Morgan was climbing up as well, digging his sword into the monster's ankle.

But this was a bad move for me.


Before I could slip off, I stabbed my katar into the monster's hard skin and held on tight.

As I hung from the monster, I gripped the dagger's hilt for dear life each time the monster moved.


While the monster settled for a second, I tried to climb up again.

A gust started to blow hard towards this direction from afar. The wind, which carried with it notable warmth, wrapped around me in an instant and lifted me up.

And, I was soon surrounded by a familiar body scent.

"You were like this even before. Really, you're much too reckless."

Before I knew it, Ciel had flown in and hugged me tightly, murmuring behind my ear. It was only after he came that I noticed my surroundings.

There was a sea of fire over at that side, near the garrison.

Raising my head slowly, I couldn't hide my shock as I looked at him.

So close to me, the blue eyes that met mine were instead purple, carrying a mix of various emotions. Those eyes curved into arcs as he gazed upon me.

"It is my duty as an Esper to protect my Guide."

As soon as he said this, the huge monster, which had been troubling all of us here for a long time, was lifted into the air.

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