7| Delivery And An Unknown Follower

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Reee! So sorry for the super long ass delay! I had to deal with writer's block. But, everything's alright now. Hopefully, it won't be like this again in the next few chapters. 💦
For a while, everything was going and running smoothly.

No fires caused by accidents, nothing gross showing up and getting in the food...But, best of all? My cooking turned out to be really good than I thought it was gonna turn out.

Even the cookies and the brownies I made turned out to be really good too!

I guess that's just beginners luck for me.

Eventually, I got called over to Mr.Usagi before he began explaining to me what's up.

"Okay, Ryobo...I got a difficult but an important task for you. I need someone to make a delivery to one of my customers and I think you're the person for that."

I looked at Mr.Usagi with my face filled with surprise.

"Do you think you can make your way to their house, deliver the pastries, and return back here?" He asked.

I nodded in response to Mr.Usagi's question.

Mr.Usagi smiled before saying "Good!" and started giving me instructions on what to do.

He also gave me the customer's address and house number, so I know where to head off and which house do I need to deliver the pastries to.

After that, he helped me get ready before sending me on my way.


As I stood out in front of the pastry shop, I looked around for a moment before heading on my way to deliver the pastries to the address that leads to the customer's house.

After I started walking for a while, I decided to take a few shortcuts so I can get to the customer's house a bit more faster and on time.

Trust me.

I know there are some customers who can be very impatient when it comes to waiting.

In a matter of less than several minutes, I showed up at the customer's house and handed the pastries over to them after they paid for it.

"Thank you and have a nice evening." I said as I smiled before heading my way back to the pastry shop.

But, as I was on my way back, that ominous presence I felt earlier before leaving the pastry shop was back again.

It felt a lot more stronger than the last time too.

Feeling a little bit nervous on the inside, I started to quicken my pace.

However, within every second or a single step I took, the ominous presence grew really strong to the point where I felt like someone was either watching or following me at a close range.

Without thinking, I started running, taking the shortcuts back to the pastry shop in attempt to lose that presence.

At some point, I must've either taken the wrong shortcut or missed one because I ran into a dead end.

"Shit!" I thought to myself.

As I stood there, I started to quickly look around for an idea and came up with only one thing.

Jumping from the wall to my right to the left.

I've seen anime characters do it in shows I like, but that's just fictional. Not real life.

It's way too risky to do it in real life, knowing that you can't jump super high or anything else like that, because you'll get hurt.

But, now's not the time to be talking about anime, when you got someone coming after your ass but you don't know who or what is.

Without thinking, as I was feeling the presence coming closer at every second, I ran up the wall at my right and quickly jumped to the wall at my left.

Then I jumped to the right, doing the same thing again but the opposite.

After quickly jumping from wall to wall, going higher up, I eventually made it to the top of a building before running and jumping on top of the buildings.

Worst case scenario?

I'm still being chased.

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