RANDOM CORNER! With Yza Blade!

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Yza: Welcome to... RANDOM CORNER! With Yza Blade! So, Ryu made me do this... I dont why.

Ryu: *walks into corner* Just be glad you did.

Yza: Anyways, on RANDOM CORNER! With Yza Blade! We have a few guests here. So, uh, lets see! We have... Aya! Uh, Ayaza! and... Hiyoku! Man, we have a great bunch today.



Ayaza: *mutters* Cheapskate. *sulks*

Yza: Anyways, back to... RANDOM CORNER! With Yza Blade! I love that. Anyways, what are we meant to do here? Talk about random topics nobody likes but we're doing it anyways. So, what shall we talk about? Ah, yes. Timelines. Now, we should have Kin here right? OH HELL NAW, WE DONT NEED THE EXPERT! We can do this! And to help me is... AYAZA!!

Ayaza: *goes to corner* Hello!

Yza: FROM THE OTHER SIDE!! I must have called a thousand times, to tell you, I'm sorry for breaking your heart, but it don't matter if, clearly, doesn't tear you apart anymore... That musical was for my wife, Rukia! Love you!

Ayaza: Your married at 14? Yeesh...

Yza: Yeah, didnt you know? THAT THE BIRD IS THE WORD!

Ayaza: I'm done. I'm literally done. *leaves*

Yza: WAIT! Ayaza! *whines* Come back!

*commercial break*

Yza: Welcome back ladies and gentleman to... RANDOM CORNER! With Yza Blade! After getting back Ayaza....

Ayaza: *plays footage of Yza chasing him and yackety sax is playing, with smug look on*

Yza: *goes red with embarrasment* Anyways, *cough*, timelines. So, Ayaza, which timelines were you included in?

Ayaza: All except one. Theres bound to be one where I dont exist.

Yza: What a poor universe!! They would never have Ayaza x Aya there...

Ayaza: *blushes* A-anyways... *cough*...

Yza: He's blushing! So, lets change the subject!

Ayaza: *facepalm while blushing*

Yza: Tell me. Do you like Aya?

Ayaza: W-what?!

Yza: Do. You. Like. Aya? Thats a simple question.

Ayaza: W-we're j-j-just frien-nds-s!!! T-ther-res nothing g-going on b-between u-us!!! *blushes crimson*

Yza: Aye, you blushed Yudai's-

Ryu: *gives cancel glare to Yza*

Yza: Red head... (Sorry YudaiMatsuro...) hair colour!!

Ayaza: *facepalm*

Yza: Have you ever wanted to date her?

Ayaza: *blushes deeper crimson* N-no....

Yza: Dirty thoughts?

Ayaza: *blushes extremely red* Y-your p-pushing your l-limt here!!

Yza: So?

Ayaza: NO YOU PERV!!!

Yza: Awww! How cute, Ayaza's calling me a perv when he was the one who wanked under my bed...

Ayaza: S-SCREW YOU!!! This is over, finished! *leaves*

Yza: Ladies and gentlemen. Ayaza likes Aya.

Ayaza: *bitch slaps Yza* No. Just no... *leaves*

Yza: Ow! Never mess with Ayaza! Our next guest is..... Aya!!!

Aya: *walks in* Hello!

Yza: Huehuehue... Aya, lets go straight into questions.

Aya: Alright.

Yza: Do you like Ayaza?

Aya: *blushes* What?! We're just friends....

Yza: *takes out recording tape and shows Ayaza's response* *Ayaza voice* W-we're j-j-just frien-nds-s!!! T-ther-res nothing g-going on b-between u-us!!! *shows Aya's response* *in Aya's voice* What?! We're just friends....

Aya: W-What?!

Yza: So similiar! You guys are meant for each other!!!

Aya: *blushes deeper*

Yza: So, ever had any dirty thoughts before?

Aya: *blushes crimson* Y-you pervert!!

Yza: *plays recorded tapes* *Ayaza's voice* NO YOU PERV!! *Aya's voice* Y-you pervert!!

Aya: No, I'm done!! Done!! *leaves*

Yza: Ah, *sighs*, Aya x Ayaza shall be real. And our final guest is.. Hiyoku!!! After this break!

*commercial break*

Hiyoku: *enters* Hi everyone!

Yza: Hiyoku, welcome!!

Hiyoku: Good to see you again Yza.

Yza: So, timelines, tell me about them.

Hiyoku: Simple, their confusing. Like, WHY do we have them?! Why dont we just have one solid timeline where everything happens...

Yza: Paradoxes?

Hiyoku: Right, pardoxes. Why did my brain just have a brain fart? Either way, I'm glad they exist.

Yza: Oh, really? Why?

Hiyoku: 7 words. I dont need more then one me.

Yza: Oh, the confusion!!!

Hiyoku: Exactly.

Yza: And more then one Hiyoku would be annoying.

Hiyoku: You are dead to me. *leaves*

Yza: Wow... That was a short talk.. WHY YOU ALWAYS HATING?! So that was RANDOM CORNER! With Yza Blade! So, enjoyed? If you do, vote for this so we can keep it running!!

Ryu: Or I shut it down.

Yza: Yay? Thats all, later!

(A/N Sorry for using/mentioning your OCs

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