Wednesday-The day where everything gets a hell of alot better

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Wednesday! IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!! Lets start!! So the annoying alarm clock didnt awake me! It was the sweet sound of the radio! Yza did and that music worked!!
And what was even better? Breakfast. Did anyone ever tell you that chocolate syrup pancakes was my all time favourite food? Guess what they served at breakfast. CHOCOLATE SYRUP PANCAKES! And it also had my favourite fruit on, strawberries! How could this day get any better? Well I went into school and this kid gave me vanguard card sleeves for no reason! They were newly bought, mint condition and everything!
And in form, guess who wasn't here today? Yes you guess it, red head! It was so much calmer without him.
First period was amazing! It was geography, but what was awesome about it? I thought I was failing until BAM! We got our geography grades and I got top of the class! Man, this day was getting better and better. Even a ship came true today! After first period I went outside, seeing Masaru make Hiyoku and Aika kiss, with Yza there, shocked as ever!! (A/N I really wanted to use Ayaza cause it would fit better, but he broke his spine... *cries*) Damn! MASARU EVEN GOT IT ON TAPE!!! Today was getting awesomer and awesomer. (Is that a real word?)
2nd period would normally be DT Food (Design Technology Food) but we were switched to Graphpod! (Graphic Production) and why am I so happy? Cause Shika was in that class before and he made an awesome vanguard stationary set, and he said that it was the art we never had!! Infact...
"Everyone, go to the back." The teacher instructed us. "You and you, sit there, you and you sit there..." She continued on. I sat across Hiyoku, who sat next to some random guy I dont even know. Either way, me and Hiyoku had a blast drawing stuff.
3rd period was spanish and I decided to be discreet there as everyone called me a perv. But when I got in, I was bombarded with apologies from people! I was the popular one all of a sudden and people invited me to their lunch table, after school, some even wanted a game of cardfight. Spanish was the funniest lesson ever. Aiman managed to trip over and say something in spanish and get it right! That was so funny.
Lunch was mad. I was table hopping. Literally, I was asked to join so many tables I ate one item at a table at a time. I literally facepalmed... Cause thats how bad it was. Either way, I was popular.
Fourth period!!! English! Yay? So you know how most english teachers give you some writing comprehesions and stuff... Our teachers way different. He shows us movies each week and we only have to write for about 5 minutes! Thats mad, and the questions he gives us is about the movie, so we have fun doing so. Today he brought in a nerf gun and started shooting people! What did I tell you? Best. English. Teacher. Ever.
5th period, couldnt care less that we were doing reproduction, today was brilliant and nobody is gonna stop me!! Today we learnt about how reproduction works... Lets say, we pop the erect penis into the wet vagina, and we push it in and out, in and out, in and out, until the sperm ducts are like, hey! Lets make this guy cum in that girl's pussy! And the sperm comes out, and thats how you reproduct! In all honesty, Yza was broken by the end if this. Once someone asked, "Why do we have sex when we dont want to impregnate?"
"Well for pleasure," Mr. Johnson replied. Thats when Yza broke completely. Hearing 'pleasure' made him faint for a bit. "It gets the spots on the penis and it sends to the nervous system and it makes you feel good." He continued. I have no idea what happened to Yza, but I when we were let out, I went to the detention hall for my detention to find that I dont have detention!! SCORE! I went to the school's vending machine and bought some snacks to eat at the card game club.
When I was at the card game club, Yza wasn't there. I had a cardfight against Aiman, obliterated him, faced Trio, obliterated him, faced Kin and I obliterated him thanks to double crit. My deck is the best! After 2 hours of fun cardfighting, I went home, and thats how I ended up here. Man, today was just getting better and better. Thats all, and later! Ryu, out.

(A/N Sorry for using/mentioning your OCs...

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