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Jay's eyelids slowly opened up, lens adjusting to his view. He let out a groan, his body laid on the ground hurt when he moved. Once the pain subsided and his eyes adjusted fully, he stood up slowly to look around.
He was in a long and ample corridor, light shining down from the windows to color the corridor golden yellow. The windows were opened a bit, the sounds of birds and gusts of wing entering through them.
[Where am I? How much time has passed? And who brought me here?] Jay thought as he began walking forwards. Halfway through the corridors, he saw a dark silhouette appear in front. When he got closer, he realized it was Sans the gaster skeleton. There was a silent moment, Jay looking at Sans with a bit of disbelief.
"Sans? What are you—?" Jay began, tail twitching nervously, when Sans held up a bony hand to stop him.
"Hold up a bit. Just savor this moment..." Sans said with his eyes closed. During that long time, Jay was thinking. [Did...Sans bring me here? If so, how? More importantly...WHY?]
"I...never get the chance to really...uh...take in much. The sun is shining from the opening with the barrier still in place. Flowers are blooming all over the palace. It's really a perfect day to enjoy a get-together with friends." Sans said after a moment, looking at the windows.
"But...its kinda hard to enjoy that get-together when you come to realize that your new friend was not all they seemed. Yeah, that puts a damper on someone's mind, huh?" Sans continued later, turning to look back at Jay. This sent a chill down Jay's body as his ears dropped down. Yes, it was definitely about Jay. About him being a machine all along and not a real monster.
"Heh, I honestly was kinda convinced for a moment. Everything seemed right. Papyrus had a truly visible friend which he could be happy with. I thought...maybe he had another friend instead of just me. Maybe he and my friends are safe. Should've known it was too good to be true.
"All because I let my guard down right before that fight. That cursed flower was finally caught on the act, which was something I've been waiting for since the moment Papyrus told me he had this new "friend" of his. But now, things have changed. All thanks to YOU. I suspected you were different since the moment I met you. Your SOUL isn't like what it seemed." Sans said, his eye sockets turning black and hollow. Now that was really frightening. Jay realized that Sans now identified him as a real threat, who would hurt someone like a heartless machine.

And he was going to fight Jay and destroy him in assurance that he won't do that.

"Sans. Please...can't we sit down and talk about this? I know I lied to you guys, which was a mistake I should have avoided. But...the simple thought of you guys hurting me the moment you discovered I was —am— a machine...made me do that. Even when it was the most logical thing to do. However...that doesn't mean I am a machine that would simply hurt anyone. I...genuinely want to be a friend to everyone. Including Papyrus and you. I'm begging you, Sans. I don't want to fight you. Neither of us do." Jay explained to Sans in hopes that his reasoning would derive the gaster skeleton from what he was about to do.

Sans's body was shaking a bit in decision.

"Kid, listen. I want to believe you. Trust me, I do. I'd like nothing more to accept you as a true friend like you say you would do the same as well. It'd make things more easier. I mean, it's kind of hard to believe fully in it. Because guys simply just don't com back from the dead. Not unless someone brought them back." Sans said, sighing a bit.
A part of what Sans said...made him remember something. Something that he heard his father, DR Gutierrez, say a long time.


[Could that mean...that I'm a....] Jay thought as he looked at his hands.
"But...simply by changing someone's exterior appearance...its enough to give a clear answer behind the mystery. And, now that you know what I'm capable of, well...let's just say that I won't let you go about any further. Not unless I know for sure that I won't mess up twice." Sans said. This time his one eye was hollow, while the other glowed/flickered blue.
Jay realized there was no walking away from this or talking out of it. Sans wasn't going to allow it until he was sure that Jay wasn't a threat.
"Also, I want you to know that...............Eh, nevermind. Let's just get to the point." Sans said. The gaster skeleton lifted his hand and slammed it downwards.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jay suddenly felt the heaviness of Sans's blue attack pin him down, making his feet buckle into a kneel. Then Sans raised his hand up, and Jay was flung up to the ceiling where he crashed flat on his back. He was then brought back down on the ground hard and flat, and dragged across the stone floor as rubble exploded in the air.

[Ouch...] Jay groaned internally as he tried getting up again with rubble crumbling off of him.
"Alright. Here goes." Sans said with his eye sockets gone dark again.


[No....Not yet. I'm fine. Just gotta keep evading his attacks. I still want to believe...that I can still be his friend too.] Jay thought as he got to his feet again and faced the gaster skeleton.


[I know it has a low percent of success right now. But...its still worth a try!] Jay thought to himself as he felt Sans's bone attack coming right below him. Without wasting time, he used Jump Mode to jump upwards as Sans used Blue attack on him, evading the bones that pierced up from the floor. As Jay was in the air, his retractable helmet covered his face.


Instead of his regular Charged Battle Mode, the eyes on his visor continued to glow blue...and his body didn't change like it did last time.
[Well...that's useful. I hope I can survive all the way until the end.] Jay thought as he continued evading Sans's attacks.
Bones stuck out from everywhere as Sans tried hitting him or knocking him down. The gaster skeleton gave out sliding blue-themed bones next as he used Blue attack on Jay. The dragon robot stood still and then jumped to escape the regular white bones.
"Sorry in advance for this, kiddo. But I have to make sure." Sans said. He used his Blue attack again, this time with more strength than usual. Jay was pinned down and unable to move as Sans launched more bones at him. Jay moved his body and feet slightly so he could at least dodge the most dangerous ones. Some of the bones struck his body, bouncing off or taking off a few of his scales.
It wasn't going good.
One bone was headed straight for his face. Jay moved, but not in time as the bone struck and  shattered the glass of the visor on the right side.


Then, another bone struck him and embedded itself in the back of his left shoulder. Just like that, he fell on the ground.
Either by the bone knocking him unconscious or the pain caused by the bone stuck on his left shoulder.

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