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~Flashback Memory, 3 years ago, December 27th 20xx~

"Ahahaha! C'mon Mama and Papa, let's head out and go somewhere fun!" Ryobo says as he laughed happily like the young 13 year old boy that he is, while he and his little brother hurried over to a blue vehicle.

"I call shotgun to the middle seat in the back row!"

"Hey! You can't do that!" Ryobo's little brother whined as they both got in the car.

"Too late, I already did!" Ryobo replied before suddenly shrieking and squealing in laughter as he felt the little brother grab on and hug his leg.

Infinite and Gadget smiled and chuckled a little in adore over their eldest son and his 12 year old little brother as they watched Ryobo and his brother fall in the snow before they started wrestling with each other playfully.

Their elder son, Ryobo, had just turned 13 around December 20th, 6 days ago.

And he was happy that he had gotten the birthday gifts that were exactly what he wanted along with having the best birthday party ever.

"Alright, alright...Break it up you two and get in the car if you wanna go somewhere." Infinite says as he walked over and helped them get in the vehicle.

Gadget chuckled a little again as he watched Infinite get the kids in the vehicle before helping them buckle their seatbelts.

"C'mon, Gadge..."

"Be right there." He replied before heading over to the driver's seat and getting in, since he knows how to drive.

Then he and Infinite got their seatbelts on before Gadget started the car, proceeding on their way.

Everything was going smoothly for Ryobo until it was around 6:30 pm and when they were heading back home from their family outing.

As Gadget was driving, he noticed it was starting to snow heavily to the point where the vehicle windows were beginning to coverup completely.

"Jeez...Of all the lousy - - " Gadget mumbled to himself before turning the windshield wipers on, so he could see better.

That's when the vehicle suddenly went to the wrong side of the road and was swerved off the cliff.

After that happened, Ryobo screamed before covering his eyes in fear as the vehicle crashed into something.

-    -    -

"Is everyone okay?" Ryobo heard Infinite ask as he opened his eyes, seeing that the vehicle was hanging there, threatening to fall off and into the cliff at any moment.

"Y-Yes. We're okay. I just didn't see what we were driving into, that's all." He heard Gadget reply.

"Did anyone get hurt?" Ryobo asked.

Infinite, Gadget and Ryobo's little brother shook their heads in response.

"Wh-What happened?" Ryobo's little brother questioned.

"I think we slipped on some of the black ice that was on the road...I probably didn't see them because of how dark it got outside." Gadget answered.

"I guess hat's what might've happened from what we could figure out for the time being..." Infinite says before finding Gadget's glasses on the vehicle floor before fixing his glasses a bit and giving it to him.

"Oh." Ryobo went.

"Now, let's quickly unbuckle the seatbelts and get out of the car immediately before it falls over." Gadget mentions as he reached for the seatbelt and began to unbuckle it.

As everyone was about to get out of the car though, the vehicle suddenly toppled over and fell before crashing into the cliff.

At that moment, the last thing Ryobo remembered was he smacked his head on something hard before going unconscious as everything went silent.

-    -    -

After everything went silent, Ryobo groaned a little before slowly opening his eyes as he started to look around, checking to see if anyone had gotten hurt, after gaining consciousness.

"Ouch..." He whimpered a little in pain, seeing that his leg was injured and that both of the lenses of his glasses were badly cracked.

Ryobo sighed a little before he removed the broken lenses, no longer needing them anyways due to his visual improvement over the years while he was growing up until now.

Noticing both of his parents was out of the vehicle, he limped over, seeing their bodies lying still on the ground.

For Gadget, he was found lying on his side, in a small puddle of blood, gravely injured and unconscious while the left side of his glasses were badly cracked.

The wound injuries on Gadget's entire body wasn't too serious but the gash on his arm and the injury that's on the left side of his head was pretty bad.

Infinite was lying on his back, with his leg wounded and one of his arms broken.

And as for Ryobo's little brother, he's gotten a few small cuts but it wasn't serious.

"Mom? Dad? Lil' Bro?" Ryobo went as he slowly stood up carefully and started limping over to them, before picking up Gadget's hand gently and started looking for a pulse.

Gadget didn't move one bit as Ryobo rested his hand on his cheek lightly.

"Momma's hand...It feels so warm..." Ryobo thought to himself.

Then tears started appearing in his eyes before he sniffed a little.

His parents and little brother are badly injured.

He needed help.

But, because of the cliff, he has no idea on how to get back up there and hitchhike someone in order to ask for their help.

Ryobo knew standing around and doing nothing wasn't gonna help either, so, he decided to climb up on one of the trees and using his uninjured leg to jump onto a ledge and continue climbing the rest of the way until he reaches to his destination.

Unfortunately, that plan failed pretty badly because Ryobo's foot slipped from a tree branch and he fell before hitting his head on something really hard again

-    -    -

After gaining consciousness once more, Ryobo noticed that his parents and his little brother were missing.

The only things that were left behind was the puddles of blood, broken tree branches, and the wrecked up vehicle.

" I?" Ryobo asked himself as he carefully sat up and rubbed his head a little in pain.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that he found out that his uninjured leg was broken and someone happened to find him.

"Hey, kid! Are you okay? You look like you're in trouble and stuck down there." A fox called out as he looked at Ryobo.

"Yeah, I am. Can you help me?" Ryobo asked. "My leg's broken and I can't get up..."

The fox chuckled a little as he took a jet pack out and putted it on before activating it and heading down to the 13 year old albino wolf.

"Hang in there, kiddo. I'll get ya to the hospital. By the way...What's yer name anyways?" The fox asked after making a touchdown in front of Ryobo before carefully picking him up, bridal style.

"My name's Ryobo." He replied, before looking at the fox.

"Ah, nice to meet ya. My name's Shukaku." The fox says, introducing himself, before he activated the jet pack again and headed back up to where he was before, only carrying Ryobo in his arms this time.

After making a safe landing, Shukaku turned the jet pack off and putted it up before helping Ryobo get in the car.

"By the way, I got a question fer ya before we head to the hospital, Ryobo..." Shukaku began as he buckled up the seatbelt for Ryobo before closing the door and getting in the driver's seat.

"Yeah?" Ryobo went.

"Where's yer parents? Because, from what I could guess and figure out, it seems to me that you and your family winded up in a car wreck." Shukaku asked.

Ryobo went quiet.

"I dunno. I can't even seem to remember their faces. All I remember is that their names are Infinite and Gadget." He answered, looking at Shukaku after the vehicle was started up.

"Infinite and Gadget, huh? The only ones I know who has those two names is that red wolf rookie of The Resistance and that black jackal who's no longer a villain or working with Dr.Eggman anymore..." Shukaku murmured thoughtfully.

Ryobo nodded before he and Shukaku arrived at the hospital.

Everything in Ryobo's current health status so far are normal. Just a broken leg and some wound injuries to be taken care of and treated. However, there was one problem aside from Ryobo's check up.

Ryobo has memory loss now.

And the doctors are unable to do anything or help him with it.

The only thing Ryobo could do now is to return home and try to reclaim his memories, in hope that they'll fully return...

~End of Flashback Memory~

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