Chapter 10- The Date

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Reaperela's preview:
I woke up remembered that I have a date with Dare today so I changed into a long pink and green dress with shoes. (The dress is up top) I put my hair in a braided ponytail.

(Like this) I put on my green and pink heart necklace that Daddy Anti gave me. I left some of my hair in front of my forehead to cover the pentagram that was cut on my forehead by my real Father. I hate having the pentagrams on my forehead, my back, and my chest. It is a horrible reminder of what my 'Father' did to me all those years ago. I grabbed a small pink purse and put my phone and glasses in there just incase. I walked out of my room and went to find Dare. Then I felt my phone ring I took it out. I saw it was Daddy Anti and Daddy Dark FaceTiming me. I answered it and I saw Daddy Anti and Daddy Dark.
"Reaperela oh ye are dressed up what is the occasion?" Daddy Anti asked.
"Oh I am going on a date" I said and I saw Daddy Dark look a little pissed.
"Who is he?" Daddy Dark kinda yelled. I yelped a little when he yelled.
"Daddy Dark It isn't a lad she's a lass" I said blushing a little.
"Aw my little lass is growing up so fast" Daddy Anti said.
"Well right now I am looking for her for our date" I said. "But I can talk to ye guys while I am looking for her" I continued.
"I would love to meet the lass that ye love" Daddy Anti said.
"I would like to meet her as well I need to talk to her" Daddy Dark said acting protectively. Then I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned around to see Dare.
"Oh hi Dare" I said I see she is looking at me up and down. I remember that the dress has no sleeves and is showing my cuts on my arms.
"Wow you look wonderful Angel" Dare said and I started to blush.
"D-Dare I am on the phone with my Dads" I said blushing more and I realized that she is in a tux with black shoes.
"Really" Dare said looking on my phone to see Daddy Anti and Daddy Dark.
"Hi" Daddy Anti said.
"No way your Dads are the Anti and the Dark" Dare said I started to giggle at this.
"Yep ever since she was 5" Daddy Anti said. "So ye are the lass that is going on a date with our little lass" Daddy Anti asked and I started to blush because I don't like being called that when others are around.
"Daddy Anti" I said blushing more.
"Yep" Dare said I saw Daddy Dark look like a over protective Dad with a 16 year old daughter.
"You better not hurt my little girl's heart or I will find you and kill you" Daddy Dark said protectively.
"I am not going to do that at all" Dare said.
"So what are ye going to do for ye date?" Daddy Anti asked.
"Well I planned a dinner and Angel here planned to go dancing and then go on a hill to see the stars" Dare said and I started to blush more because of the nickname she gave me.
"That is nice that reminds me of our first date we went out to dinner then went to a pub then went in a hill to look at the stars" Daddy Anti said.
"I honestly remember when I was probably 8 or 9 I was looking around the cabin we lived in I found a wedding picture of ye guys" I said. "And ye Daddy Anti was in a dress" I continued I heard Dare start to laugh and I glared at her with my eyes glowing dark green and dark pink. She then stopped laughing once she saw me glaring at her from the corner of my eye and my eyes were darker. "Anyways we should get going" I said.
"Ok well we are going to call ye tomorrow ok" Daddy Anti said.
"Ok talk with ye then" I said smiling. "Bye" I said.
"Bye my little lass/girl" both Daddy Anti and Daddy Dark said at the same time and I hung up on them. I looked at Dare a little ticked off and my eyes are light dark green and light dark pink.
"Don't ever laugh at my Dads that is the number one thing that ticks me off" I said.
"Ok I won't I just couldn't think of Anti in a dress" Dare said I rolled my eyes and my eyes glow back to regular pink and green.
"We should get going" I said starting to walk out of to the training field.
"Ok" Dare said following me and grabbing my hand. I started to blush at this.
"So where are we going to have dinner?" I asked.
"Ivy Inn" Dare said.
"I never been there" I said.
"Let's go" Dare said and then teleported is there. It look beautiful and I heard a romantic piano music in the background. The waiter detected us to our table once the waiter put our menus down on the table. Dare pulled out a chair for me I sat down and she pushed it in for me.
"Thank ye" I said and Dare went across from me then sat down. I am not going to lie to myself I am nervous and afraid this date might not go well.
"So is this your first date?" Dare asked.
"Yeah this is my first date why do ye ask?" I answered and asked.
"Well your eyes are going light pink and light green and you seem nervous" Dare said I didn't know my eyes were glowing light pink and light green.
"Honestly ye are the first person I ever had feelings for" I said as my eyes started to stop glowing and I got out my glasses then put them on. "What do ye see in me?" I asked.
"Well I love your eyes both when they glow and when they aren't" Dare said and I started to blush. "I love the way you are protective of Angela and I love the way you smile" Dare continued and I blushed harder.
Time skip brought to you by Reaperela x Dare you guys can think of the ship name
Once we were done eating we decided that we would split the bill. We then paid for our meal and next was that we would go dancing. I teleported us a club that me and Angela would go when we were 18. When we got there I heard slow dance music and Dare held out her hand.
"May I have this dance?" Dare asked I giggled and played along. (*giggles* yes!)
"Ye may" I said taking her hand and we started to slow dance. After the dance I bowed so did Dare and I giggled more. Then I heard that they were having people sing a duet. I felt someone push me on stage and I saw someone pushing Dare on stage as well. I laughed at this but went with it once Dare was on stage I knew what song to sing.
"We are singing it girl/it boy" I told both Dare and the guys playing the music. Then my voice isn't glitchy and dark anymore.
"🎵🎶 oh yeah oh" Dare sang.
"I've been looking under rocks and breaking locks just tryna find ya I've been like a maniac insomniac 5 steps behind ye tell them other lads they can hit the exit check please cause I finally found the lass of my dreams much more than a grammy award that's how much ye means to me" I sang with all my heart.
"You could be my it girl you're my greatest gift girl lovin' ya could be a crime crazy how we fit girl this is it girl give me 25 to life I just wanna rock all night long and put ya in the middle of my spotlight you could be my it girl you're my biggest hit girl let me play it loud let me play it loud like" Dare sang after me.
"Oh oh oh oh" I sang.
"Let me play it loud let me play it loud like" Dare continued to sing.
"Oh oh oh oh" I continued to sing.
"Let me play it loud you can't help but turn them heads knockin' them dead dropping like flies around you if I get your body close not letting go hoping you're about to tell them other guys they can lose your number you're done they don't get another shot cause you're love drunk like a TV show playing reruns every chance I get I'mma a turn you on" Dare sang and I smiled.
"Ye could be my it lass ye're the greatest gift lovin' ye could be a crime crazy how we fit lass this is it give me 25 to life I just wanna rock all night long and put ye in the middle of my spotlight ye could be my it lass ye're my biggest hit lass let me play it loud let me play it loud like" I sang with my Irish accent showing.
"Oh oh oh oh" Both me and Dare sang together.
"Let me play it loud let me play it loud like" I continued to sing that line.
"Oh oh oh oh" We both sang again.
"Can't seem to stop ye from running running through my through my mind mind just keep it coming coming till I make ye mine mine" I sang.
"You've got that something something I wanna be with girl" Dare sang and I started to blush.
"I wanna be with lass" I sang after Dare.
"You're my greatest hit girl" Dare sang.
"Ye're my greatest hit lass" I sang to follow up her line.
"Just say this is it girl" Dare sang.
"Hey Baby oh" I sang looking at Dare now.
"Don't you know you're my it girl" Dare sang and turned to me.
"Ye could be my it lass ye're the greatest gift lovin' ye could be a crime" I sang looking into her greenish blue eyes.
"It's crazy how we fit girl this is it girl cause you're my it girl" Dare sang probably looking into my dark brown eyes.
"I just wanna rock all night long" I sang.
"All night long" Dare sang right after.
"And put ye in the middle of my spotlight ye could be my it lass" I sang.
"You could be my it girl" Dare sang.
"Ye're my biggest hit lass let me play it loud let me play it loud like" I sang.
"Oh oh oh oh" We both sang and I smiled.
"Let me play it loud let me play it loud like" I sang.
"Oh oh oh oh" We both sang together.
"Let me play it loud let me play it loud like" Dare sang.
"Oh oh oh oh" We both sang I saw Dare smirk and I started to blush.
"Let me play it loud let me play it loud like 🎶🎵" I sang then Dare grabbed my waist and dipped me. I started to blush like crazy and I heard everyone clap. (You guys are lucky that I type out the lyrics just in case the video doesn't work no more but my god it takes a while)
"Let's go somewhere more private~" Dare said. I blushed more we got teleported to a hill and the moon was out with tons of stars. I was shocked on where Dare teleported us. This is the forest I was left at and when Daddy Anti found me then adopted me with Daddy Dark. I started to cry but I was smiling and I guess Dare saw. I felt her hug my waist from being. "What's wrong Angel?" Dare asked.
"Nothing just remembering what happened in this forest" I said with my normal glitchy and dark voice then I saw the cabin where I use to live in. Then I remembered that this is a different dimension of my home dimension. "Not this forest a similar forest my home dimension's forest" I corrected myself.
"It is ok Angel" Dare said. "Let's sit down" Dare said bring me down and I yelped in surprise.
"Dare" I said kinda loud.
"What I was just pulling ya down" Dare said. I then sat down next to Dare.
"I know just warn me next time" I said. "Dare can I tell ye something?" I asked.
"Of course Angel" Dare said and I was a little nervous.
"Ye know that Angela is an Inu well I am one as well" I said. I looked at Dare and I see she is shocked but then she smirked.
"Why don't ya show me your ears and tail" Dare said. Then I felt my ears and tail come out. They were dark brown Shetland sheepdog ears but with green and pink on the tips of my ears. My tail was dark brown and it had a green and pink tip. I then felt someone pet my tail and I started to blush hard.
"D-Dare" I stuttered loudly.
"Sorry I couldn't help myself" Dare said smirking.
"D-Dare our tails are sensitive" I said blushing more.
"I know I just love teasing ya" Dare said I felt my face get even hotter and I knew I was blushing really hard now. Then Dare moved closer to me and she came close to my ear. "Maybe later we could take a step further~" Dare said in my ear in a deeper voice. My tail went in between my legs and I started to blush even harder. (Is that even possible at this point?)
"Dare ye are going to bring me into an early heat" I said still blushing.
"Oooh I can't wait till then" Dare said and I blushed more.
"D-Dare" I kinda yelled.
"What I just can't wait to mate with ya and make ya mine" Dare said. (Oooooh this is going to be good *giggles hard*)
"Well for Inus their first boyfriend or girlfriend is their mate the same goes for Nekos" I said.
"Then I am glad that ya belong to me" Dare said then I put my head on Dare's shoulder. My tail starts to wag and my ears go down a little bit because I am getting tired. I then fell asleep on Dare's shoulder with my tail wagging. I had dreams of Dare and me together.

Hello everyone I hope you liked chapter 10 it is a different preview. Dare doesn't belong to me, Anti and Dark doesn't belong to me. Dare belongs to wolfgirl574 Anti and Dark belong to Jacksepticeye and Markiplier but this version of Anti and Dark belongs to me. This chapter got 2,526 words much more then chapter 4 anyways I will see you guys in the next chapter bye~

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