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First, obviously, was Snowdin where Papyrus was. Sans wasn't in the house at the time, probably somewhere else.
Papyrus was really frightened from the last time he saw Jay, possibly because he saw Jay's damaged body after the fight and his arm was still healing. Even so, after a thorough explanation, Papyrus calmed down and rather got excited. The gaster skeleton asked him what were his abilities, yet Jay promised that he would show them. Just not right now in fear that other monsters would start distrusting him.
Next up was Freddie and Undyne in the Waterfall district. Freddie was exited with the prospect that Jay was a machine, saying that robot cartoons in real life was like a dream come true(the cuteness of Freddie's wide and sparkling eyes was too much to handle XP).
Undyne's reaction was skeptic at first but later turned into the same reaction like Freddie, saying she was also a big fan of robot cartoons and comics. Same with Red since she and Undyne share their favoritism of cartoons.
Red was a bit wary at first, but then really wanted to see how he handled his weapons. That was if he handled them with care, to which Jay agreed.
There came a moment when they all wanted to see him use an ability or a weapon, which Jay constantly(and respectfully) refused not to while explaining the reason why behind it.
Of course, they understood but still insisted on it. To which Jay finally complied to afterwards, with the exception that he would show them in a secluded place away from the other monsters.
Jay was a bit fearful that they'd beg him to do the demonstration in public. To his relief, they agreed with Jay's idea. Also, they planned on where and when they would gather for the demonstration.


The day after tomorrow, Jay and his friends met up in a secluded spot far away from the town of Snowdin.
"OKAY, PAL!!! SHOW US WHAT YOU'VE GOT!!!" Undyne called out from a safe distance with the rest of Jay's friends.
"Okay! Here goes!" Jay called back to her before readying himself. [Please let it work. Just for demonstration purposes. If it doesn't work, tell them honestly that you aren't sure if this is going to be safe.] Jay thought in his mind, hoping his system could hear and comply with his proposal. A couple seconds passed before a message showed up inside his eyes.


[Oh, thank goodness.] he thought in relief.
First off was his sword. Jay's back opened a bit and out came the sword, which he took it and held it out before swinging it around. His monster friends applauded when he finished showing them his sword.
Next up was the reactive machine guns that came from his back in between his wings. The other sections from in between his wings opened up and the two square tubes came out to hang over his shoulders, pointing forwards. They aimed at a nearby rock, away from Jay's friends, and fired reactive bullets. The rock was left with smoking holes once the shooting was done.
After that was the arm plasma cannon. Jay raised his right arm outwards and concentrated. It immediately transformed into the cannon and started to charge up. Jay concentrated more in order to command the cannon into firing a non-destructive shot. Once sure, he fired the plasma ball at the rock that was filled with holes. The plasma ball hit the rock and exploded, blasting off some chunks off and leaving scorch marks on the surface.
Jay's friends watched in silence as he showed them his weapons.
Then he continued on to the next one, which was the disc. Jay took it off from his back, after transforming his cannon back into his normal hand, and aimed at a faraway tree, flinging the disc once he had a clear shot. The disc whizzed through the air and cut through the tree trunk, slicing it off before returning to Jay so he could catch it.
The other was the standard shield, which was easy to conjure now that Jay knew what to do. Extending his wings forwards to cover himself, Jay concentrated and succeeded when he felt the energy of his shield surround him.
And lastly came the simaxis shot. Instead of holding his hand outwards, he clenched his hands into fists so he charged the shot. Once the wrists glowed steadily enough, Jay thrusted his hands forwards as multiple homing lasers shoot out to the damaged rock.
The rock was blown into numerous pieces as the homing lasers blasted it apart. Nothing was left except a pile of smoking rubble.
Jay turned towards his friends, who wore awestruck faces and were silently watching from the safe distance they were at. Then they cheered and whooped as they came close to him.


"Yo! That was so cool! You are so powerful!" Freddie said as he jumped up and down in excitement. "Awesome!!! I can't wait to verse you in an actual battle!!!" Undyne boomed as she hugged Jay's neck while rubbing his head with a fist. Red punched Undyne in the shoulder, as if saying it wasn't a good idea.
"We could, just...no one gets hurt. Okay?" Jay said, chuckling nervously as Undyne let go of him. Undyne smiled a toothy grin at him.
"Hey, hold on a moment. You sure that was all of them?" Undyne asked afterwards. "I'm sorry, what now?" Jay said, not understanding what she meant.
"Remember when I fought against you the first time? You had a green shield on your arms that blocked my spears." Undyne said to him.
"Oh, I remember that. Now I realize that it was one of my skills developed when I absorbed a trait." Jay said, recalling both that and the others he had used before.
"So, can you show them to us?" Red asked.
"Sure." Jay said, walking to go at a safe distance from them.
Jay raised and arm to activate one of his trait abilities, but nothing happened. [What? What's going on?] he thought a moment afterwards as he lowered his arm.


Adding to that, his head started to hurt a bit from concentrating on his weapons before. [Well, that's unfortunate.] Jay thought with a bit of dismay as he clutched his head.
"Sorry, but it seems I can't at the moment. My head is hurting because of the demonstration. However, I can still show you my trait abilities tomorrow." Jay said to his friends.
They all nodded in understanding. "It's okay. We can let you rest so the headache goes off." Telephone said, reaching to pat his head with one paw.
"But don't run off, or I'll be the one to drag you back!" Undyne said.
"Only if you can catch me." Jay replied with a sly smile. Everyone laughed when they made the joke.
And so, after the demonstration, everyone went back to attend their things. Jay went to buy food on the market with Telephone and Radio before returning to their home.
A while passed when he began to think of something. It involved the barrier neutralizer.
"Um...you two...is it okay if I go to the Lab for one moment?" Jay asked the dutchies.
"Sure, you are free to go anywhere. But, why are you going there?" Radio asked.
"I'm going to ask Dr. Gaster about when the barrier neutralizer can be used." Jay explained to them.
"Of course. Make sure to tell us when you come back." Telephone said with eagerness.
"Thanks." Jay said with a smile before he flew away towards the Hotlands district.

It wasn't a few minutes that he was flying when, out of the corner of his eye, his lens caught some blue fire flicker then go out below on the ground.
Jay got curious and descended near the area. There was no one around the spot where the flame appeared.
"Hello? Anyone out there?" Jay called out to the trees surrounding him and in front.

No response.

[Weird. It's probably one of the gaster blasters that...wait...if those blasters are here, then Sans is—] he was beginning to think before something moved behind. Jay had no time to react before the shape drove something that had high voltage onto his neck.
Jay roared in pain as the voltage made his body twitch in pain.

Then he felt his eyes blur and close before he fell down unconscious.

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